Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

Nonsense, you don't wish to be treated fairly or equally, you play the victim and demand advantages not available to others. Quotas for instance.

You're talking crazy again. What advantages am I asking for that whites like you don't already get? Quotas? You Mean like the quotas whites established for at least 189 years of 100 percent white?

If I knew that all I had to do was be white in order to get ahead, I wouldn't have spent all that time and effort earning three college degrees. When I applied, all I would have put on the application and resume was "I'm white". I'll go with having an education and work ethic as being the cause of my success.
I guess you don't know that Black women are the most educated Americans in the country as a group.
That kind of nullifies that high unwed birthrate as a weapon to use against them.

False narrative with no statistical support to back it up.
I know you are dumb but by now you ought to be familiar with google.

I know you are stupid but you ought to know that if you make the claim it isn't my place to find the supporting evidence. I'll take your failure to do so as saying there isn't any. You can stop waving the surrender flag. I accept your surrender.
Blacks do have a high crime rate. Look at the numbers.
Virtually all the stock manipulators, unethical derivatives traders and shady money managers on Wall Street, whose actions ( a few years ago) brought the US economy to its knees (and who it might be worth noting are pretty much all white)

Bernie Madoff got caught stealing 50 000 000 000 dollars. That is 50 billion dollars.

Just one white guy.

These two examples beat all black street crime you could name for the past 10 years.

So who is the real criminal ?

And, as we now know it (financial crisis was partly caused by these guys), there were dozens more in the billions club in Wall street.

Now, I would like you to show me a single black American embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so. As such, I think these guys are truly more dangerous to the public than street corner hustlers, whose activities I don’t accept either.

Many of the so called russian oligarkhs, bilionaires, were once criminals or did business with the mafiya. Many of the vory have good connections to the establishment over there, they have friends in Duma and other high places.

There are examples everywhere how the real big crime functions.

Street crime is bad and it should be dealt with

But at the same time one has to remember the really big players out there.

Stories of black-on-white crime spread faster and farther – from person to person and through the news – because they seem more terrible. Not because they they are more common. Hardly.

The higher black crime rate does not make life more dangerous for whites. That is because most of it is black-on-black. While there certainly are blacks who harm whites, overall the biggest threat to white people are other white people.

The belief that blacks commit most of the crime makes whites feel safer: they can avoid most crime by moving away from blacks. Except that it is not true: whites commit most of the crime – something that is lost sight of in all this talk about the black crime rate. So the sense of security is a false one.

Further, the stereotypes make crime into a race issue, which means crime is not fought intelligently. Instead we get stuff like racial profiling and making it hard for those with a felony conviction to make an honest living.
Blacks produce bastard babies at a 75% rate. That produces all sorts of problems.
The absolute numbers are considerably different because Blacks are only 13% of country. In 2008 out-of-wedlock births were:

  • 37.6% White
  • 31.7% Hispanic
  • 26.1% Black
  • 4.6% Asians and Other


Illegitimacy has been rising across the West. In France and Sweden, for example, most children are no longer born to married women. That is a sea change in Western society that goes way beyond Black America.


The birth rate among unmarried Black women has been dropping since 1992 – meaning that they are acting more responsibly, not less. The reason the illegitimacy rate goes up is because the birth rate among married Black women has been dropping even faster, something that has been going on since the 1950s.


An illegitimate birth tells you nothing about whether the mother lives with the father or gets married later, just as a legitimate birth tells you nothing about divorce, separation or incarceration. Single-parent households would be a better measure (and still cannot account for crime or poverty).


Blacks do blame white people. Look at YOUR posts.
No. It's you and your need to try and avert attention from the racist cause of the current effects of Black people with statements that basically boil down to this:

“The cause of your condition is your lack of willingness to implement my solution”

This is, of course, is a logical misrepresentation. A solution and a cause are two separate concepts.

If boxer 1 is beating up boxer 2 , the CAUSE of boxer 2's black eye is not that he didn’t try hard enough to fight back. The CAUSE is not that he couldn’t box fast enough to get away. Those all represent SOLUTIONS, not causes.

Similarly, the CAUSE of the present condition of Black people in the U.S. is not that they haven’t availed themselves of any number of possible solutions, the CAUSE (for the most part) is still racism.

You're attention is skewed in one direction. In the case of so called Black pathologies its Black people.

Yes… By all means have the discussion about why so many Black people appear to be caught up in perceived negative social and economic disorders.

But if you are also not prepared to focus the same attention discussing the perceived causes, (i.e racism) then you are either being disingenuous or not really serious.
I'm still waiting on the official law where whites are given a preference because they're white. Do you have a link to that law?
The law is racism-white supremacy

And that's a law that I'm subjected to on this planet. Because black people on this planet are subject to that system.

The only laws you're subjected to, BOY, are the laws of nature and they failed you at birth. If you want to consider me supreme to you, I agree. Whether or not that's based on race is irrelevant. The fact that it is true is all that matters.

Keep blaming whitey. It's all you have and it amounts to nothing. I don't have official programs to benefit me for being white. Blacks do. As long as they do, it will tell me that they can't do it as well as whites. If they could, those programs wouldn't be in place.

As far as the bastard birth rate goes, you don't compare across racial lines. You measure within each group.
Is it your position that "whites" are bad people? How about any other 'sort' of people?

I try not call white people evil or bad or even white people racist.

Because I'll never win that conversation. Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not. Whites know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.

I make it about what white people do. When a thief takes your money you run after him not to tell him he is a thief but to get your money back.

Most ppl think racism is like tonsils: you either have it or you do not. Either-or. And once you are not racist you no longer have to work at it or be on your guard. But you are constantly being hit with racist messages every day and unless you keep fighting against it, it will make you more and more racist over time. So racism is more like dental hygiene, something you have to work at every day:

You're a fucking liar. You just posted a nonsense rant claiming the reason blacks suffer is due to racism by whites.
You're talking crazy again. What advantages am I asking for that whites like you don't already get? Quotas? You Mean like the quotas whites established for at least 189 years of 100 percent white?

If I knew that all I had to do was be white in order to get ahead, I wouldn't have spent all that time and effort earning three college degrees. When I applied, all I would have put on the application and resume was "I'm white". I'll go with having an education and work ethic as being the cause of my success.
I guess you don't know that Black women are the most educated Americans in the country as a group.
That kind of nullifies that high unwed birthrate as a weapon to use against them.

False narrative with no statistical support to back it up.
I know you are dumb but by now you ought to be familiar with google.

I know you are stupid but you ought to know that if you make the claim it isn't my place to find the supporting evidence. I'll take your failure to do so as saying there isn't any. You can stop waving the surrender flag. I accept your surrender.
That's too much work to appease one dumbass. Your laziness isn't my problem. If you can't disprove my posts then I accept YOUR surrender.
If I knew that all I had to do was be white in order to get ahead, I wouldn't have spent all that time and effort earning three college degrees. When I applied, all I would have put on the application and resume was "I'm white". I'll go with having an education and work ethic as being the cause of my success.
I guess you don't know that Black women are the most educated Americans in the country as a group.
That kind of nullifies that high unwed birthrate as a weapon to use against them.

False narrative with no statistical support to back it up.
I know you are dumb but by now you ought to be familiar with google.

I know you are stupid but you ought to know that if you make the claim it isn't my place to find the supporting evidence. I'll take your failure to do so as saying there isn't any. You can stop waving the surrender flag. I accept your surrender.
That's too much work to appease one dumbass. Your laziness isn't my problem. If you can't disprove my posts then I accept YOUR surrender.

Your claim, your responsibility to provide proof. If you won't, there isn't anything for me to disprove except your unsubstantiated claim. Your failure to provide proof as done the disproving for me.

Hey ******, you have to provide something to disprove. You haven't.
I guess you don't know that Black women are the most educated Americans in the country as a group.
That kind of nullifies that high unwed birthrate as a weapon to use against them.

False narrative with no statistical support to back it up.
I know you are dumb but by now you ought to be familiar with google.

I know you are stupid but you ought to know that if you make the claim it isn't my place to find the supporting evidence. I'll take your failure to do so as saying there isn't any. You can stop waving the surrender flag. I accept your surrender.
That's too much work to appease one dumbass. Your laziness isn't my problem. If you can't disprove my posts then I accept YOUR surrender.

Your claim, your responsibility to provide proof. If you won't, there isn't anything for me to disprove except your unsubstantiated claim. Your failure to provide proof as done the disproving for me.

Hey ******, you have to provide something to disprove. You haven't.

That works both ways. You haven't proven I'm wrong. So , by your logic, the burden is on you to do so...you haven't.
Is it your position that "whites" are bad people? How about any other 'sort' of people?

I try not call white people evil or bad or even white people racist.

Because I'll never win that conversation. Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not. Whites know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.....:

You realize that statement itself presupposes knowledge of motives and intentions, right? Contradicted yourself pretty quickly there.
False narrative with no statistical support to back it up.
I know you are dumb but by now you ought to be familiar with google.

I know you are stupid but you ought to know that if you make the claim it isn't my place to find the supporting evidence. I'll take your failure to do so as saying there isn't any. You can stop waving the surrender flag. I accept your surrender.
That's too much work to appease one dumbass. Your laziness isn't my problem. If you can't disprove my posts then I accept YOUR surrender.

Your claim, your responsibility to provide proof. If you won't, there isn't anything for me to disprove except your unsubstantiated claim. Your failure to provide proof as done the disproving for me.

Hey ******, you have to provide something to disprove. You haven't.

That works both ways. You haven't proven I'm wrong. So , by your logic, the burden is on you to do so...you haven't.

No it doesn't. I don't have to prove you wrong. You already did it by not proving your claim.

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Last edited by a moderator:

Most ppl think racism is like tonsils: you either have it or you do not. Either-or. And once you are not racist you no longer have to work at it or be on your guard. But you are constantly being hit with racist messages every day and unless you keep fighting against it, it will make you more and more racist over time. So racism is more like dental hygiene, something you have to work at every day:

I'm too lazy right now to insert a bad dental pun here, so just imagine one.
If you want to consider me supreme to you, I agree. Whether or not that's based on race is irrelevant. The fact that it is true is all that matters.
Whites are in a superior position to black people on this planet. Because we live under a system of racism-white supremacy. That means that whites can kill black people and get away with it and where as black people generally can't

That does not mean that white people r smarter or superior or better. That just means whites are in a superior position. The same way your boss is in a superior position to you.

There are three type of people on this planet

White Supremacists

And the white supremacist are the most powerful and whites allow the white supremacist to run the planet and there governments.

Why ? As President Lyndon Johnson said


However whites will always be fearful of black people due to melanin.

Back men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women. The black man and women are the mothers and fathers of humanity. So therefore because of genetic dominance of black men that is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws.

Because “whiteness” is genetically recessive. Some whites fear that integration and miscegenation will result in the annihilation of the white race. Therefore, they established a global system of “White Supremacy” and its subsystems of racism and segregation to prevent this from happening.

Like a massive bureaucracy, white power is wielded by a network of powerful and influential individuals and institutions linked together by the common goal of dominating the world’s people of color, especially Blacks, in order to ensure white genetic survival.

The root of racism is fear, fear of white genetic annihilation. White ppl are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And are indubitably uneasy about it. This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor.

They attempt to portray themselves as superior beings, This is done by creating the ever-so-frequent “white savior” movies, “virtuous” white people adopting black children and philanthropy.

The white man’s never-ending obsession with creating more destructive weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the “revenge factor” is definitely on the minds of the white world.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
I know you are dumb but by now you ought to be familiar with google.

I know you are stupid but you ought to know that if you make the claim it isn't my place to find the supporting evidence. I'll take your failure to do so as saying there isn't any. You can stop waving the surrender flag. I accept your surrender.
That's too much work to appease one dumbass. Your laziness isn't my problem. If you can't disprove my posts then I accept YOUR surrender.

Your claim, your responsibility to provide proof. If you won't, there isn't anything for me to disprove except your unsubstantiated claim. Your failure to provide proof as done the disproving for me.

Hey ******, you have to provide something to disprove. You haven't.

That works both ways. You haven't proven I'm wrong. So , by your logic, the burden is on you to do so...you haven't.

No it doesn't. I don't have to prove you wrong. You already did it by not proving your claim.

Troll someone else you fucking n*gger.
I've contacted the USMB psyche ward...
They will be contacting you soon. Bye.
......white power is wielded by a network of powerful and influential individuals and institutions linked together by the common goal of dominating the world’s people of color, especially Blacks, in order to ensure white genetic survival.....

Ah, more conspiracy theory crap. You know we have a whole forum just for that, right?
If you want to consider me supreme to you, I agree. Whether or not that's based on race is irrelevant. The fact that it is true is all that matters.
Whites are in a superior position to black people on this planet. Because we live under a system of racism-white supremacy. That means that whites can kill black people and get away with it and where as black people generally can't

That does not mean that white people r smarter or superior or better. That just means whites are in a superior position. The same way your boss is in a superior position to you.

There are three type of people on this planet

White Supremacists

And the white supremacist are the most powerful and whites allow the white supremacist to run the planet and there governments.

Why ? As President Lyndon Johnson said


However whites will always be fearful of black people due to melanin.

Back men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women. The black man and women are the mothers and fathers of humanity. So therefore because of genetic dominance of black men that is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws.

Because “whiteness” is genetically recessive. Some whites fear that integration and miscegenation will result in the annihilation of the white race. Therefore, they established a global system of “White Supremacy” and its subsystems of racism and segregation to prevent this from happening.

Like a massive bureaucracy, white power is wielded by a network of powerful and influential individuals and institutions linked together by the common goal of dominating the world’s people of color, especially Blacks, in order to ensure white genetic survival.

The root of racism is fear, fear of white genetic annihilation. White ppl are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And are indubitably uneasy about it. This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor.

They attempt to portray themselves as superior beings, This is done by creating the ever-so-frequent “white savior” movies, “virtuous” white people adopting black children and philanthropy.

The white man’s never-ending obsession with creating more destructive weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the “revenge factor” is definitely on the minds of the white world.

The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.

Lyndon Johnson also said he'd have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years and damn if they didn't fall in line. If it's any consolation, you don't have but 150 to go.
I know you are stupid but you ought to know that if you make the claim it isn't my place to find the supporting evidence. I'll take your failure to do so as saying there isn't any. You can stop waving the surrender flag. I accept your surrender.
That's too much work to appease one dumbass. Your laziness isn't my problem. If you can't disprove my posts then I accept YOUR surrender.

Your claim, your responsibility to provide proof. If you won't, there isn't anything for me to disprove except your unsubstantiated claim. Your failure to provide proof as done the disproving for me.

Hey ******, you have to provide something to disprove. You haven't.

That works both ways. You haven't proven I'm wrong. So , by your logic, the burden is on you to do so...you haven't.

No it doesn't. I don't have to prove you wrong. You already did it by not proving your claim.

Troll someone else you fucking n*gger.
I've contacted the USMB psyche ward...
They will be contacting you soon. Bye.

I figured as much from a coward that refuses to provide proof of his claim yet expects people to believe him.

White Supremacists.......

Most people on the planet would reject your categorical classification.
I don't know who are the white supremacist on this planet. So I suspect that all white people are white supremacist

Why ?

Because I can't prove it.

I dont hate white people....but then again....I don't hate Tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature.

Tigers kill. It's not personal. It just their nature.

I've always said I don't want black people hate white people. I just want black people to stop lovin them

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