Unqualified for SCOTUS?

"Roberts argued that whether gay marriage is right or wrong is a question that belongs in the nation's legislatures, not its courts."

Supreme Court strikes down bans on same-sex marriage

Simply untrue. You cannot legislate or vote away someone's civil rights. How is this man in such a powerful position?
Bush appointed him.. that guy that brought us the Patriot Act, which many members of Congress voted for but failed to read. Roberts is wrong btw. Government cannot judge what is moral since people have different ideas of morality. What is offensive to some is not to others. Moral structuring belongs to parents, churches, and the individual, not the government. For him to say that is going to give many states the impression that they can defy the Supreme Court ruling. Alabama is probably already arresting previously married gays as we type.
"Roberts argued that whether gay marriage is right or wrong is a question that belongs in the nation's legislatures, not its courts."

Supreme Court strikes down bans on same-sex marriage

Simply untrue. You cannot legislate or vote away someone's civil rights. How is this man in such a powerful position?

He was nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Like all of the justices. And if Kennedy had agreed with him it would not only have been true, it would have been law. That's how the system works.
"Roberts argued that whether gay marriage is right or wrong is a question that belongs in the nation's legislatures, not its courts."

Supreme Court strikes down bans on same-sex marriage

Simply untrue. You cannot legislate or vote away someone's civil rights. How is this man in such a powerful position?

Is marriage an inalienable right?

There no such thing as an inalienable right. But it has long been held by SCOTUS that marriage is a right.

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