Unreal… Obama Administration Didn’t Reach Benghazi For 17 Days Because They Were WAIT


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Unreal… Obama Administration Didn’t Reach Benghazi For 17 Days Because They Were WAITING ON Visa’s (Video)​

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, October 13, 2012, 11:09 PM

The Obama State Department testified this week that the rational that they were not on the ground for 17 days in Benghazi was because they could not get Visa’s.
Former CIA officer Gary Bernsten was on with Judge Jeanine Saturday:

Gary Bernsten:

“It’s about leadership. In this particular case I saw the Department of State and I heard testimony that said that the rational that we were not on the ground in Benghazi after 17 days is because they couldn’t get Visa’s. Which is insanity. They should have gotten people on planes, both the agency and the FBI, and similarly they should have had military people there, moving there to aid an embassy that was under attack that was sovereign US territory in an area that weakly controlled by the government. And even if it’s a diplomatic problem, you move to save your people first.”

It’s true… Press TV reported on this back on October 6th.

According to the report, security concerns had kept the American intelligence agents and investigators from traveling the 400 miles from the American embassy in Tripoli to gather evidence at the US consulate in Benghazi. Administration officials on Thursday attributed the delay to the Libyan government, which they said was slow in granting approval for the US operation.

Terrorists attacked our consulate and murdered our ambassador on 9-11 and the Obama administration waited 17 days to investigate the crime scene because they were waiting on visas.
Yup.. Obama, Hillary and Joe in action....

You do know that Oblamer is throwing Hillary under the bus to save his own hide in this mscrew-up in Benghazi. His lying and ordering others to lie for him will only bring him down further. Testimony at the Congressional hearing was devestating and the BS about Republicans cutting funding has been proven also to be a lie.
The incompetentance just keeps on coming from this administration, they always have excuses, blame and a finger to point anywhere except the space they are occupying. Time for a real change.

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