Unrestrained Capitalism Would Cause........

Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.

??? Murder too I suppose?

Do you people have any clue what the word 'unrestrained' means?

No. We're all equivocating on the term. Including you. Kinda dumb, idn't it?

NO, I'm taking it to mean what it means. Unrestrained - NO restraints.

As in NONE.

You mean you think murder would be legal?

You are so stupid it makes my head hurt.
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.

??? Murder too I suppose?

Do you people have any clue what the word 'unrestrained' means?

No. We're all equivocating on the term. Including you. Kinda dumb, idn't it?

NO, I'm taking it to mean what it means. Unrestrained - NO restraints.

As in NONE.

Whatever. Do you think everyone else here means the same thing you do when they use the term?
I'm not a liberal you idiot.


you said capitalist businesses are bad because they try to lower wage costs and other costs so they can offer us lower prices and a higher standard of living. Do you think a liberal or conservative would say that??

I never said Capitalist businesses were bad, I said unrestrained Capitalism is bad.

I am not a Conservative, I said I am Right-Wing, there is no such thing as Conservative now, considering most of Conservatism has become Cuckservatism.
and what have you learned exactly??
Well, I guess I've learned that a person can be so intellectually paralyzed by their political ideology that they can (a) bear witness to the most complicated and wide-reaching financial crisis in the history of the planet and (b) still have the temerity to suggest that capitalism should be further de-regulated.

Breathtaking, really.

I can only assume that you have actively and aggressively avoided exposing yourself to the full details of that historic financial disaster and the glaring role de-regulation played in it, acquainting yourself only with the "facts" as presented by respected financial experts like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Breitbart and WND.
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Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.

??? Murder too I suppose?

Do you people have any clue what the word 'unrestrained' means?

No. We're all equivocating on the term. Including you. Kinda dumb, idn't it?

NO, I'm taking it to mean what it means. Unrestrained - NO restraints.

As in NONE.

Whatever. Do you think everyone else here means the same thing you do when they use the term?

To clarity, what I mean by unrestrained capitalism is that government isn't allowed to violate our economic freedom. That doesn't mean murder or slavery is legal. It's like freedom of religion. The first amendment doesn't imply anarchy, it just means government can't pass laws to manipulate religion. Likewise, unrestrained capitalism means government can't pass laws to manipulate our economic decisions.
if this nation abides by only one kind of thinking...even conservative ideology...it ceases existence. Just like if only liberalism is the only way of thinking. diversity of thinking is the only let to survival.
There's no such thing as unrestrained capitalism. That would be anarchy, a Mad Max movie. Free market capitalism needs rules and regulations so we can all agree on what a dollar is and some tyrant doesn't use government to stomp competitors out. There's too much cronyism in our system now, corporations like Google and Microsoft are very much in bed with government and have more of a monopoly that the land barons did in the 1800s.
Unrestrained capitalism is anarchy?? Anarchy is not capitalism 1+1 = 2 capitalism is when you shop with your own money for the best price and quality and when you compete for customers against other suppliers on the basis of price and quality.
That is called a market, not capitalism. It's like you don't know the color of your true love's eyes. Do you understand? Should we start from the beginning?
if this nation abides by only one kind of thinking...even conservative ideology...it ceases existence. Just like if only liberalism is the only way of thinking. diversity of thinking is the only let to survival.
I compare it to an artist trying to paint a bold, vivid landscape with only half a color palette.

Why would we hamstring ourselves like that?
our companies to fight to the death in order to survive by raising our standard of living at the fastest possible rate!!! Lets do it!!!

The greatest increases in innovation and progress the world has ever seen.....and the greatest lifting of humans out of poverty that has ever been seen...
the glaring role de-regulation played in it[housing collapse],

Obviously there was massive govt regulation in housing (like health care) to get people into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford. When collapse came Fan/Fred owned or guaranteed 75% of Alt A and sub prime mortgages. Pretend for 27th time you didn't read that and go back to your airheaded libcommie prejudices.
I compare it to an artist trying to paint a bold, vivid landscape with only half a color palette.

Why would we hamstring ourselves like that?
because our genius Founders made Nazi liberal Communist and monarchial govt illegal in America. Do you know why our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin and gave Stalin the bomb??
That is called a market, not capitalism./QUOTE]

its called a capitalist market not a communist, socialist, or fascist market each of which would have different characteristics than a capitalist market. Do you understand these basics now??
if this nation abides by only one kind of thinking...even conservative ideology...it ceases existence.

wrong of course we don't need liberal or Nazi thinking for example. Our genius Founders restricted us to Constitutional thinking because they were geniuses who knew treasonous people like you would come along as they always had throughout history!! They would die to see their country half overtaken by your liberal disease.
That is called a market, not capitalism./QUOTE]

its called a capitalist market not a communist, socialist, or fascist market each of which would have different characteristics than a capitalist market. Do you understand these basics now??
The market could serve a socialist society just the same!

so???? a market could serve a fascist, communist, mercantile society or govt but it would not be a capitalist market as described above!!! 1+1=2

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