Unrestrained Capitalism Would Cause........

Can you explain how socialism without government would work?
Another one that has never read Marx but thinks they are an expert.
Those that produce commodities control the distribution of surplus.
Neither a capitalist nor government is necessary to produce commodities.
Can you explain how socialism without government would work?
Another one that has never read Marx but thinks they are an expert.
Those that produce commodities control the distribution of surplus.
Neither a capitalist nor government is necessary to produce commodities.

You didn't explain how It would work. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Who would produce goods and services under socialism?
Can you explain how socialism without government would work?
Another one that has never read Marx but thinks they are an expert.
Those that produce commodities control the distribution of surplus.
Neither a capitalist nor government is necessary to produce commodities.

You didn't explain how It would work. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Who would produce goods and services under socialism?
Can you explain how socialism without government would work?
Another one that has never read Marx but thinks they are an expert.
Those that produce commodities control the distribution of surplus.
Neither a capitalist nor government is necessary to produce commodities.

You didn't explain how It would work. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Who would produce goods and services under socialism?
Which Americans? Since they would all be government employees, that would mean the government is producing all goods and services.
Can you explain how socialism without government would work?
Another one that has never read Marx but thinks they are an expert.
Those that produce commodities control the distribution of surplus.
Neither a capitalist nor government is necessary to produce commodities.

You didn't explain how It would work. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Who would produce goods and services under socialism?
Which Americans? Since they would all be government employees, that would mean the government is producing all goods and services.
Why the fuck would they have to be government employees? Anyone can produce a commodity.
Can you explain how socialism without government would work?
Another one that has never read Marx but thinks they are an expert.
Those that produce commodities control the distribution of surplus.
Neither a capitalist nor government is necessary to produce commodities.

You didn't explain how It would work. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Who would produce goods and services under socialism?
Which Americans? Since they would all be government employees, that would mean the government is producing all goods and services.
Why the fuck would they have to be government employees? Anyone can produce a commodity.
If they aren't working for the government, then who are they working for, a capitalist?
Another one that has never read Marx but thinks they are an expert.
Those that produce commodities control the distribution of surplus.
Neither a capitalist nor government is necessary to produce commodities.

You didn't explain how It would work. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Who would produce goods and services under socialism?
Which Americans? Since they would all be government employees, that would mean the government is producing all goods and services.
Why the fuck would they have to be government employees? Anyone can produce a commodity.
If they aren't working for the government, then who are they working for, a capitalist?
You didn't explain how It would work. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Who would produce goods and services under socialism?
Which Americans? Since they would all be government employees, that would mean the government is producing all goods and services.
Why the fuck would they have to be government employees? Anyone can produce a commodity.
If they aren't working for the government, then who are they working for, a capitalist?
You mean they are sole proprietors? How would socialism mean individuals selling goods and services and earning a profit?
Which Americans? Since they would all be government employees, that would mean the government is producing all goods and services.
Why the fuck would they have to be government employees? Anyone can produce a commodity.
If they aren't working for the government, then who are they working for, a capitalist?
You mean they are sole proprietors? How would socialism mean individuals selling goods and services and earning a profit?
Anytime someone or a group of people produce a commodity, value is created. The difference between socialism and capitalism is how the surplus value is distributed. In capitalism that surplus value goes to the capitalist. In socialism that surplus value is distributed among the producers of the commodity.
Which Americans? Since they would all be government employees, that would mean the government is producing all goods and services.
Why the fuck would they have to be government employees? Anyone can produce a commodity.
If they aren't working for the government, then who are they working for, a capitalist?
You mean they are sole proprietors? How would socialism mean individuals selling goods and services and earning a profit?
Anytime someone or a group of people produce a commodity, value is created. The difference between socialism and capitalism is how the surplus value is distributed. In capitalism that surplus value goes to the capitalist. In socialism that surplus value is distributed among the producers of the commodity.
You still haven't explained who is producing the commodity. If it's not the government and it's not a "capitalist," then who is it? Why would anyone produce a commodity if they stand to gain nothing from it? How do they produce it? Where does the plant and machinery come from?
Why the fuck would they have to be government employees? Anyone can produce a commodity.
If they aren't working for the government, then who are they working for, a capitalist?
You mean they are sole proprietors? How would socialism mean individuals selling goods and services and earning a profit?
Anytime someone or a group of people produce a commodity, value is created. The difference between socialism and capitalism is how the surplus value is distributed. In capitalism that surplus value goes to the capitalist. In socialism that surplus value is distributed among the producers of the commodity.
You still haven't explained who is producing the commodity. If it's not the government and it's not a "capitalist," then who is it? Why would anyone produce a commodity if they stand to gain nothing from it? How do they produce it? Where does the plant and machinery come from?
I already told you it's the people. The capitalist does nothing but provide the capital. State chartered banks could fill that role.
the glaring role de-regulation played in it[housing collapse],...
Obviously there was massive govt regulation in housing (like health care) to get people into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford. When collapse came Fan/Fred owned or guaranteed 75% of Alt A and sub prime mortgages. Pretend for 27th time you didn't read that and go back to your airheaded libcommie prejudices.
I'm in the profession, Edward. I lived the Meltdown every day. I know precisely what happened. I saw it unfolding. I know people who were actually creating and pushing the CDO's and buying the CDS's that pushed us over the edge.

All you're doing is parroting the standard conservative talk radio talking points, which avoid 95% of what happened.

Show me how much you know now. Tell me what you think about:
  • AAA ratings on CDOs that were filled with shit subprime adjustable rate mortgages from ratings agencies that were SELLING their ratings
  • John Paulson & Goldman Sachs creating synthetic CDOs, then betting AGAINST them, making him billions?
  • CDO's being sold, leveraging a phony AAA rating, to domestic/foreign municipalities at a 2% commission and going into the shitter with no clawbacks
  • Banks buying swaps against the very CDOs they were selling
  • Greenspan refusing to regulate CDOs, even though he admitted he couldn't understand them?
  • SEC turning a blind eye to banks leveraging up to 33-1 to borrow money for more shit CDOs to sell at huge, opaque margins
  • AIG selling $500B in credit default swaps on shit CDOs without traditional reserve requirements
  • Not ONE banker going to jail?
ALL of the above is related to under-regulation and/or being soft on regulation.

Go ahead, Edward. Explain the above. Thrill us with your knowledge of my industry.
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If they aren't working for the government, then who are they working for, a capitalist?
You mean they are sole proprietors? How would socialism mean individuals selling goods and services and earning a profit?
Anytime someone or a group of people produce a commodity, value is created. The difference between socialism and capitalism is how the surplus value is distributed. In capitalism that surplus value goes to the capitalist. In socialism that surplus value is distributed among the producers of the commodity.
You still haven't explained who is producing the commodity. If it's not the government and it's not a "capitalist," then who is it? Why would anyone produce a commodity if they stand to gain nothing from it? How do they produce it? Where does the plant and machinery come from?
I already told you it's the people. The capitalist does nothing but provide the capital. State chartered banks could fill that role.

"The people" of Egypt built the pyramids, but they were all slaves. You're weaseling. You have no clue how your system is going to work without business owners or government, so you dodge and weave when asked to explain it.

You're a typical socialist who wants to tear down the existing system but doesn't have a clue about what to replace it with.
I already told you it's the people. The capitalist does nothing but provide the capital. State chartered banks could fill that role.

Heh... yup. That's the final 'power-up' for the banksters - merging economic power with state power!
You mean they are sole proprietors? How would socialism mean individuals selling goods and services and earning a profit?
Anytime someone or a group of people produce a commodity, value is created. The difference between socialism and capitalism is how the surplus value is distributed. In capitalism that surplus value goes to the capitalist. In socialism that surplus value is distributed among the producers of the commodity.
You still haven't explained who is producing the commodity. If it's not the government and it's not a "capitalist," then who is it? Why would anyone produce a commodity if they stand to gain nothing from it? How do they produce it? Where does the plant and machinery come from?
I already told you it's the people. The capitalist does nothing but provide the capital. State chartered banks could fill that role.

"The people" of Egypt built the pyramids, but they were all slaves. You're weaseling. You have no clue how your system is going to work without business owners or government, so you dodge and weave when asked to explain it.

You're a typical socialist who wants to tear down the existing system but doesn't have a clue about what to replace it with.
It's roughly the same system you have now minus the capitalist. We don't need the capitalist, who uses his gains to create a system that protects himself. Big government serves to protect the capitalist system.
I already told you it's the people. The capitalist does nothing but provide the capital. State chartered banks could fill that role.

Heh... yup. That's the final 'power-up' for the banksters - merging economic power with state power!
There would be no private banking.

They're already merged under the current system. You must realize that.
I already told you it's the people. The capitalist does nothing but provide the capital. State chartered banks could fill that role.

Heh... yup. That's the final 'power-up' for the banksters - merging economic power with state power!
There would be no private banking.

They're already merged under the current system. You must realize that.

It's already happening, yes. That's what I was getting at. Banning private economic investment, and centralizing such power under authoritarian government, is the final step. You nitwits think you're socializing corporations, but you're not. You're corporatizing government.
I already told you it's the people. The capitalist does nothing but provide the capital. State chartered banks could fill that role.

Heh... yup. That's the final 'power-up' for the banksters - merging economic power with state power!
There would be no private banking.

They're already merged under the current system. You must realize that.
Not all banks are merged...The Walton's own their own financial system alone..
I already told you it's the people. The capitalist does nothing but provide the capital. State chartered banks could fill that role.

Heh... yup. That's the final 'power-up' for the banksters - merging economic power with state power!
There would be no private banking.

They're already merged under the current system. You must realize that.

It's already happening, yes. That's what I was getting at. Banning private economic investment, and centralizing such power under authoritarian government, is the final step. You nitwits think you're socializing corporations, but you're not. You're corporatizing government.
Nonsense, you guys keep screaming government but nothing I have said increases government.

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