UPDATE: Maga hat Their arrested charged with felony theft LOL

And I'm just playing the devil's advocate here. I know that's a big word for you, let me sound it out: Ad-vo-cate. Jiminez is no doubt guilty as sin but he could have beat this 100% if only he wasn't an idiot.
Actually, what you’re playing is “Devil’s Asshole” and you’re very good at it. There is absolutely no scenario where he could “beat” this. None. If you know he’s “guilty as sin”, there are witnesses, and there is video, it is an open and shut case.

Stop getting your legal knowledge from Hollywood, snowflake. It doesn’t work that way in the real world. :laugh:
And yes, in a court of law, evidence is IRRELEVANT.
Folks...you just can’t make this shit up. This guy is a typical left-wing lunatic. He wants no prisons and he claims evidence is “irrelevant” in a court of law.

Lessee. I actually work in the legal field on the side in the field of criminal detection and forensic evidence and know legal experts and attorneys all across the country as well as appear in courts as an expert witness. The closest you get to law is Perry Mason on your TV set. Only idiots believe courts are triers of fact. Evidence is routinely suppressed. More often than not, it isn't what you know that wins cases but how you present it. That's why the best attorneys who win the tough cases make the HUGE bucks.

In a court, you don't have a group of people looking to get to the truth, you have one side advocating to prosecute and the other advocating to be set free-- -- -- BOTH from the same set of evidence and facts. It all comes down to who has the best spin on things.

You on the other hand are nothing more than a pimple on the ass of humanity. You're an idiot and just another total fucking worthless liar. You'll not convince ANYONE here that I'm "left-wing!" Normally, I'm used to people calling me a Nazi here! You wrap yourself in red, white and blue flags and pictures of founding fathers and call yourself a "patriot" while rallying for mob rule, violence, brutality, hate and vengeance. You give conservatives and the Right a bad name because you haven't the brains to blow your nose. Is it any wonder why many here have such a bad opinion of the Right with jackasses like you representing yourself as one.
I actually work in the legal field on the side in the field of criminal detection and forensic evidence and know legal experts and attorneys all across the country as well as appear in courts as an expert witness.
Dabble in forensic evidence on the side, do ya? :lmao:
And yes, in a court of law, evidence is IRRELEVANT.
Folks...you just can’t make this shit up. This guy is a typical left-wing lunatic. He wants no prisons and he claims evidence is “irrelevant” in a court of law.

Lessee. I actually work in the legal field on the side in the field of criminal detection and forensic evidence and know legal experts and attorneys all across the country as well as appear in courts as an expert witness. The closest you get to law is Perry Mason on your TV set. Only idiots believe courts are triers of fact. Evidence is routinely suppressed. More often than not, it isn't what you know that wins cases but how you present it. That's why the best attorneys who win the tough cases make the HUGE bucks.

In a court, you don't have a group of people looking to get to the truth, you have one side advocating to prosecute and the other advocating to be set free-- -- -- BOTH from the same set of evidence and facts. It all comes down to who has the best spin on things.

You on the other hand are nothing more than a pimple on the ass of humanity. You're an idiot and just another total fucking worthless liar. You'll not convince ANYONE here that I'm "left-wing!" Normally, I'm used to people calling me a Nazi here! You wrap yourself in red, white and blue flags and pictures of founding fathers and call yourself a "patriot" while rallying for mob rule, violence, brutality, hate and vengeance. You give conservatives and the Right a bad name because you haven't the brains to blow your nose. Is it any wonder why many here have such a bad opinion of the Right with jackasses like you representing yourself as one.

Hmmm, I'm an Officer of the Court and I have never ever heard of anyone who "dabbles" in Forensic work. There's this thing called credibility, and forensic investigators work full time ENSURING that they are current on techniques (which change not infrequently as new technologies come online) and on the evidence gathering procedures which require EXTENSIVE and ongoing training. Furthermore, there is a very, very small number of job openings nation wide for Forensic scientists, those jobs are fought for very hard, and not one of them is "part time".

Now, if you were asked to consult on a case and blew that up into a little fantasy, that I could understand, and believe, but the rest of your claim is simply ridiculous. And yes, I am an Expert Witness, and yes, I work a LOT.
The Party of Hate

It seems that almost every week a Trump administration official or supporter is being badgered by leftist protesters. It happened to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a restaurant and at her home. Both Senior White House Policy Advisor Stephen Miller and former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt were recently harassed at restaurants. Of course, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were not allowed to eat dinner at the Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia because of her support for the President’s policies.

Even movie theaters are not save havens for Trump supporters. Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, a staunch Republican and supporter of the President, was hounded by a menacing group as she was trying to attend a movie celebrating the life of the iconic television personality Mr. Rogers, an opponent of unfair treatment and bullying. Presumably, the leftist mob learned nothing about manners from the life of Mr. Rogers.

This type of insanity is happening throughout the country. According to liberal professor Alan Dershowitz, a woman at a party in Martha’s Vineyard threatened to “stab him through the heart.” The threat was issued because Dershowitz does not support the impeachment of Donald Trump. As Dershowitz correctly noted, “The Democrat Party has been taken over by radicals who have no interest in due process…. they don’t want any dissent, they don’t want any argument.”

What Democrats demand is total unity in their campaign to stop Donald Trump. To accomplish this goal, they encourage harassing Trump officials, supporters and average citizens. In too many instances, this campaign of persecution is morphing into actual violence.

It happened in Boynton Beach, Florida on Independence Day. Trump supporter Jeff Good was enjoying a fireworks presentation from his driveway. He also proudly displayed a Donald Trump flag on his lawn; however, this was unacceptable to a couple driving by in a vehicle. They demanded Good remove his flag, but he refused. As a result, Good was punched by the driver and dragged thirty feet in his car when his arm became caught in the door. Fortunately, he was able to escape with minor bruises, scrapes and cuts. At the current time, the local police are still investigating, and no arrests have been made.
God you dumb fucks are easy.

"Bexar County jail records, which you can view above, show that Kino Jimenez was booked into the jail on accusations of felony theft from person. According to KSAT, Jimenez told reporters that what happened “was a lapse in judgment that was out of character for him.” The station added, “Jimenez said seeing the hat had the same effect on him that a Ku Klux Klan hood would have had.” He says his family has received threats, and KSAT-TV reported that some are clamoring for police to up the charges to assault."
That doesn't change the fact these MAGA hat pricks were talking about killing minorities on Independence Day.
Of course you would. As a fascist, you refuse to tolerate any speech that doesn’t bow to your ideology.

And...as a fascist...you would get knocked the fuck out and then sue after you “get in their faces”.
I'm tolerant of you, so I can't possibly be a fascist. And besides, its not fascism objecting to racists talking about killing minorities on Independence Day. It's human.
Of course you would. As a fascist, you refuse to tolerate any speech that doesn’t bow to your ideology.

And...as a fascist...you would get knocked the fuck out and then sue after you “get in their faces”.
I'm tolerant of you, so I can't possibly be a fascist. And besides, its not fascism objecting to racists talking about killing minorities on Independence Day. It's human.
If your attention span is low, here is a quicker version of the video.

Here are three, I hope you realize that in a Court of Law eye witness accounts are considered the LEAST reliable form of evidence. You DO know that...don't you?

She said she was sexually assaulted by a state trooper. His camera footage shows otherwise.

She said she was sexually assaulted by a state trooper. His camera footage shows otherwise.

Miami police officer pleads guilty to writing bogus crime reports in credit scam

Cop said he broke law to help a 'good friend'

Miami police officer pleads guilty to writing bogus crime reports in credit scam

One challenge for Ferguson grand jury: Some witnesses' credibility

Some Ferguson witnesses weren't credible - CNN.com
I'm talking about evidence showing "this" eye-witness was not telling the truth. If you have no evidence indicating this witness was not truthful, then your claim is just conjecture. And if not a claim, then just pure innuendo. Both weigh less in court than an eye-witness. In fact, you can't even object to what this eye-witness said, with the evidence you just listed.
What an ignorant (fascist) statement. There are no “consequences” for exercising constitutional rights. That was the entire point of America, stupid.

The only time there are so-called “consequences” is when fascists violate the law (like this thug did in this case).
So you're saying they have a 1st amendment right to talk about killing minorities on Independence Day, but I have no 1st amendment right to object?

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