UPDATE: Maga hat Their arrested charged with felony theft LOL

and even if they did say things i was always told the old saying , sticks and stones deal and that words are not a legal reason to attack anyone as the 'mexican' attacked the 'maga' hat wearer . Just a comment as i have not been following this thread post by post .
and even if they did say things i was always told the old saying , sticks and stones deal and that words are not a legal reason to attack anyone as the 'mexican' attacked the 'maga' hat wearer . Just a comment as i have not been following this thread post by post .
--------------------------------- and furthermore , my thinking just above in post number 421 is simply describing a symptom of the dissolution of THINKING in the USA as this country goes the way of the third world . I call my proper thinking as 'Western or American Thinking .
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His family should get more than threats.
Proof the right is more violent than the left.

You’re a raving imbecile. Hillary Clinton wasn’t speaking of physical violence when she encouraged folks to “keep fighting,” she was speaking of peacefully protesting.

But I got only as far in that video up to the point where it idiotically blamed a Democrat for assassinating Lincoln. Moron, Booth was not a Democrat. :eusa_doh:
And yes, in a court of law, evidence is IRRELEVANT.
Folks...you just can’t make this shit up. This guy is a typical left-wing lunatic. He wants no prisons and he claims evidence is “irrelevant” in a court of law.

Lessee. I actually work in the legal field on the side in the field of criminal detection and forensic evidence and know legal experts and attorneys all across the country as well as appear in courts as an expert witness. The closest you get to law is Perry Mason on your TV set. Only idiots believe courts are triers of fact. Evidence is routinely suppressed. More often than not, it isn't what you know that wins cases but how you present it. That's why the best attorneys who win the tough cases make the HUGE bucks.

In a court, you don't have a group of people looking to get to the truth, you have one side advocating to prosecute and the other advocating to be set free-- -- -- BOTH from the same set of evidence and facts. It all comes down to who has the best spin on things.

You on the other hand are nothing more than a pimple on the ass of humanity. You're an idiot and just another total fucking worthless liar. You'll not convince ANYONE here that I'm "left-wing!" Normally, I'm used to people calling me a Nazi here! You wrap yourself in red, white and blue flags and pictures of founding fathers and call yourself a "patriot" while rallying for mob rule, violence, brutality, hate and vengeance. You give conservatives and the Right a bad name because you haven't the brains to blow your nose. Is it any wonder why many here have such a bad opinion of the Right with jackasses like you representing yourself as one.

Hmmm, I'm an Officer of the Court and I have never ever heard of anyone who "dabbles" in Forensic work. There's this thing called credibility, and forensic investigators work full time ENSURING that they are current on techniques (which change not infrequently as new technologies come online) and on the evidence gathering procedures which require EXTENSIVE and ongoing training. Furthermore, there is a very, very small number of job openings nation wide for Forensic scientists, those jobs are fought for very hard, and not one of them is "part time".

Now, if you were asked to consult on a case and blew that up into a little fantasy, that I could understand, and believe, but the rest of your claim is simply ridiculous. And yes, I am an Expert Witness, and yes, I work a LOT.

Well, West, as an Officer of the Court talking about credibility, you might want to go back to learn what you're talking about before questioning or doubting others. I do work as a document examiner, questioned documents----- forgeries, tampering, alterations, disguised writing, etc., and about half of us are retired former FBI agents and the other half work and are trained independently. It's not a 9 to 5 job, most of us work regionally, so no, I don't consider it a full-time job nor would I want one at my age. I bet I've talked about this at least a half-dozen times here and it's amazing that each time, I'm met with yet another stupid response.

I DO know what I am talking about. That's the point. I work with FBI agents, active and retired from time to time. Document forging is indeed an issue, and I can certainly understand retired FBI being queried in a case. However, I don't see you being on the Witness Stand. Do you actually testify? Or is your expertise confined to the investigation phase?
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft
The man caught on video pouring a drink on a teen and then stealing his Make America Great Again hat was arrested Thursday.

A robbery task force with the San Antonio Police Department located 30-year-old Kino Jimenez in Universal City, Texas, after he confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a local Whataburger restaurant.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft

LMFAO, Good this Trump hating gPOS who think they are all that is gettig pay back good for you , you lttle bitch.

This is what your TRUMP HATERS are all about now you know why they're all for ABORTING they have no regard for human life ANTIFA....... humanity haters.

At least these stupid mother fkrs can't ever own a gun now lmfao.
Why is it a felony?

NYC has set the precedent that soda is a deadly weapon.
His family should get more than threats.
Proof the right is more violent than the left.

You’re a raving imbecile. Hillary Clinton wasn’t speaking of physical violence when she encouraged folks to “keep fighting,” she was speaking of peacefully protesting.

But I got only as far in that video up to the point where it idiotically blamed a Democrat for assassinating Lincoln. Moron, Booth was not a Democrat. :eusa_doh:

He was a "Copperhead," aka a Peace Democrat, pro-slavery zealots. Archenemies of the anti-slavery Republicans.

Like today with Dems and their love of human trafficking, some things never change.
And the Race baiting liberal card is played.........which is what you are doing and people like Waters are doing........it's standard to pump up the leftist base before an election. .......this is nothing new.........just hyped up for the election until some more wacks burn places down.........Your side has been playing this game a long time so spare me.

For almost 2 years your side is pouring gas on a fire and then play innocent when shit goes down............and that is my take on it.

The guy should have bought lunch and WALKED THE FUCK AWAY.

Now will see how much community service he gets out of it. Already lost his job...........Actions have consequences.
And racists throughout the country are seeing their actions have consequences. It's not race baiting when these kids are talking about killing minorities on Independence Day. It's not race baiting when the President says white nationalists are good people to. It's not race baiting when the Attorney General thinks the worst thing about the KKK, is their pot smoking.
And the Race baiting liberal card is played.........which is what you are doing and people like Waters are doing........it's standard to pump up the leftist base before an election. .......this is nothing new.........just hyped up for the election until some more wacks burn places down.........Your side has been playing this game a long time so spare me.

For almost 2 years your side is pouring gas on a fire and then play innocent when shit goes down............and that is my take on it.

The guy should have bought lunch and WALKED THE FUCK AWAY.

Now will see how much community service he gets out of it. Already lost his job...........Actions have consequences.
And racists throughout the country are seeing their actions have consequences. It's not race baiting when these kids are talking about killing minorities on Independence Day. It's not race baiting when the President says white nationalists are good people to. It's not race baiting when the Attorney General thinks the worst thing about the KKK, is their pot smoking.
You come across as hyper-emotional. I see a crying closet in your future.
How did you get that out of a Rep telling supporters to get in their face and bragging about stopping them from getting gas and chasing them out of movie theatres............Go to their house so they can't sleep............

She's a LUNATIC...............How do you like that 1st Amendment principle........

She may get another visit to the ETHICS council...........hell your own side has been telling her to shut it.
She wasn't calling for violence. It's called dissent. It's called addressing your grievances to government. It's called the consequences following the actions of a bullshit government. It's called the 1st amendment the way it was designed to be used.

You're an extremist. And you are not the majority of the country.
His family should get more than threats.
Proof the right is more violent than the left.

You’re a raving imbecile. Hillary Clinton wasn’t speaking of physical violence when she encouraged folks to “keep fighting,” she was speaking of peacefully protesting.

But I got only as far in that video up to the point where it idiotically blamed a Democrat for assassinating Lincoln. Moron, Booth was not a Democrat. :eusa_doh:

He was a "Copperhead," aka a Peace Democrat, pro-slavery zealots. Archenemies of the anti-slavery Republicans.

Like today with Dems and their love of human trafficking, some things never change.

Nope, Booth belonged to the Know Nothing party. That video was compiled by a moron who likely assumed Booth must have been a Democrat since he killed Lincoln and Lincoln was a Republican.

But he was not a Democrat, as that ridiculous video falsely claimed.
Maybe they were liberal blacks
Me and my buddy used to go down to this one park 3 times a week (sometimes 4) to play pick-up basketball. We were the only 2 white guys there. The rest were black with a few Samoans. In almost 500 games of basketball, we never seen anyone throw down. There were a lot of arguments and a lot of pushing and shoving, but no fists were every thrown. The closest we got to a fight, was when this one Samoan went to his car and got a baseball bat, because he didn't like the call someone made. But that to, never got physical.

The moral of the story, only the alt-right gets physical.
Maybe they were liberal blacks
Me and my buddy used to go down to this one park 3 times a week (sometimes 4) to play pick-up basketball. We were the only 2 white guys there. The rest were black with a few Samoans. In almost 500 games of basketball, we never seen anyone throw down. There were a lot of arguments and a lot of pushing and shoving, but no fists were every thrown. The closest we got to a fight, was when this one Samoan went to his car and got a baseball bat, because he didn't like the call someone made. But that to, never got physical.

The moral of the story, only the alt-right gets physical.
Yep. Your story convinced us
His family should get more than threats.
Proof the right is more violent than the left.

You’re a raving imbecile. Hillary Clinton wasn’t speaking of physical violence when she encouraged folks to “keep fighting,” she was speaking of peacefully protesting.

But I got only as far in that video up to the point where it idiotically blamed a Democrat for assassinating Lincoln. Moron, Booth was not a Democrat. :eusa_doh:

He was a "Copperhead," aka a Peace Democrat, pro-slavery zealots. Archenemies of the anti-slavery Republicans.

Like today with Dems and their love of human trafficking, some things never change.

Nope, Booth belonged to the Know Nothing party. That video was compiled by a moron who likely assumed Booth must have been a Democrat since he killed Lincoln and Lincoln was a Republican.

But he was not a Democrat, as that ridiculous video falsely claimed.

I didn't watch the video.

John Wilkes Booth was the assassin of President and anti-slavery liberal Abraham Lincoln. He was an angry copperhead aka "peace democrat" (when that meant "pro slavery", of course). Booth was also an actor who sometimes found it difficult to tell the difference between stage drama and real life. At that time the Republicans were far more anti-slavery and liberal than the democrats and many Southern Democrats later became KKK members.

John Wilkes Booth
Like THIS GUY????

Man accused of planning terrorist attack in Cleveland had SF travel plans

No, like this guy!


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