Update On Teacher Shot by 6 Year Old

I've contacted the authorities a few times in my life about human "ticking timebombs".......both the police and the FBI.......and I got the SAME answer from each of them............

"There's nothing we can do until there's dead people".

The government, the states, the "police" departments......all cannot be bothered with anything proactive. They are either too lazy, too corrupt, or too stupid........or all of them combined.
I've contacted the authorities a few times in my life about human "ticking timebombs".......both the police and the FBI.......and I got the SAME answer from each of them............

"There's nothing we can do until there's dead people".

The government, the states, the "police" departments......all cannot be bothered with anything proactive. They are either too lazy, too corrupt, or too stupid........or all of them combined.
There is nothing they can do legally, you can always put out a hit contract.
"I've contacted the authorities a few times in my life about human "ticking timebombs".

Try and be more kind to family and friends .

Perhaps your gene bank is deficient.
There's PLENTY they can do legally. Thats why they are "the law"!!

Baron Von Murderpaws' idea of law enforcement:

I am the law.jpg

I don't know the specifics of the instances you mentioned, obviously, but it's possible that law enforcement could NOT do anything based on what you told them. That's largely a good thing; I don't want every annoying Karen to be able to get law enforcement to screw with other people's lives. ;)
Given the "vibrancy" of the area I suspect the kid was black and if that was the case then good luck getting anything done with him.
The school had multiple warnings. They're gonna pay. Will they ever learn?

I hope this wakes parents and citizens up. This is everywhere and has been for a long time. Education's focus on "restorative justice" and "trauma informed practices" and, to some extend, "inclusion" (which means mainstreaming special ed students) has led to this madness.

I hope and pray that teacher recovers too.
I hope this wakes parents and citizens up. This is everywhere and has been for a long time. Education's focus on "restorative justice" and "trauma informed practices" and, to some extend, "inclusion" (which means mainstreaming special ed students) has led to this madness.

I hope and pray that teacher recovers too.
Are they going to remove the bullet? I hope she wins big. This is one case where she really deserves it

whoopi, I guarantee you, this happens every day. And it happens because of the insane contradictions in public schooling. Like:

1. "If you see something, say something"

2. "He's traumatized. We just have to love on him."--and dozens and dozens of platitudes just like this

Why are the parents of the child with "severe behavior disorders" able to DICTATE to the school that they want him in a general education class?

For too many years in the past disabled, special needs children were treated horribly, and I understand this. But the pendulum has now swung TOO FAR, to the point we have clearly dangerous children in gen ed classes AND the special ed families dictate all the rules.

How about we aim for a happy medium?
"I've contacted the authorities a few times in my life about human "ticking timebombs".

Try and be more kind to family and friends .

Perhaps your gene bank is deficient.

Some humans are little removed from vicious animals. Treat them as such.
What do you propose?

A child of any age who poses a risk to himself/herself and others cannot be in the general education population UNTIL the behaviors are addressed and improved.

In an age of school shootings this should be common sense and not even remotely controversial.

But we can't help but trip all over ourselves being stupid.
Violent creatures be kept away from innocent kids and teachers.
Ok. So prior to the day this kid brought the gun to school, what behavior of his would have flagged him as a “violent creature” that would ensure him being kept away from others?

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