Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?


I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

Uh-oh, everyone ... stay clear --- she's gonna blow!!


Who are you afraid of informing by answering the simple question....

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
You're a flaming nut, PoliticalNag. :cuckoo:

As you've been informed, I've already answered that question and need not answer it again. Meanwhile, you keep asking ... because ............

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, is a definition of insanity. And as this demonstrates, you are clearly batshit insane...

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?


I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

Who are you afraid of informing by answering the simple question....

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

Let's analyze your palpable fear of answering this simple query:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

1. You claim you're answered it already.....so what's stopping you from repeating your alleged earlier response?

2. Far more likely is that your fear of answering will either

a. identify you as stupid as both of us know you are.


b. you'll have to acknowledge what I have documented, that there are multiple millions of illegal aliens in the country.

3. If the latter, even a small percentage of them, following the dirt-eating snake, Obama's instructions to go out and vote, will prove the premise of this thread:

millions of illegal alien voters, allies of the corrupt Democrat Party, made up the numbers that allowed Crooked Hillary to claim a popular vote victory.

I'm getting so tired of winning!!!!
You call suffering a nervous breakdown on the forum, "winning??"


You left out the obvious actual reason I'm not repeating my answer .... It's waaay more fun watching your mental collapse....

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?


I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

Who are you afraid of informing by answering the simple question....

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

Gee.....every time I mention that millions of the votes for Bill's wife were cast by illegal aliens following Obama's telling them to vote, the Left's acolytes become enraged.

Naw, we just shake our heads and regard you as stupid.

You would have to believe that 30%+ of illegal aliens were somehow registered to vote and voted. (Hillary beat trump by 3 million votes and there are only 11 million undocumented aliens).

That's a pretty good trick, given that only 55% of citizens actually voted.

Illegal aliens pretty much do whatever they want in California. If they want to vote here no one is going to stop them. Spend some time in Los Angeles or the Central valley and see how many people dont speak english. and yes if you have lived your whole life here as I have you can pretty much tell that when your standing in a flea market and people are registering to vote, and most of them are speaking in Spanish, not English .... odds are, a good amount of them are illegal.
Dont lie to yourself , there are movements among the illegal hispanic communities here to advance their foothold here. There was a push to sign up as many voters as possible. You really believe the Liberal state of california is going to do anything to slow that down?? hahahahaha My brother who lives in Modesto Ca recieved several phone calls in Spanish before the election, as did my sister and mom.... those were phone calls according to my brother they were intended to organize for the upcoming presidential election. Question, if they are all American Citizens why are the phone calls made in Spanish? and not English? people who come here legally learn English.
Otherwise, why are they being allowed to come here?

Crap. You are full of shit ------- Instead of wasting your time with all these bull shit --------PROVE IT.

I dont need to prove a damn thing to you. Not everything has an internet link dumb ass. Why don't you try getting out in the world?
Of course you don't. You're welcome to b'lieve anything you want.

I know what I see. thats better than an internet link. Do you believe what you see? did the sun come up this mornin
Gee.....every time I mention that millions of the votes for Bill's wife were cast by illegal aliens following Obama's telling them to vote, the Left's acolytes become enraged.

Naw, we just shake our heads and regard you as stupid.

You would have to believe that 30%+ of illegal aliens were somehow registered to vote and voted. (Hillary beat trump by 3 million votes and there are only 11 million undocumented aliens).

That's a pretty good trick, given that only 55% of citizens actually voted.

Illegal aliens pretty much do whatever they want in California. If they want to vote here no one is going to stop them. Spend some time in Los Angeles or the Central valley and see how many people dont speak english. and yes if you have lived your whole life here as I have you can pretty much tell that when your standing in a flea market and people are registering to vote, and most of them are speaking in Spanish, not English .... odds are, a good amount of them are illegal.
Dont lie to yourself , there are movements among the illegal hispanic communities here to advance their foothold here. There was a push to sign up as many voters as possible. You really believe the Liberal state of california is going to do anything to slow that down?? hahahahaha My brother who lives in Modesto Ca recieved several phone calls in Spanish before the election, as did my sister and mom.... those were phone calls according to my brother they were intended to organize for the upcoming presidential election. Question, if they are all American Citizens why are the phone calls made in Spanish? and not English? people who come here legally learn English.
Otherwise, why are they being allowed to come here?

Crap. You are full of shit ------- Instead of wasting your time with all these bull shit --------PROVE IT.

I dont need to prove a damn thing to you. Not everything has an internet link dumb ass. Why don't you try getting out in the world?

Is that mean you are lying? Oh YES YOU DO Bud ------- You are as dishonest like Political Chic.

We can use basic logic based on things we see in the world to come to conclusions. If i'm in a flea market where people are registering to vote and a good majority of the people are speaking Spanish, I can conclude that there are illegals registering to vote. You obviously have never been there before. And before you cry racist which you undoubtedly will, please explain to me why an African can tell the difference between an African American and someone FROM Africa, just by the way they walk. My friend from Kenya does this all the time, and after spending several months there myself I noticed the same thing. It's not racist but its pretty easy to tell the difference between people when you ACTUALLY live in the community. This is a very hard concept for lilly white Liberal Academics to wrap their brain around. AND NO , I'm not going to call my brother and sister a liar when they say they recieved phone calls from a political action movement that were in Spanish. I pretty much have a good idea of what goes on here in California. You obviously don't live here, or if you do its probably Malibu
5.7 million illegal votes nearly ALL for the hateful left after promising a free ride to the world in 2008.
9.8 million illegal voters voted for Hillary in 2016.

I believe these numbers are not only possible, but are more likely than not.

I'm confident that as Democrats lose their grip on power evidence will finally emerge proving this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

For Snowflakes to really believe America wanted a criminal like Hillary as their leader shows how mentally unbalanced they really are.

You, Political Chic, Willow Tree and the rest are very dishonest person------ Relying in this kind of CRAP media proves how ignorant you people are. These are the Trump supporters. I feel sorry for you people. I really am.

Relying in this kind of sources is very shocking and unbelievable to me. Unbelievable.

Let me repeat it again----- In order to commit that kind of election fraud from 3 to 5.7 millions. You need a massive coordination with both Republicans and Democrats by the thousands from the outside and inside the polling stations------- All over the states. Did any one came out claiming such kind of irregularities?? NONE. NOT A SINGLE ONE FROM THE ENTIRE AMERICA------ Except Trump.
Naw, we just shake our heads and regard you as stupid.

You would have to believe that 30%+ of illegal aliens were somehow registered to vote and voted. (Hillary beat trump by 3 million votes and there are only 11 million undocumented aliens).

That's a pretty good trick, given that only 55% of citizens actually voted.

Illegal aliens pretty much do whatever they want in California. If they want to vote here no one is going to stop them. Spend some time in Los Angeles or the Central valley and see how many people dont speak english. and yes if you have lived your whole life here as I have you can pretty much tell that when your standing in a flea market and people are registering to vote, and most of them are speaking in Spanish, not English .... odds are, a good amount of them are illegal.
Dont lie to yourself , there are movements among the illegal hispanic communities here to advance their foothold here. There was a push to sign up as many voters as possible. You really believe the Liberal state of california is going to do anything to slow that down?? hahahahaha My brother who lives in Modesto Ca recieved several phone calls in Spanish before the election, as did my sister and mom.... those were phone calls according to my brother they were intended to organize for the upcoming presidential election. Question, if they are all American Citizens why are the phone calls made in Spanish? and not English? people who come here legally learn English.
Otherwise, why are they being allowed to come here?

Crap. You are full of shit ------- Instead of wasting your time with all these bull shit --------PROVE IT.

I dont need to prove a damn thing to you. Not everything has an internet link dumb ass. Why don't you try getting out in the world?
Of course you don't. You're welcome to b'lieve anything you want.

I know what I see. thats better than an internet link. Do you believe what you see? did the sun come up this mornin
I see the California laws, which states illegals are not allowed to register to vote. I see the process California instituted to follow those laws.

What I don't see is where Californian officials are not following their own laws, systems, and processes and allowing illegals to register to vote.
I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?


I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

Uh-oh, everyone ... stay clear --- she's gonna blow!!


Who are you afraid of informing by answering the simple question....

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
You're a flaming nut, PoliticalNag. :cuckoo:

As you've been informed, I've already answered that question and need not answer it again. Meanwhile, you keep asking ... because ............

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, is a definition of insanity. And as this demonstrates, you are clearly batshit insane...

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?


I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

Who are you afraid of informing by answering the simple question....

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

Let's analyze your palpable fear of answering this simple query:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

1. You claim you're answered it already.....so what's stopping you from repeating your alleged earlier response?

2. Far more likely is that your fear of answering will either

a. identify you as stupid as both of us know you are.


b. you'll have to acknowledge what I have documented, that there are multiple millions of illegal aliens in the country.

3. If the latter, even a small percentage of them, following the dirt-eating snake, Obama's instructions to go out and vote, will prove the premise of this thread:

millions of illegal alien voters, allies of the corrupt Democrat Party, made up the numbers that allowed Crooked Hillary to claim a popular vote victory.

I'm getting so tired of winning!!!!
You call suffering a nervous breakdown on the forum, "winning??"


You left out the obvious actual reason I'm not repeating my answer .... It's waaay more fun watching your mental collapse....

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?


I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

Who are you afraid of informing by answering the simple question....

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?


I'm fine with letting readers decide why you are afraid to answer this question.....'How many illegal aliens are living in this country?'
5.7 million illegal votes nearly ALL for the hateful left after promising a free ride to the world in 2008.
9.8 million illegal voters voted for Hillary in 2016.

I believe these numbers are not only possible, but are more likely than not.

I'm confident that as Democrats lose their grip on power evidence will finally emerge proving this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

For Snowflakes to really believe America wanted a criminal like Hillary as their leader shows how mentally unbalanced they really are.

You, Political Chic, Willow Tree and the rest are very dishonest person------ Relying in this kind of CRAP media proves how ignorant you people are. These are the Trump supporters. I feel sorry for you people. I really am.

Relying in this kind of sources is very shocking and unbelievable to me. Unbelievable.

Let me repeat it again----- In order to commit that kind of election fraud from 3 to 5.7 millions. You need a massive coordination with both Republicans and Democrats by the thousands from the outside and inside the polling stations------- All over the states. Did any one came out claiming such kind of irregularities?? NONE. NOT A SINGLE ONE FROM THE ENTIRE AMERICA------ Except Trump.

Stop whining and answer the question: how many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Illegal aliens pretty much do whatever they want in California. If they want to vote here no one is going to stop them. Spend some time in Los Angeles or the Central valley and see how many people dont speak english. and yes if you have lived your whole life here as I have you can pretty much tell that when your standing in a flea market and people are registering to vote, and most of them are speaking in Spanish, not English .... odds are, a good amount of them are illegal.
Dont lie to yourself , there are movements among the illegal hispanic communities here to advance their foothold here. There was a push to sign up as many voters as possible. You really believe the Liberal state of california is going to do anything to slow that down?? hahahahaha My brother who lives in Modesto Ca recieved several phone calls in Spanish before the election, as did my sister and mom.... those were phone calls according to my brother they were intended to organize for the upcoming presidential election. Question, if they are all American Citizens why are the phone calls made in Spanish? and not English? people who come here legally learn English.
Otherwise, why are they being allowed to come here?

Crap. You are full of shit ------- Instead of wasting your time with all these bull shit --------PROVE IT.

I dont need to prove a damn thing to you. Not everything has an internet link dumb ass. Why don't you try getting out in the world?
Of course you don't. You're welcome to b'lieve anything you want.

I know what I see. thats better than an internet link. Do you believe what you see? did the sun come up this mornin
I see the California laws, which states illegals are not allowed to register to vote. I see the process California instituted to follow those laws.

What I don't see is where Californian officials are not following their own laws, systems, and processes and allowing illegals to register to vote.

And how far will election officials bother to dig when millions of Illegal aliens have fake or stolen SS numbers and have drivers licenses? Illegals living here since the 90's many of whom are now home owners are going to vote for who exactly? The republican party or the democrat party? its pretty much a no-brainer there. They will vote for the party who gives them the most.
REALLY? I MEAN REALLY. For ignorant like you this is a big news dated June 2017.
Look at this link dated Feb. 2017 coming from the same Just Facts.
That said--------- Why wasn't a big news or source of reference that will help Trump bull shit? Did anyone used that as a reference? Did any of these GOPs or Republican senators governors support Trump in this conspiracies? NONE nobody.
Only lunatics relied in these kind of crap. Read your link and my link about Just Facts. Read it ---------- don't just stare at it--------- Did it specify how they conducted their research? Even a lunatics like you can write that kind of crap.

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest? - Just Facts

THEN YOU ADDED--------- government audits that shows large number of non citizens use false IDs and Social Security numbers in order to function in US which could include voting------- YOU are a very dishonest person.

Do I need to post California law again, Brown Shirt?

Are you a registered agent of the Mexican government? Because you are at war against America, you can't deny this fact.
REALLY? I MEAN REALLY. For ignorant like you this is a big news dated June 2017.
Look at this link dated Feb. 2017 coming from the same Just Facts.
That said--------- Why wasn't a big news or source of reference that will help Trump bull shit? Did anyone used that as a reference? Did any of these GOPs or Republican senators governors support Trump in this conspiracies? NONE nobody.
Only lunatics relied in these kind of crap. Read your link and my link about Just Facts. Read it ---------- don't just stare at it--------- Did it specify how they conducted their research? Even a lunatics like you can write that kind of crap.

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest? - Just Facts

THEN YOU ADDED--------- government audits that shows large number of non citizens use false IDs and Social Security numbers in order to function in US which could include voting------- YOU are a very dishonest person.

Do I need to post California law again, Brown Shirt?

Are you a registered agent of the Mexican government? Because you are at war against America, you can't deny this fact.

Yeah, I wanna see you post California law that says illegal aliens can register to vote.......
REALLY? I MEAN REALLY. For ignorant like you this is a big news dated June 2017.
Look at this link dated Feb. 2017 coming from the same Just Facts.
That said--------- Why wasn't a big news or source of reference that will help Trump bull shit? Did anyone used that as a reference? Did any of these GOPs or Republican senators governors support Trump in this conspiracies? NONE nobody.
Only lunatics relied in these kind of crap. Read your link and my link about Just Facts. Read it ---------- don't just stare at it--------- Did it specify how they conducted their research? Even a lunatics like you can write that kind of crap.

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest? - Just Facts

THEN YOU ADDED--------- government audits that shows large number of non citizens use false IDs and Social Security numbers in order to function in US which could include voting------- YOU are a very dishonest person.

Do I need to post California law again, Brown Shirt?

Are you a registered agent of the Mexican government? Because you are at war against America, you can't deny this fact.

Yeah, I wanna see you post California law that says illegal aliens can register to vote.......

So, your benighted view is that multiple millions who broke the law to sneak into the country will be constrained by "California law"?

And, BTW....millions of illegal aliens use the bogus documents that Democrats give them, and follow Obama's instructions......

....and vote.

If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
REALLY? I MEAN REALLY. For ignorant like you this is a big news dated June 2017.
Look at this link dated Feb. 2017 coming from the same Just Facts.
That said--------- Why wasn't a big news or source of reference that will help Trump bull shit? Did anyone used that as a reference? Did any of these GOPs or Republican senators governors support Trump in this conspiracies? NONE nobody.
Only lunatics relied in these kind of crap. Read your link and my link about Just Facts. Read it ---------- don't just stare at it--------- Did it specify how they conducted their research? Even a lunatics like you can write that kind of crap.

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest? - Just Facts

THEN YOU ADDED--------- government audits that shows large number of non citizens use false IDs and Social Security numbers in order to function in US which could include voting------- YOU are a very dishonest person.

Do I need to post California law again, Brown Shirt?

Are you a registered agent of the Mexican government? Because you are at war against America, you can't deny this fact.

Yeah, I wanna see you post California law that says illegal aliens can register to vote.......

So, your benighted view is that multiple millions who broke the law to sneak into the country will be constrained by "California law"?

And, BTW....millions of illegal aliens use the bogus documents that Democrats give them, and follow Obama's instructions......

....and vote.

If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You're not sounding any more lucid than you were yesterday when you suffered your nervous breakdown. Check with the attending physician at your asylum to see if they can up you meds.

First of all, your beef was they were being registered to vote by getting a driver's legally at a DMV. Are you abandoning that nonsense since you've been bitch-slapped silly with the law; in favor of illegals acquiring "bogus documents" which you contend, without proof mind you, to register to vote?

Walk us through your hallucination, why don't you.... an illegal alien purchases a packet of "bogus documents." They provide their bogus social security number to the Secretary of State while registering to vote.... walk us through how that bogus social security number gets passed the safety checks in place to allow said illegal alien to register.....
REALLY? I MEAN REALLY. For ignorant like you this is a big news dated June 2017.
Look at this link dated Feb. 2017 coming from the same Just Facts.
That said--------- Why wasn't a big news or source of reference that will help Trump bull shit? Did anyone used that as a reference? Did any of these GOPs or Republican senators governors support Trump in this conspiracies? NONE nobody.
Only lunatics relied in these kind of crap. Read your link and my link about Just Facts. Read it ---------- don't just stare at it--------- Did it specify how they conducted their research? Even a lunatics like you can write that kind of crap.

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest? - Just Facts

THEN YOU ADDED--------- government audits that shows large number of non citizens use false IDs and Social Security numbers in order to function in US which could include voting------- YOU are a very dishonest person.

Do I need to post California law again, Brown Shirt?

Are you a registered agent of the Mexican government? Because you are at war against America, you can't deny this fact.

Yeah, I wanna see you post California law that says illegal aliens can register to vote.......

So, your benighted view is that multiple millions who broke the law to sneak into the country will be constrained by "California law"?

And, BTW....millions of illegal aliens use the bogus documents that Democrats give them, and follow Obama's instructions......

....and vote.

If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You're not sounding any more lucid than you were yesterday when you suffered your nervous breakdown. Check with the attending physician at your asylum to see if they can up you meds.

First of all, your beef was they were being registered to vote by getting a driver's legally at a DMV. Are you abandoning that nonsense since you've been bitch-slapped silly with the law; in favor of illegals acquiring "bogus documents" which you contend, without proof mind you, to register to vote?

Walk us through your hallucination, why don't you.... an illegal alien purchases a packet of "bogus documents." They provide their bogus social security number to the Secretary of State while registering to vote.... walk us through how that bogus social security number gets passed the safety checks in place to allow said illegal alien to register.....

How many illegal aliens live in the United States?
REALLY? I MEAN REALLY. For ignorant like you this is a big news dated June 2017.
Look at this link dated Feb. 2017 coming from the same Just Facts.
That said--------- Why wasn't a big news or source of reference that will help Trump bull shit? Did anyone used that as a reference? Did any of these GOPs or Republican senators governors support Trump in this conspiracies? NONE nobody.
Only lunatics relied in these kind of crap. Read your link and my link about Just Facts. Read it ---------- don't just stare at it--------- Did it specify how they conducted their research? Even a lunatics like you can write that kind of crap.

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest? - Just Facts

THEN YOU ADDED--------- government audits that shows large number of non citizens use false IDs and Social Security numbers in order to function in US which could include voting------- YOU are a very dishonest person.

Do I need to post California law again, Brown Shirt?

Are you a registered agent of the Mexican government? Because you are at war against America, you can't deny this fact.

Yeah, I wanna see you post California law that says illegal aliens can register to vote.......

So, your benighted view is that multiple millions who broke the law to sneak into the country will be constrained by "California law"?

And, BTW....millions of illegal aliens use the bogus documents that Democrats give them, and follow Obama's instructions......

....and vote.

If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You're not sounding any more lucid than you were yesterday when you suffered your nervous breakdown. Check with the attending physician at your asylum to see if they can up you meds.

First of all, your beef was they were being registered to vote by getting a driver's legally at a DMV. Are you abandoning that nonsense since you've been bitch-slapped silly with the law; in favor of illegals acquiring "bogus documents" which you contend, without proof mind you, to register to vote?

Walk us through your hallucination, why don't you.... an illegal alien purchases a packet of "bogus documents." They provide their bogus social security number to the Secretary of State while registering to vote.... walk us through how that bogus social security number gets passed the safety checks in place to allow said illegal alien to register.....

How many illegal aliens live in the United States?
Aww, it appears your mental breakdown persists. How unfortunate. Not only can you not answer my question, you're still incapable of comprehending I already answered yours.

Did you check with your attending physician, as I suggested?
Do I need to post California law again, Brown Shirt?

Are you a registered agent of the Mexican government? Because you are at war against America, you can't deny this fact.

Yeah, I wanna see you post California law that says illegal aliens can register to vote.......

So, your benighted view is that multiple millions who broke the law to sneak into the country will be constrained by "California law"?

And, BTW....millions of illegal aliens use the bogus documents that Democrats give them, and follow Obama's instructions......

....and vote.

If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You're not sounding any more lucid than you were yesterday when you suffered your nervous breakdown. Check with the attending physician at your asylum to see if they can up you meds.

First of all, your beef was they were being registered to vote by getting a driver's legally at a DMV. Are you abandoning that nonsense since you've been bitch-slapped silly with the law; in favor of illegals acquiring "bogus documents" which you contend, without proof mind you, to register to vote?

Walk us through your hallucination, why don't you.... an illegal alien purchases a packet of "bogus documents." They provide their bogus social security number to the Secretary of State while registering to vote.... walk us through how that bogus social security number gets passed the safety checks in place to allow said illegal alien to register.....

How many illegal aliens live in the United States?
Aww, it appears your mental breakdown persists. How unfortunate. Not only can you not answer my question, you're still incapable of comprehending I already answered yours.

Did you check with your attending physician, as I suggested?

Soooo.....what's the reason you're so afraid to say how many illegal aliens are living in the USofA???

Yeah, I wanna see you post California law that says illegal aliens can register to vote.......

So, your benighted view is that multiple millions who broke the law to sneak into the country will be constrained by "California law"?

And, BTW....millions of illegal aliens use the bogus documents that Democrats give them, and follow Obama's instructions......

....and vote.

If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You're not sounding any more lucid than you were yesterday when you suffered your nervous breakdown. Check with the attending physician at your asylum to see if they can up you meds.

First of all, your beef was they were being registered to vote by getting a driver's legally at a DMV. Are you abandoning that nonsense since you've been bitch-slapped silly with the law; in favor of illegals acquiring "bogus documents" which you contend, without proof mind you, to register to vote?

Walk us through your hallucination, why don't you.... an illegal alien purchases a packet of "bogus documents." They provide their bogus social security number to the Secretary of State while registering to vote.... walk us through how that bogus social security number gets passed the safety checks in place to allow said illegal alien to register.....

How many illegal aliens live in the United States?
Aww, it appears your mental breakdown persists. How unfortunate. Not only can you not answer my question, you're still incapable of comprehending I already answered yours.

Did you check with your attending physician, as I suggested?

Soooo.....what's the reason you're so afraid to say how many illegal aliens are living in the USofA???
How cam I be afraid of answering a question I've already answered, nag?

Common sense evades you.
So, your benighted view is that multiple millions who broke the law to sneak into the country will be constrained by "California law"?

And, BTW....millions of illegal aliens use the bogus documents that Democrats give them, and follow Obama's instructions......

....and vote.

If lying were an opera, you'd be Pavarotti
You're not sounding any more lucid than you were yesterday when you suffered your nervous breakdown. Check with the attending physician at your asylum to see if they can up you meds.

First of all, your beef was they were being registered to vote by getting a driver's legally at a DMV. Are you abandoning that nonsense since you've been bitch-slapped silly with the law; in favor of illegals acquiring "bogus documents" which you contend, without proof mind you, to register to vote?

Walk us through your hallucination, why don't you.... an illegal alien purchases a packet of "bogus documents." They provide their bogus social security number to the Secretary of State while registering to vote.... walk us through how that bogus social security number gets passed the safety checks in place to allow said illegal alien to register.....

How many illegal aliens live in the United States?
Aww, it appears your mental breakdown persists. How unfortunate. Not only can you not answer my question, you're still incapable of comprehending I already answered yours.

Did you check with your attending physician, as I suggested?

Soooo.....what's the reason you're so afraid to say how many illegal aliens are living in the USofA???
How cam I be afraid of answering a question I've already answered, nag?

Common sense evades you.

Well....then....what is the answer?
"Leftist Uncle Jim Bob believes gender is fluid, all white people want to own slaves, and identifies as a unicorn. Liberals take him seriously (see FAIRNESS? Transgender Track Star Steals Two State Championships from ACTUAL Girls… and RACIST? Idiot Mark Ruffalo Threatens MSNBC to Stop Hiring ‘White Conservatives…’). Trump believes he lost the popular vote because of fence-scaling hombres. Liberals laughed and called him a racist.

But slow down, a recent study shows illegals may be voting by the millions. Meaning the popular vote might have been affected after all.

At the suggestion of illegal voting, liberals yelled “Kookery!” from the tops of burning cars.

We know illegal aliens do illegal alien things, like breaking the law. But the sheer numbers in this study demonstrate how illegal hombres can possibly swing a presidential election. In a country they shouldn’t be living in. That’s not racist, that’s concern for America as a whole. Who leads the country should only be determined by who lives in the country legally. How is this hard?"
WAS TRUMP RIGHT? New Study Shows Millions of Illegals Voted in Presidential Election...
You're not sounding any more lucid than you were yesterday when you suffered your nervous breakdown. Check with the attending physician at your asylum to see if they can up you meds.

First of all, your beef was they were being registered to vote by getting a driver's legally at a DMV. Are you abandoning that nonsense since you've been bitch-slapped silly with the law; in favor of illegals acquiring "bogus documents" which you contend, without proof mind you, to register to vote?

Walk us through your hallucination, why don't you.... an illegal alien purchases a packet of "bogus documents." They provide their bogus social security number to the Secretary of State while registering to vote.... walk us through how that bogus social security number gets passed the safety checks in place to allow said illegal alien to register.....

How many illegal aliens live in the United States?
Aww, it appears your mental breakdown persists. How unfortunate. Not only can you not answer my question, you're still incapable of comprehending I already answered yours.

Did you check with your attending physician, as I suggested?

Soooo.....what's the reason you're so afraid to say how many illegal aliens are living in the USofA???
How cam I be afraid of answering a question I've already answered, nag?

Common sense evades you.

Well....then....what is the answer?
The answer is unchanged from the last time I answered. Unlike you, I don't keep changing that number.

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