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Updating the U.S. Constitution to more appropriately address modern times

The second and third amendments should be dropped they are no longer relevant

Since we don't have militias anymore, there is no need for a second amendment. Leave gun laws to the states

Nobody has housed military in private homes in 200 years

Both are obsolete and archaic
IOW, the OP is another one of your sock accounts.

Show me your neighborhood well regulated militia and you can keep your second amendment

Otherwise....let states regulate guns
They do it now
Every State's National Guard is a regulated Militia and as always ignorant people ignore the last and most important part of the 2nd Amendment, The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The intent is clear.
Good for you

Join the guard and become a well regulated militia

If that was the intent.....that statement would have stood on its own

It had to be qualified
Did my time in the regular Army. Punctually speaking a comma means a pause or its used to separate items in a list. Either you choose to ignore the pause/comma in the 2nd Amendment or you failed English in school. If the latter is the case it may not be all your fault, the education system in this country sucks.
They put well organized militia so you could ignore it?
The American people elected President Trump for one very important reason - his clear intent to see that the constitution is upheld as the primary law of this land. He is showing that in his selection of judicial candidates for the federal bench - being fought tooth and nail by the DemocRATs.
IOW, the OP is another one of your sock accounts.

Show me your neighborhood well regulated militia and you can keep your second amendment

Otherwise....let states regulate guns
They do it now
Every State's National Guard is a regulated Militia and as always ignorant people ignore the last and most important part of the 2nd Amendment, The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The intent is clear.
Good for you

Join the guard and become a well regulated militia

If that was the intent.....that statement would have stood on its own

It had to be qualified
Did my time in the regular Army. Punctually speaking a comma means a pause or its used to separate items in a list. Either you choose to ignore the pause/comma in the 2nd Amendment or you failed English in school. If the latter is the case it may not be all your fault, the education system in this country sucks.
They put well organized militia so you could ignore it?

They didn't limit the right to the militia, did they?
Show me your neighborhood well regulated militia and you can keep your second amendment

Otherwise....let states regulate guns
They do it now
Every State's National Guard is a regulated Militia and as always ignorant people ignore the last and most important part of the 2nd Amendment, The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The intent is clear.
Good for you

Join the guard and become a well regulated militia

If that was the intent.....that statement would have stood on its own

It had to be qualified
Did my time in the regular Army. Punctually speaking a comma means a pause or its used to separate items in a list. Either you choose to ignore the pause/comma in the 2nd Amendment or you failed English in school. If the latter is the case it may not be all your fault, the education system in this country sucks.
They put well organized militia so you could ignore it?

They didn't limit the right to the militia, did they?
They justified why guns were needed at a federal level
The nations defense through militias

We no longer need militias

Put gun laws at the state level where they belong
We need to bring the United States Constitution up to date to make it more relevant to the modern world.

In particular, the Bill of Rights, especially the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments need to be made more compatible with the modern world.

Here is how I would word them:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of the press. The right of the people peaceably to assemble and disseminate speech that is not hateful or threatening shall not be infringed. The right of oppressed peoples to petition the Government for a redress of grievances shall not be infringed.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the military and law enforcement to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The right of private citizens to own firearms designated by the government to be appropriate for antique and/or sporting purposes only shall not be infringed.

The right of the people who have not been proven to belong to a hateful, discriminatory group or a group that is in ideological opposition to the government to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Nope. The left deems all speech that doesn't agree with them as hate speech. Leave the constitution as it is. It was intended to prevent the very thing you suggest, which is government dictating what we can and can't do. Liberty means not being oppressed by the personal whims of those in charge.

Every State's National Guard is a regulated Militia and as always ignorant people ignore the last and most important part of the 2nd Amendment, The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The intent is clear.
Good for you

Join the guard and become a well regulated militia

If that was the intent.....that statement would have stood on its own

It had to be qualified
Did my time in the regular Army. Punctually speaking a comma means a pause or its used to separate items in a list. Either you choose to ignore the pause/comma in the 2nd Amendment or you failed English in school. If the latter is the case it may not be all your fault, the education system in this country sucks.
They put well organized militia so you could ignore it?

They didn't limit the right to the militia, did they?
They justified why guns were needed at a federal level
The nations defense through militias

We no longer need militias

Put gun laws at the state level where they belong

They justified why guns were needed at a federal level

While in no way limiting the right to militias.
As far as justification, my rights don't require a justification.
The Southern Poverty Law Center identified 334 militia groups at their peak in 2011. It identified 276 in 2015, up from 202 in 2014

so much for that....

Citing the extreme left wrong-wing hate group, the SPLC, destroys any credibility which you might otherwise have had.
so why dont you prove that milita groups dont exist, lets see who has credibility here....

At this point, I don't have to. You cited the SPLC, treating them as if they had any credibility. By doing so, you completely forfeited any credibility that you might otherwise have had. I don't have to do anything to defeat you; you already defeated yourself.
We need to bring the United States Constitution up to date to make it more relevant to the modern world.

In particular, the Bill of Rights, especially the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments need to be made more compatible with the modern world.

Here is how I would word them:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of the press. The right of the people peaceably to assemble and disseminate speech that is not hateful or threatening shall not be infringed. The right of oppressed peoples to petition the Government for a redress of grievances shall not be infringed.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the military and law enforcement to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The right of private citizens to own firearms designated by the government to be appropriate for antique and/or sporting purposes only shall not be infringed.

The right of the people who have not been proven to belong to a hateful, discriminatory group or a group that is in ideological opposition to the government to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Right or wrong the Founders authorized the Supreme Court to interpret and update if you will the greatest document ever created, the U.S. Constitution. So far in the mid 20th century to modern times the left has done pretty well by the Supremes. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the Court and Justice Black rewarded the president by writing the majority opinion authorizing the incarceration of (Japanese) American citizens without due process. Later Justice Black rewrote the 1st Amendment by creating the modern version of "separation of church and state" which had no basis in Constitutional law. Still later the liberal Court found a concept of "privacy" that had no basis in Constitutional law to authorize the murder of the unborn.
All American Success Has Been Acheived in Spite of COTUS, Not Because of It

Constitionalists treat this license to block the will of the majority like jihadis treat the Koran. Your arrogant document declares itself the supreme law of the land; we don't have to bow down with our cannon-fodder bodies to the New Mecca, Philadelphia's Constitution Hall.

There's no need for Amendments to a political manifesto that authorizes private-sector tyranny. For national self-determination, all that was needed was a temporary start-up document, to be superseded by all subsequent legislation and national referendums, both by a simple majority. Constitutionalists are bossy elitist scum and should be treated like traitors.
IOW, the OP is another one of your sock accounts.

Show me your neighborhood well regulated militia and you can keep your second amendment

Otherwise....let states regulate guns
They do it now
Every State's National Guard is a regulated Militia and as always ignorant people ignore the last and most important part of the 2nd Amendment, The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The intent is clear.
Good for you

Join the guard and become a well regulated militia

If that was the intent.....that statement would have stood on its own

It had to be qualified
Did my time in the regular Army. Punctually speaking a comma means a pause or its used to separate items in a list. Either you choose to ignore the pause/comma in the 2nd Amendment or you failed English in school. If the latter is the case it may not be all your fault, the education system in this country sucks.
They put well organized militia so you could ignore it?
The phrase is explanatory, not prescriptive. It mandates nothing.
The second and third amendments should be dropped they are no longer relevant

Since we don't have militias anymore, there is no need for a second amendment. Leave gun laws to the states

Nobody has housed military in private homes in 200 years

Both are obsolete and archaic

It amazes me how few people there are who get the point of the Third Amendment.

When the Bill of Rights was written, electronics had not yet been invented. No microphones, no telephones to tap, no hidden cameras or other technological means to spy or eavesdrop. If a government wanted to spy on an individual, there was only one way to do it, and that was to put a live human being in a position to see and hear what the subject of this spying was up to. The Third Amendment was never about providing housing for soldiers; it's about allowing government to put agents in people's homes, to spy on them. I say that it is fully applicable to modern technological means of spying on the people.

Damn the Third Ammendment!

Any loyal American should be willing to house our brave soldiers
I house brave soldiers every day.

I don't see a problem.
The Southern Poverty Law Center identified 334 militia groups at their peak in 2011. It identified 276 in 2015, up from 202 in 2014

so much for that....

Citing the extreme left wrong-wing hate group, the SPLC, destroys any credibility which you might otherwise have had.
so why dont you prove that milita groups dont exist, lets see who has credibility here....

At this point, I don't have to. You cited the SPLC, treating them as if they had any credibility. By doing so, you completely forfeited any credibility that you might otherwise have had. I don't have to do anything to defeat you; you already defeated yourself.
in other words even though you say they have no credibility you cant prove them wrong....so i guess you just defeated yourself.....see how easy it is to play that game?.....
True Democracy HAS NEVER WORKED. On the other hand, our representational republic is the longest lasting form of government in the last thousand years.

Why the hell should we change it?

As stated it is growing increasingly dysfunctional mainly due to cultural, religious, racial and political differences....differences so great they cannot be bridged.

The central focus of our battle will be based on the historical fact that this nation was settled, organized and built for whites by whites who have been the ones who in overwhelming numbers have fought, bled and died for it.
America built a large and vibrant (mostly white) middle class that fueled the greatest economic boom in history and made a reality of the American dream.

Our middle class, which so recently flourished, but now it has been injured and diminished almost beyond repair by greed and political correctness, multi-culturalism etc. The betrayal of the white working class, and it's abandonment by Democratic party is the greatest political tragedy in our history.

The size and stability of the American middle class were once the envy of the world. But changes unleashed in the 1960s pitted Americans against one another politically in new and destructive ways. These battles continued to rage from that day to now, while everyone has fallen behind economically except the wealthy. The decline of the white working class came about as a result of the empowerment of the minorities, feminists, gays, and illegal immigrants as well as the adoption of the1965 radical immigration bill inaugurated by LBJ and his running dogs.

The America that has spent the last forty years bankrupting the country providing benefits and advantages to the underachieving, the immoral, and the undeserving, no matter the cost to Middle America aka the White Working Class. Also not even to mention the providing of benefits and advantages to the very rich and parasitic class built on the backs of the white working class.
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We need to bring the United States Constitution up to date to make it more relevant to the modern world.

In particular, the Bill of Rights, especially the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments need to be made more compatible with the modern world.

Here is how I would word them:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of the press. The right of the people peaceably to assemble and disseminate speech that is not hateful or threatening shall not be infringed. The right of oppressed peoples to petition the Government for a redress of grievances shall not be infringed.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the military and law enforcement to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The right of private citizens to own firearms designated by the government to be appropriate for antique and/or sporting purposes only shall not be infringed.

The right of the people who have not been proven to belong to a hateful, discriminatory group or a group that is in ideological opposition to the government to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
ya left out "a free press so designated by the government".....dude, that second amendment thing there may have been written by Idi Amin or Pol Pot for their countries...geez
IOW, the OP is another one of your sock accounts.

Show me your neighborhood well regulated militia and you can keep your second amendment

Otherwise....let states regulate guns
They do it now
I am the neighborhood. And the milita. Now what are you going to do?

Yes....Redneck militia

You are not "Well Regulated"
According to who? The likes of you? LMAO!
Explain how you are well regulated

I will listen

Punctuation is unknown to you is it not?

Good grief! Did no one here take English in high school? Did you get as far as high school?

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The Gapping Comma
The gapping comma is very easy. We use a gapping comma to show that one or more words have been left out when the missing words would simply repeat the words already used earlier in the same sentence. Here is an example:

Some Norwegians wanted to base their national language on the speech of the capital city; others, on the speech of the rural countryside.
The gapping comma here shows that the words wanted to base their national language, which might have been repeated, have instead been omitted. This sentence is equivalent to a longer sentence like this:

Some Norwegians wanted to base their national language on the speech of the capital city; others wanted to base it on the speech of the rural countryside.
Here is another example, which contains both listing commas and gapping commas:
Italy is famous for her composers and musicians, France, for her chefs and philosophers, and Poland, for her mathematicians and logicians.
(Here I have inserted a listing comma before and for the sake of clarity.)

Gapping commas are not always strictly necessary: you can leave them out if the sentence is perfectly clear without them:
Italy is famous for her composers and musicians, France for her chefs and philosophers, and Poland for her mathematicians and logicians.
The Gapping Comma : The Comma

In the case of our Constitution, the commas are essential in making the Amendment perfectly clear as it loses meaning without their use.
We need to bring the United States Constitution up to date to make it more relevant to the modern world.

In particular, the Bill of Rights, especially the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments need to be made more compatible with the modern world.

Here is how I would word them:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of the press. The right of the people peaceably to assemble and disseminate speech that is not hateful or threatening shall not be infringed. The right of oppressed peoples to petition the Government for a redress of grievances shall not be infringed.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the military and law enforcement to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The right of private citizens to own firearms designated by the government to be appropriate for antique and/or sporting purposes only shall not be infringed.

The right of the people who have not been proven to belong to a hateful, discriminatory group or a group that is in ideological opposition to the government to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Um, no we don't


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