US and South Korea give Kim a big concession

You mad bro? Just leave the big decisions to president Trump and don't worry yourself.

It's like a high stakes poker match, and Trump just folded with an Ace high flush.

Kim had a pair of deuces.
In poker terms Trump raised and called. poker terms trump fell for his, when he wants something else....he knows trump will roll his fat ass over and give it to him.
Poor progressive un-Americans..... can’t accept the fact that more progress has been made in the last year under President Trump than decades of Dem and GOP boobs.

Good point. North Korea went from short range missiles to ICBM's and from atomic bombs to thermonuclear bombs while Trump was in office.

Nice try asshole. All of their nuclear testing was done under the Hussein administration.

And now it is finished so they will sucker Trump into a peace deal that allows them to keep their nukes.

Win/Win for NK

He may even give them Japan!
You are surely correct. We have every reason to give Un concessions. He’s Ann honorable guy and our leader is a seasoned negotiator. Absolutely.
KJU is giving concessions. Allowing our partner So. Korea to bow out of having the B-52 exercise in their country, which is a clear provocation to KJU, is not at all unreasonable or in any way skin off our nose. The Pentagon said it was cool. So what is your objection? Is it just to criticize Trump?

My objection is that it is a concession. No concessions ought to be given to Un before the fucking talks are held. Why give him anything just to ensure that the talks THAT HAVE ALREAY BEEN SCHEDULED actually take place?

Trump is a self serving moron. He deserves all criticism he gets.

Again, I find you to be dull. It’s becoming quite common.
LL, there's no need for personal insults. I asked a question and you answered it. Why does it need to go beyond that?

I’ll tell you why, since you want to know.

You are not a raging nutbag. You have a brain in your head. You don’t hate people of color or gay people or Muslims. You believe in science. You know that man is responsible for climate change. You know that immigrants drive our economy. Etc. etc.

I expect that you won’t be fooled by BS and you have repeatedly proved me wrong. So, I decided to express that fact to you.

That’s why.
My brain says that KJU has already given "concessions" by beginning to dismantle his nuclear facility, by engaging in peace talks with South Korea, and by sending home three of our hostages. All we have done is skip a B-52 exercise in South Korea, at South Korea's request.

Why, if North Korea is willing to make good faith moves toward negotiation, aren't we? If we were agreeing to give the dude money or to lift sanctions, that would be enormously stupid, given North Korea's track record. However, this minor adjustment in our military exercises isn't hurting anything.
I understand what you're saying about "giving an inch" with NoKo. I just see negotiations differently. We have to be able to do that. We're giving them a meaningless gesture. If it makes them happy, all the better for us.

Granting Un a MEETING WITH THE PRESIDENT is our biggest concession. That should happen only AFTER the nuts and bolts of a solid deal have been worked out. It LEGITIMIZES him and gives him full diplomatic status for NOTHING.

Giving anything more than that just to assure the meeting is essentially groveling.
North Korea is already getting concessions ahead of Trump-Kim talks

Yup....trump is desperate to meet with Kim....even though Kim has stated he will never give up nukes.

What else will trump do to pacify Kim?
The man is already dismantling a nuclear facility. So not sending the B-52's to So. Korea is out of line? I don't think so at all.

It is a concession.
We can afford it. It's no skin off our nose.

You are surely correct. We have every reason to give Un concessions. He’s Ann honorable guy and our leader is a seasoned negotiator. Absolutely.
KJU is giving concessions. Allowing our partner So. Korea to bow out of having the B-52 exercise in their country, which is a clear provocation to KJU, is not at all unreasonable or in any way skin off our nose. The Pentagon said it was cool. So what is your objection? Is it just to criticize Trump?

Kim will push the envelope now to see what else he can squeeze out of the Pumpkin.
This is what is driving trump right now.

His poll numbers went up a bit and he feels it was from the NK news. So he is determined to give Kim whatever he wants to keep the meeting in June going. Next Kim will ask for Japan to use as target practice....and the Pumpkin will give it to him!
The info is out there.
Sweet. Got a link to it?

Seems like the US is the only thing standing in the way of a lasting peace over there. Both North & South should politely ask the US to exit the talks. South Korea needs to regain its sovereignty and stop being a US Puppet. It's only been used as pawn all these years.
The info is out there.
Sweet. Got a link to it?

Seems like the US is the only thing standing in the way of a lasting peace over there. Both North & South should politely ask the US to exit the talks. South Korea needs to regain its sovereignty and stop being a US Puppet. It's only been used as pawn all these years.

The only reason the south isn't occupied by NK is because of the United States.

But you're right. What we should do is withdraw completely, let NK take over SK, then bomb the entire peninsula into oblivion. That would be sick.
You mad bro? Just leave the big decisions to president Trump and don't worry yourself.
Your blind cult worship of Trump doesn’t change the fact that he is a failure at foreign relations. Get used to it. We have a man child as president.

Calm yourself libfail you have no evidence to back up your stupid claims.
You secretly just know you can’t defend him on this issue.


LOL you are beneath me leftist, on your knees.
We'll see what happens....

It seems to me that the exercises are not necessary and cancelling them means little.

It also seems that the moment the summit was mentioned, they should have been cancelled as to not exacerbate the situation.
North Korea is already getting concessions ahead of Trump-Kim talks

Yup....trump is desperate to meet with Kim....even though Kim has stated he will never give up nukes.

What else will trump do to pacify Kim?
Kim Jong Un is gonna walk all over 'lil Donny.

I'm pretty sure you thought the other GOP candidates were going to do that before Trump won the nomination and that Hillary was going to do that before she got crushed in the election. "lil Donny"? Hate to break this to you, Crep...but "lil Donny" is doing just fine...
I will admit I severely underestimated the stupidity of the average republican but tRump's low brow bullying style and general lack of competence pretty much handicap him in any sort of negotiation where he can't just outspend the other side.

And yet he keeps getting better deals? So tell me who's more adroit at the art of the deal...someone who's spent a lifetime negotiating deals like Trump...or someone like Obama who had zero experience at negotiating deals? What you call Trump's "bullying style" is what people in business call playing hardball. Spending has nothing to do with it...if it did then Barry would have excelled at it!
North Korea uses it's nukes as a bargaining chip...threatening to use them unless other nations support it's failing economy.
No, they threaten to use them in retaliation.

Retaliation? For what? Oh...let me think North Korea needs to fear an unprovoked invasion from the West? The communist leaders of North Korea have told the citizens of that country they need to fear imminent attack but the reality of that is it's simply a diversion to keep them from examining why their lot is so awful under communist rule!
North Korea is already getting concessions ahead of Trump-Kim talks

Yup....trump is desperate to meet with Kim....even though Kim has stated he will never give up nukes.

What else will trump do to pacify Kim?

You really are a sick little man. ANY President has to "negotiate". You do understand that, right? One thing I know you don't understand is the Asian Culture, it involves "saving face" and you will get nowhere with them if you do not understand that.

You are 100% correct on JimH. He's just a butt-hurt ass hole.
The President negotiated exactly like we wanted him to.

He gave up nothing of value. Nothing. Cancelling practice bombing
missions with B-52's doesn't hurt us or put us in a bad position. After
70 years of a cold war with Russia, I imagine our B-52 pilots can fly
missions in their sleep.

We don't need to coordinate an air strike with the ROK's. We're quite
capable of doing that ourselves.

Kim now has something that he can save face with to his Generals
and people (whatever his people know).

The move is text book negotiating. Give up nothing of value.
North Korea is already getting concessions ahead of Trump-Kim talks

Yup....trump is desperate to meet with Kim....even though Kim has stated he will never give up nukes.

What else will trump do to pacify Kim?
Kim Jong Un is gonna walk all over 'lil Donny.

I'm pretty sure you thought the other GOP candidates were going to do that before Trump won the nomination and that Hillary was going to do that before she got crushed in the election. "lil Donny"? Hate to break this to you, Crep...but "lil Donny" is doing just fine...
I will admit I severely underestimated the stupidity of the average republican but tRump's low brow bullying style and general lack of competence pretty much handicap him in any sort of negotiation where he can't just outspend the other side.

And yet he keeps getting better deals? So tell me who's more adroit at the art of the deal...someone who's spent a lifetime negotiating deals like Trump...or someone like Obama who had zero experience at negotiating deals? What you call Trump's "bullying style" is what people in business call playing hardball. Spending has nothing to do with it...if it did then Barry would have excelled at it!
Umm... Better deals? Name one.
North Korea is already getting concessions ahead of Trump-Kim talks

Yup....trump is desperate to meet with Kim....even though Kim has stated he will never give up nukes.

What else will trump do to pacify Kim?

You really are a sick little man. ANY President has to "negotiate". You do understand that, right? One thing I know you don't understand is the Asian Culture, it involves "saving face" and you will get nowhere with them if you do not understand that.

You are 100% correct on JimH. He's just a butt-hurt ass hole.
The President negotiated exactly like we wanted him to.

He gave up nothing of value. Nothing. Cancelling practice bombing
missions with B-52's doesn't hurt us or put us in a bad position. After
70 years of a cold war with Russia, I imagine our B-52 pilots can fly
missions in their sleep.

We don't need to coordinate an air strike with the ROK's. We're quite
capable of doing that ourselves.

Kim now has something that he can save face with to his Generals
and people (whatever his people know).

The move is text book negotiating. Give up nothing of value.

Kim now knows he is dealing with a easy mark. He will push the envelope...and the pumpkin will roll over for him.
North Korea is already getting concessions ahead of Trump-Kim talks

Yup....trump is desperate to meet with Kim....even though Kim has stated he will never give up nukes.

What else will trump do to pacify Kim?

You really are a sick little man. ANY President has to "negotiate". You do understand that, right? One thing I know you don't understand is the Asian Culture, it involves "saving face" and you will get nowhere with them if you do not understand that.

You are 100% correct on JimH. He's just a butt-hurt ass hole.
The President negotiated exactly like we wanted him to.

He gave up nothing of value. Nothing. Cancelling practice bombing
missions with B-52's doesn't hurt us or put us in a bad position. After
70 years of a cold war with Russia, I imagine our B-52 pilots can fly
missions in their sleep.

We don't need to coordinate an air strike with the ROK's. We're quite
capable of doing that ourselves.

Kim now has something that he can save face with to his Generals
and people (whatever his people know).

The move is text book negotiating. Give up nothing of value.

Kim now knows he is dealing with a easy mark. He will push the envelope...and the pumpkin will roll over for him.

Oh for god's sake! Obama was the "easy mark"...he didn't make a single deal in his entire time in office that wasn't great for the other guys and lousy for us! It's what happens when you enter into negotiations with the mind set that you're the "bad guys" and the other guys aren't!

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