US caught planning terror attacks in Ukraine

Voting fraud secured pro-Russian majority in Crimean parliament - Aftenposten

Member of the Crimean parliament Nicolay Sumulidi voted for the proposal to hold a referendum on joining Russia. At least this is what the official voting records say. The problem is, however, that he was never present.

It was 04:30 in the morning on Thursday last week that several dozens of masked soldiers, armed with Kalashnikov-rifles, stormed into the regional assembly in Simferopol. At dawn, the Russian tricolor was flying over the parliament building.

Crimean MP Nicolay Sumulidi is registered with a pro-Russian vote in the records. But he was not present. Russia’s president Vladimir Putin says he has no plans to annex the Crimea, but maintains that the citizens must be allowed to decide for themselves. Aftenposten’s correspondent interviewed a dozen members of the regional assembly, and talked to a number of central players and eyewitnesses. The conclusion is that the people’s will is far from deciding events in the Crimea.

It was just after 9 in the morning when Sumulidi received a telephone call. He was told to come to the parliament as soon as possible. If he didn’t, it would have bad consequences for himself and his family. Sumulidi put the receiver down.

- I had no intention to go. During the last months we have seen more and more clearly what direction events are taking, he said

Who is Jason Gresh? No one that I can find, even with my many tentacles. Turnerradionetwork is a blog. While I expect something like this from the evil United States regime there isn't any worthwhile proof that it has. It's not even something Russia is saying. Probably because they know there is no Jason Gresh in the Ukraine.

This looks like something that should be true, we expect it to be true, even if there's no way to prove it's true.

Who is Jason Gresh? No one that I can find, even with my many tentacles. Turnerradionetwork is a blog. While I expect something like this from the evil United States regime there isn't any worthwhile proof that it has. It's not even something Russia is saying. Probably because they know there is no Jason Gresh in the Ukraine.

This looks like something that should be true, we expect it to be true, even if there's no way to prove it's true.

see what happens when you build your opinions on fucking lies
Press TV

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Shall I use jewish owned networks like Fox or CNN or MSNBC? How about RT a Pro Russian News network? What would you like? You want propaganda from Fox/CNN/MSNBC or actual news from foreign sources?

Murdoch and the Oil Sheik are Jews?
I better tell my daughter!
Press TV

About PressTV

Press TV takes revolutionary steps as the first Iranian international news network, broadcasting in English on a round-the-clock basis.

Our global Tehran-based headquarters is staffed with outstanding Iranian and foreign media professionals.

Press TV is extensively networked with bureaus located in the world's most strategic

Shall I use jewish owned networks like Fox or CNN or MSNBC? How about RT a Pro Russian News network? What would you like? You want propaganda from Fox/CNN/MSNBC or actual news from foreign sources?

Murdoch and the Oil Sheik are Jews?
I better tell my daughter!
Rupert Murdoch's Jewish Ancestors
Murdoch?s Deeply Hidden Jewish Roots ? A Biography | Veterans Today
I am a psychic! I knew before even clicking on this the troll had something with nazi in it yet STILL can't show me WHY I am a "nazi...getting real close to putting you on ignore son if you can't seriously give some real responses.

Don't let a few dingbats on a political forum get you down my friend - I go through the same thing:

[ame=]Liberating humanity Part 1 - We, the 1% will win - YouTube[/ame]

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