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US Debt Is Now $23 Trillion And Climbing

Congratulations, you just conflated deficit with debt. I can't debate someone who does not know the difference.

I said DEFICIT. Trump DOUBLED it. He is well on his way toward beating Obama's debt.

Obama DECREASED the deficit all the way down to $438 trillion. Trump has increased it to a trillion.

Try again.

Obama DECREASED the deficit all the way down to $438 trillion

Any lib who does not know the difference between a trillion and a billion should not be throwing stones at others
It was a typo. If you look at my original post, it plainly said $438 billion.

All caught up now?

And you have shown you are especially retarded for thinking I'm a lib.
Obama still raised the national debt by 86% in 8 years

and Reagan raised it 189%
43 over 100%

two tax cut republicans

Trump makes 3
Every president shares the blame

Obama spent 5 million on vacation in hawaii

to date, Trump has spent $110 MILLION playing f'n GOLF -

Obama DECREASED the deficit all the way down to $438 trillion

Any lib who does not know the difference between a trillion and a billion should not be throwing stones at others
It was a typo. If you look at my original post, it plainly said $438 billion.

All caught up now?

And you have shown you are especially retarded for thinking I'm a lib.
Obama still raised the national debt by 86% in 8 years

and Reagan raised it 189%
43 over 100%

two tax cut republicans

Trump makes 3
Every president shares the blame

Obama spent 5 million on vacation in hawaii

to date, Trump has spent $110 MILLION playing f'n GOLF -



Cost to Taxpayer: About $110,000,000**

Trump Golf Count

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

I'm going to start a topic soon with a long list of tweets by Trump about Obama which expose Trump's massive hypocrisy and stupidity.
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.

Well, where is Nancy’s balanced budget?
See? This is how I know you rubes will never hold your own team's feet to the fire.

Trump absolutely depends on your submissiveness.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats" is the argument of a lickspittle who points out the splinter in their neighbor's eye while ignoring the beam in their own.

Dems have held the House a while now, you don’t seem to be able to address the question. One could just as easily say that “B-b-b-b-b-b-but DrumpF” is the argument of all leftwingers, while ignoring the beam in their own eye.
Every. Single. Time.

A little over a year ago:

I've been posting this for years:

Democrats: Tax and spend
Republicans: Borrow and spend

Except Obama borrowed ten trillion.

Notice how you blamed OBAMA for EVERY PENNY of the debt accumulated on his watch, and not the Republican Congress.


How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy???

Nice try asshole. You said that Democrats “tax and spend”, and that Republicans “borrow and spend”. Democrats did not raise taxes when they had full control of the government, instead they extended the infamous “Bush tax cuts”. I merely pointed out that your beloved Hussein also borrowed the money in order to spend it. Did I ever claim Republicans did not? No. I pointed out YOUR LIE. Dems never raised taxes, they just borrowed more.

How do YOU stand the stench of your hypocrisy?
Obama DECREASED the deficit all the way down to $438 trillion

Any lib who does not know the difference between a trillion and a billion should not be throwing stones at others
It was a typo. If you look at my original post, it plainly said $438 billion.

All caught up now?

And you have shown you are especially retarded for thinking I'm a lib.
Obama still raised the national debt by 86% in 8 years
I've been slamming the spending of our government ever since coming to this forum. I have probably posted more about the debt than all my other posts combined.

So, you see, I'm not a hypocrite like all the Trumptards I have exposed in this topic.

All you can do to defend Trump is to toss out the usual tu quoque and stutter, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

Its pointless to single out trump when over spending is bipartisan
Way to miss the point.

For eight years, the pseudocons whined about Obama's spending. Non-stop!

Then Trump comes along, doubles the deficit, breaks all spending records, and where are they?

Hmmmm....totally fucking silent. They are not holding Trump accountable at all.

How DO you all stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

You idiots DESERVE to be lied to.

We’re not silent. They need to cut spending for sure. So I ask, where is the proposed balanced budget from Dems? Dems have proven they will always borrow and spend more than Republicans. Look at the years Dems had complete control in 2009-2011, biggest yearly deficits ever. Then it was cut in half thanks to Republicans retaking Congress. Remember the government shutdowns? Sequestration? All things the Dems screamed about.

I don’t see Dems threatening to shut down the government in order to balance the budged today.
You understand that the federal budget rises automatically every year do t you?

if we dont reduce spending you will never raise taxes high enough to balance the budget much less pay down the debt
I bet you thought you had me, didn't you. You thought I didn't have a plan. Too bad for you.

As for deficits, they were DECREASING under Obama, right up until the GOP got the reins of Congress again. Then they started INCREASING.

Then Trump came along and DOUBLED the deficit. Together, the GOP and Deficit Donald more than doubled the deficit.

Trump exacerbated the deficit by increasing spending and cutting taxes without a way to pay for the tax cut.

And the last time the GOP owned Congress and the White House under Bush, they took a balanced budget and blew it all to hell.

You have to be one very special retard to believe the GOP's horseshit about being for balanced budgets and small government.

ACTIONS speak far louder than WORDS, and yet the rube herd STILL hasn't woken up to the fact they are being massively hoaxed.

We get the politicians we deserve.
I am not trying to “get” you

Maybe I’m pissing in the wind
You understand that the federal budget rises automatically every year do t you?
I wanted to address this specifically.

The federal budget does not have to rise every year. I just explained exactly how spending can decrease by $1.4 trillion, thereby providing a surplus which could be used to lower tax rates for everyone and pay down the debt.
it does intil congress changes the law

The increase is about 2-3% automatically and is not counted as a budget increase

Its called baseline budgeting

Just a dirty little secret that most Americans do not know

House Passes Bill to End Automatic Spending Increases
That does not explain Trump DOUBLING the deficit.

As I said, the deficit was DECREASING. Trump has skyrocketed it.

Trump has skyrocketed it

So did obama and so will the next democrat in the white house
Nope. That's a lie.

Obama steadily decreased the deficit. See for yourself: Is the US Budget Deficit Really That Bad?

The GOP inherited a $438 billion deficit when they took the House and Senate back. They and Deficit Donald have run it back up to a trillion dollars.

You know why they did that? I do.

It’s hard to believe any can be so full of shit. You act like Dems are great stewards of fiscal responsibility, and Repubs spend money like drunk sailors.

When Dems had the White House and Congress they exploded the deficit every year. When Republicans retook Congress the deficit was slashed down to less than half a trillion each year. You telling us the Republican Congress was trying to continue to spend $1.5 trillion and the Hussein was vetoing those and demanding cuts?

Dems have no record at all of being fiscally responsible. The GOP at least has a half assed record of being semi-responsible.

Is the exploding deficit something Dem candidates are even talking about? No, it’s not. Amazingly it could be the one issue they could “win” on, yet all of them are actually boasting about spending $55 trillion on Medicare for Illegals. This is the absurdity of your argument.
What is your plan to fix the problem?
I've posted my plan literally hundreds of times, if not thousands. Probably thousands.

But what the hell, I'll do it again.

1. Eliminate all tax expenditures. This alone would save $1.4 trillion a year, providing a surplus. Then we can cut tax rates for everyone and pay down the debt. Once the debt is paid off, we can lower tax rates even more. Added bonus: Entities earning identical incomes would pay identical taxes! Extra added bonus: Special interests would no longer be able to bribe politicians to put tax expenditures in the tax code, thus removing the incentive to bribe them. Instant campaign finance reform.

2. Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility age to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors. We should be working longer. Common sense.

It's very, very simple to balance the budget, lower tax rates, and pay off the debt. But our crooked politicians have the gullible rubes' attention getting all hot and bothered about Mexicans.
You understand that the federal budget rises automatically every year do t you?

if we dont reduce spending you will never raise taxes high enough to balance the budget much less pay down the debt
I bet you thought you had me, didn't you. You thought I didn't have a plan. Too bad for you.

As for deficits, they were DECREASING under Obama, right up until the GOP got the reins of Congress again. Then they started INCREASING.

Then Trump came along and DOUBLED the deficit. Together, the GOP and Deficit Donald more than doubled the deficit.

Trump exacerbated the deficit by increasing spending and cutting taxes without a way to pay for the tax cut.

And the last time the GOP owned Congress and the White House under Bush, they took a balanced budget and blew it all to hell.

You have to be one very special retard to believe the GOP's horseshit about being for balanced budgets and small government.

ACTIONS speak far louder than WORDS, and yet the rube herd STILL hasn't woken up to the fact they are being massively hoaxed.
When will you realize there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to career politicians you silly little fucker
And yet you spend so much time defending Trump with tu quoques, red herring, false dichotmies, straw men and other logical fallacies rather than ever admit he is the worst spender of all time.

What a hack.
pointing out the hypocrisy of dems is not ignoring anything
Tu quoque fallacy. It's a pathetic attempt to excuse your total silence over Trump's record spending and trillion dollar deficits.

YOU are the hypocrite. How DO you stand your own stench?

no hypocrisy here. I have consistently opposed deficit spending and raising the debt no matter who is in office.. the hypocrites are fools like you and winger who ignore the FACT that obama increased the debt by 9 trillion dollars in 8 years, and you said nothing, and even today you praise the worst president in history.

I've never once seen you complain about Trump's record spending, hypocrite.

In fact, you do the opposite. Every single time I have talked about Trump's spending, you immediately puke up a tu quoque to whine about the Democrats. Any time anyone criticizes Trump for any reason, you can be counted upon to show up with red herrings, tu quoques, false dichotomies and a whole basket of other logical fallacies.

Who the fuck do you think you are fooling?

then you haven't been listening, I have complained about every administration the has raised the debt. the jury is still out on Trump, but it looks like he too is going the wrong way.

can you now admit that obama added more debt than any president in history? and don't play % games, actual dollars added to the debt.
The jury is out on Trump? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump doubles the deficit to a trillion dollars, and he spent hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions dollars more than Obama's worst year of spending, you say the jury is still out.



How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

We will assess Trump's financial performance at the end of his 8 years, just as we do every president and congress.

But I see that you still refuse to acknowledge that obama added more debt than any president in history, in fact, more than all previous presidents combined.
Are you ready to admit that or do you remain standing in your own shit and wondering why your shoes stink?
I bet you thought you had me, didn't you. You thought I didn't have a plan. Too bad for you.

As for deficits, they were DECREASING under Obama, right up until the GOP got the reins of Congress again. Then they started INCREASING.

Then Trump came along and DOUBLED the deficit. Together, the GOP and Deficit Donald more than doubled the deficit.

Trump exacerbated the deficit by increasing spending and cutting taxes without a way to pay for the tax cut.

And the last time the GOP owned Congress and the White House under Bush, they took a balanced budget and blew it all to hell.

You have to be one very special retard to believe the GOP's horseshit about being for balanced budgets and small government.

ACTIONS speak far louder than WORDS, and yet the rube herd STILL hasn't woken up to the fact they are being massively hoaxed.

We get the politicians we deserve.
I am not trying to “get” you

Maybe I’m pissing in the wind
I wanted to address this specifically.

The federal budget does not have to rise every year. I just explained exactly how spending can decrease by $1.4 trillion, thereby providing a surplus which could be used to lower tax rates for everyone and pay down the debt.
it does intil congress changes the law

The increase is about 2-3% automatically and is not counted as a budget increase

Its called baseline budgeting

Just a dirty little secret that most Americans do not know

House Passes Bill to End Automatic Spending Increases
That does not explain Trump DOUBLING the deficit.

As I said, the deficit was DECREASING. Trump has skyrocketed it.

Trump has skyrocketed it

So did obama and so will the next democrat in the white house
Nope. That's a lie.

Obama steadily decreased the deficit. See for yourself: Is the US Budget Deficit Really That Bad?

The GOP inherited a $438 billion deficit when they took the House and Senate back. They and Deficit Donald have run it back up to a trillion dollars.

You know why they did that? I do.

It’s hard to believe any can be so full of shit. You act like Dems are great stewards of fiscal responsibility, and Repubs spend money like drunk sailors.

When Dems had the White House and Congress they exploded the deficit every year. When Republicans retook Congress the deficit was slashed down to less than half a trillion each year. You telling us the Republican Congress was trying to continue to spend $1.5 trillion and the Hussein was vetoing those and demanding cuts?

Dems have no record at all of being fiscally responsible. The GOP at least has a half assed record of being semi-responsible.

Is the exploding deficit something Dem candidates are even talking about? No, it’s not. Amazingly it could be the one issue they could “win” on, yet all of them are actually boasting about spending $55 trillion on Medicare for Illegals. This is the absurdity of your argument.
The Dems cut the deficit from over a trillion to $430 billion
Trump has raised it to back over $1 trillion. This was done in a strong economy
You are supposed to pay off debt in a strong economy, that is responsible governing

I am not trying to “get” you

Maybe I’m pissing in the wind
it does intil congress changes the law

The increase is about 2-3% automatically and is not counted as a budget increase

Its called baseline budgeting

Just a dirty little secret that most Americans do not know

House Passes Bill to End Automatic Spending Increases
That does not explain Trump DOUBLING the deficit.

As I said, the deficit was DECREASING. Trump has skyrocketed it.

Trump has skyrocketed it

So did obama and so will the next democrat in the white house
Nope. That's a lie.

Obama steadily decreased the deficit. See for yourself: Is the US Budget Deficit Really That Bad?

The GOP inherited a $438 billion deficit when they took the House and Senate back. They and Deficit Donald have run it back up to a trillion dollars.

You know why they did that? I do.

It’s hard to believe any can be so full of shit. You act like Dems are great stewards of fiscal responsibility, and Repubs spend money like drunk sailors.

When Dems had the White House and Congress they exploded the deficit every year. When Republicans retook Congress the deficit was slashed down to less than half a trillion each year. You telling us the Republican Congress was trying to continue to spend $1.5 trillion and the Hussein was vetoing those and demanding cuts?

Dems have no record at all of being fiscally responsible. The GOP at least has a half assed record of being semi-responsible.

Is the exploding deficit something Dem candidates are even talking about? No, it’s not. Amazingly it could be the one issue they could “win” on, yet all of them are actually boasting about spending $55 trillion on Medicare for Illegals. This is the absurdity of your argument.
The Dems cut the deficit from over a trillion to $430 billion
Trump has raised it to back over $1 trillion. This was done in a strong economy
You are supposed to pay off debt in a strong economy, that is responsible governing

“The Dems”? LOL.
It was a Republican Congress that forced your beloved Hussein to accept that budget. You lefties were squealing it was the end of the world when the government was being shut down and when sequestration happened. You people are such a joke. I bet you think it was BJ Clinton who gets credit for balancing the budget back in the 90’s, and not Newt and the Republicans who forced the bill on him.
Tu quoque fallacy. It's a pathetic attempt to excuse your total silence over Trump's record spending and trillion dollar deficits.

YOU are the hypocrite. How DO you stand your own stench?

no hypocrisy here. I have consistently opposed deficit spending and raising the debt no matter who is in office.. the hypocrites are fools like you and winger who ignore the FACT that obama increased the debt by 9 trillion dollars in 8 years, and you said nothing, and even today you praise the worst president in history.

I've never once seen you complain about Trump's record spending, hypocrite.

In fact, you do the opposite. Every single time I have talked about Trump's spending, you immediately puke up a tu quoque to whine about the Democrats. Any time anyone criticizes Trump for any reason, you can be counted upon to show up with red herrings, tu quoques, false dichotomies and a whole basket of other logical fallacies.

Who the fuck do you think you are fooling?

then you haven't been listening, I have complained about every administration the has raised the debt. the jury is still out on Trump, but it looks like he too is going the wrong way.

can you now admit that obama added more debt than any president in history? and don't play % games, actual dollars added to the debt.
The jury is out on Trump? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump doubles the deficit to a trillion dollars, and he spent hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions dollars more than Obama's worst year of spending, you say the jury is still out.



How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

We will assess Trump's financial performance at the end of his 8 years, just as we do every president and congress.

But I see that you still refuse to acknowledge that obama added more debt than any president in history, in fact, more than all previous presidents combined.
Are you ready to admit that or do you remain standing in your own shit and wondering why your shoes stink?
You sure didn’t wait eight years to assess Obama’s financial performance
I am not trying to “get” you

Maybe I’m pissing in the wind
it does intil congress changes the law

The increase is about 2-3% automatically and is not counted as a budget increase

Its called baseline budgeting

Just a dirty little secret that most Americans do not know

House Passes Bill to End Automatic Spending Increases
That does not explain Trump DOUBLING the deficit.

As I said, the deficit was DECREASING. Trump has skyrocketed it.

Trump has skyrocketed it

So did obama and so will the next democrat in the white house
Nope. That's a lie.

Obama steadily decreased the deficit. See for yourself: Is the US Budget Deficit Really That Bad?

The GOP inherited a $438 billion deficit when they took the House and Senate back. They and Deficit Donald have run it back up to a trillion dollars.

You know why they did that? I do.

It’s hard to believe any can be so full of shit. You act like Dems are great stewards of fiscal responsibility, and Repubs spend money like drunk sailors.

When Dems had the White House and Congress they exploded the deficit every year. When Republicans retook Congress the deficit was slashed down to less than half a trillion each year. You telling us the Republican Congress was trying to continue to spend $1.5 trillion and the Hussein was vetoing those and demanding cuts?

Dems have no record at all of being fiscally responsible. The GOP at least has a half assed record of being semi-responsible.

Is the exploding deficit something Dem candidates are even talking about? No, it’s not. Amazingly it could be the one issue they could “win” on, yet all of them are actually boasting about spending $55 trillion on Medicare for Illegals. This is the absurdity of your argument.
The Dems cut the deficit from over a trillion to $430 billion
Trump has raised it to back over $1 trillion. This was done in a strong economy
You are supposed to pay off debt in a strong economy, that is responsible governing


most of that was to undo the mess that obama left with the military unable to fly its planes or sail its ships.

Are you able to acknowledge that obama added 9 trillion to the debt? over a trillion a year for 8 years?
no hypocrisy here. I have consistently opposed deficit spending and raising the debt no matter who is in office.. the hypocrites are fools like you and winger who ignore the FACT that obama increased the debt by 9 trillion dollars in 8 years, and you said nothing, and even today you praise the worst president in history.

I've never once seen you complain about Trump's record spending, hypocrite.

In fact, you do the opposite. Every single time I have talked about Trump's spending, you immediately puke up a tu quoque to whine about the Democrats. Any time anyone criticizes Trump for any reason, you can be counted upon to show up with red herrings, tu quoques, false dichotomies and a whole basket of other logical fallacies.

Who the fuck do you think you are fooling?

then you haven't been listening, I have complained about every administration the has raised the debt. the jury is still out on Trump, but it looks like he too is going the wrong way.

can you now admit that obama added more debt than any president in history? and don't play % games, actual dollars added to the debt.
The jury is out on Trump? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump doubles the deficit to a trillion dollars, and he spent hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions dollars more than Obama's worst year of spending, you say the jury is still out.



How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

We will assess Trump's financial performance at the end of his 8 years, just as we do every president and congress.

But I see that you still refuse to acknowledge that obama added more debt than any president in history, in fact, more than all previous presidents combined.
Are you ready to admit that or do you remain standing in your own shit and wondering why your shoes stink?
You sure didn’t wait eight years to assess Obama’s financial performance

yes I did. and his record was terrible.

Its really a shame that obama did such a horrible job as president. as the first black president he had the opportunity to heal the country and bring it back together, but instead he deepened the divide because deep down he hates the USA and everything it stands for.
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
Since when does a Russian Asset like you care about American Debt?

$23 Trillion Spent on DemTard Socialist War on Poverty that made people like Nancy Pelosi Rich.

Abolish The War on Poverty. And the Budget is Balanced.

Get a Job you Dirty Hippy!
Question is, do you care about the debt? If yes, then what are your thoughts on the current situation?
I care about The Debt Enough to Abolish Welfare, Food Stamps, Slash Government Jobs by 50% and cut their salaries and benefits by 20%.

I'd have no problem giving you and your friends their walking paper.
Ok but aside from the troll reaction and fantasy policy how do you feel about the current rate of growth that’s feeding the debt? All good? Or do you have issues?

The current rate of growth is 1.9%.
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
Since when does a Russian Asset like you care about American Debt?

$23 Trillion Spent on DemTard Socialist War on Poverty that made people like Nancy Pelosi Rich.

Abolish The War on Poverty. And the Budget is Balanced.

Get a Job you Dirty Hippy!
Question is, do you care about the debt? If yes, then what are your thoughts on the current situation?
I care about The Debt Enough to Abolish Welfare, Food Stamps, Slash Government Jobs by 50% and cut their salaries and benefits by 20%.

I'd have no problem giving you and your friends their walking paper.
Ok but aside from the troll reaction and fantasy policy how do you feel about the current rate of growth that’s feeding the debt? All good? Or do you have issues?

The current rate of growth is 1.9%.

and unemployment is at all time lows, the stock market is at record highs, and people are working instead of collecting welfare. GDP growth cannot continue to surge forever, there a limits even in a booming economy.
and unemployment is at all time lows, the stock market is at record highs, and people are working instead of collecting welfare.

and yet we are adding national debt at near record levels...1.3 trillion over the last 365 days...
Since when does a Russian Asset like you care about American Debt?

$23 Trillion Spent on DemTard Socialist War on Poverty that made people like Nancy Pelosi Rich.

Abolish The War on Poverty. And the Budget is Balanced.

Get a Job you Dirty Hippy!
Question is, do you care about the debt? If yes, then what are your thoughts on the current situation?
I care about The Debt Enough to Abolish Welfare, Food Stamps, Slash Government Jobs by 50% and cut their salaries and benefits by 20%.

I'd have no problem giving you and your friends their walking paper.
Ok but aside from the troll reaction and fantasy policy how do you feel about the current rate of growth that’s feeding the debt? All good? Or do you have issues?

The current rate of growth is 1.9%.

and unemployment is at all time lows, the stock market is at record highs, and people are working instead of collecting welfare. GDP growth cannot continue to surge forever, there a limits even in a booming economy.

Trump: “We're bringing it from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.”

Trump: "We’ve got to get rid of the $19 trillion in debt. ... Well, I would say over a period of eight years. And I’ll tell you why.”
and unemployment is at all time lows, the stock market is at record highs, and people are working instead of collecting welfare.

and yet we are adding national debt at near record levels...1.3 trillion over the last 365 days...

I don't like that either. But why were you silent when obama added 9 trillion to the debt?

next question: when will the dems in the house propose a balanced budget? budgets start in the house, do the dems give a shit about deficits and debt?

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