US denies Visa to Iranian Foreign Minister. No UN for you!

Trump's actions of denying a visa are a clear violation of US law and international law as was his suggestion that we bomb Iranian cultural sites.

Trumpist do not believe in the rule of law. The closest analogy is that Trumpers look at Trump as their own Kim Jong Un. What Trump says is law. Trumpism is every bit a cult.

Look at these posts. No standing up for the rule of law by the Trumpist. It is simply Trump says this so it must be true.

It is pathetic.
Violation of which US law? Come on big guy name the law
Read my links. You will have noticed a link to the UN Headquarters agreement. I have already discussed this. Read my prior posts.
If the UN thinks we violated one of their rules, WTF are they going to do about it?

Be specific.
You know what makes the law work and we are not savages tearing each other up. It is because we agreed to abide by standards. What you are saying is that the law of the jungle should prevail. That our word means nothing, That contracts mean nothing. That the rule of law means nothing.

If you believe that then 2,000 years of Western law means nothing to you.

The UN can't force us to do crap. All they have is our word in the form of a treaty. But if you say the word of the US is shit and Trump agrees with you it is shit, then it is shit. We will live with the consequences.

Trump has shown that in his private life and business dealings his word was shit. He has brought that reputation to our government.

The UN can't force us to do crap.

Thanks for confirming what I have been saying. The UN is a feckless, toothless waste of money.

Get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.
You obviously understood nothing I wrote.
Trump's actions of denying a visa are a clear violation of US law and international law as was his suggestion that we bomb Iranian cultural sites.

Trumpist do not believe in the rule of law. The closest analogy is that Trumpers look at Trump as their own Kim Jong Un. What Trump says is law. Trumpism is every bit a cult.

Look at these posts. No standing up for the rule of law by the Trumpist. It is simply Trump says this so it must be true.

It is pathetic.
Violation of which US law? Come on big guy name the law
Read my links. You will have noticed a link to the UN Headquarters agreement. I have already discussed this. Read my prior posts.
If the UN thinks we violated one of their rules, WTF are they going to do about it?

Be specific.
You know what makes the law work and we are not savages tearing each other up. It is because we agreed to abide by standards. What you are saying is that the law of the jungle should prevail. That our word means nothing, That contracts mean nothing. That the rule of law means nothing.

If you believe that then 2,000 years of Western law means nothing to you.

The UN can't force us to do crap. All they have is our word in the form of a treaty. But if you say the word of the US is shit and Trump agrees with you it is shit, then it is shit. We will live with the consequences.

Trump has shown that in his private life and business dealings his word was shit. He has brought that reputation to our government.

The UN can't force us to do crap.

Thanks for confirming what I have been saying. The UN is a feckless, toothless waste of money.

Get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.
I want to know why the UN isn't holding court against the bombing of our embassy in Iraq. Where is that being held today? hey you anti american leftist fks, where's that court hearing at? You know, the attack that went against UN law?

Oh and where are the UN forces to help protect that embassy?
Violation of which US law? Come on big guy name the law
Read my links. You will have noticed a link to the UN Headquarters agreement. I have already discussed this. Read my prior posts.
If the UN thinks we violated one of their rules, WTF are they going to do about it?

Be specific.
You know what makes the law work and we are not savages tearing each other up. It is because we agreed to abide by standards. What you are saying is that the law of the jungle should prevail. That our word means nothing, That contracts mean nothing. That the rule of law means nothing.

If you believe that then 2,000 years of Western law means nothing to you.

The UN can't force us to do crap. All they have is our word in the form of a treaty. But if you say the word of the US is shit and Trump agrees with you it is shit, then it is shit. We will live with the consequences.

Trump has shown that in his private life and business dealings his word was shit. He has brought that reputation to our government.

The UN can't force us to do crap.

Thanks for confirming what I have been saying. The UN is a feckless, toothless waste of money.

Get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.
You obviously understood nothing I wrote.
you wrote something? I don't think so. You copy and pasted shit.
Trump's actions of denying a visa are a clear violation of US law and international law as was his suggestion that we bomb Iranian cultural sites.

Trumpist do not believe in the rule of law. The closest analogy is that Trumpers look at Trump as their own Kim Jong Un. What Trump says is law. Trumpism is every bit a cult.

Look at these posts. No standing up for the rule of law by the Trumpist. It is simply Trump says this so it must be true.

It is pathetic.
Violation of which US law? Come on big guy name the law
Read my links. You will have noticed a link to the UN Headquarters agreement. I have already discussed this. Read my prior posts.
Which law? I’m not a fking mind reader. Got nothing huh?
If you can't comprehend my links I am not going to hold your hand. I've taken as far as I can.
I guess you can't comprehend your own links. cool. you're a stupid fk.
Obviously you are too busy listening to your 2nd grade teacher. When you get home and have time, have you parents explain it to you.
The UN was right about WMD in 2003. The UN i snot perfect but it is far better than the world Trumpers and the fringe right want to take us back to. You remember that world. Two World Wars and countless dead.
Um, check your history, both world wars were entered into by demos....

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Tyupuv[cal Trunmpette wsho loves thje Nazis so
Hey stupid, it wasn't a "treaty". Is was only an executive order signed by Barry Hussein, nothing more.

Get educated for once..
Jesus fuck you people are so stupid as not to know what an agreement among nations is?

No wonder you assfucks elected Trump. Stupid is as stupid does.
Dragonlady called it at "treaty".

That is a lie.

Sorry you are so ignorant you don't know what constitutes a treaty.
Nice try assfuck but some asshole called in an executive order.

It was an executive order.

It wasn't a treaty.

Good grief you are stupid.
An Executive Agreement.

Not Executive order

What's the difference. Be specific.
Violation of which US law? Come on big guy name the law
Read my links. You will have noticed a link to the UN Headquarters agreement. I have already discussed this. Read my prior posts.
If the UN thinks we violated one of their rules, WTF are they going to do about it?

Be specific.
You know what makes the law work and we are not savages tearing each other up. It is because we agreed to abide by standards. What you are saying is that the law of the jungle should prevail. That our word means nothing, That contracts mean nothing. That the rule of law means nothing.

If you believe that then 2,000 years of Western law means nothing to you.

The UN can't force us to do crap. All they have is our word in the form of a treaty. But if you say the word of the US is shit and Trump agrees with you it is shit, then it is shit. We will live with the consequences.

Trump has shown that in his private life and business dealings his word was shit. He has brought that reputation to our government.

The UN can't force us to do crap.

Thanks for confirming what I have been saying. The UN is a feckless, toothless waste of money.

Get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.
You obviously understood nothing I wrote.
I understand it perfectly. Apparently, you don't.
Violation of which US law? Come on big guy name the law
Read my links. You will have noticed a link to the UN Headquarters agreement. I have already discussed this. Read my prior posts.
Which law? I’m not a fking mind reader. Got nothing huh?
If you can't comprehend my links I am not going to hold your hand. I've taken as far as I can.
I guess you can't comprehend your own links. cool. you're a stupid fk.
Obviously you are too busy listening to your 2nd grade teacher. When you get home and have time, have you parents explain it to you.
so your parents can't explain it to you? gotcha.
The US can not bar the Iranian diplomat under the UN Headquarters Agreement. I know for the Trumper treaties are worthless and laws are just so much flotsam and jetsam to be disregarded at will by their dear leader, but for some us who believe in the rule of law this is just another example of Trump's lawlessness and rogue foreign policy.

Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council 11/volume-11-I-147-English.pdf
I'm not liking that at all. We are not at war so this curtailment of free speech on our soil by Iranian diplomats at the UN and elsewhere is NOT apropos at this time.

Is the Administration afraid someone might criticize his decision? I think that horse has already left the barn.

We aren't? You better check with Nancy Pelosi because she seems to think we are because she is imposing the War Powers Act.
link me.
The US can not bar the Iranian diplomat under the UN Headquarters Agreement. I know for the Trumper treaties are worthless and laws are just so much flotsam and jetsam to be disregarded at will by their dear leader, but for some us who believe in the rule of law this is just another example of Trump's lawlessness and rogue foreign policy.

Trump Administration Blocks Iran’s Top Diplomat From Addressing the U.N. Security Council 11/volume-11-I-147-English.pdf
I'm not liking that at all. We are not at war so this curtailment of free speech on our soil by Iranian diplomats at the UN and elsewhere is NOT apropos at this time.

Is the Administration afraid someone might criticize his decision? I think that horse has already left the barn.

We aren't? You better check with Nancy Pelosi because she seems to think we are because she is imposing the War Powers Act.
link me.
I guess you can't use the internet. go fking figure.

Nancy Pelosi to force Republicans' hands with war powers vote to limit actions on Iran

you all really do believe in the Star Wars mind game. too fking funny.

Pay no attention to that peloser on the left.
Violation of which US law? Come on big guy name the law
Read my links. You will have noticed a link to the UN Headquarters agreement. I have already discussed this. Read my prior posts.
If the UN thinks we violated one of their rules, WTF are they going to do about it?

Be specific.
You know what makes the law work and we are not savages tearing each other up. It is because we agreed to abide by standards. What you are saying is that the law of the jungle should prevail. That our word means nothing, That contracts mean nothing. That the rule of law means nothing.

If you believe that then 2,000 years of Western law means nothing to you.

The UN can't force us to do crap. All they have is our word in the form of a treaty. But if you say the word of the US is shit and Trump agrees with you it is shit, then it is shit. We will live with the consequences.

Trump has shown that in his private life and business dealings his word was shit. He has brought that reputation to our government.

The UN can't force us to do crap.

Thanks for confirming what I have been saying. The UN is a feckless, toothless waste of money.

Get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.
You obviously understood nothing I wrote.
'Might makes right' with that one.
  • Thanks
Reactions: JLW
Read my links. You will have noticed a link to the UN Headquarters agreement. I have already discussed this. Read my prior posts.
If the UN thinks we violated one of their rules, WTF are they going to do about it?

Be specific.
You know what makes the law work and we are not savages tearing each other up. It is because we agreed to abide by standards. What you are saying is that the law of the jungle should prevail. That our word means nothing, That contracts mean nothing. That the rule of law means nothing.

If you believe that then 2,000 years of Western law means nothing to you.

The UN can't force us to do crap. All they have is our word in the form of a treaty. But if you say the word of the US is shit and Trump agrees with you it is shit, then it is shit. We will live with the consequences.

Trump has shown that in his private life and business dealings his word was shit. He has brought that reputation to our government.

The UN can't force us to do crap.

Thanks for confirming what I have been saying. The UN is a feckless, toothless waste of money.

Get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.
You obviously understood nothing I wrote.
'Might makes right' with that one.
Might is all you ever have.
Good move. Now the ragheads can't go to the UN and spew their anti-American hatred.

Iranian foreign minister fumes over reported visa denial for UN meetings in New York

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif fumed Tuesday over the reported U.S. decision to deny him a visa to address the United Nations in New York later this week, amid escalating tensions between the two countries after the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani.

“They fear that someone comes to the U.S. and reveals realities,” Zarif told The Associated Press. “The world is not limited to New York, and you can talk to the American people from Tehran, and we will do that.”


He later claimed in a tweet that denying him a visa was in violation of the 1947 United Nations Headquarters agreement that established the international body’s base of operations in New York. That agreement requires the U.S. to permit foreign diplomats from other countries to conduct U.N. business. He also listed a series of allegations against the U.S., including “economic terrorism” and “cowardly assassination.”

Iranian foreign minister fumes over reported visa denial for UN meetings in New York
Once again Trump pisses on the ideals of the UN.

When Some group gets revenge somewhere in the world, we are on our own. Trump has destroyed our relationships with out allies through his gross ignorance.

The UN pisses on the ideals of the UN every day! They are corrupt to the core and need to be eliminated.
The UN was right about WMD in 2003. The UN i snot perfect but it is far better than the world Trumpers and the fringe right want to take us back to. You remember that world. Two World Wars and countless dead.
Um, check your history, both world wars were entered into by demos....

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

and RIGHTLY SO-------the donkey is temporarily pixilated
1. I'm no fan of the Iranian government.

2. Not much of a fan of the UN either, but not as anti as some others here.

That said, I don't agree with barring this guy.

Unless we want further escalation diplomacy has to begin. We don't get there by barring diplomats.

And yes, I get this guy would use this as a stage to pillory the US. That's part of the process too. Let him talk. Let them talk. Who gives a shit what they say. It's what they do that matters.

If our intent was to send a message we've certainly done it. If that message was 'enough is enough of the proxy BS' then we have to have a dialogue even though I know the Iranians will be difficult to deal with and real yield will be low.

If that message is 'fuck you, let's get it on' and the real intent is war then that's a completely different matter and not a tangent I would support. We've seen enough of that shit, I would think.

We shouldn't be barring diplomats, IMO, regardless of the intended message or 'side'. There is no utility to it that I can see.
Has Iran paid back our embassy hostages yet? The victims of their state sponsored terrorism?


Nope and they never will.

Iran sucks. I'm no fan.

More a pragmatist that would rather not see this escalate further.

Let em kick and stomp.

They attacked the contractors = we hit them back

They got pissed about that and stormed the embassy = we hit them harder

We can keep playing this game, and can undoubtedly 'win' by hitting them increasingly harder, as we have an ability to project whatever power we desire, but at some point you have to open the door to discussion unless we just want to say fuck it and break out the heavy hardware and put boots on the ground. I don't.
Read my links. You will have noticed a link to the UN Headquarters agreement. I have already discussed this. Read my prior posts.
If the UN thinks we violated one of their rules, WTF are they going to do about it?

Be specific.
You know what makes the law work and we are not savages tearing each other up. It is because we agreed to abide by standards. What you are saying is that the law of the jungle should prevail. That our word means nothing, That contracts mean nothing. That the rule of law means nothing.

If you believe that then 2,000 years of Western law means nothing to you.

The UN can't force us to do crap. All they have is our word in the form of a treaty. But if you say the word of the US is shit and Trump agrees with you it is shit, then it is shit. We will live with the consequences.

Trump has shown that in his private life and business dealings his word was shit. He has brought that reputation to our government.

The UN can't force us to do crap.

Thanks for confirming what I have been saying. The UN is a feckless, toothless waste of money.

Get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.
You obviously understood nothing I wrote.
'Might makes right' with that one.
If might makes right is your guiding principle then it is only a matter of time before your living in Somalia. For some on this board that is something to aspire to.
1. I'm no fan of the Iranian government.

2. Not much of a fan of the UN either, but not as anti as some others here.

That said, I don't agree with barring this guy.

Unless we want further escalation diplomacy has to begin. We don't get there by barring diplomats.

And yes, I get this guy would use this as a stage to pillory the US. That's part of the process too. Let him talk. Let them talk. Who gives a shit what they say. It's what they do that matters.

If our intent was to send a message we've certainly done it. If that message was 'enough is enough of the proxy BS' then we have to have a dialogue even though I know the Iranians will be difficult to deal with and real yield will be low.

If that message is 'fuck you, let's get it on' and the real intent is war then that's a completely different matter and not a tangent I would support. We've seen enough of that shit, I would think.

We shouldn't be barring diplomats, IMO, regardless of the intended message or 'side'. There is no utility to it that I can see.

Trump is talking to a nation that teaches its toddlers to sing

Yep, I know. He is talking to them in a language through force that they understand. I'm totally fine with the actions taken in terms of hitting them back for the contractor and the embassy. No issues there at all.

at some point, unless we just want to escalate ad Infinitum we do have to talk to these assholes whether we like it or not....
He later claimed in a tweet that denying him a visa was in violation of the 1947 United Nations Headquarters agreement that established the international body’s base of operations in New York. That agreement requires the U.S. to permit foreign diplomats from other countries to conduct U.N. business.
He is correct, Tramp again breaks the rules the USA has agreed to.
Trump broke no rules, you idiotic ignorant imbecile.

Zarif broke US law when he publicly threatened to kill Americans. He's not getting a visa.
Last edited:
He later claimed in a tweet that denying him a visa was in violation of the 1947 United Nations Headquarters agreement that established the international body’s base of operations in New York. That agreement requires the U.S. to permit foreign diplomats from other countries to conduct U.N. business.
He is correct, Tramp again breaks the rules the USA has agreed to.
Perhaps the UN should move to Iran.
What about the jobs the UN brings? Wouldn't that put a lot of NYC prostitutes out of work?
He quoted a U.N. agreement not a U.S. law.
The UN Charter was ratified by the United States and IS A TREATY! Ever hear of the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution, Smack?

Article VI, Clause 2 of the US Constitution clearly states:
"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."
~~ Article VI ~~

The US is lawfully bound by the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution to the UN's articles for better or worse until such time as the US throws off its obligation this Nation promised to follow.
He quoted a U.N. agreement not a U.S. law.
The UN Charter was ratified by the United States and IS A TREATY! Ever hear of the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution, Smack?

Article VI, Clause 2 of the US Constitution clearly states:
"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."
~~ Article VI ~~

The US is lawfully bound by the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution to the UN's articles for better or worse until such time as the US throws off its obligation this Nation promised to follow.
So you are claiming that we must follow everything that the U.N. decides as if is law? I think you are stretching things a bit.
Maybe you remember the us being pulled out of the U.N. arms agreements?

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