US forces launch raid in Syria

In case you havent noticed, over the years the USA and Iseral always attack orhpanages and childrens hospitals. Do you believe everything, or is it just stuff that makes you country look bad?
This is mere dog and pony show.
All politics and optics

Women and children should not hang out in the vicinity of terrorist leaders in a war zone. I am glad Abu Ibrahimal-Hashimi al-Qurayshi has been removed from the planet.
Women and children should not hang out in the vicinity of terrorist leaders in a war zone. I am glad Abu Ibrahimal-Hashimi al-Qurayshi has been removed from the planet.
But Biden did it so they are on Abu what's his name side.
It's kind of a weird thing to say, saying that it's not a problem because there has been immigration for so long on that border.

It is a problem, because people are coming across illegally. It's creating many issue, issues for those coming across, for those who live in the area, for drugs in the US and many other things, including illegal immigration.

These are issues. If the US wants immigrants to work, then they should get them to be dong it LEGALLY. If they don't, then they need to stop it. See how it works?
That’s a good scientific answer.

What my statement said was that if this really were a debilitating crisis as some would have you believe…we wouldn’t be the most advanced , richest, most powerful nation ever created.

And, oh yeah…by the way…the border isn’t “wide open” as the OP says.
In case you havent noticed, over the years the USA and Iseral always attack orhpanages and childrens hospitals. Do you believe everything, or is it just stuff that makes you country look bad?
BULLSHIT...come with the evidence to that statement jackass....
Biden is perhaps the greatest military leader this nation has ever had.

We are lucky to have him, and we have 81 million voters to thank for this POTUS.

Each and every one of the 81 million people who voted for Biden(81 million voters, 1 person, 1 vote and this was the most secure election in the history of elections) I would like to personally thank.

We are where we are as a nation today because of 81 million TRUE PATRIOTS.
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Being responsible for your own behavio

r is now considered left wing thinking?

Being responsible for your own behavior is now considered left wing thinking?
You can't really be serious? The women have no free will at all and do as they are told. How clueless can you be to expect children to make any decision on where they shall live or with whom? Biden decided to attack, knowing that women and children were present, proving once again that he is incapable of intelligent thought. It has gotten so bad that Kamala just might be the better choice. God help us.
But Biden did it so they are on Abu what's his name side.
Yep. We have people on here, who choose politics over policy, strategy, tactics and national interests. They are anti-American in their political view. F#ck them. I do not care who takes out the bad guys. I applauded Trump on here when he took out the Iranian General, who stuck his head up, in the wrong place. Would you hate the gabage men or their act of picking up your trash, just because you wanted a different mayor. Kind of self defeating to let politics get in the way of good military strategy and tactics.
How long are we going to allow these ppl to kill ? We now allow thousands and thousands of immigrants to come here because we attacked them years ago.. are Democrats just creating victims around the world to flood our country?
In case you havent noticed, over the years the USA and Iseral always attack orhpanages and childrens hospitals. Do you believe everything, or is it just stuff that makes you country look bad?
Tell Hamas not to use Children’s hospitals as launching pads.
You can't really be serious? The women have no free will at all and do as they are told. How clueless can you be to expect children to make any decision on where they shall live or with whom? Biden decided to attack, knowing that women and children were present, proving once again that he is incapable of intelligent thought. It has gotten so bad that Kamala just might be the better choice. God help us.
The job of the military is to kill and destroy.

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