US House Committee Moves Forward On Assault Weapons Ban with Zero Republican Votes, More Infringement on The Second Amendment

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

THIS is in the Constitution.
Gay marriage is NOT

Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

THIS is in the Constitution.
Gay marriage is NOT

The SC Heller decision affirmed your right to have a gun and the people`s right to regulate them. The next time you`re stopped at a metal detector give the police your little 2nd amendment speech. Cops enjoy a good laugh now and then I`m sure.
The SC Heller decision affirmed your right to have a gun and the people`s right to regulate them. The next time you`re stopped at a metal detector give the police your little 2nd amendment speech. Cops enjoy a good laugh now and then I`m sure.
This last decision aborted some of the Heller decision as well. The court affirmed the right to carry your weapon outside of your home. Many of your "gun free zone's" are now history. I have talked with many I worked with over the years; they are telling me that only areas under federal control are infringing on this right. As usual, you are wrong on this point as well.
show vote.

They will 'pass' it, then claim the Republicans are blocking safety for Americans
SCOTUS will strike this down. There is already precedent on the matter. This is a show vote.. They are ready and willing to make slaves of the US populace. These commercials make themselves... This should help get the vote out for republicans.

Will never make it that far, won't make it past the Senate
This last decision aborted some of the Heller decision as well. The court affirmed the right to carry your weapon outside of your home. Many of your "gun free zone's" are now history. I have talked with many I worked with over the years; they are telling me that only areas under federal control are infringing on this right. As usual, you are wrong on this point as well.
So I can now take a gun to a Steeler game?
Will never make it that far, won't make it past the Senate
A lot of issues need to be addressed before ever any gun control. Levels of mental health, poverty, domestic abuse, drugs, drug dealing and any type of gangs or gangsters, and others.
What a waste of hard earned tax dollars... forcing passed a dead on arrival bill.... aren't you libs sick of the games?... another (go nowhere) show for weak minded americans....
I know..... lets go protest and when the cops ask us to leave we will walk away with our hands behind our backs like we have been placed in cuffs....
Yeah that will work....
The mass shootings have become such a problem now, that the pro-gunners are going to have to solve it themselves.
So I can now take a gun to a Steeler game?

Sporting events are controlled access events, the owner takes on the responsibility of assuring only law enforcement is armed inside the facility.

Just like government buildings, airports, courthouses, etc, real CONTROLLED environments.

NYC wants to make Times Square a "protected" area without actually creating a CONTROLLED area.
Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

THIS is in the Constitution.
Gay marriage is NOT

That guarantees a well regulated militia.You can’t read ?
It's a partial success that should be celebrated by the pro-gunners and if they're all in 2022 then they've successfully reduced the number of mass shooting to date from perhaps 375 to 350 or so to date.

Are you for the vigilantes and granting them their second amendment right to be proactive in preventing a mass shooter before he becomes a bad guy?
Yes, I can read. I'm a one man Macho militia like millions of other patriotic constitution loving Americans. I have nothing to worry about.
Picking out phrases in an entire sentence and pretending that’s all the sentence says. is bull shit.
Many of your "gun free zone's" are now history
That’s bullshit. Trump rallies, the gop convention, are all gun free zones. The Fed recognizes schools and any business in the United States posting gun free zones.

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