US IG Identifies Criminal Leaker...Refuses To Prosecute

"While the predictable news conference with Special Counsel Robert Mueller made headlines this week for repeating what we already knew, a bigger story from the Department of Justice broke that got far too little attention.

But this week, we learned the OIG actually has identified one of the sources and suggested the allegations were supported by "a preponderance of evidence." Though that is certainly newsworthy, the real news was the Justice Department response. Officials mysteriously, though not surprisingly, declined to prosecute one of their own."

So the real criminals ARE being exposed ... but the DOJ is STILL protecting its own from prosecution.

Nothing will ever change, the DOJ / NIA / CIA / FBI will never be purged of treasonous filth, and the traitors will only be emboldened to do it again if they get away with it this time.

Barr said he wanted to FIND OUT what really happened - he never promised he / the DOJ would punish the criminals once he found them...

Although meant in jest, this news that the 1st identified / proven conspirator in the failed coup - part of the Leaking Strategy / team - is not going to be prosecuted...

Jason Chaffetz: Lawbreaking FBI leaker must be prosecuted – Justice Department fails to do so


Here's the problem with prosecuting DOJ, or any other, Law enforcement Officials.

It makes every single case they've ever worked on open to re-trial and/or appeal.

You prosecute, file charges, against an FBI prosecutor and every case, many of them good cases, he's ever prosecuted will be suspect.

Ever criminal he's ever successfully convicted can say, "See! That man is a liar!! He lied then, and he lied during my case, too!!!"

That's the practical side.

The other side is -- Nobody protects their own like the total SCUM in the Deep State.


Remember that FBI sniper that murdered the woman holding an infant in her arms at Ruby Ridge?

That pile of garbage ended up getting promoted time and again.

How many FBI types were prosecuted for murdering all those women and children (by burning them alive) at Waco??

Our Federal Law Enforcement (and ALL Law Enforcement in general) serve one purpose -- To protect the Deep State, NOT The People.

Funny how dimocrap FILTH hated Law Enforcement for over a Century until they gained control of it.

Now, they love it.

Himmler would have loved the dimocrap scum party
"While the predictable news conference with Special Counsel Robert Mueller made headlines this week for repeating what we already knew, a bigger story from the Department of Justice broke that got far too little attention.

But this week, we learned the OIG actually has identified one of the sources and suggested the allegations were supported by "a preponderance of evidence." Though that is certainly newsworthy, the real news was the Justice Department response. Officials mysteriously, though not surprisingly, declined to prosecute one of their own."

So the real criminals ARE being exposed ... but the DOJ is STILL protecting its own from prosecution.

Nothing will ever change, the DOJ / NIA / CIA / FBI will never be purged of treasonous filth, and the traitors will only be emboldened to do it again if they get away with it this time.

Barr said he wanted to FIND OUT what really happened - he never promised he / the DOJ would punish the criminals once he found them...

Although meant in jest, this news that the 1st identified / proven conspirator in the failed coup - part of the Leaking Strategy / team - is not going to be prosecuted...

Jason Chaffetz: Lawbreaking FBI leaker must be prosecuted – Justice Department fails to do so

So the real criminals ARE being exposed ... but the DOJ is STILL protecting its own from prosecution.

Nothing will ever change, the DOJ / NIA / CIA / FBI will never be purged of treasonous filth, and the traitors will only be emboldened to do it again if they get away with it this time.
Trump is the most corrupt con man to ever occupy the Oval Office. He has done business with organized crime figures for his entire adult life, and that's why he demands personal loyalty from those whose loyalty is to the US Constitution not to Donald Trump or any other POTUS.

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 58)

"4. The President Asks Comey to 'Lift the Cloud' Created by the Russia Investigation

"On the morning of March 30, 2017, the President reached out to Comey directly about the Russia investigation.360 According to Comey’s contemporaneous record of the conversation, the President said 'he was trying to run the country and the cloud of this Russia business was making
that difficult.'361

"The President asked Comey what could be done to 'lift the cloud.'362

"Comey explained 'that we were running it down as quickly as possible and that there would be great benefit, if we didn’t find anything, to our Good Housekeeping seal of approval, but we had to do our work.'"



"A growing number of legal experts say President Trump has opened himself up to a charge of obstruction of justice this week when he said 'this Russia thing with Trump' was on his mind when he fired FBI Director James Comey.

"The federal law against obstruction of justice, a felony, is written broadly and applies to pending investigations.

"It can cover anyone who 'corruptly … endeavors to influence, obstruct or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States.'

"In another section, the word 'corruptly' is defined as 'acting with an improper purpose.'"

Trump's statements linking Russia investigation to Comey firing could lead to legal problems
He didn’t lie! Lol you all asked him if he talked to Russia in collusion context NOT A hey did any Russians approach you at a speech like the thousands of foreign nationals do every presidential candidate..

And he said no absolutely not and you have NO EVIDENCE HE DID.. your hate is unreal
His son met with one at Trump tower and trump helped him with the cover story!! Read the mueller report, he outlines several instances. Are you dumb or just blind?
He meet fusion GPS funded by Hillary Clinton.. lol it was about adoption.. he didn’t have to report anything..
And I see you’ve drank the Koolaid that he’s served you. Nice. If you ever want to get real you should try reading the mueller report. I know it’s a lot of words but it would serve you better if you knew what you were talking about during conversations like this.
I read it, did you uncover something NO ONE ELSE HAS??? Lol POST YOU DERANGED hateful person lol
I don’t believe you. You’re argument wreak of deflection and talking points not knowledge of the document.

It's amazing how you can post with a Russian accent.

"While the predictable news conference with Special Counsel Robert Mueller made headlines this week for repeating what we already knew, a bigger story from the Department of Justice broke that got far too little attention.

But this week, we learned the OIG actually has identified one of the sources and suggested the allegations were supported by "a preponderance of evidence." Though that is certainly newsworthy, the real news was the Justice Department response. Officials mysteriously, though not surprisingly, declined to prosecute one of their own."

So the real criminals ARE being exposed ... but the DOJ is STILL protecting its own from prosecution.

Nothing will ever change, the DOJ / NIA / CIA / FBI will never be purged of treasonous filth, and the traitors will only be emboldened to do it again if they get away with it this time.

Barr said he wanted to FIND OUT what really happened - he never promised he / the DOJ would punish the criminals once he found them...

Although meant in jest, this news that the 1st identified / proven conspirator in the failed coup - part of the Leaking Strategy / team - is not going to be prosecuted...

Jason Chaffetz: Lawbreaking FBI leaker must be prosecuted – Justice Department fails to do so

So the real criminals ARE being exposed ... but the DOJ is STILL protecting its own from prosecution.

Nothing will ever change, the DOJ / NIA / CIA / FBI will never be purged of treasonous filth, and the traitors will only be emboldened to do it again if they get away with it this time.
Trump is the most corrupt con man to ever occupy the Oval Office. He has done business with organized crime figures for his entire adult life, and that's why he demands personal loyalty from those whose loyalty is to the US Constitution not to Donald Trump or any other POTUS.

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 58)

"4. The President Asks Comey to 'Lift the Cloud' Created by the Russia Investigation

"On the morning of March 30, 2017, the President reached out to Comey directly about the Russia investigation.360 According to Comey’s contemporaneous record of the conversation, the President said 'he was trying to run the country and the cloud of this Russia business was making
that difficult.'361

"The President asked Comey what could be done to 'lift the cloud.'362

"Comey explained 'that we were running it down as quickly as possible and that there would be great benefit, if we didn’t find anything, to our Good Housekeeping seal of approval, but we had to do our work.'"



"A growing number of legal experts say President Trump has opened himself up to a charge of obstruction of justice this week when he said 'this Russia thing with Trump' was on his mind when he fired FBI Director James Comey.

"The federal law against obstruction of justice, a felony, is written broadly and applies to pending investigations.

"It can cover anyone who 'corruptly … endeavors to influence, obstruct or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States.'

"In another section, the word 'corruptly' is defined as 'acting with an improper purpose.'"

Trump's statements linking Russia investigation to Comey firing could lead to legal problems

Yep OK..... His Halitosis could lead to social problems too.

Personally I think it's just more evidence that Barr is even handed and is not working with any political agenda whatsoever.

Come on... Barr is totally covering for the prez. I’m not saying he is doing anything illegal. Holder was the same way for Obama... but let’s not deny reality and say Barr is totally objective
Covering whAt??? Do you have a crime??
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.
You mean the Russian operative that met with Fusion GPS (acting as Clinton's agents) before and after that meeting, which was set up by a Clinton staffer posing as a leaker? The one where no information was passed and the meeting ended due to the deception? Where the Russian national , who was barred from entering the US due to criminal actions and was allowed by Obama.... That Meeting?
Come on... Barr is totally covering for the prez. I’m not saying he is doing anything illegal. Holder was the same way for Obama... but let’s not deny reality and say Barr is totally objective
Covering whAt??? Do you have a crime??
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.
You mean the Russian operative that met with Fusion GPS (acting as Clinton's agents) before and after that meeting, which was set up by a Clinton staffer posing as a leaker? The one where no information was passed and the meeting ended due to the deception? That Meeting?
Yes, that meeting minus the spin
Covering whAt??? Do you have a crime??
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.

Yes, that meeting minus the spin

SO were supposed to ignore the Clinton staff set up the meeting, Obama let a known criminal in because Hillary wanted her in and Fusion GPS (employed by Clinton) was the go between both before and after the set up meeting? The only thing you want us to focus on is Trumps meeting and not the criminal activity done to try and entrap him?
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.

Yes, that meeting minus the spin

SO were supposed to ignore the Clinton staff set up the meeting, Obama let a known criminal in because Hillary wanted her in and Fusion GPS (employed by Clinton) was the go between both before and after the set up meeting? The only thing you want us to focus on is Trumps meeting and not the criminal activity done to try and entrap him?
You know all this happened how? And if true why hasn’t Barr arrested Clinton and Obama and the staffer? They are still free and walking around. What’s up with that?

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