US IG Identifies Criminal Leaker...Refuses To Prosecute

Come on... Barr is totally covering for the prez. I’m not saying he is doing anything illegal. Holder was the same way for Obama... but let’s not deny reality and say Barr is totally objective
Covering whAt??? Do you have a crime??
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.

Yeah well unfortunately you don't have broken laws. Additionally it would appear that all of the actors were following an entrapment script written by the DNC.
Like I said....Mueller was the spinner in Chief until he got an actual boss. If Barr didn't put him back to work instead of running all over the place like a burglar on ecstasy he'd still be out there investigating trying to make something out of nothing. Poor Bob he's not going to get the invites to the Christmas parties he was hoping for this year.

But he will get the lucrative book deal which was the whole point of his getting involved in the witch-hunt.
Covering whAt??? Do you have a crime??
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.

Yeah well unfortunately you don't have broken laws. Additionally it would appear that all of the actors were following an entrapment script written by the DNC.
Like I said....Mueller was the spinner in Chief until he got an actual boss. If Barr didn't put him back to work instead of running all over the place like a burglar on ecstasy he'd still be out there investigating trying to make something out of nothing. Poor Bob he's not going to get the invites to the Christmas parties he was hoping for this year.

But he will get the lucrative book deal which was the whole point of his getting involved in the witch-hunt.
Mueller can not do a book on this. It would violate the ethics clause, violates several laws on privacy and places him in a sever liability position. IF he does a book, he will be having all monies donated to Trump while he looks for pennies on his prison commissary account.
Y’all turn so quickly on your own when they don’t back up your conspiracy theories. Cracks me up
Who is turning 'on their own', you partisan hack?

The US IG, US AG, and the DOJ work for American citizens, NOT for Democrats or Republicans. Cheering for proven criminals classified Leakers, like this treason ous sum, to be spared from punishment in In-American. It is pro-Democrat but in-American.

The only proven partisan extremists are snowflakes like you who deny the reality that Hillary Clinton broke laws and claim the fact she colluded with foreign spies and Russians by purchasing a Russian-authored counter-intelligence report on Trump which was used in an attempt to alter the election was not illegal ... Yet you claim a 'set-up' meeting between Trump Jr & a Russian lawyer that lasted 1t minutes and resulted in NO information changing hands is somehow 'collusion' / 'treason'.
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
You're such a F*ING LIAR...AND YOU KNOW IT!

Barr released every bit of the Mueller Report he could without breaking the law, which Constitutional Law Expert Turley informed Nadler of when Nadler called him to testify before his Committee. Turley I formed him that a case on exactly this had already been heard & the DC Circuit ruled that what Nadler demanded of Barr was illegal, adding that he and Pelosi had successfully held the US AG in Contempt for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.



Released documents in a side-by-side comparison to what is in Mueller's report that HE HID EVIDENCE proving innocense ... AGAIN! Mueller only included a small part of a transcript in his report to create a false narrative, the false perception of obstruction.

This is more evidence / reason to have his big 'Insurance Policy' ass hauled before Congress under oath.

This latest document release showing Mueller is up to his old trick and trying to hide evidence proves Mueller was in this from the beginning to 'get Trump'.
Really. So when was Hillary Clinton put on trial and found guilty?
Exposed evidence proves she was never even considered for prosecition...ABD YOU KNOW IT.

You have been provided numerous links to:

1. Former FBI Agent Page's testimony in which she and former Deputy FBI Director McCabe by the DOJ that the DOJ was NOT going to pursue a case / conviction against Hillary...

2. The fact that Hillary's exoneration letter was written before she was even interviewed by the FBI...

3. The fact that the US IG exposed that the FBI broke policy when 'interviewing' by NOT video-taping it, NOT recording the audio, & transcripts of the supposed interview were NOT even WRITTEN UP until months later when they were being asked for.

4. The fact that the FBI held a press conference and publicly declared they had RECOVERED more than 15,000 OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED e-mails that had not been turned in for mandated archival IAW the FOIA & Federal Records Act - both violations of the law (more that 30,000 criminal counts), not to mention the attempted destruction of all those documents equated to another 15,000 criminal counts of obstruction.

5. Comey testified under oath and admitted to Gowdy that Hillay DID break the law, did lie to the FBI and Congress, had multiple devices she illegally destroyed, etc..

6. Coney himself, in a public news conference declared Hillary broke the law - many - before claiming that Hillary WAS TOO STUPID TO KNOW SHE WAS BREAKING LAWS & claiming (her) ignorance of the law was / is a legal defense for breaking the law, which it is NOT.

7. The US IG ripped Comey for declaring HE had decided to NOT recommend Hillary for indictment which was not even his job or within his power / authority to do. The US IG declared Comey had 'usurped the power of the DOJ' by doing so.

You continue to prove you are a reality-denying, traitor-supporting, lying partisan hack who refuses to acknowledge proven fact.
Personally I think it's just more evidence that Barr is even handed and is not working with any political agenda whatsoever.

Come on... Barr is totally covering for the prez. I’m not saying he is doing anything illegal. Holder was the same way for Obama... but let’s not deny reality and say Barr is totally objective
Covering whAt??? Do you have a crime??
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.
To get opposition research ?? Hillary hired a Russian spy for a fake dossier lol are you on crack?
Come on... Barr is totally covering for the prez. I’m not saying he is doing anything illegal. Holder was the same way for Obama... but let’s not deny reality and say Barr is totally objective
Covering whAt??? Do you have a crime??
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.

Yeah well unfortunately you don't have broken laws. Additionally it would appear that all of the actors were following an entrapment script written by the DNC.
Like I said....Mueller was the spinner in Chief until he got an actual boss. If Barr didn't put him back to work instead of running all over the place like a burglar on ecstasy he'd still be out there investigating trying to make something out of nothing. Poor Bob he's not going to get the invites to the Christmas parties he was hoping for this year.

See there you go again just making shit up. And it’s comical to see you continue to move the goalposts. I’m glad there were no broken laws found when it came to collusion. But there was definitely collusion’s unlike Trumps line. There was definitely an attempt to obstruct unlike Trumps line. I know you’re a trump fan so you don’t care about his lies but just say that you don’t give a shit. This turn the table and blame the enemy routine y’all are playing is transparent and weak
"While the predictable news conference with Special Counsel Robert Mueller made headlines this week for repeating what we already knew, a bigger story from the Department of Justice broke that got far too little attention.

But this week, we learned the OIG actually has identified one of the sources and suggested the allegations were supported by "a preponderance of evidence." Though that is certainly newsworthy, the real news was the Justice Department response. Officials mysteriously, though not surprisingly, declined to prosecute one of their own."

So the real criminals ARE being exposed ... but the DOJ is STILL protecting its own from prosecution.

Nothing will ever change, the DOJ / NIA / CIA / FBI will never be purged of treasonous filth, and the traitors will only be emboldened to do it again if they get away with it this time.

Barr said he wanted to FIND OUT what really happened - he never promised he / the DOJ would punish the criminals once he found them...

Although meant in jest, this news that the 1st identified / proven conspirator in the failed coup - part of the Leaking Strategy / team - is not going to be prosecuted...

Jason Chaffetz: Lawbreaking FBI leaker must be prosecuted – Justice Department fails to do so

Y’all turn so quickly on your own when they don’t back up your conspiracy theories. Cracks me up

Personally I think it's just more evidence that Barr is even handed and is not working with any political agenda whatsoever.

Come on... Barr is totally covering for the prez. I’m not saying he is doing anything illegal. Holder was the same way for Obama... but let’s not deny reality and say Barr is totally objective

Um no..... I'm going to say that so far I find him to be totally objective. He's there to deal with the law not with politics.

His summary and testimony was all spin. Read the report and then compare to his public statements. Night and day. How do you not see that?
Y’all turn so quickly on your own when they don’t back up your conspiracy theories. Cracks me up
Who is turning 'on their own', you partisan hack?

The US IG, US AG, and the DOJ work for American citizens, NOT for Democrats or Republicans. Cheering for proven criminals classified Leakers, like this treason ous sum, to be spared from punishment in In-American. It is pro-Democrat but in-American.

The only proven partisan extremists are snowflakes like you who deny the reality that Hillary Clinton broke laws and claim the fact she colluded with foreign spies and Russians by purchasing a Russian-authored counter-intelligence report on Trump which was used in an attempt to alter the election was not illegal ... Yet you claim a 'set-up' meeting between Trump Jr & a Russian lawyer that lasted 1t minutes and resulted in NO information changing hands is somehow 'collusion' / 'treason'.
You are. First you love Mueller then he’s a dem. Then you love the IG now he’s part of the deep state. Barr is next. Keep going...
Covering whAt??? Do you have a crime??
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.

Yeah well unfortunately you don't have broken laws. Additionally it would appear that all of the actors were following an entrapment script written by the DNC.
Like I said....Mueller was the spinner in Chief until he got an actual boss. If Barr didn't put him back to work instead of running all over the place like a burglar on ecstasy he'd still be out there investigating trying to make something out of nothing. Poor Bob he's not going to get the invites to the Christmas parties he was hoping for this year.

See there you go again just making shit up. And it’s comical to see you continue to move the goalposts. I’m glad there were no broken laws found when it came to collusion. But there was definitely collusion’s unlike Trumps line. There was definitely an attempt to obstruct unlike Trumps line. I know you’re a trump fan so you don’t care about his lies but just say that you don’t give a shit. This turn the table and blame the enemy routine y’all are playing is transparent and weak
WHERE!???? Was the collusion??? WITH RUSSIA THE STATE when did trump go to a Russian agent and say help me win??? And we can make a deal. When??
Cant find many details on this.... Makes me think the individual is flipping on the rest of the cabal... Keeping a tight lip on who and what is coming...

This smells like a flip and burn in progress....Just like Mueller was doing to Trump insiders, they are now putting the screws to this individual...

Going to withhold judgment for a few weeks on this one... Where is my popcorn?
it was one of the star crossed lovers
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
You're such a F*ING LIAR...AND YOU KNOW IT!

Barr released every bit of the Mueller Report he could without breaking the law, which Constitutional Law Expert Turley informed Nadler of when Nadler called him to testify before his Committee. Turley I formed him that a case on exactly this had already been heard & the DC Circuit ruled that what Nadler demanded of Barr was illegal, adding that he and Pelosi had successfully held the US AG in Contempt for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.



Released documents in a side-by-side comparison to what is in Mueller's report that HE HID EVIDENCE proving innocense ... AGAIN! Mueller only included a small part of a transcript in his report to create a false narrative, the false perception of obstruction.

This is more evidence / reason to have his big 'Insurance Policy' ass hauled before Congress under oath.

This latest document release showing Mueller is up to his old trick and trying to hide evidence proves Mueller was in this from the beginning to 'get Trump'.
i never said a word about Barr’s release of the the report or the redactions. Why do you have to go off on a tangent like that? Is your argument so weak that you can’t stay on subject?
Come on... Barr is totally covering for the prez. I’m not saying he is doing anything illegal. Holder was the same way for Obama... but let’s not deny reality and say Barr is totally objective
Covering whAt??? Do you have a crime??
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.
To get opposition research ?? Hillary hired a Russian spy for a fake dossier lol are you on crack?
Exactly, Hillary contracted an American company who colluded with a U.K. spy for opposition research. The Trumps collided with the Russians many times and then lied about. That’s all plain as day
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.

Yeah well unfortunately you don't have broken laws. Additionally it would appear that all of the actors were following an entrapment script written by the DNC.
Like I said....Mueller was the spinner in Chief until he got an actual boss. If Barr didn't put him back to work instead of running all over the place like a burglar on ecstasy he'd still be out there investigating trying to make something out of nothing. Poor Bob he's not going to get the invites to the Christmas parties he was hoping for this year.

See there you go again just making shit up. And it’s comical to see you continue to move the goalposts. I’m glad there were no broken laws found when it came to collusion. But there was definitely collusion’s unlike Trumps line. There was definitely an attempt to obstruct unlike Trumps line. I know you’re a trump fan so you don’t care about his lies but just say that you don’t give a shit. This turn the table and blame the enemy routine y’all are playing is transparent and weak
WHERE!???? Was the collusion??? WITH RUSSIA THE STATE when did trump go to a Russian agent and say help me win??? And we can make a deal. When??
He didn’t go to a Russian agent, they came to him and then he lied about it. No evidence of conspiracy with the Russian interference crimes was found, thank god, but there was absolutely collusion.
"While the predictable news conference with Special Counsel Robert Mueller made headlines this week for repeating what we already knew, a bigger story from the Department of Justice broke that got far too little attention.

But this week, we learned the OIG actually has identified one of the sources and suggested the allegations were supported by "a preponderance of evidence." Though that is certainly newsworthy, the real news was the Justice Department response. Officials mysteriously, though not surprisingly, declined to prosecute one of their own."

So the real criminals ARE being exposed ... but the DOJ is STILL protecting its own from prosecution.

Nothing will ever change, the DOJ / NIA / CIA / FBI will never be purged of treasonous filth, and the traitors will only be emboldened to do it again if they get away with it this time.

Barr said he wanted to FIND OUT what really happened - he never promised he / the DOJ would punish the criminals once he found them...

Although meant in jest, this news that the 1st identified / proven conspirator in the failed coup - part of the Leaking Strategy / team - is not going to be prosecuted...

Jason Chaffetz: Lawbreaking FBI leaker must be prosecuted – Justice Department fails to do so

Y’all turn so quickly on your own when they don’t back up your conspiracy theories. Cracks me up
Russia what? Says the hypocrite
Covering whAt??? Do you have a crime??
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.
To get opposition research ?? Hillary hired a Russian spy for a fake dossier lol are you on crack?
Exactly, Hillary contracted an American company who colluded with a U.K. spy for opposition research. The Trumps collided with the Russians many times and then lied about. That’s all plain as day
What Russian did trump call? What his name?
Barr did a spin job on muellers report as did trump... “no collusion no obstruction” what a joke of a line. Clear collusion (not illegal) and clear obstruction.... it was so bad Mueller had to do a press conference to clear it up.
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.
To get opposition research ?? Hillary hired a Russian spy for a fake dossier lol are you on crack?
Exactly, Hillary contracted an American company who colluded with a U.K. spy for opposition research. The Trumps collided with the Russians many times and then lied about. That’s all plain as day
What Russian did trump call? What his name?
He didn’t call anybody. I never said he did. Muellers report outlines many instances that Russia reached out to his people and many contacts that were made despite all Trumps lies about not having contacts with Russians. Thank god no crimes were found. But no collusion no obstruction is a complete BS line that he literally just made up for his puppets to run with
Lol where is the collusion?? Lol
Read the report, it’s everywhere. The meet in trump tower is the most blatant.
To get opposition research ?? Hillary hired a Russian spy for a fake dossier lol are you on crack?
Exactly, Hillary contracted an American company who colluded with a U.K. spy for opposition research. The Trumps collided with the Russians many times and then lied about. That’s all plain as day
What Russian did trump call? What his name?
He didn’t call anybody. I never said he did. Muellers report outlines many instances that Russia reached out to his people and many contacts that were made despite all Trumps lies about not having contacts with Russians. Thank god no crimes were found. But no collusion no obstruction is a complete BS line that he literally just made up for his puppets to run with
Do you even know what state representatives are? Lobbiest? Lol do you know EVERY COUNTRY on earth talks with a potential presidents cabinet???
That’s not collusion that’s every day politics.. sorry I thought you had a clue about current events lol woo

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