US insulin charges are the highest in the world

The greed of foreign countries who refuse to pay their fair share for the miracle drugs created in the U.S.....

Compared to Canada and Europe, the US system allows much faster patient access to new innovations, which can mean the difference between life and death. In fact, Americans have access to nearly 90 percent of new treatments launched between 2011 and 2017, while French patients have access to only 48 percent of them and Canadians just 44 percent.

The long-term cost to pursuing a government-run path also has resulted in pharmaceutical industry flight to countries where innovation is rewarded. When I joined Eli Lilly in 1996, Europe was the research and development powerhouse of the pharmaceutical industry, representing the vast majority of all large employers, factories, and R&D spending. But in a little over two decades, that equation has flipped. Industry migrated investments, jobs, and clinical trials to the United States — and with them the small and mid-sized companies that build the biopharma economy.
Today, the United States makes up more than half of global R&D spending, with Boston alone representing half of all global venture-backed startups and San Diego, San Francisco, New York, Charlotte, Seattle, and New Jersey benefiting from vibrant biopharmaceutical clusters. America’s unique and robust innovation ecosystem with its successful public-private partnership is why the United States has produced nearly all of the treatments and vaccines against COVID-19. If our industry is forced to relocate again, imagine the challenge for the United States to procure enough doses of a critical medicine from allies or even foes to escape a future pandemic.

We all want innovative medicines and to be ready for the next pandemic. We also want costs to go down. Unfortunately, the current proposal by House Democrats would cut our industry’s revenue by 40 percent — while ignoring broken health plan designs — stopping innovation dead in its tracks. And, we would lose a vital strategic asset for our country.

More nonsense. My insulin comes from France not America.The NHS buys drugs on the open market and gets good value. Only in the US is the free market distorted by drug company grift.
You live in a fantasy World. The makers of insulin are probably all in their graves by now.
Its just greed that is causing this. Buy the politicians and charge what you like.
Companies will continue to develop drugs because if they dont they will go out of business..

No...they will only develop drugs for the most widespread diseases, and they won't make more than necessary....if your body doesn't get cured by one drug for your illness you will be out of luck......the governments will tell you which one of the drugs you can use, and the drug companies won't invest in multiple versions of the drug.......and if you have a disease that only affects a small population of will be out of luck...they won't even bother with you because there will never be a way to make money on that drug, and the other drugs won't make enough money to cover the cost of the other drugs....

You simplistic buffoons are going to get more people killed........and you are going to keep new miracle drugs from being created....

I dont get this. The $35 was too expensive and the GOP crushed that.
Why do US diabetics get punished for their illness like this ?

Is it because big pharma owns the politicians ?

If they can offer insulin to the rest of the world at a reasonable price why cant Americans get it ?
It looks very much like a "free market" stitch up to me. My insulin is made by a |French company called Saniflo. They are listed on nasdaq as well.

How can they afford to sell it to the NHS at next to nothing and yet charge $90 a phial in the US ?

Somebody is protecting them. As ever the public pays the price, There doesnt seem to be any interest in a regulated market because politicians do not profit from that..
Companies like Moderna, Pfizer and Lilly own the Democrats and Republican parties. Nothing new there, look at Trump handing out billions to develop vaccines, then Congress tells us we can’t sue, then Biden does nothing with big pharma making record profits.

Big business owns the two parties, no doubt.

More nonsense. My insulin comes from France not America.The NHS buys drugs on the open market and gets good value. Only in the US is the free market distorted by drug company grift.

Yeah....socialists make one drug and you think that is all you have to worry are going to kill off lots of people with your ignorance...
Companies like Moderna, Pfizer and Lilly own the Democrats and Republican parties. Nothing new there, look at Trump handing out billions to develop vaccines, then Congress tells us we can’t sue, then Biden does nothing with big pharma making record profits.

Big business owns the two parties, no doubt.

Its a fucking racket.
No...they will only develop drugs for the most widespread diseases, and they won't make more than necessary....if your body doesn't get cured by one drug for your illness you will be out of luck......the governments will tell you which one of the drugs you can use, and the drug companies won't invest in multiple versions of the drug.......and if you have a disease that only affects a small population of will be out of luck...they won't even bother with you because there will never be a way to make money on that drug, and the other drugs won't make enough money to cover the cost of the other drugs....

You simplistic buffoons are going to get more people killed........and you are going to keep new miracle drugs from being created....
Are these the same companies that get tax breaks for R and D ?
Kiss my arse you stupid fuck.
Are these the same companies that get tax breaks for R and D ?
Kiss my arse you stupid fuck.

They don't pay the freight, keeping in mind all the drugs they spend money on that don't make it past testing, or once past testing get pulled........billions lost.....

Do you want new miracle drugs? Do you want medicine that can help diseases in smaller populations?

You guys are so short sighted and you are going to cause lots of people to die....

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