US insulin charges are the highest in the world

/———-/. Yeah. Try again Tommy…your guy screwed the pooch.

On December 23, 2020, the Trump Administration finalized a rule that directed the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to take action to require that federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) make insulin and injectable epinephrine available to certain patients at 340B prices. The Biden Administration delayed the rule twice before it became effective on July 20, 2021, and the first opportunity for HHS to impose the requirements of the rule would have been through grants awarded in fiscal year 2022.

Through "Grants"?
WOW, who is going to pay for THAT?

340 B "prices"?
The price that is set for 340B participants is the ceiling price above which covered entities may not be charged. This price is set based on the Average Manufacturer Price (AMP), minus a discount (usually equivalent to the state Medicaid Drug Discount Program rebate). This price may increase to cover fees paid to PBMs or GPOs, but may be further reduced by PVP negotiated prices.

Say's nothing about a cap of say...............$35.

Read more: Primer: Understanding the 340B Drug Pricing Program - AAF
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We have the most ignorant fat people in the world and the medical industry is bullshit.

Insulin resistance is the problem.

Eat 1 meal a day at 70-75% fat, 20-25% protien, 5% carbobydrates.

Boom!!! No insulin needed.

I just finished a 48-hour fast. I had very little cravings---no insulin resistance.
My observation is that a lot of your food is unhealthy. bacon seems to be added to every entree in restaurants.Every portion seems outsized.

Its fun for a while. I struggled to get in my normal clothes after a couple of weeks over there. Took me a while to get back to normal..

Big food must bear some responsibility.
You guys are fools to think this is anything other the destruction of the innovation, and miracle drugs.....this will just make all the other drugs cheaper and less common and you just refuse to see many people will die because of this democrat party insanity?

The package of price controls in the budget reconciliation bill would require Medicare to set prices for certain high-cost drugs and require drug manufacturers to pay rebates to the federal government when price increases exceed inflation. It uses the term “negotiation,” but it operates as a strict price control.

That’s because excessive penalties on drug manufacturers for not negotiating make it a negotiation drug companies can’t refuse. Meanwhile, the inflation rebates impose price controls on nearly all drugs covered by Medicare Part D, as well as brand drugs and biologics covered by Medicare Part B.

Europe’s drug manufacturing industry used to be the global leader, but this leadership position eroded over the past three decades and the U.S. now stands on top. Over the most recent five-year period from 2016 to 2020, the U.S. accounted for 138 of the new chemical and biological drug entities, followed by Europe at 64. Twenty years ago, Europe was on top.

The budget reconciliation bill’s strict price controls create a serious risk that the U.S. drug industry might follow in Europe’s footsteps.

To the benefit of–who else?–China. Much more at the link, and especially in the linked report.

There is reason to think that Joe Biden is beholden to the Chinese Communist Party because of corrupt business transactions he has profited from over the years. But what about the 50 Democratic senators? Do they seriously want to devastate America’s pharmaceutical industry, and transfer international leadership in drug innovation to the Communist Chinese?

Why is the pharma industry different to any other industry ?
You seem very confused. You claim to be a chapmion of capitalism but ppose the free market.
Your arguments dont make sense.
Drug companies will not reduce R and D because it drives their business. It delivers their huge profits.
Anyway if the state of world health has to be financed by a small group of sick people then it is obviously time for a rethink.
My observation is that a lot of your food is unhealthy. bacon seems to be added to every entree in restaurants.Every portion seems outsized.

Its fun for a while. I struggled to get in my normal clothes after a couple of weeks over there. Took me a while to get back to normal..

Big food must bear some responsibility.
Although I agree with your general premise, it's not bacon.

Carbohydrates are the killers.

Every health problem imaginable is a result of consuming too many carbohydrates and too much snacking.

Three meals a day is bullshit.

Eating more frequently causes you to eat more and have more cravings. Insulin resistance causes you to spend more money on food.

The food pyramid is total fucking insane suicidal bullshit.

The grain/cereal industry, snack industry, and sugar industry have all paid millions to misinform all of you, AND kill you. These bitches are worse than the fucking tobacco industry.

Eat one meal a day.

70% to 75% fat

20% to 25% protein

No more than 5% carbohydrates.

Make all your own food. Don't buy the shit they sell in the stores because it's usually full of a bunch of stuff that fucks up your insulin and DELIBERATELY causes you to have for more cravings

Both political parties are owned by Big Pharm and corporations in America, and that ain’t changing unless we have a Revolution and overthrow this mess we call a Government…
but it is the REPUBLICAN Party that refused to allow a cap on insulin prices in the recently passed omnibus bill
It doesn't say why the costs are higher, it just repeats the numbers over and over.
What are you talking about?

The highest cost I saw in that interactive chart anywhere else in the world was under $20.

Our cost is just short of $100.

But you're defending those American Big Pharma companies charging 5X and more than the rest of the world
As I stated above, would you really want to take insulin made by a manufacturer forced to make it at a loss?

A study carried out by the Rand Corporation finds that individuals in the United States pay significantly more for insulin than residents of 32 other high income countries.

For comparison, a study conducted by the RAND Corporation, an American nonprofit global policy think tank, found that drug companies in the US charge more than in nearly three dozen other countries surveyed, while the same study found that the average price in the US was more than ten times higher than the average for all of the other countries combined.

The American average list price for a vial of insulin was $98.70. The closest any other country came to that was Chile where the same amount of the lifesaving drug, on average, costs $21.48.

The U.S. price for insulin is 6.3 times higher than in Canada and 8.9 times higher than in the United Kingdom. U.S. insulin is also 5.9 times more expensive than in Japan and 27.7 times more expensive than in Turkey.

How "patriotic" of insulin makers to take a "loss" on 32 other countries, just to stick it to Americans
What are you talking about?

The highest cost I saw in that interactive chart anywhere else in the world was under $20.

Our cost is just short of $100.

But you're defending those American Big Pharma companies charging 5X and more than the rest of the world

Again, why are they charging more?

There are tons of manufacturers, the one thing they have in common is the FDA regulations. Could they be the cause of the higher costs?

We all know the FDA has far more stringent requirements than many European agencies, we see it with the whole Baby Formula thing.
A study carried out by the Rand Corporation finds that individuals in the United States pay significantly more for insulin than residents of 32 other high income countries.

For comparison, a study conducted by the RAND Corporation, an American nonprofit global policy think tank, found that drug companies in the US charge more than in nearly three dozen other countries surveyed, while the same study found that the average price in the US was more than ten times higher than the average for all of the other countries combined.

The American average list price for a vial of insulin was $98.70. The closest any other country came to that was Chile where the same amount of the lifesaving drug, on average, costs $21.48.

The U.S. price for insulin is 6.3 times higher than in Canada and 8.9 times higher than in the United Kingdom. U.S. insulin is also 5.9 times more expensive than in Japan and 27.7 times more expensive than in Turkey.

How "patriotic" of insulin makers to take a "loss" on 32 other countries, just to stick it to Americans

Is it the exact same Insulin?
Prove that. Stop making excuses for Big Pharma

I don't have to make any "excuses" because you haven't pointed out the reasons for the price difference, even if it was just "massive profits"

What's their margin on a vial of insulin?

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