US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

When I ask for what Obama policies created jobs, Anton and you respond by pointing to the 800 plus billion dollar stimulus as the "policy" that satisfies that request I can only smile and shake my head. The truth is there was going to be a stimulus put into effect no matter who was elected President since there was overwhelming bipartisan support for stimulus. Obviously when you spend an amount as large as 870 billion you are going to get some sort of bang for your buck. The question much bang did we get for the money we spent...was the stimulus structured in the best way to create jobs and grow the economy...or was it used by the politicians in power to reward their supporters and further their agenda?

There is a reason why the Obama Stimulus didn't create the jobs that Democratic leaders promised it would, Anton! You had Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid controlling who and what got paid out of that money. It became a giant slush fund with which Democratic leaders could reward political supporters and fund their agenda. It's why we got things like Solyndra.
Recapping the Obama Administration Green Energy Stimulus Failures - IER

Hilarious when it's counting the deficits it's nothing but - OBAMA SPENT LIKE DRUNKEN SAILOR!
When it's counting the jobs that spending bought it's - ANYBODY woulda done it! He didn't do nothing special!

Well leave it to you to make IRRELEVANT arguments. It doesn't matter who-woulda-coulda. Fact is Obama DID. So when you say he DIDN"T pass job creating policies, you are WRONG.

Since you haven't been able to provide anything resembling what you would consider GOOD NUMBERS on how many jobs 800 billion dollars caused we can safely ignore your BS ramblings.

So you can't name them...but it's a FACT that Obama did have policies that created jobs? I'm curious, Anton...when you make arguments like there anyone that doesn't laugh?

Yup. I don't laugh because while you lie like a rug, Anton never lies. Ever. Because you know that you are lying, I don't think you have anything to laugh about. that would be you lying again.
First, Oldstyle, you have promised months ago to provide bills that republicans have brought forward to combat the disaster known as the Great Republican Recession of 2008. You promised, and then failed to do so. So, was it simply another lie of yours?

Second, you have been shown many times the numbers, in the millions, of jobs that obama has been responsible for saving and creating.

Third. You have been unable to find a single job bill by Republicans, so at this point we know it was Obama Millions of jobs saved and created, Republicans 0 jobs. That's Zero.

Fourth, you are LYING again when you quote the $800 Billion number. As you have been shown, it was $500 Billion in stimulus, and a couple hundred Billion in tax decreases that Republicans put in the Stimulus (and then voted against).

Really, oldstyle, you lie so much your posts are a waste of space.
Republicans congratulate Republican governors for the economic recovery they deny is happening because they don't want to give Obama any credit. How do you take someone who does this seriously? And if the economy were as bad as Republicans say why aren't republicans governors worried about their jobs? Michigan gov GOP Rick Snyder poisoned us with lead and he still has his job.

Bush has zero to do with this economic recovery. For once Republicans can't try to credit the previous administration for a Democrats success

Actually, I think they will try. Because we have so many stupid people out there. And con trolls like Oldstyle simply blatantly lying all the time.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't Bush responsible for TARP?

Oh, I'm sorry...I keep forgetting in "Georgie World" Bush gets all of the blame and none of the credit...while Barry gets none of the blame and all of the credit!
When did I ever claim ZERO jobs were created, Anton? You've been hanging out with Georgie too're starting to play fast and loose with the truth just like him!

What I consider to be "reasonable" numbers are the jobs created numbers that had always been used as a barometer of job growth...not some fictional estimates based on political need.

I specifically said you didn't say ZERO because it is moronic, but you can't stand to admit more either, so you keep posting deflecting bullshit.

Now go ahead and reply with something non-stupid, like some numbers YOU think are reasonable and explain based on what. OR just honestly admit that you got no clue how many jobs the policy created and that you simply don't like it.

Employment created or lost...with no "jobs saved" bullshit!
What's laughable is that you think "jobs saved" gives you a more accurate estimate of policy effects than the CES numbers!
When did I ever claim ZERO jobs were created, Anton? You've been hanging out with Georgie too're starting to play fast and loose with the truth just like him!

What I consider to be "reasonable" numbers are the jobs created numbers that had always been used as a barometer of job growth...not some fictional estimates based on political need.

I specifically said you didn't say ZERO because it is moronic, but you can't stand to admit more either, so you keep posting deflecting bullshit.

Now go ahead and reply with something non-stupid, like some numbers YOU think are reasonable and explain based on what. OR just honestly admit that you got no clue how many jobs the policy created and that you simply don't like it.

Employment created or lost...with no "jobs saved" bullshit!
That chart show "employed"...

How do you that number of employed folks doesn't include workers who would have been laid off but weren't because their company made additional revenue (i.e., jobs saved)?
When did I ever claim ZERO jobs were created, Anton? You've been hanging out with Georgie too're starting to play fast and loose with the truth just like him!

What I consider to be "reasonable" numbers are the jobs created numbers that had always been used as a barometer of job growth...not some fictional estimates based on political need.

I specifically said you didn't say ZERO because it is moronic, but you can't stand to admit more either, so you keep posting deflecting bullshit.

Now go ahead and reply with something non-stupid, like some numbers YOU think are reasonable and explain based on what. OR just honestly admit that you got no clue how many jobs the policy created and that you simply don't like it.

Employment created or lost...with no "jobs saved" bullshit!
That chart show "employed"...

How do you that number of employed folks doesn't include workers who would have been laid off but weren't because their company made additional revenue (i.e., jobs saved)?

You have no clue what the Current Employment Statistics consist you, Faun?

Employment created or lost...with no "jobs saved" bullshit!

Idiot, those are actual job counts not estimate of policy effects...I don't even know why I keep replying to you, may as well talk to a carpet.

How would you accurately assess policy effects if you don't count the actual jobs?

Idiot (I'm not trying to be too redundant on that point, but you get what you earn), policy effects CANNOT be extracted out of actuals because there is no way to isolate those policy effects from a sea of other factors in economy. For that reason, actuals are not helpful to the estimation. We've been over that - right?

But what if we take idiotic things you say and run with it, meaning to go ahead and assume correlation of policy to actuals, as causation..what then?

Well then you've just talked yourself into admitting that Obama is nothing short of an economic savior of America:


To be wrong, on so many levels, so often...
What's laughable is that you think "jobs saved" gives you a more accurate estimate of policy effects than the CES numbers!

Jobs saved is a description of numbers in an estimate, not a source of estimate silly. The SOURCE of estimate is consideration of how tax-cuts, spending, transfers etc, convert to changes in jobs number.
When did I ever claim ZERO jobs were created, Anton? You've been hanging out with Georgie too're starting to play fast and loose with the truth just like him!

What I consider to be "reasonable" numbers are the jobs created numbers that had always been used as a barometer of job growth...not some fictional estimates based on political need.

I specifically said you didn't say ZERO because it is moronic, but you can't stand to admit more either, so you keep posting deflecting bullshit.

Now go ahead and reply with something non-stupid, like some numbers YOU think are reasonable and explain based on what. OR just honestly admit that you got no clue how many jobs the policy created and that you simply don't like it.

Employment created or lost...with no "jobs saved" bullshit!
That chart show "employed"...

How do you that number of employed folks doesn't include workers who would have been laid off but weren't because their company made additional revenue (i.e., jobs saved)?

You have no clue what the Current Employment Statistics consist you, Faun?
Translation: you don't know. You can't tell the difference between a company who lost an employee but gained one back ... from a company who didn't layoff an employee as planned due to an infusion of money.

Thanks for admitting what I knew you already didn't know. :thup:
No, an idiot is someone that believes that a VERY low 62.7 percent of the work eligible population with jobs equals less the 5 percent real unemployment. But keep believing that if it gives you the warm fuzzies about the Barrypuppet and the shitheads that make up the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools.

Labor Force is COMPOSED of employed+unemployed people, so what you just said is complete what was it about Idiots?

Tell me, are people who retire or go to school and are not looking for a job classify as "work eligible" to you?

I'm not the idiot that believes 37 percent of the work eligible participants are living a life of leisure and that only 4.9 percent are looking for work. That's were idiots like you come into play. There is some bad shit coming down the pike and I will be absolutely stunned as well as elated if we make it to the end of the year without a financial collapse of monumental proportions.
I'm not the idiot that believes 37 percent of the work eligible participants are living a life of leisure and that only 4.9 percent are looking for work. That's were idiots like you come into play. There is some bad shit coming down the pike and I will be absolutely stunned as well as elated if we make it to the end of the year without a financial collapse of monumental proportions.

Does an 80 year old gramps or 18 year old student "living a life of leisure and not looking for work" surprise you??

You are too ignorant to argue this with me and you are too ignorant to have any basis to reject official numbers. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's not a fact.
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When did I ever claim ZERO jobs were created, Anton? You've been hanging out with Georgie too're starting to play fast and loose with the truth just like him!

What I consider to be "reasonable" numbers are the jobs created numbers that had always been used as a barometer of job growth...not some fictional estimates based on political need.

I specifically said you didn't say ZERO because it is moronic, but you can't stand to admit more either, so you keep posting deflecting bullshit.

Now go ahead and reply with something non-stupid, like some numbers YOU think are reasonable and explain based on what. OR just honestly admit that you got no clue how many jobs the policy created and that you simply don't like it.

Employment created or lost...with no "jobs saved" bullshit!
That chart show "employed"...

How do you that number of employed folks doesn't include workers who would have been laid off but weren't because their company made additional revenue (i.e., jobs saved)?

You have no clue what the Current Employment Statistics consist you, Faun?
Translation: you don't know. You can't tell the difference between a company who lost an employee but gained one back ... from a company who didn't layoff an employee as planned due to an infusion of money.

Thanks for admitting what I knew you already didn't know. :thup:
I'm not the idiot that believes 37 percent of the work eligible participants are living a life of leisure and that only 4.9 percent are looking for work. That's were idiots like you come into play. There is some bad shit coming down the pike and I will be absolutely stunned as well as elated if we make it to the end of the year without a financial collapse of monumental proportions.

Does an 80 year old gramps or 18 year old student "living a life of leisure and not looking for work" surprise you??

You are too ignorant to argue this with me and you are too ignorant to have any basis to to reject official numbers. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's not a fact.

No, dumb ass...but they are counting those that are working part-time as being "employed". The numbers are being fudged and if you can't see that, then YOU are the ignorant one. 51 percent of those that even have a job make less than 30K a year and over 35 percent of those that have a job make less than 20K a year. The dollar doesn't buy shit anymore. This fiat currency has been devalued even more by the QE program. You can put lipstick on this pig all you want...put some eye-liner on it but at the end of the day, it's still a pig and with Barrypuppet pushing the TPP, it will make decent paying jobs even harder to find. There isn't one "Fair Trade Agreement" that has benefited the middle class because that's the tear down the middle class. The neocons working in conjunction with the leftard clown posse have done their part. Ignorant? As if....I am a walking, talking encyclopedia of information. The decimation of the middle class is no accident at all. You cannot win this debate or argument. You like having sunshine pounded up your ass? Enjoy...I prefer to live in this thing we call "reality".
What's laughable is that you think "jobs saved" gives you a more accurate estimate of policy effects than the CES numbers!

Jobs saved is a description of numbers in an estimate, not a source of estimate silly. The SOURCE of estimate is consideration of how tax-cuts, spending, transfers etc, convert to changes in jobs number.

"Jobs saved" is a smoke screen to obscure the lack of job matter how you try to dress it up, Anton!
When did I ever claim ZERO jobs were created, Anton? You've been hanging out with Georgie too're starting to play fast and loose with the truth just like him!

What I consider to be "reasonable" numbers are the jobs created numbers that had always been used as a barometer of job growth...not some fictional estimates based on political need.

I specifically said you didn't say ZERO because it is moronic, but you can't stand to admit more either, so you keep posting deflecting bullshit.

Now go ahead and reply with something non-stupid, like some numbers YOU think are reasonable and explain based on what. OR just honestly admit that you got no clue how many jobs the policy created and that you simply don't like it.

Employment created or lost...with no "jobs saved" bullshit!
That chart show "employed"...

How do you that number of employed folks doesn't include workers who would have been laid off but weren't because their company made additional revenue (i.e., jobs saved)?

You have no clue what the Current Employment Statistics consist you, Faun?
Translation: you don't know. You can't tell the difference between a company who lost an employee but gained one back ... from a company who didn't layoff an employee as planned due to an infusion of money.

Thanks for admitting what I knew you already didn't know. :thup:

Pray tell, do you quantify the number of people who didn't lose jobs due to stimulus money? Do you not grasp how the Obama Administration realized that it was indeed impossible to estimate that number and used that to hide pathetic job creation numbers?

Jobs Created is an actual number...created from data collected through the saved is fiction...a number created out of thin air...usually for political cover.
I specifically said you didn't say ZERO because it is moronic, but you can't stand to admit more either, so you keep posting deflecting bullshit.

Now go ahead and reply with something non-stupid, like some numbers YOU think are reasonable and explain based on what. OR just honestly admit that you got no clue how many jobs the policy created and that you simply don't like it.

Employment created or lost...with no "jobs saved" bullshit!
That chart show "employed"...

How do you that number of employed folks doesn't include workers who would have been laid off but weren't because their company made additional revenue (i.e., jobs saved)?

You have no clue what the Current Employment Statistics consist you, Faun?
Translation: you don't know. You can't tell the difference between a company who lost an employee but gained one back ... from a company who didn't layoff an employee as planned due to an infusion of money.

Thanks for admitting what I knew you already didn't know. :thup:
I'm not the idiot that believes 37 percent of the work eligible participants are living a life of leisure and that only 4.9 percent are looking for work. That's were idiots like you come into play. There is some bad shit coming down the pike and I will be absolutely stunned as well as elated if we make it to the end of the year without a financial collapse of monumental proportions.

Does an 80 year old gramps or 18 year old student "living a life of leisure and not looking for work" surprise you??

You are too ignorant to argue this with me and you are too ignorant to have any basis to to reject official numbers. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's not a fact.

No, dumb ass...but they are counting those that are working part-time as being "employed". The numbers are being fudged and if you can't see that, then YOU are the ignorant one. 51 percent of those that even have a job make less than 30K a year and over 35 percent of those that have a job make less than 20K a year. The dollar doesn't buy shit anymore. This fiat currency has been devalued even more by the QE program. You can put lipstick on this pig all you want...put some eye-liner on it but at the end of the day, it's still a pig and with Barrypuppet pushing the TPP, it will make decent paying jobs even harder to find. There isn't one "Fair Trade Agreement" that has benefited the middle class because that's the tear down the middle class. The neocons working in conjunction with the leftard clown posse have done their part. Ignorant? As if....I am a walking, talking encyclopedia of information. The decimation of the middle class is no accident at all. You cannot win this debate or argument. You like having sunshine pounded up your ass? Enjoy...I prefer to live in this thing we call "reality".
Your insanity persists. Part timers have always been included in the U-3. Most part timers want to be part timers. The ones who don't are counted in the U-6.

I've never heard so much whining in my life about how the BLS measures unemployment until Obama became president.
I specifically said you didn't say ZERO because it is moronic, but you can't stand to admit more either, so you keep posting deflecting bullshit.

Now go ahead and reply with something non-stupid, like some numbers YOU think are reasonable and explain based on what. OR just honestly admit that you got no clue how many jobs the policy created and that you simply don't like it.

Employment created or lost...with no "jobs saved" bullshit!
That chart show "employed"...

How do you that number of employed folks doesn't include workers who would have been laid off but weren't because their company made additional revenue (i.e., jobs saved)?

You have no clue what the Current Employment Statistics consist you, Faun?
Translation: you don't know. You can't tell the difference between a company who lost an employee but gained one back ... from a company who didn't layoff an employee as planned due to an infusion of money.

Thanks for admitting what I knew you already didn't know. :thup:

Pray tell, do you quantify the number of people who didn't lose jobs due to stimulus money? Do you not grasp how the Obama Administration realized that it was indeed impossible to estimate that number and used that to hide pathetic job creation numbers?

Jobs Created is an actual number...created from data collected through the saved is fiction...a number created out of thin air...usually for political cover.
By surveying the companies receiving ARRA funds.

Employment created or lost...with no "jobs saved" bullshit!
That chart show "employed"...

How do you that number of employed folks doesn't include workers who would have been laid off but weren't because their company made additional revenue (i.e., jobs saved)?

You have no clue what the Current Employment Statistics consist you, Faun?
Translation: you don't know. You can't tell the difference between a company who lost an employee but gained one back ... from a company who didn't layoff an employee as planned due to an infusion of money.

Thanks for admitting what I knew you already didn't know. :thup:
I'm not the idiot that believes 37 percent of the work eligible participants are living a life of leisure and that only 4.9 percent are looking for work. That's were idiots like you come into play. There is some bad shit coming down the pike and I will be absolutely stunned as well as elated if we make it to the end of the year without a financial collapse of monumental proportions.

Does an 80 year old gramps or 18 year old student "living a life of leisure and not looking for work" surprise you??

You are too ignorant to argue this with me and you are too ignorant to have any basis to to reject official numbers. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's not a fact.

No, dumb ass...but they are counting those that are working part-time as being "employed". The numbers are being fudged and if you can't see that, then YOU are the ignorant one. 51 percent of those that even have a job make less than 30K a year and over 35 percent of those that have a job make less than 20K a year. The dollar doesn't buy shit anymore. This fiat currency has been devalued even more by the QE program. You can put lipstick on this pig all you want...put some eye-liner on it but at the end of the day, it's still a pig and with Barrypuppet pushing the TPP, it will make decent paying jobs even harder to find. There isn't one "Fair Trade Agreement" that has benefited the middle class because that's the tear down the middle class. The neocons working in conjunction with the leftard clown posse have done their part. Ignorant? As if....I am a walking, talking encyclopedia of information. The decimation of the middle class is no accident at all. You cannot win this debate or argument. You like having sunshine pounded up your ass? Enjoy...I prefer to live in this thing we call "reality".
Your insanity persists. Part timers have always been included in the U-3. Most part timers want to be part timers. The ones who don't are counted in the U-6.

I've never heard so much whining in my life about how the BLS measures unemployment until Obama became president.

Dude, I don't give a flying fuck about political parties. because they are nothing but corporate officers of USA.INC, a foreign owned corporate entity that was the "successor to contract" to provide the 19 essential/enumerated services as described in their corporate charter that was the Act of 1871 and it's a "for profit venture". They enact Acts, Statutes and Codes because as a corporate entity, they cannot pass laws because laws can only be established on the land. We are under admiralty law which was brought up on the land in 1868 and we went from being a sovereign citizen to that of being a subject....and the story behind that would be another long ass post and I have already covered this before and I tire of repeating myself. We have lost MILLIONS upon millions of jobs because of unfair "Fair trade agreements". Neocons and the Barrypuppet have been trying shove the TPP down our throat. I salute the patriotic democrats and Tea Party republicans that are not bought and paid for as they tied to stand against it. You have got to take off the blinders.
the WH deducts those that no longer receive unemployment payments because it ran out as not counting on the roll.
Oh, that one was a gem.

Not only does he think unemployment benefits are use to determine how many folks are unemployed -- but he thinks it's the White House, and not the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which does that.

Yep. Not the brightest bulb on the tree. Pretty sure he is a congenital idiot. Really serious mental illness.

No, an idiot is someone that believes that a VERY low 62.7 percent of the work eligible population with jobs equals less the 5 percent real unemployment. But keep believing that if it gives you the warm fuzzies about the Barrypuppet and the shitheads that make up the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools.

Did someone just hear a dipshit speaking in the woods, all to himself. You know, a con troll blathering, thinking that anyone cares what he is trying to say. A butt stupid conspiracy theorist, speaking nonsense that only he believes?
Oh, yeah. It is Smith, the nut case, totally irrelevant clown. Smith, the guy who everyone laughs at. Thinking that anyone cares what he says. Poor guy is a congenital idiot, unable to make sense of any kind or ever prove his accusations. The clown who listens to paid hacks and jokes that he thinks are prophets. Poor guy.

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