US Meat Workers Quit As Virus Ridden Plants Reopen

But they should be able to collect unemployment t, till they find another job.
Those at a high risk of dying if they catch it, will just have to quit and find another job....
The article in the OP said the people at risk are being paid to stay home.
This breaks ALL OSHA laws, but oh well, the rest of us, gotta eat.
I think you and I read different articles. I read the one in the OP and the ones I put up earlier from the Bangor Daily News about the Tyson plant in Portland.

I don't know where you're coming from.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

That is their right.

Let them quit.

No unemployment for them.
And no meat for you either.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

So what is your plan? Everyone stays at home, and we all die?

Really, what is your plan? Listen, Corona is never going away. There will not be a magic moment, where it just .... disappears from the planet.

So, what would you suggest? We all stay home, and have mass starvation across the country, and then instead of some dying, then everyone dies?

Really, explain your solution.
These idiots never have an explanation. They will try to blame it on President Trump, yet can’t explain who is responsible for the pandemic infecting every nation on the planet.
It isn't a "who." It's a "what." They're called bats. They are also called chickens, Turkeys, and other domestic stock that cause viruses and diseases; And yes, it's "we", not "who". So, you can get off your self-righteous horse and smell the viruses and diseases all of us produce.
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This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
You start by using the defense protection act for something useful, and begin mass producing the proper protective gear for the workers to provide for their safety first. It's the only way. These are the real soldiers in this fight.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

So what is your plan? Everyone stays at home, and we all die?

Really, what is your plan? Listen, Corona is never going away. There will not be a magic moment, where it just .... disappears from the planet.

So, what would you suggest? We all stay home, and have mass starvation across the country, and then instead of some dying, then everyone dies?

Really, explain your solution.
You start by using the defense protection act for something useful, and begin mass producing the proper protective gear for the workers to provide for their safety first. It's the only way. These are the real soldiers in this fight. We start this war by providing the necessary protective gear for all the essential workers in this country first, then we move to phase II, by providing the gear for the every day citizen.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

As long as the generous unemployment checks continue democrat voters will not return to work
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
SunDevil can always go work there, and Bripat, jc456, andaronjim, etc.... can all go work there, and bring their wives and brothers to work there too! J/k

Likely, the plant will have to add safety measures, full testing weekly, and pay more for New hires.....

That assumes there are any safety measures that will make a difference, given they already have tons of safety measures in place.

Now they might have to pay more for new hires, but likely not. There are tons of people that are willing to work for good pay like that. Especially given how many places are closed.
Not if they think they could die or pass it on to a family member who could die..... plus its nasty, hard work.... Why do you think the majority of workers are immigrants..... it isn't because Americans are lining up for the job.....

Combat pay, could lure some there to work, but safety measures would be money well spent and designing the line so they are 6ft apart, open a second shift to do it, if necessary, along with protective gear, plexiglass separation, and testing for covid weekly among employees and sending infected home, could make it 100 times safer than the conditions they were working under....imo

First, as far as it being nasty hard work... not so much. I've read hundreds of reviews of working in JBS plants, and watched some videos of the work. It's not that nasty, and not that hard.

To be honest, it's not nearly that hard, and pays quite a bit more than my last job. My last job, I had to lift 70 lbs laser printers on skids, in the middle of August, in a non-temperature controlled warehouse, that was over 100 degrees.

They are inside a temperature controlled plant, lifting virtually nothing, and all they have to do is keep pace with the line.

Honestly, compared to those Mexicans that climb on people's roofs in July, and re-shingle the roof... not hard, not that nasty.

And again, based on the wage reports I've seen, they are paid more than I was doing my job, and I'd wager about the same as someone doing shingles (depending on where).

I suppose for someone whose worked in cushy government jobs, whose never put in a hard days work... yeah suppose from that persons perspective, it's hard nasty work. (I am not referring to anyone here, only generally).

But I have down real hard nasty work. I've worked really hard stuff. I can remember coming home from work, and running my fingers through my hair, and pulling out crystallized salt, from sweating all day. I had a job, that you never showered before going to work, because it was pointless. You always showered when you got home, so that you didn't soil the bed sheets with sweat salt, and odor.

So no, this isn't hard nasty work. Sorry, it's not.

Not if they think they could die or pass it on to a family member who could die

I've seen the protection policies put in place, and honestly, they seem greater than I would have expected. So at what level of new policies would you finally say it's time to get back to work?

And here's the kicker... when people go back to work, people will get infected, and some will die.
So what is your solution?

Combat pay, could lure some there to work, but safety measures would be money well spent and designing the line so they are 6ft apart, open a second shift to do it, if necessary, along with protective gear, plexiglass separation, and testing for covid weekly among employees and sending infected home, could make it 100 times safer than the conditions they were working under....imo

Sorry, but you can't spread people 6 feet apart. That is not going to happen. I've seen how the lines are setup.... there isn't enough space in the plant, to spread out a line over a mile long, so that everyone can be 6 feet apart.

Nor can you can spread the bath room stalls out 6 feet apart, nor the break rooms, nor dressing room area... and you seem to forget that the line itself is moving. You breath out, the germs get on the line itself, and carried down to every single person down from you.

What are you suggesting is not only impossible, but a waste of time. I've worked at manufacturing plants. What you are saying is impossible.

You would have to shut down the entire plant, and then rebuild the place from the ground up, and that would take at a minimum, two years. In the mean time, the entire country starves to death, and more people die in riots, than would have died from Corona.

Second shift

From what I understand they are already running a second shift.

Protection gear

Already have it.

Plexiglass shields

Already have it.

Daily testing, send infected home.

That's fine... I'm not opposed to it.

But it's not going to help either. We already know that one of the primary reasons this virus is so contagious, is specifically because it is contagious extremely quickly after being initially infected.

By the time you show up on a screening, you have already been infecting people for several days.

In fact the 6 feet apart rule isn't likely to help either. Research suggests that the 6-feet rule is basically just a placebo to keep people calm.

As I said before, this is not a disease that can be contained like say.... Ebola. Ebola can be contained.

Corona is more like the common cold. Trying to magically keep yourself safe, is more about ten government telling you whatever they have to, in order to keep you calm. There is no evidence whatsoever, that countries like Sweden and Japan that did not enact drastic lock down measures, had significantly higher deaths.

In short, all of our attempts to stop this virus, have at the very very best estimates, only slightly slowed it down. But you are not going to avoid getting it, and you are not going to stop people from dying from it. It is going to happen.
Some plants closed to add plexiglass shields after all the infections, they were not all retrofitted. The 6 ft separation on the line can be achieved by slowing down the ramp, and splitting workers in two shifts, add the clear hard plastic face shield on top of surgical masks.

Why don't Americans hold the majority jobs on the line there, if it pays as well as you say?

Some plants closed to add plexiglass shields after all the infections, they were not all retrofitted.

As near as I can tell from the story about the specific plant in question, they did this. If I'm wrong, I'll be more than happy to look at your evidence.

But until it is proven otherwise, the plant these people are refusing to go to, has the shields installed, even though they will accomplish nothing.

splitting workers in two shifts

From what I read, they are already running two shifts. You can't split a shift, when there is already another shift. If you have 12 people, and you split them in half, so there is only 6... and send 6 to the other shift that already has 12 people, now you have 18 people on that shift.


slowing down the ramp

Additionally, "slowing down the ramp" is not as easy as you suggest. Those machines and processing systems, are designed to run at a specific speed. Again, you would have to shut down and retool the entire plant, which could take a year. You shut down every processing plant in the country, and then we have mass riots and deaths from food shortages.

Not to mention that is actually dangerous. Remember the moment the food is started in processing, time starts ticking by. You have raw meat exposed to air. Yes, it is cold, and yes it is protected best it can, but it is still raw meat exposed. You want that food processed as quickly as possible, and sealed.

Why don't Americans hold the majority jobs on the line there, if it pays as well as you say?

First, I don't say anything about the job. I read the reviews, and they were overwhelmingly positive.

Second, I do not have any specific information about any specific plant... other again, what people who work there wrote about it. The majority of those reviews were from Americans.

Additionally, I've worked at plants like this. And they were mostly Americans working there.

Here's my guess.... my guess is, the plant in question likely is in an area that has a high number of immigrants. If your business is in a location that has a high number of immigrants, you are more likely to get those people as employees.
obvious you did not grow up on a farm. Ever do any canning? if you had we would not be having this conversation. Look into canning proceedures and why they are as they are and you will answer your own questions. I highly advise this as if the food supply becomes bad canning is a skill you will need. I am going to get seeds and mason jars today Look into what bacteria and viruses like as far as a place to live and you will understand. I am also checking my fishing equipment and looking for my old traps. I have not gone trapping since the seventies when fur prices collapsed. I may be doing it to eat soon.

Everything you are saying is pure speculation. You have no evidence that this danger is present.
You are a true dumb fuck now on the to stupid to waste time list thank you for playing go get bent.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

So what is your plan? Everyone stays at home, and we all die?

Really, what is your plan? Listen, Corona is never going away. There will not be a magic moment, where it just .... disappears from the planet.

So, what would you suggest? We all stay home, and have mass starvation across the country, and then instead of some dying, then everyone dies?

Really, explain your solution.
You start by using the defense protection act for something useful, and begin mass producing the proper protective gear for the workers to provide for their safety first. It's the only way. These are the real soldiers in this fight. We start this war by providing the necessary protective gear for all the essential workers in this country first, then we move to phase II, by providing the gear for the every day citizen.

That comes across as absolute insanity to me.

Proper protective gear?

So far, we have not seen that any gear is effective at preventing transmission of this illness. Unless you are planning to issue everyone full body suits, and we're not doing that.

So you can write this down... "We're not doing that".

Just get over it. People are not going to walk around in full body suits, like Tali Zorah from Mass Effect.

Additionally, who exactly do you propose pays for protective gear for the entire nation? Really? That would cost half a trillion dollars or more, and last I looked at the Federal Budget, our 'rainy day fund' is a bit low. Like, non-existent, with a massive debt.

No, we're not providing everyone with protective gear. Sorry, not happening.

Again, I don't know of any protective gear that is even effective yet, except for full body suits, and we're not doing that.

I say, we follow the lead of Sweden. Stop this lock down crap, let the illness play out, end up with everyone immune, and move on with life.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

As long as the generous unemployment checks continue democrat voters will not return to work
I say unemployment should be capped at 6 months. Then get a job, and get back to building the nation, instead of living off it.
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

As long as the generous unemployment checks continue democrat voters will not return to work
I say unemployment should be capped at 6 months. Then get a job, and get back to building the nation, instead of living off it.
Six months is way too long

no more than two months
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

I understand the point you're making. It's a difficult situation we are in, so my question to you is, what do we do about food?
She thinks they'll just bring more meat out from the back of the store and
This is what I said would happen. People aren't going to put money before their life, the lives of their family and friends.

As I said, trump can't force them to go back to those plants. They're quitting, calling in sick or taking leaves of absence and I don't blame them.

It's stupid to force those plants to be open but not force the owners to make it safe for the workers.

If mcconnell and the republicans get their way and take away a worker's right to sue their employer there will be more people quitting those jobs. No one will accept being forced to work in conditions that have a high chance of them getting the virus but no way to sue the employer who caused them to get sick in the first place.

I will point out that it's unconstitutional to take away a person's right to sue.

All trump and the owners of those business need to do is make it safe for the workers but that would cost money and we all know those employers don't want to spend that money. Which is stupid because their actions are going to harm or even destroy the business. They can't have a business if they don't have the workers to do the jobs.

How can they be forced to go to work when some aren't? Most are working. Thank those who are.

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