US Military can’t meet its recruitment goals, 40% of target for the year.

One solution might be to offer a path to citizenship for any illegal immigrant willing to take an oath, join the U.S military and risk their life for their new found country.

The French Foreign Legion are not only one of the most respected and competent infantry outfit anywhere in the world, they are also extremely loyal and fearless. This is because there isn't any room for individuality in their force, only one family fighting for one another to their last breath, regardless of their country of birth.

I've seen interviews of some of these men, they would lay their life on the line for the French flag faster than most French born citizens. Their exploits in Africa are legendary.

Why can't America take such a stance with so many millions illegally in your country? You surely have some illegals who are genuinely looking for a new home, new system, and willing to put their life on the line for it.

Most of the LEGAL citizens in some places have such poor English skills that they cannot pass the ASVAB to get in!
Army is at just 40% of where they should be. Peace time too. I wonder why nobody wants to join.
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I thought the military's move against normalcy under Obama was supposed to encourage young people to join?
Turns out that I was right, red blooded American men don't want to shower and bunk with fellows who are light in the loafers and wear ladies' duds. They may put up with it in the penitentiary, but until they are convicted by 12 angry men they aren't going to do it voluntarily.
Fair question. However the unemployment rate is currently 3.6%.
Yeah, that is why there are about 3 jobs available for every 1 person who is "unemployed". The true numbers of people NOT working is probably 2-3 times that because people just refuse to work anymore. Why should they? Mom's basement rent is cheaper and they don't have to pay for gas to get to work!
Just like the airlines bitching about not enough pilots. Both the Airlines and the military wasted no time in kicking out people who refuse to take the vaccine. Sorry it is on them
How many pilots were fired due to refusing the vaccine? I think you would be surprised at how tiny that number is!
We graduated 160 some kids this year. Zero enlistees. We don't deal with many of the issues you describe as we are a rural district. I think less people in general are interested and gays and whatever have little to do with it.
Actually, that's about normal. I graduated in the late 70s from a class with over 400 students and a grand total of 5 of us joined the military.
This shill MSM report struggles to find why no one wants to join Biden’s Army.

Is it that young people are too emotionally unstable and afraid?
They are too out of shape? No land whales allowed?

Maybe it’s because so few young people have parents that were in the military (thanks rampant immigration)?

But the article doesn’t touch the fact that the military leadership and the Biden Regime have gone out of its way to demonize the largest recruiting demographic: cornbread white boys from the south and Midwest. Their Generals are very concerned about “white rage” and transgender pronouns. Then of course there is the elephant in the room, the mandatory experimental vaccines no one wants.

Little insight:

I've been teaching a long time. Last year, was in a meeting with our high school principal. He said his job is basically a nightmare these days. Moms call, "their child needs a modification to the schedule". Here are some reasons:

--anxiety, no 1. Can't attend school all day, or in the morning, or in the afternoon. Or needs more passing time between classes. Or needs extra time in class, or just...whatever

--Sleep issues. Can't get up in the morning

--Eating. More time to eat, can't eat school food, must go home to eat, etc

He said it's basically impossible to run a school for all the "individual requests" he gets for students. And I can't say I'm shocked. We do not prepare children for life anymore. We coddle them AWAY from life, sure our job is to shelter them away like fragile little eggs.

Then marvel when they grow up unprepared to handle anything. So yeah. These kids are NOT signing up for boot camp. Mommy can't call the drill sergeant and complain.....
The military has had a hard time filling numbers for years, this is nothing new.

Simple enough solution... Let any undocumented immigrant join the military in exchange for citizenship. Just get spanish speaking officers and NCO's.
Most officers in the Army already speak another language. My daughter is a Captain who can speak Spanish. About one-third of her command was Hispanic.
That is a very recent change!

Daughter, son, and daughter-in-law were all Army. Son in law is deployed with the Air National Guard. Nephews were Navy and Marine. Nephew's wife is Navy. Best friend's granddaughter is a Marine.

It has been a growing trend over the generations as the size of the nation has grown but the size of the military has not.
Army is at just 40% of where they should be. Peace time too. I wonder why nobody wants to join.
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The US military is not in a period of peace which is probably why there is a low moment for recruitment and the labor market is strong..
Army is at just 40% of where they should be. Peace time too. I wonder why nobody wants to join.
View attachment 663720

This is good news for democrats

No military

Yay, just like no police!!

What could possibly go wrong?

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