US upset that our allies aren't helping us....LOLOLOLOL...LOLOLOLO

Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
Obama and Kerry cut deals with Soleimani to give Iran billions of dollars and a legitimate path way to nuclear WMDs and Trump droned his ass into oblivion.
Who would you rather have as a rational just president?
“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way,” he said
You have a problem with this?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?

Have you ever heard of the word "deterrent"?
Wouldn't it be equally a "deterrent" to strike one of their aircraft carriers? Flatten a military installation? Are we so feeble that we must hit targets that can't strike back?

What aircraft carriers? Iran's biggest boats I'm aware of are four, 50 year old frigates. Did I miss something? Our Coast Guard Reserve is a bigger navy.
“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way,” he said
You have a problem with this?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.
Pompeo Says Europe Should Rally to Support U.S. After Strike.....LOLOLOLOL....LOLOLOLOL.....
Even on your best day, you couldn't make shit like this up....if these leaders wanted to be funny, I'd tell the US, the check is in the mail....LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
Folks, the nerves the absolute nerves....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
I wish we could all revisit history and learn a few things....the United States of America, has never ever ever won a war...ALONE. Bad as we want to be, we've always had help.....of course draft dodging morons don't know this. that you with your stupid LOLOLOL's?
“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way,” he said
You have a problem with this?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.

Trump doesn't really engage.
We will go in.
Break everything
Kill everybody
Get out.

Thank you in advance Mr. President.
Pompeo Says Europe Should Rally to Support U.S. After Strike.....LOLOLOLOL....LOLOLOLOL.....
Even on your best day, you couldn't make shit like this up....if these leaders wanted to be funny, I'd tell the US, the check is in the mail....LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
Folks, the nerves the absolute nerves....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
I wish we could all revisit history and learn a few things....the United States of America, has never ever ever won a war...ALONE. Bad as we want to be, we've always had help.....of course draft dodging morons don't know this.

Europe was happy with the Iran Disarmament Deal
It saw a de-escalation of tension as a good deal for all

But the deal had Obama’s name on it and Trump had to destroy it

Now, Trump is stuck with the consequences
Pompeo Says Europe Should Rally to Support U.S. After Strike.....LOLOLOLOL....LOLOLOLOL.....
Even on your best day, you couldn't make shit like this up....if these leaders wanted to be funny, I'd tell the US, the check is in the mail....LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
Folks, the nerves the absolute nerves....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
I wish we could all revisit history and learn a few things....the United States of America, has never ever ever won a war...ALONE. Bad as we want to be, we've always had help.....of course draft dodging morons don't know this.

Europe was happy with the Iran Disarmament Deal
It saw a de-escalation of tension as a good deal for all

But the deal had Obama’s name on it and Trump had to destroy it

Now, Trump is stuck with the consequences

Luv the Upgrade.
“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way,” he said
You have a problem with this?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.

Relax, maam. Sometimes "cultural" sites can overlap with military targets. It depends on what the site is being used for. If it is a ancient shrine with on the hill with a thousand prayer rugs and a guy in a funny hat, that's one thing. If it is an ancient or modern temple also housing weapons and ammunition storage, or disguising an anti-aircraft site site sometimes with military trucks in and out on a daily or weekly basis, that's something else. In the middle east, middle eastern military have done that sort of thing, even putting anti-aircraft sites on top of churches, mosques, even hospitals.
“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way,” he said
You have a problem with this?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.
Why not both? If we are forced to order a large scale strike against the Iranian leadership, it will be more to deliver a scathing message than to weaken its military - remember that while these are acts of war, we are not at war with Iran. The purpose of the attack will be to so humble the Iranian leadership that they will be hesitant to attack Americans again.

Iran is filled with shrines commemorating the Islamic Revolution and especially the capture of the US embassy and the taking of US hostages and of leaders of the present regime, all propaganda pieces intended to inspire loyalty and fear in the population. Why not blow these u? This is not a war in which we have to choose strategic targets to weaken the enemy's ability to fight back; this is a strongly worded message not to attack Americans. Let's blow up all the statues and shrines that seek to glorify the present regime.
“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way,” he said
You have a problem with this?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.
Why not both? If we are forced to order a large scale strike against the Iranian leadership, it will be more to deliver a scathing message than to weaken its military - remember that while these are acts of war, we are not at war with Iran. The purpose of the attack will be to so humble the Iranian leadership that they will be hesitant to attack Americans again.

Iran is filled with shrines commemorating the Islamic Revolution and especially the capture of the US embassy and the taking of US hostages and of leaders of the present regime, all propaganda pieces intended to inspire loyalty and fear in the population. Why not blow these u? This is not a war in which we have to choose strategic targets to weaken the enemy's ability to fight back; this is a strongly worded message not to attack Americans. Let's blow up all the statues and shrines that seek to glorify the present regime.

We are certainly not forced "to order a large scale strike against the Iranian leadership." When you are the #1 military force on the planet, it would be hard to be "forced" by the #14 military. I don't see it happening, except for the occasional military target of opportunity such as the late Soleimani, walking around where he has no non-military purpose to walk around.
US upset that our allies aren't helping us

YOU seem to be the one who is upset. I wonder why? Too much winning?
Winning??? LOLOLOLOL....only a simple minded redneck hooked on OPIODs and SSI checks, think we're winning....oh and making america great again....LOLOLOLOLOLO

As opposed to an illiterate, uneducated, triggered, welfare queen like you moron? Your stupidity is truly astounding. We’re winning, laughing at you, and will enjoy rubbing your face in another Trump term in November.
Now that's're white stupid ass is at home laughing at me, while all the fuckin planet is laughing at you simple minded red white and vomit retards who support Trump and lets not forget how they treat that bitch. So you keep on laughing fool and trust me, the american sane would vote for a dust ball stuck in a belly button before the clown gets another term....remember idiot, Putin may be off that day, who knows in Nov.

See, your stupidity blinds you to the fact that people are laughing at YOU. When Trump wins another term the laughter at you will just get louder. Yes I will keep laughing at you.
“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way,” he said
You have a problem with this?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.

Relax, maam. Sometimes "cultural" sites can overlap with military targets. It depends on what the site is being used for. If it is a ancient shrine with on the hill with a thousand prayer rugs and a guy in a funny hat, that's one thing. If it is an ancient or modern temple also housing weapons and ammunition storage, or disguising an anti-aircraft site site sometimes with military trucks in and out on a daily or weekly basis, that's something else. In the middle east, middle eastern military have done that sort of thing, even putting anti-aircraft sites on top of churches, mosques, even hospitals.
In that case, they are simply military targets. That is NOT what Trump was threatening.
“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural site? It doesn’t work that way,” he said
You have a problem with this?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.
Why not both? If we are forced to order a large scale strike against the Iranian leadership, it will be more to deliver a scathing message than to weaken its military - remember that while these are acts of war, we are not at war with Iran. The purpose of the attack will be to so humble the Iranian leadership that they will be hesitant to attack Americans again.

Iran is filled with shrines commemorating the Islamic Revolution and especially the capture of the US embassy and the taking of US hostages and of leaders of the present regime, all propaganda pieces intended to inspire loyalty and fear in the population. Why not blow these u? This is not a war in which we have to choose strategic targets to weaken the enemy's ability to fight back; this is a strongly worded message not to attack Americans. Let's blow up all the statues and shrines that seek to glorify the present regime.
To me, that is the height of arrogance. No.
You have a problem with this?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.
Why not both? If we are forced to order a large scale strike against the Iranian leadership, it will be more to deliver a scathing message than to weaken its military - remember that while these are acts of war, we are not at war with Iran. The purpose of the attack will be to so humble the Iranian leadership that they will be hesitant to attack Americans again.

Iran is filled with shrines commemorating the Islamic Revolution and especially the capture of the US embassy and the taking of US hostages and of leaders of the present regime, all propaganda pieces intended to inspire loyalty and fear in the population. Why not blow these u? This is not a war in which we have to choose strategic targets to weaken the enemy's ability to fight back; this is a strongly worded message not to attack Americans. Let's blow up all the statues and shrines that seek to glorify the present regime.
To me, that is the height of arrogance. No.

Are you a terrorist sympathizer - or is there something else going on here?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.
Why not both? If we are forced to order a large scale strike against the Iranian leadership, it will be more to deliver a scathing message than to weaken its military - remember that while these are acts of war, we are not at war with Iran. The purpose of the attack will be to so humble the Iranian leadership that they will be hesitant to attack Americans again.

Iran is filled with shrines commemorating the Islamic Revolution and especially the capture of the US embassy and the taking of US hostages and of leaders of the present regime, all propaganda pieces intended to inspire loyalty and fear in the population. Why not blow these u? This is not a war in which we have to choose strategic targets to weaken the enemy's ability to fight back; this is a strongly worded message not to attack Americans. Let's blow up all the statues and shrines that seek to glorify the present regime.
To me, that is the height of arrogance. No.

Are you a terrorist sympathizer - or is there something else going on here?
Because I think we should hit their military sites and strategic targets instead of ancient temples etc.? We call those jihadis terrorists for not sticking to attacking identified military personnel. Right? So why are we even thinking of hitting cultural targets as some sort of "punishment?"
You have a problem with this?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.

Relax, maam. Sometimes "cultural" sites can overlap with military targets. It depends on what the site is being used for. If it is a ancient shrine with on the hill with a thousand prayer rugs and a guy in a funny hat, that's one thing. If it is an ancient or modern temple also housing weapons and ammunition storage, or disguising an anti-aircraft site site sometimes with military trucks in and out on a daily or weekly basis, that's something else. In the middle east, middle eastern military have done that sort of thing, even putting anti-aircraft sites on top of churches, mosques, even hospitals.
In that case, they are simply military targets. That is NOT what Trump was threatening.

Mosques for being mosques, shrines for being shrines are unlikely targets for symbolism sake. The officers that show him the lists are usually men of Honor, as are the Officers that implement orders up and down the chain. Some of you refer to could be criminal under UCMJ. You can get pardoned, but it doesn't restore honor you may have lived, supporting for most of your life, and as I said, Most of these are men of honor. Trump often just blows hot air up the skirts of his fans for cheap thrills.
We call those jihadis terrorists for not sticking to attacking identified military personnel.
You call them 'terrorist' for attacking US military targets too. It has replaced the label 'communist' in the American lexicon.
Last edited:
You have a problem with this?
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.
Why not both? If we are forced to order a large scale strike against the Iranian leadership, it will be more to deliver a scathing message than to weaken its military - remember that while these are acts of war, we are not at war with Iran. The purpose of the attack will be to so humble the Iranian leadership that they will be hesitant to attack Americans again.

Iran is filled with shrines commemorating the Islamic Revolution and especially the capture of the US embassy and the taking of US hostages and of leaders of the present regime, all propaganda pieces intended to inspire loyalty and fear in the population. Why not blow these u? This is not a war in which we have to choose strategic targets to weaken the enemy's ability to fight back; this is a strongly worded message not to attack Americans. Let's blow up all the statues and shrines that seek to glorify the present regime.
To me, that is the height of arrogance. No.
Ah, I see, bad manners.
Yes, I do. We do not sink to their level. If the Pres feels we need to go to war with Iran for its provocations, then let him explain and we will begin. Targeting cultural sites? Why that instead of military sites?
Maybe you should run for president on that.

First, we did not "go to war." We killed a guy who murdered 600 AMERICANS.

Where are your priorities? And your loyalties?
You have no cause to question my loyalties, asshole. And don't misquote me, either.
You still haven't answered my question: why cultural sites instead of military targets, which would be the appropriate hit if we were going to engage in war.

Relax, maam. Sometimes "cultural" sites can overlap with military targets. It depends on what the site is being used for. If it is a ancient shrine with on the hill with a thousand prayer rugs and a guy in a funny hat, that's one thing. If it is an ancient or modern temple also housing weapons and ammunition storage, or disguising an anti-aircraft site site sometimes with military trucks in and out on a daily or weekly basis, that's something else. In the middle east, middle eastern military have done that sort of thing, even putting anti-aircraft sites on top of churches, mosques, even hospitals.
In that case, they are simply military targets. That is NOT what Trump was threatening.

Mosques for being mosques, shrines for being shrines are unlikely targets for symbolism sake. The officers that show him the lists are usually men of Honor, as are the Officers that implement orders up and down the chain. Some of you refer to could be criminal under UCMJ. You can get pardoned, but it doesn't restore honor you may have lived, supporting for most of your life, and as I said, Most of these are men of honor. Trump often just blows hot air up the skirts of his fans for cheap thrills.
Hope so.

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