USA impotent against pirates ?

I swear, I believe you would argue with a concrete post, if you could get it to reply....and if you couldn't, I do believe you'd try to keep arguing with it until it crumbled, just so you could say you won.

He has certainly been interesting in this thread.
I have never seen a nihilist in action before.
careful, he might neg rep you. it's a liberal trait of his :cuckoo:
Yachts are such a symbol of wealth and privilege that Yachting magazine warned its subscribers about the risk of pirates targeting private yachts off the Somali coast. The targeting of yachts is a sad reversal of history, as there was a time when the yachts used to chase the pirates.
6 Douchebag Luxury Goods Originally Invented to Help People |

I swear, I believe you would argue with a concrete post, if you could get it to reply....and if you couldn't, I do believe you'd try to keep arguing with it until it crumbled, just so you could say you won.

What are you babbling about? Not my fault you've no appreciation for either irony or humour

I swear, I believe you would argue with a concrete post, if you could get it to reply....and if you couldn't, I do believe you'd try to keep arguing with it until it crumbled, just so you could say you won.

What are you babbling about? Not my fault you've no appreciation for either irony or humour
like the rest of us all he saw was stupidity.
I swear, I believe you would argue with a concrete post, if you could get it to reply....and if you couldn't, I do believe you'd try to keep arguing with it until it crumbled, just so you could say you won.

He has certainly been interesting in this thread.
I have never seen a nihilist in action before.
careful, he might neg rep you. it's a liberal trait of his :cuckoo:
Can you idiots try to be more creative, please?

Anyone who's been here a week should know I'm not a Liberal

bourgeois liberalism jbeukema - Google Search
I swear, I believe you would argue with a concrete post, if you could get it to reply....and if you couldn't, I do believe you'd try to keep arguing with it until it crumbled, just so you could say you won.

He has certainly been interesting in this thread.
I have never seen a nihilist in action before.
careful, he might neg rep you. it's a liberal trait of his :cuckoo:

I quit trying to pin any label on JB. He is his own ideology, whatever it is. He's consistent on any particular issue, but as soon as that changes, I never know which way he's going to head next. He's got more sides than a lump of coal. I'll argue with him when I feel like it, and leave him alone when I don't; but trying to figure him out makes my old head hurt.
He has certainly been interesting in this thread.
I have never seen a nihilist in action before.
careful, he might neg rep you. it's a liberal trait of his :cuckoo:
Can you idiots try to be more creative, please?

Anyone who's been here a week should know I'm not a Liberal

bourgeois liberalism jbeukema - Google Search

So jbeukema is really your typical lib. see libs can't win arguments with facts an logic. they result to the dreaded neg rep. oooooooooooohhhhhhh! :cuckoo: loser! I win yea for me:clap2:
I quit trying to pin any label on JB. He is his own ideology, whatever it is. He's consistent on any particular issue, but as soon as that changes, I never know which way he's going to head next. He's got more sides than a lump of coal. I'll argue with him when I feel like it, and leave him alone when I don't; but trying to figure him out makes my old head hurt.

Not that complicated, really.

JB is:
-A logical positivist (by extension, I am an agnostic atheist)

-A moderate to conservative social democrat (new school- post the split with the democratic socialists)

-A republican (not to be confused with Republican)

-An adherent of the social contract theory of organized society and the emergence of ethical norms

-A self-described Austro-Marxian (not to me confused with AustroMarxist) (My understanding of the day-to day function of the marketplace is heavily drawn from the Austrian school, though there is definitely some neoKeynsian influence in my understanding of the need for certain market regulations and government actions; my understanding of human history can be said to be Marxist in that I believe we understand history best when we view it as the struggle between classes and ingroups for domination, control and resources)

-I am also an abolitionist and feminist- positions rooted in my belief that all should be treated equally before that law; I espouse a meritocracy- this ties in closely with my social democratic views when it comes to matters of how to provide for the weakest and most helpless among ourselves

-I view the willful infliction of suffering to be morally abhorrent. I feel we've a moral obligation to eachother. The right to life is meaningless without the right to the means to sustain it. This is where the social safety net comes in. I feel that the same moral obligation demands we provide our children with the best opportunities and quality of life possible- including the best form. I feel that we have as much obligation to use the means available to us to give our children the best DNA possible as we do to give them the best food and medical care possible. Hence I am a eugenicist and I embrace technological advances with the potential to end or reduce human suffering- so I am also a transhumanist.

I suppose all of this can be summed up most simply as saying I believe we have a moral obligation to prevent suffering and make the world a better place. To allow a man to die when you have the power to save him may not be as evil as actively killing him, but it is also evil. It is from this simple moral commandment- to make the world a better place and strive for a day when there is no human suffering- from which near all of my views ultimately flow.

Once one grasps that this principle lies at the heart of what compels my conscience, and also grasps my fundamental epistemological position, it's not all that hard to make a reasonable guess as to what my views are on any given matter.
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What are you, five?

Do you have anything at all to contribute to either of the discussions taking place in this thread?

you do a lot of bitching and pissing and trash talk for someone who claims to be anti troll. So you are adding hypocricy to your game book too? add a neg rep to a statement you don't agree with. that's a real 5 year old move for you.
You were negged for trolling posting nonsensical bullshit about Obama and some name you seem to have made up that had nothing to do with anything being discussed in the thread.

That you follow me around, neg me twice in an hour, and continue to contribute nothing to the discussion while spamming the board with your idiocy says all there is to say about how sad a character you really are.
I agree. Why in the hell would someone want to sail near Somalia knowing good and well that there have been ALOT of pirate hijackings in the last several years. It's like hiking in the mountains of Afghanistan, or going on vacation in Iraq and then wondering why you were kidnapped. Common sense people! Common Sense!

HOWEVER: I feel the U.S. should deal with pirates and the Mexican drug cartels just like they deal with Al Qaeda--Precision Air Strikes.

I would have no problem with the U.S. seeing a vessel full of pirates, and launching a tomohawk on them....

I would also have no problem with the U.S. launching an air strike on a group of cartel vehicles near the border.

A little bit Off Topic. But does it look to anybody else like the BrianH avie shows some saber-wielding guy who has just managed to carelessly cut off his own arm?
You were negged for trolling posting nonsensical bullshit about Obama and some name you seem to have made up that had nothing to do with anything being discussed in the thread.

That you follow me around, neg me twice in an hour, and continue to contribute nothing to the discussion while spamming the board with your idiocy says all there is to say about how sad a character you really are.
lmao, you don't even know what you neg'd. i said nothing about Obama. Ok so maybe you're 4
You were negged for trolling posting nonsensical bullshit about Obama and some name you seem to have made up that had nothing to do with anything being discussed in the thread.

That you follow me around, neg me twice in an hour, and continue to contribute nothing to the discussion while spamming the board with your idiocy says all there is to say about how sad a character you really are.

Oh but BTW, Obama sucks. Which is why he had such huge losses on Congress during the mid terms. think about it. Even with the dreaded GWB. The most vial, evil, hated president in history, according to the libs, Obama blew it for the democrats. Over night. Epic failure on the part of his administration.
You were negged for trolling posting nonsensical bullshit about Obama and some name you seem to have made up that had nothing to do with anything being discussed in the thread.

That you follow me around, neg me twice in an hour, and continue to contribute nothing to the discussion while spamming the board with your idiocy says all there is to say about how sad a character you really are.
lmao, you don't even know what you neg'd. i said nothing about Obama. Ok so maybe you're 4
Yep, China and the Soviet Union had zero interest in Nam,
As I already told another poster, China was seeking to secure many of the same resources. Their ruling elite sought to secure its own place at the top of the food chain in anticipation of their competition with the ruling class in the capitalist West for dominance in the world theatre. Many on the other said were, like Gadfly, ultimately used as pawns of the ruling class.
Obama was looking to strengthen Gadafy's military with US aid.

You were negged for trolling posting nonsensical bullshit about Obama and some name you seem to have made up that had nothing to do with anything being discussed in the thread.

That you follow me around, neg me twice in an hour, and continue to contribute nothing to the discussion while spamming the board with your idiocy says all there is to say about how sad a character you really are.
lmao, you don't even know what you neg'd. i said nothing about Obama. Ok so maybe you're 4
As I already told another poster, China was seeking to secure many of the same resources. Their ruling elite sought to secure its own place at the top of the food chain in anticipation of their competition with the ruling class in the capitalist West for dominance in the world theatre. Many on the other said were, like Gadfly, ultimately used as pawns of the ruling class.
Obama was looking to strengthen Gadafy's military with US aid.


really there jbeukema? why don't you do a little research and get your facts straight before you make a comment like that. I mean come on add to the conversation. Stop being nothing more than a troll :cuckoo:

Libya army transport deal frozen after US approval

WASHINGTON – In the months before Libyans revolted and President Barack Obama told leader Moammar Gadhafi to go, the U.S. government was moving to do business with his regime on an increasing scale by quietly approving a $77 million dollar deal to deliver at least 50 refurbished armored troop carriers to the dictator's military.

Congress balked, concerned the deal would improve Libyan army mobility and questioning the Obama administration's support for the agreement, which would have benefited British defense company BAE. The congressional concerns effectively stalled the deal until the turmoil in the country scuttled the sale. Earlier last week, after all military exports to the Gadhafi regime were suspended, the State Department's Directorate of Defense Trade Controls informed Capitol Hill that the deal had been returned without action — effectively off the table, according to U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe the deal's sensitive details.
There are two discussions in this thread. The one based on the OP regarding piracy based out of Somalia and the tangent regarding the nature of the Viet Nam conflict.

Libya has jack shit to do with either of those. If you want to discuss Libya, make a thread about it.

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