USA is one of very few nations where the poor people are fat

I cook and shop all the time. And I can easy tell you that if you buy a big mac is cheaper than buying the buns, the meat, the lettuce, the tomatoes, the potatoes, make the hamburger meal for example or most of the other healthy meals.
Then you are doing it wrong...
Give me an example of a good healthy and complete meal that will cost you under $7 or less.
I can eat green beans taters and hamburger steak for less than seven bucks a serving. Buy meat in bulk, can and grow and the veggies...
That's not a full meal, and you have to buy bulk to make it happen. I SAID one meal under $7. Some can't afford bulking up.

One thing I noticed is how expensive the fish is in the US, and how much the population is deprived of it....and they scare people of by telling them it's the soil is not contaminated where all the potatoes and other stuff comes from.

That has nothing to do with it. Diet changes are what led to the price of fish products. It's simple supply and demand is all.
When j moved here. All I heard I don't this type of fish is fishy, is for mercury or it's too expensive. Apart from farm raised salmon, tuna and couple other is hardly eaten...i might be too harsh comparing it where I lived before I guess.
People aren’t fat because they’re eating well. They’re fat because good quality food costs money and takes time to prepare, and poor quality food is cheap and fast.

Exactly, and poor people are fat and lazy so they won't take the time to make good food even if they wanted.
healthy food is more expensive to prepare and cook. I do lot of cooking and my food is based on tons of vegetables and leafy products...also ton of spices. Most of the stuff i buy people have no clue what's it or they don't how it's cooked and for what....I was also shocked to find out that people in inner cities didn't have a clue about lot of vegetables, kale, arugula, and so forth....

The food in the US is a lot cheaper bought prepped in fast food restaurants, mostly loaded with GMOs and tons of other chemicals....the sodas and almost everything is sweetened with HFCS.

People don't eat what they don't want. Ask Mooochelle Obama.

Yeah, they pushed it for some time now. All you can eat salad bars, McDonald's serves several kinds of salads, they promoted salads like it was something brand new. Just watch some of the restaurant commercials on television.

Our beef is a problem in this country because we are trying to grow cows so fast to feed the world. That's why the average height of Americans keeps increasing all the time. Our farmers pump the cows with growth hormones and that gets into the human body as well.

I was a big beef eater as a child. I'm much taller than either of my parents, and when I was a kid, I was considered unusually tall. Today, these younger people are taller than me. When you see people here from other countries, they are midgets compared to us. But they also have less back and knee problems as well.
I might agree about the beef part. Nor only height but also body fat....people here are too big and it' so easy to gain weight than overseas. The food was tampered with too much in the US.
The thing is you proudly stupid Islamic, when I get summer sun for a few days (I do not use sunscreen), my skin turn gold in color, similar to how Jesus was described in Revelation! You savages do not tan! Not that it matters since you be ugly as fuck as a result of historical mass rapes and inbreeding.

Hey stupid when you get sun you break out in ugly freckles and look like a rotten pumpkin. You will never nice complexion as us ugly European.
With snouter you are dealing with a GOP fundamentalist racist... There are good Europeans and Americans and bad Europeans and Americans. I'm hoping 4 most Saudis' sake that Democrat and secular Saudi government come out on top. Just like Democrat and secular Americans come out on top here. The world is so depressing after GOP World depressions that I think I'm moving to Nepal to be a pure Buddhist Episcopalian.
With snouter you are dealing with a GOP fundamentalist racist...

What island are you from? I am of libertarian ideology (which is total fail with ANY socialist policy such as giving illegal aliens ANYTHING - so obviously it is impractical in this post 1984 age) and simply telling the truth, punk.
Bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes, cucumbers and Iceberg lettuce are dirt cheap. Canned vegetables are dirt cheap. Rice, pasta, beans, oatmeal, peanut butter, tuna, eggs...

There are countless meals better for you than a Big Mac and cheaper than that Big Mac.
Try buying your groceries at convenience stores and corner stores that are more interested in selling crack accessories.

I don't live in an inner city. The poor in my parish shop at the same stores I do. They can eat healthier but many don't.
Much of it has to do with lack of Education about their choices and not having a doctor to tell them either... American processed foods are just full of sugar and corn oil etc etc that are very unhealthy, not to mention the sugary soft drinks...

No. In inner cities, you may have a point. In the Gulf South, where the biggest obesity problem seems to be, the poor go to the same schools, too. They have the same education (except for different parents at home). They play the same activities at recess & PE. They DO have doctors and Medicaid to pay them. Poor pregnant women get free neonatal vitamins and nutrition training starts with WIC. Maybe we should just limit what can be purchased with SNAP like we do with WIC. Would that solve it.

I hear a lot of "they can't help it." People aren't farm animals, not even the poor ones. Generally, an overweight person, rich or poor, can become fit and can eat healthier. I know this because I lost 100 lbs. Its hard. It's not expensive, though, or so sophisticated that "those poor people" just can't understand it. They understand it, just like I did when I was fat, and just like fat and rich Roy Moore does.
Bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes, cucumbers and Iceberg lettuce are dirt cheap. Canned vegetables are dirt cheap. Rice, pasta, beans, oatmeal, peanut butter, tuna, eggs...

There are countless meals better for you than a Big Mac and cheaper than that Big Mac.
Try buying your groceries at convenience stores and corner stores that are more interested in selling crack accessories.

I don't live in an inner city. The poor in my parish shop at the same stores I do. They can eat healthier but many don't.
Much of it has to do with lack of Education about their choices and not having a doctor to tell them either... American processed foods are just full of sugar and corn oil etc etc that are very unhealthy, not to mention the sugary soft drinks...

No. In inner cities, you may have a point. In the Gulf South, where the biggest obesity problem seems to be, the poor go to the same schools, too. They have the same education (except for different parents at home). They play the same activities at recess & PE. They DO have doctors and Medicaid to pay them. Poor pregnant women get free neonatal vitamins and nutrition training starts with WIC. Maybe we should just limit what can be purchased with SNAP like we do with WIC. Would that solve it.

I hear a lot of "they can't help it." People aren't farm animals, not even the poor ones. Generally, an overweight person, rich or poor, can become fit and can eat healthier. I know this because I lost 100 lbs. Its hard. It's not expensive, though, or so sophisticated that "those poor people" just can't understand it. They understand it, just like I did when I was fat, and just like fat and rich Roy Moore does.
Actually most of those Southern States don't have Medicaid for poor people so they don't have doctors to tell them what to eat. Or to help them with mental health issues. Thank you GOP...
Bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes, cucumbers and Iceberg lettuce are dirt cheap. Canned vegetables are dirt cheap. Rice, pasta, beans, oatmeal, peanut butter, tuna, eggs...

There are countless meals better for you than a Big Mac and cheaper than that Big Mac.
Try buying your groceries at convenience stores and corner stores that are more interested in selling crack accessories.

I don't live in an inner city. The poor in my parish shop at the same stores I do. They can eat healthier but many don't.
Much of it has to do with lack of Education about their choices and not having a doctor to tell them either... American processed foods are just full of sugar and corn oil etc etc that are very unhealthy, not to mention the sugary soft drinks...

No. In inner cities, you may have a point. In the Gulf South, where the biggest obesity problem seems to be, the poor go to the same schools, too. They have the same education (except for different parents at home). They play the same activities at recess & PE. They DO have doctors and Medicaid to pay them. Poor pregnant women get free neonatal vitamins and nutrition training starts with WIC. Maybe we should just limit what can be purchased with SNAP like we do with WIC. Would that solve it.

I hear a lot of "they can't help it." People aren't farm animals, not even the poor ones. Generally, an overweight person, rich or poor, can become fit and can eat healthier. I know this because I lost 100 lbs. Its hard. It's not expensive, though, or so sophisticated that "those poor people" just can't understand it. They understand it, just like I did when I was fat, and just like fat and rich Roy Moore does.
Actually most of those Southern States don't have Medicaid for poor people so they don't have doctors to tell them what to eat. Or to help them with mental health issues. Thank you GOP...
Got that peeps. The poor are too stupid to figure out healthy food from unhealthy food without being told by doctors and democrats.
Try buying your groceries at convenience stores and corner stores that are more interested in selling crack accessories.

I don't live in an inner city. The poor in my parish shop at the same stores I do. They can eat healthier but many don't.
Much of it has to do with lack of Education about their choices and not having a doctor to tell them either... American processed foods are just full of sugar and corn oil etc etc that are very unhealthy, not to mention the sugary soft drinks...

No. In inner cities, you may have a point. In the Gulf South, where the biggest obesity problem seems to be, the poor go to the same schools, too. They have the same education (except for different parents at home). They play the same activities at recess & PE. They DO have doctors and Medicaid to pay them. Poor pregnant women get free neonatal vitamins and nutrition training starts with WIC. Maybe we should just limit what can be purchased with SNAP like we do with WIC. Would that solve it.

I hear a lot of "they can't help it." People aren't farm animals, not even the poor ones. Generally, an overweight person, rich or poor, can become fit and can eat healthier. I know this because I lost 100 lbs. Its hard. It's not expensive, though, or so sophisticated that "those poor people" just can't understand it. They understand it, just like I did when I was fat, and just like fat and rich Roy Moore does.
Actually most of those Southern States don't have Medicaid for poor people so they don't have doctors to tell them what to eat. Or to help them with mental health issues. Thank you GOP...
Got that peeps. The poor are too stupid to figure out healthy food from unhealthy food without being told by doctors and democrats.
That has been the GOP voter argument up to this point, dipstick, that there are as many fat white people choosing to eat poorly as there are blacks. They also have to be presented with the facts as Democrats have made possible. meanwhile the GOP is bought off by big food as much as by the NRA, dumbass. And Big Oil, big Pharma, big health etc etc etc, Dupe.
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Thats funny to me...and also peculiar to at least one Indian, apparently...

“A friend from India told me that a countryman of his said: ‘I want to go to America. I want to see a country where poor people are fat.’”

Obviously you have never been to Britain....
Thats funny to me...and also peculiar to at least one Indian, apparently...

“A friend from India told me that a countryman of his said: ‘I want to go to America. I want to see a country where poor people are fat.’”

Obviously you have never been to Britain....
The UK's still behind us but it's catching up the more American fast food places they have... They used to be almost as thin as the Europeans. Who are making a charge too LOL
The thing is you proudly stupid Islamic, when I get summer sun for a few days (I do not use sunscreen), my skin turn gold in color, similar to how Jesus was described in Revelation! You savages do not tan! Not that it matters since you be ugly as fuck as a result of historical mass rapes and inbreeding.

Hey stupid when you get sun you break out in ugly freckles and look like a rotten pumpkin. You will never nice complexion as us ugly European.
With snouter you are dealing with a GOP fundamentalist racist... There are good Europeans and Americans and bad Europeans and Americans. I'm hoping 4 most Saudis' sake that Democrat and secular Saudi government come out on top. Just like Democrat and secular Americans come out on top here. The world is so depressing after GOP World depressions that I think I'm moving to Nepal to be a pure Buddhist Episcopalian.

You and all your liberal ilk who promise the same thing every time they lose a presidential election. Funny thing is none of you ever leave.
Then you are doing it wrong...
Give me an example of a good healthy and complete meal that will cost you under $7 or less.
I can eat green beans taters and hamburger steak for less than seven bucks a serving. Buy meat in bulk, can and grow and the veggies...
That's not a full meal, and you have to buy bulk to make it happen. I SAID one meal under $7. Some can't afford bulking up.

One thing I noticed is how expensive the fish is in the US, and how much the population is deprived of it....and they scare people of by telling them it's the soil is not contaminated where all the potatoes and other stuff comes from.

That has nothing to do with it. Diet changes are what led to the price of fish products. It's simple supply and demand is all.
When j moved here. All I heard I don't this type of fish is fishy, is for mercury or it's too expensive. Apart from farm raised salmon, tuna and couple other is hardly eaten...i might be too harsh comparing it where I lived before I guess.

Fish is too expensive. Around here, Walleye is around $13,00 a pound.
They are doing a good job. Every food stamp recipient I see are fat as hell.

That's because they don't want fresh produce. No store sells what isn't selling.
How the fuck do you know what they want?

How? Because vendors only carry what people buy, that's how. It's like a roach coach job I took when I was much younger. If products are sitting on the shelves and expiring, don't carry them anymore. Replace them with products that sell.
Vender stock what people can afford. If people can't afford both meat and starchy food on one hand and vegetables on the other , they will choose the former. The rest of us can afford all of it.

Fat people choose to eat bad foods....

We all make our own decisions....

You liberals never take responsibility for your own actions...

You always want to blame someone else....

The Cheeseburger made me eat it.........

Ok, so fat people choose to eat bad foods.

I get that with trump and those stupid taco bowls making him fat.

But what about Limbaugh? Has he taken responsibility for being fat yet? I’m thinking that he’s on a fourth wife because he ate the previous three.

So Much Butt Hurt...

I am digging it...

Do some more...
Bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes, cucumbers and Iceberg lettuce are dirt cheap. Canned vegetables are dirt cheap. Rice, pasta, beans, oatmeal, peanut butter, tuna, eggs...

There are countless meals better for you than a Big Mac and cheaper than that Big Mac.
Try buying your groceries at convenience stores and corner stores that are more interested in selling crack accessories.

I don't live in an inner city. The poor in my parish shop at the same stores I do. They can eat healthier but many don't.
Much of it has to do with lack of Education about their choices and not having a doctor to tell them either... American processed foods are just full of sugar and corn oil etc etc that are very unhealthy, not to mention the sugary soft drinks...

No. In inner cities, you may have a point. In the Gulf South, where the biggest obesity problem seems to be, the poor go to the same schools, too. They have the same education (except for different parents at home). They play the same activities at recess & PE. They DO have doctors and Medicaid to pay them. Poor pregnant women get free neonatal vitamins and nutrition training starts with WIC. Maybe we should just limit what can be purchased with SNAP like we do with WIC. Would that solve it.

I hear a lot of "they can't help it." People aren't farm animals, not even the poor ones. Generally, an overweight person, rich or poor, can become fit and can eat healthier. I know this because I lost 100 lbs. Its hard. It's not expensive, though, or so sophisticated that "those poor people" just can't understand it. They understand it, just like I did when I was fat, and just like fat and rich Roy Moore does.
Actually most of those Southern States don't have Medicaid for poor people so they don't have doctors to tell them what to eat. Or to help them with mental health issues. Thank you GOP...

I'm in Louisiana. I know for sure La and Ms (about the worst states for obesity) do.
Agreed. Then you can go back to being a medieval state.

Medieval is a term that only applies in the context of the history of Europe.
Definitions include "relating to the Middle Ages" and "very old fashioned or primitive" so no, it doesn't ONLY apply to the history of Europe because clearly some definitions are not specific to that part of the world.
Thats funny to me...and also peculiar to at least one Indian, apparently...

“A friend from India told me that a countryman of his said: ‘I want to go to America. I want to see a country where poor people are fat.’”

Obviously you have never been to Britain....

I didn’t say there were not any poor fat people in Britain.
How many countries are there where poor people drive cars, have fridges filled with food, plasma TVs, and computers?

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