USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries

Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans
Like hell you are. Americans voted for President Trump, traitors voted for the pedophile and his whore.

If you put party before country, I'm sure that makes some senses.

But I'm an American before I'm a member of any political party.
Indeed. AMERICANS voted for Trump. FUCK the GOP. They were simply a tool to achieve the presidency. VERY few of the GOP is standing up for decency and President Trump and speaking out about the cheating etc.
This is Trump's hand picked Director of the FBI. Why would I ignore him...and believe you?
Dude, IT'S OVER. Its in the courts, Republican 6-3 majority in the SCOTUS. Trump will be in the White House in February, June, October. Don't waste your time & energy.
No, but he has minimal control over the day-today activities of the FBI
Correction. Bill Barr is actively in on the investigation of the election fraud. I posted the links yesterday. But there's really no need, It's all out in the open. The videos are all over the internet.
This is Trump's hand picked Director of the FBI. Why would I ignore him...and believe you?
Dude, IT'S OVER. Its in the courts, Republican 6-3 majority in the SCOTUS. Trump will be in the White House in February, June, October. Don't waste your time & energy.

The Supreme Court that has already contradicted the Trump White House, ruling its permissable for Pennsylvania to count ballots that arrive up to 3 days after the election.

Where Trump insists that only those that arrived by Election Night can be counted.

That Supreme Court?

Remember, the 'originalists' are all about the States deciding for themselves. They're highly unlikely to overrule the States voting on laws on their own electors.
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So how do we get the red states to be one country, and the blue states to be another ? It will be tricky to do, since we are all mostly located in a mixture geographically.

The west coast is all blue, as is the northeast. The south and midwest are all red.

Both countries red and blue could retain their US Constitution (although the blues might throw out the 2nd amendment, to the delight of blue state criminals)

Strongly advised would be for Republicans living in blue states to move to a red state and vice versa.
General laws federal and state could all be retained after the division.

Also, red states could continue with Trump/Pence as President & VP.

Blue states could have Biden/Harris, if they're dumb enough to want that.
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So how do we get the red states to be one country, and the blue states to be another ? It will be tricky to do, since we are all mostly located in a mixture geographically.

The west coast is all blue, as is the northeast. The south and midwest are all red.

Both countries red and blue could retain their US Constitution (although the blues might throw out the 2nd amendment, to the delight of blue state criminals)

Strongly advised would be for Republicans living in blue states to move to a red state and vice versa.

Its probably faster to describe how it won't happen: democratically. You won't be able to convince the majority of the electorate to cleave their nation in two.

The reason you want to tear America in because can't convince the majority of people with your current candidates and ideology. So failing to persaude, you seek to eliminate the majority (through separation) and establish a one party state where only your perspective is permissible.

Your motivation AND your reason your failure is the same thing: you can't persuade the majority.
Interstate commerce laws would have to be revised, and one problem that red states might have is illegal immigration coming into the red state USA, from what would now be the blue state USA, and thus, much increased national BORDERS.

Lots of WALL to be built. Lots more border patrol.
And for the record...this desire to eliminate the majority you can't persuade and establish a one party state where ONLY your perspective is allowed is a powerful sign of a dying party.

A vibrant, growing party is eager to compete in the marketplace of ideas to persuade and convince.

A dying party seeks to eliminate those who disagree. And with your plea to establish a one party state, you've essentially admitted that your ideology loses when the people are allowed to have other options.
I would suspect that gas prices in Blue state USA would skyrocket, as they would transfer away from the oil/gas industry, and they would no longer have the benefit of being the # 1 energy producer in the world. That would become a red state USA thing.

Muslim mosques would likely disappear in red state USA, while Muslims move en masse, from red state USA to blue state USA.

Sanctuary cities would disappear from red state USA.
Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia...and they did it amicably. The only problem is that once the liberal blue states are off on their own, they won't really be on their own. Globalists will suddenly OWN the blue states once and for all, and likely give them what they need to become a regime. We are better off keeping them close. The split would not be amicable. We would essentially be giving up a sizable chunk of our country to globalists who would make use of their new asset to defeat the remaining republic.
Gun laws would solidify in red state USA, with respect for the 2nd amendment, and gun free zones abolished. In the blue state USA, gun free zones would flourish and be seen everywhere, giving criminals the green light to come in, and enact shooting massacres. Undertakers will be a profitable occupation.
Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia...and they did it amicably. The only problem is that once the liberal blue states are off on their own, they won't really be on their own. Globalists will suddenly OWN the blue states once and for all, and likely give them what they need to become a regime. We are better off keeping them close. The split would not be amicable. We would essentially be giving up a sizable chunk of our country to globalists who would make use of their new asset to defeat the remaining republic.
How would/could they do that ?
With Mexicans streaming into open border blue state USA New Mexico and California (by land), and Oregon and Washington by sea and air, these will undergo massive problems in crime, job competition, pollution, schools, hospitals, etc, etc.

Rape and sexual assaults will spike, with so many Mexicans coming in. They will be on their own with it all.
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Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia...and they did it amicably. The only problem is that once the liberal blue states are off on their own, they won't really be on their own. Globalists will suddenly OWN the blue states once and for all, and likely give them what they need to become a regime. We are better off keeping them close. The split would not be amicable. We would essentially be giving up a sizable chunk of our country to globalists who would make use of their new asset to defeat the remaining republic.
How would/could they do that ?

Blue states are already the way they are because of globalism. Since they are officially American, they keep it quiet and use propaganda to distract us from it. If they were no longer held to being "America for America" they would simply go ahead and tie the knot with globalists! They've been having an illicit affair with them behind our backs for decades. When the bug split happens, you finally get to meet the secret lover. They've been wanting it for years, but they would prefer to have their cake and eat it too rather than split amicably.

Why do you think the first thing dems did to Trump was accuse him of being a Russia-collaborator and (gasp!) actuslly owns a hotel in Russia! Because they're in bed with China...and the only thing their putting on foreign soil is American jobs, so they need a scapegoat. It's really ludicrous when you think about it. Trump put an American business in another country so he's bad...but these people give our jobs to the Chinese and sell our country to them in chunks.
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Indeed. American globalists are only interested in giving America away. They are making this country more and more dependent on other countries and they know it. And they get paid for it.
Joe Biden prime example # 1. I posted photos of his mansions yesterday. Bought with Chinese money.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
You do realize that most states are fairly evenly split, right?

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