USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries

Indeed. Taking back tax cuts, killing the oil industry, open borders, less freedom, civil rights infringements, war, etc. You must really be stupid if you want all that, cause biden said he would do it all.

Plus Biden said he's going to force public schools to allow weirdos in dresses to participate in female sports. That means your very talented daughter will not be getting her trophy. It may mean she gets cheated out of a college scholarship.
We can see the election being stolen right now. The shame of it is, the procedure started with democrats wanting to primary out Al Franken, a fellow democrat.

We can see your imagination and fear about the election, certainly.

But just because the election isn't going your way doesn't mean it was 'stolen'.
No the fact that it was stolen means it was stolen. It's not the first time the sudden appearance of boxes of 100% democrat votes have happened. Communist democrats have been using this tactic ever since it worked on Al Franken. It's routine in California. It's common.

What 'fact' that it was stolen? There's no such fact. There's your imagination.

Your ilk has a history of conflating fantasy with 'fact'. Just like they did in 2016 with baseless 'fraud' claims. Just like they did in 2018 with more baseless 'fraud' claims.

With nothing to back any of them, before or since.

And with Trump's own government confirming that there's no evidence of widespread voter fraud in 2020 either:

Half a decade of crying wolf and Trump's own government contradicting his narrative....along with the lack of evidence of fraud in 2020 carries far more weight than your imagination.

Wray is part of the corruption, why do you think he sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for almost a year? The lawsuits in the dem cheating states will be in court soon and some dems will be put in jail. this is far from over.

So you're folding Trump's hand picked Director of the FBI into your conspiracy too?

Ah, conservatives are following the old conspiracy mantra: Anything that doesn't support the conspiracy becomes part of the conspiracy.

I've got a much simpler explanation that matches the evidence: Biden earned the votes of more people than Trump did.
By doing what?

Offer the electorate a better candidte with better policies that was more persuasive.
Indeed. Taking back tax cuts, killing the oil industry, open borders, less freedom, civil rights infringements, war, etc. You must really be stupid if you want all that, cause biden said he would do it all.

By 'less freedom', do you mean advocating that women retain the right of the use of their own bodies? Remember, you guys are fighting hard to strip people of federally protected rights and turn them into crimes at the State levels.

How about advocating that gays and lesbians have the same rights as everyone else?

And war? Really? Aren't you guys the poor, hapless souls that invaded Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place? The former on trumped up bullshit and lies?

How about opposing white supremacy? It doesn't take our candidates TWO WEEKS to denounce David Duke. Nor do they lie to avoid criticizing him, insisting they can't condemn him because they don't know who he is. Nor do we call a rally of white supremacists 'good people'.

How about a coherent COVID strategy.......rather than shucking batshit conspiracy theories, having mask free parties at the White House that put a half dozen in the hospital, putting the 'demon sperm' lady at the heart of the RNC, or insisting that the 'deep state' is keeping the FDA from approving an vaccine before the election.

How about a rational foreign policy? Not weakening our alliances and declaring our closest allies are 'national security threats'.

And don't worry.....a Democratic president will clean up yet another economic disaster of a republican presidency.
Trump should have concentrated on turning out his crazy white base!

We can see the election being stolen right now. The shame of it is, the procedure started with democrats wanting to primary out Al Franken, a fellow democrat.

We can see your imagination and fear about the election, certainly.

But just because the election isn't going your way doesn't mean it was 'stolen'.
No the fact that it was stolen means it was stolen. It's not the first time the sudden appearance of boxes of 100% democrat votes have happened. Communist democrats have been using this tactic ever since it worked on Al Franken. It's routine in California. It's common.

What 'fact' that it was stolen? There's no such fact. There's your imagination.

Your ilk has a history of conflating fantasy with 'fact'. Just like they did in 2016 with baseless 'fraud' claims. Just like they did in 2018 with more baseless 'fraud' claims.

With nothing to back any of them, before or since.

And with Trump's own government confirming that there's no evidence of widespread voter fraud in 2020 either:

Half a decade of crying wolf and Trump's own government contradicting his narrative....along with the lack of evidence of fraud in 2020 carries far more weight than your imagination.

Wray is part of the corruption, why do you think he sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for almost a year? The lawsuits in the dem cheating states will be in court soon and some dems will be put in jail. this is far from over.

So you're folding Trump's hand picked Director of the FBI into your conspiracy too?

Ah, conservatives are following the old conspiracy mantra: Anything that doesn't support the conspiracy becomes part of the conspiracy.

I've got a much simpler explanation that matches the evidence: Biden earned the votes of more people than Trump did.
By doing what?

Offer the electorate a better candidte with better policies that was more persuasive.
Indeed. Taking back tax cuts, killing the oil industry, open borders, less freedom, civil rights infringements, war, etc. You must really be stupid if you want all that, cause biden said he would do it all.

By 'less freedom', do you mean advocating that women retain the right of the use of their own bodies? Remember, you guys are fighting hard to strip people of federally protected rights and turn them into crimes at the State levels.

How about advocating that gays and lesbians have the same rights as everyone else?

And war? Really? Aren't you guys the poor, hapless souls that invaded Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place? The former on trumped up bullshit and lies?

How about opposing white supremacy? It doesn't take our candidates TWO WEEKS to denounce David Duke. Nor do they lie to avoid criticizing him, insisting they can't condemn him because they don't know who he is. Nor do we call a rally of white supremacists 'good people'.

How about a coherent COVID strategy.......rather than shucking batshit conspiracy theories, having mask free parties at the White House that put a half dozen in the hospital, putting the 'demon sperm' lady at the heart of the RNC, or insisting that the 'deep state' is keeping the FDA from approving an vaccine before the election.

How about a rational foreign policy? Not weakening our alliances and declaring our closest allies are 'national security threats'.

And don't worry.....a Democratic president will clean up yet another economic disaster of a republican presidency.
You traitors know so much that isn't so.
That's a big part of their trouble. They watch CNN, MSNBC, and MSM, and hear all sorts of crazy bullshit spoken as if it were correct, and they don't hear the actually correct stuff spoken on conservative media. They are working from an entirely different set of information than we are.

Important things for them to know are withheld from them by their liberal OMISSION media, which is why we cant communicate with them. We say things that are talked about EVERY DAY, WEEK AFTER WEEK, on conservative media, and they come in here oblivious, never having heard it before, and act like we're making it up.

Until they stop burying themselves in liberal fake news OMISSION media, nothing will change. Best solution is let them become separate from Republicans, in their own country AWAY FROM US..

I couldn't agree more. Imagine how much better life would be without dealing with their idiotic petty BS. The problem is even if they went to the other side and learned the truth, they would claim it's all BS anyway.
We can see the election being stolen right now. The shame of it is, the procedure started with democrats wanting to primary out Al Franken, a fellow democrat.

We can see your imagination and fear about the election, certainly.

But just because the election isn't going your way doesn't mean it was 'stolen'.
No the fact that it was stolen means it was stolen. It's not the first time the sudden appearance of boxes of 100% democrat votes have happened. Communist democrats have been using this tactic ever since it worked on Al Franken. It's routine in California. It's common.

What 'fact' that it was stolen? There's no such fact. There's your imagination.

Your ilk has a history of conflating fantasy with 'fact'. Just like they did in 2016 with baseless 'fraud' claims. Just like they did in 2018 with more baseless 'fraud' claims.

With nothing to back any of them, before or since.

And with Trump's own government confirming that there's no evidence of widespread voter fraud in 2020 either:

Half a decade of crying wolf and Trump's own government contradicting his narrative....along with the lack of evidence of fraud in 2020 carries far more weight than your imagination.

Wray is part of the corruption, why do you think he sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for almost a year? The lawsuits in the dem cheating states will be in court soon and some dems will be put in jail. this is far from over.

So you're folding Trump's hand picked Director of the FBI into your conspiracy too?

Ah, conservatives are following the old conspiracy mantra: Anything that doesn't support the conspiracy becomes part of the conspiracy.

I've got a much simpler explanation that matches the evidence: Biden earned the votes of more people than Trump did.
By doing what?

Offer the electorate a better candidte with better policies that was more persuasive.
Indeed. Taking back tax cuts, killing the oil industry, open borders, less freedom, civil rights infringements, war, etc. You must really be stupid if you want all that, cause biden said he would do it all.

By 'less freedom', do you mean advocating that women retain the right of the use of their own bodies? Remember, you guys are fighting hard to strip people of federally protected rights and turn them into crimes at the State levels.

How about advocating that gays and lesbians have the same rights as everyone else?

And war? Really? Aren't you guys the poor, hapless souls that invaded Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place? The former on trumped up bullshit and lies?

How about opposing white supremacy? It doesn't take our candidates TWO WEEKS to denounce David Duke. Nor do they lie to avoid criticizing him, insisting they can't condemn him because they don't know who he is. Nor do we call a rally of white supremacists 'good people'.

How about a coherent COVID strategy.......rather than shucking batshit conspiracy theories, having mask free parties at the White House that put a half dozen in the hospital, putting the 'demon sperm' lady at the heart of the RNC, or insisting that the 'deep state' is keeping the FDA from approving an vaccine before the election.

How about a rational foreign policy? Not weakening our alliances and declaring our closest allies are 'national security threats'.

And don't worry.....a Democratic president will clean up yet another economic disaster of a republican presidency.
You traitors know so much that isn't so.

Of course its so. Every last bit of it. There's a reason why Biden broke the popular vote all time record (that he and Obama set, of course) and is poised to win the electoral vote as well.

The Democrats had a better policy , a better candidate, and ran a better campaign.

You guys had a shit candidate with a shit message and an incoherent, incompetent policy.....whose been reduced to yet more conspiracies and more dumb demands.

Of course you lost.
It had nothing to do with it. You don't know how annoying you people actually are to us. YOUR President is going to double or more the price of our fuel. He's going to increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most. He's going to undo all the successful policies of President Trump to control the border. He's going to bus lowlifes into currently safe and quiet suburbs cutting their property value in half. He's going to increase the national minimum wage to $15.00 an hour sending even more jobs overseas, or pushing them to invest in automation to replace humans.

If you want your country ran that way, you should have your own country. We like our country the way it is now minus the virus, and minus the liberals would be stupendous.
And don't forget Biden's video admission to defund police, and his 30 year sellout of us to China.

I'm not sure, if Biden became president, if after 4 years, there would be enough of our country still left, to put it back together again.
It had nothing to do with it. You don't know how annoying you people actually are to us. YOUR President is going to double or more the price of our fuel. He's going to increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most. He's going to undo all the successful policies of President Trump to control the border. He's going to bus lowlifes into currently safe and quiet suburbs cutting their property value in half. He's going to increase the national minimum wage to $15.00 an hour sending even more jobs overseas, or pushing them to invest in automation to replace humans.

If you want your country ran that way, you should have your own country. We like our country the way it is now minus the virus, and minus the liberals would be stupendous.
And don't forget Biden's video admission to defund police, and his 30 year sellout of us to China.

I'm not sure, if Biden became president, if after 4 years, there would be enough of our country still left, to put it back together again.

Or....the country is going to be fine. And you're offering yet another flavor of butthurt Republican doom and gloom now that their candidate is losing.
I couldn't agree more. Imagine how much better life would be without dealing with their idiotic petty BS. The problem is even if they went to the other side and learned the truth, they would claim it's all BS anyway.
That's what they're programmed to think. Robots.

Laughing....says the soul whose primary news source is OANN and thinks that Fox News is in on the 'voter fraud' conspiracy to get Biden elected.

Dude, you're sealed in an air tight bubble of right wing echo chamber nonsense.
Of course its so. Every last bit of it. There's a reason why Biden broke the popular vote all time record (that he and Obama set, of course) and is poised to win the electoral vote as well.

The Democrats had a better policy , a better candidate, and ran a better campaign.

You guys had a shit candidate with a shit message and an incoherent, incompetent policy.....whose been reduced to yet more conspiracies and more dumb demands.

Of course you lost.
"popular vote all time record" ! HA HA HA. You think all those fabricated scam "votes" mean anything ? They will be gone very soon. Biden broke no record of any kind. Spin it however you like. The courts will rectify it. 4 MORE YEARS. Get used to it.

The Democrats had one of the WORST candidates in US history - a demented, corrupt China sell-out traitor, with no policies, and no campaign, who was so bad, his people kept him hidden in a basement.

Of course we won.
And don't forget Biden's video admission to defund police, and his 30 year sellout of us to China.

I'm not sure, if Biden became president, if after 4 years, there would be enough of our country still left, to put it back together again.

Thankfully he won't have that power if we keep the Senate which looks pretty good right now. That doesn't mean he can't do the major damage he promised in his platform, but the Republicans can put some water on the fire.
Of course its so. Every last bit of it. There's a reason why Biden broke the popular vote all time record (that he and Obama set, of course) and is poised to win the electoral vote as well.

The Democrats had a better policy , a better candidate, and ran a better campaign.

You guys had a shit candidate with a shit message and an incoherent, incompetent policy.....whose been reduced to yet more conspiracies and more dumb demands.

Of course you lost.
"popular vote all time record" ! HA HA HA. You think all those fabricated scam "votes" mean anything ? They will be gone very soon. Biden broke no record of any kind. Spin it however you like. The courts will rectify it. 4 MORE YEARS. Get used to it.

The Democrats had one of the WORST candidates in US history - a demented, corrupt China sell-out traitor, with no policies, and no campaign, who was so bad, his people kept him hidden in a basement.

Of course we won. your conspiracy gets even MORE complicated with millions upon millions of what you imagine are 'fake' votes? Didn't you guys make that exact accusation in 2016....and then failed miserably to ever back it up?

You've already folded in everyone from the Director of the FBI, to Forbes, to Fox News into your 'voter fraud' conspiracy.

Your conspiracy is a bit of a glutton. It just keeps eating more and more people. I have a much simpler explanation for you that doens't require your vastly complicated conspiracy, millions of 'fake votes', a deep state, and somehow Fox News in on it all....and matches the evidence perfectly.

Biden simply earned more votes than Trump.
Uhhhhh....let me add these 2 candidates were the worst two choices this nation ever had. Not even close.
Of course its so. Every last bit of it. There's a reason why Biden broke the popular vote all time record (that he and Obama set, of course) and is poised to win the electoral vote as well.

The Democrats had a better policy , a better candidate, and ran a better campaign.

You guys had a shit candidate with a shit message and an incoherent, incompetent policy.....whose been reduced to yet more conspiracies and more dumb demands.

There is only one reason he broke any record, and that is because of mail in voting which should be eliminated. What the commies managed to do is get all the welfare people who wouldn't come out and vote and put a ballot in front of their face. They have no idea about politics and issues, so they vote Democrat.
I couldn't agree more. Imagine how much better life would be without dealing with their idiotic petty BS. The problem is even if they went to the other side and learned the truth, they would claim it's all BS anyway.
That's what they're programmed to think. Robots.

Laughing....says the soul whose primary news source is OANN and thinks that Fox News is in on the 'voter fraud' conspiracy to get Biden elected.

Dude, you're sealed in an air tight bubble of right wing echo chamber nonsense.
OAN Encore is indeed one of my primary news sources. And if you watched it, along with Newsmax, the First, the Blaze, and America's Voice, instead of the fake news CNN/MSNBC garbage, you wouldn't be the information-deprived airhead that you are.

And yes, Fox News is partially in conspiracy for Biden. Certainly with Chris Wallace.
You're sealed in an air tight bubble of left wing echo chamber nonsense.
And you can quit laughing now, because you don't even know what you're laughing at. your conspiracy gets even MORE complicated with millions upon millions of what you imagine are 'fake' votes? Didn't you guys make that exact accusation in 2016....and then failed miserably to ever back it up?

You've already folded in everyone from the Director of the FBI, to Forbes, to Fox News into your 'voter fraud' conspiracy.

Your conspiracy is a bit of a glutton. It just keeps eating more and more people. I have a much simpler explanation for you that doens't require your vastly complicated conspiracy, millions of 'fake votes', a deep state, and somehow Fox News in on it all....and matches the evidence perfectly.

Biden earned more votes than Trump.

Actually, I think Russia did it. your conspiracy gets even MORE complicated with millions upon millions of what you imagine are 'fake' votes? Didn't you guys make that exact accusation in 2016....and then failed miserably to ever back it up?

You've already folded in everyone from the Director of the FBI, to Forbes, to Fox News into your 'voter fraud' conspiracy.

Your conspiracy is a bit of a glutton. It just keeps eating more and more people. I have a much simpler explanation for you that doens't require your vastly complicated conspiracy, millions of 'fake votes', a deep state, and somehow Fox News in on it all....and matches the evidence perfectly.

Biden earned more votes than Trump.

Actually, I think Russia did it.

Trump's government disagrees:

But let me guess....he's in your conspiracy too?

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