USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries

My, my, aren't you the childish little sperm-burper.
You have been sucking on tRUMP's c*ck to long
Take a deep breath and get back on your knees.

Why don't you go back to the teen chat room where you belong. Adults are discussing adult issues here.
Sorry, but I don’t think accusing Democrats of not being Americans is an adult discussion.

it happens to be true and is very adult to talk about it. You are a perfect example of a non american democrat. you hate the constitution, the 2nd amendment, unborn rights, free speech, and individual liberty. you are nothing but a compliant sheep who says baaa whenever your masters tell you to. You are pathetic.
No Pussyfish, it is not true. It’s not only untrue, it’s pathetic to even suggest it. Hello 1960s your Memes are calling.
Russia is a far more democratic nation than the USA

That's why Putibear has stayed in power for decades. One party Democracy works well I bet. I think I'll have some that Vodka too.

That's the other elephant in the living room; Conservatives want to create a state with one party rule.

Why? Because they can't convince the majority to vote for them if alternatives were legally allowed.

That's an authoritarian streak a mile wide.
Hell no, unlike you I actually love this country more than I worship some blowhard asshole politician.
The left keep going more and more left.

:rolleyes: Yea, thats why we elect crazy scary liberhuls like Obama, Clinton and Biden.

Take a look in the mirror, even Reagan would not get nominated in Republican poltics nowadays, after all he dared to raise taxes and take up a path to citizenship deal at some point.

A former union leader and governor of CALIFORNIA?

Reagan would be run out on a rail as a RINO by the hysteric standards of the modern GOP.
fake news. Real liar you are. Of course all of you are liars.

So Reagan *wasn't* a union leader and governor of California?
You shit stains all like to spin and twist dont you?

By quoting facts?
You shit stains quote what someone else told with no way to verify it. Translation-you're a liar.
Hell no, unlike you I actually love this country more than I worship some blowhard asshole politician.
The left keep going more and more left.

:rolleyes: Yea, thats why we elect crazy scary liberhuls like Obama, Clinton and Biden.

Take a look in the mirror, even Reagan would not get nominated in Republican poltics nowadays, after all he dared to raise taxes and take up a path to citizenship deal at some point.

A former union leader and governor of CALIFORNIA?

Reagan would be run out on a rail as a RINO by the hysteric standards of the modern GOP.
fake news. Real liar you are. Of course all of you are liars.

So Reagan *wasn't* a union leader and governor of California?
You shit stains all like to spin and twist dont you?

By quoting facts?
You shit stains quote what someone else told with no way to verify it. Translation-you're a liar.

So you're disputing that Reagan was governor of California? Or a union leader?

If no, then what the hell are you talking about?
Do you righties not realize how fucking crazy hopped up on cool-aid you sound when you say that?

Trump got you losing your damn mind.
He's right. Democrats are NOT Americans. In the Kavanaugh hearings, they openly opposed our basic principle of "Innocent until proven guilty"

They refuse to respect the American flag and the national anthem.

They subverted American democray by trying to steal the 2020 election.

They are globalist internationalists, not Americans.
Ummmm Hillary?

Hunter Biden?

ya fukkin hypocrite
Simply draw a dividing line and force-march Chinese-loving Democrats to the left, closer to their emotional home, and America-loving Repbulicans to the East. Don't like a forced march? OK, use the Supreme Court approved method that was applied to public schools: Forced Busing.

That's what I say so both counties can take advantage of the climate they desire. The entire west coast is blue there anyway and they have enough land to let the people from the northeast move there. Plus once the Democrats are out of my neighborhood, my property value will triple in value. :D
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
We could just spank 'em if the little felons stood still. :whipg:
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Who says they were BLM?

You really haven't researched this, have you?

Meanwhile, we have the President himself calling white supremicists chanting 'The Jews will not replace us' good people. And taking 2 weeks to condemn KKK grandwizard David Duke.....after lying about not knowing who he is.

Yes, it was BLM. Those are the troublemakers who start all these leftist protests. No, the President never said white supremacists are good people. Don't listen to CNN when they lie to you.
Or an American who sees no need to eliminate opposing views....or split the country. I love the US as a unified nation, and am eager to compete in the marketplace of ideas with Democratic policy and ideals to persuade people.

Which puts me and like mined folks head and shoulders above many conservatives.
YOU see no need, because all this filth that we want to get rid of you support. This is like living with somebody who won't throw out the garbage, because he likes the smell of it.

You're OK with dangerous gun free zones, affirmative action discrimination, illegal alien invasion, eliminating the oil industry, Muslim immigration, queer schoolteachers, scamming an election to steal it, mass criminality, defunding police, political scams, etc etc ad nauseum.

So in order for us to get rid of these things, we have to get rid of YOU (Democrats) - GO AWAY. LEAVE US. Form your own country, AWAY FROM US. And the further away, the better.
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Yes, it was BLM. Those are the troublemakers who start all these leftist protests. No, the President never said white supremacists are good people. Don't listen to CNN when they lie to you.
That's a big part of their trouble. They watch CNN, MSNBC, and MSM, and hear all sorts of crazy bullshit spoken as if it were correct, and they don't hear the actually correct stuff spoken on conservative media. They are working from an entirely different set of information than we are.

Important things for them to know are withheld from them by their liberal OMISSION media, which is why we cant communicate with them. We say things that are talked about EVERY DAY, WEEK AFTER WEEK, on conservative media, and they come in here oblivious, never having heard it before, and act like we're making it up.

Until they stop burying themselves in liberal fake news OMISSION media, nothing will change. Best solution is let them become separate from Republicans, in their own country AWAY FROM US..
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when the united states of libtardia collapses and they start eating their dogs and cats, they will come running to us for help, I just hope we tell them to fuck off.

The thing is they can move to a handful of places they are trying to turn our country into. If they find it's not what's cracked up to be, they can move back to the good ole USA, if their new country will let them. But once they turn this place into another one of those and find out it's BS, there will be no other USA to move back to. This is it. We are the only one. By dividing the country, there will still be a USA for us and some others who want to join us.
We can see the election being stolen right now. The shame of it is, the procedure started with democrats wanting to primary out Al Franken, a fellow democrat.

We can see your imagination and fear about the election, certainly.

But just because the election isn't going your way doesn't mean it was 'stolen'.
No the fact that it was stolen means it was stolen. It's not the first time the sudden appearance of boxes of 100% democrat votes have happened. Communist democrats have been using this tactic ever since it worked on Al Franken. It's routine in California. It's common.

What 'fact' that it was stolen? There's no such fact. There's your imagination.

Your ilk has a history of conflating fantasy with 'fact'. Just like they did in 2016 with baseless 'fraud' claims. Just like they did in 2018 with more baseless 'fraud' claims.

With nothing to back any of them, before or since.

And with Trump's own government confirming that there's no evidence of widespread voter fraud in 2020 either:

Half a decade of crying wolf and Trump's own government contradicting his narrative....along with the lack of evidence of fraud in 2020 carries far more weight than your imagination.

Wray is part of the corruption, why do you think he sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for almost a year? The lawsuits in the dem cheating states will be in court soon and some dems will be put in jail. this is far from over.

So you're folding Trump's hand picked Director of the FBI into your conspiracy too?

Ah, conservatives are following the old conspiracy mantra: Anything that doesn't support the conspiracy becomes part of the conspiracy.

I've got a much simpler explanation that matches the evidence: Biden earned the votes of more people than Trump did.
By doing what?

Offer the electorate a better candidte with better policies that was more persuasive.
Indeed. Taking back tax cuts, killing the oil industry, open borders, less freedom, civil rights infringements, war, etc. You must really be stupid if you want all that, cause biden said he would do it all.
Let's set aside a state to which all the hardcore secessionist Trumpsters can move. The rest of us -- Republicans, Moderates and Democrats -- can then have a normal republic and everyone's happy.

Utah has lots of space.

Lots of Mormons and crickets, but the skiing is grand.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
We could just spank 'em if the little felons stood still. :whipg:
Here's another solution >>

Two years ago when Republicans lost the House fair and square?

Yep, no loser pattern there.

It had nothing to do with it. You don't know how annoying you people actually are to us. YOUR President is going to double or more the price of our fuel. He's going to increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most. He's going to undo all the successful policies of President Trump to control the border. He's going to bus lowlifes into currently safe and quiet suburbs cutting their property value in half. He's going to increase the national minimum wage to $15.00 an hour sending even more jobs overseas, or pushing them to invest in automation to replace humans.

If you want your country ran that way, you should have your own country. We like our country the way it is now minus the virus, and minus the liberals would be stupendous.
when the united states of libtardia collapses and they start eating their dogs and cats, they will come running to us for help, I just hope we tell them to fuck off.
This has already happened repeatedly with New York City. First in 1974 with Gerald Ford, and then NY mayor Abe Beame, and now again with NY mayor Bill Deblasio and President Trump.

Trump has also declined to give aid to Democrat cities which make their own mess, and then go running to the fed govt for help.


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