USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries

This is Trump's hand picked Director of the FBI. Why would I ignore him...and believe you?
Dude, IT'S OVER. Its in the courts, Republican 6-3 majority in the SCOTUS. Trump will be in the White House in February, June, October. Don't waste your time & energy.

You better go get your knife and fork ready, because you are about to eat one without any ice cream:

Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans

If you only ever acted like you mean that

Do you think your living nightmare - president Donald Trump - is what you call here "American"?

Trump is the best president since Reagan.

Beg your pardon - but how is someone able to think so? I fear the USA suffers a psychological desease of the masses.

He actually did things that helped the USA

What means "helped the USA" and who is "the USA" in this context? Election campaign is over.

and made us a better country.

Okay - some forms of humor I don't understand.

He did it even with the constant lies and attacks by the lying media and the corrupt dems. No matter how this election ends, Donald Trump will be the best president in my lifetime and I have been here since FDR.

I'm really not able to understand your enthusiasm/fanatísm in case of such a spleeny politician within a totally normal time of world history. He destroyed stability and destroyed many structures which needed a long time to grow. It will need a lot of work for all US-Americans to repair the damages and breaks this president had caused. Good luck!

Funny how if we're such a terrible country we have all these leftist foreigners on our message boards all the time with massive penis envy
Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans

If you only ever acted like you mean that

Do you think your living nightmare - president Donald Trump - is what you call here "American"?

Care to address the point I made?

You don't understand this question? ... hmmm ... Aha ... Okay ... Why not? ... Forget it!

So what shitty government school did you graduate from?

I said your question had nothing to do with the point I made and in your dimly lit brain you thought that meant I didn't understand your question.

A brain is a terrible thing to waste ... on government schools ...
There is no evidence of that, you are simply spreading bullshit instead of facing the reality.

Judges are throwing out Trump's baseless garbage lawsuits left and right.
Trump's lawsuits (even if they have to go to the Supreme Court) will prevail, will preserve his wins in all the states Democrats tied to steal away from him (and us) and keep him in the White House for 4 MORE YEARS. Get used to it.

When it's over, Biden's lawyers will then sue, but those won't go anywhere. Democrats knew they had no chance to win this, before they started. They are merely playing to their base for VOTES, to keep them in their jobs. Ho hum.

You are a total idiot living out on the moon. Get ready for bitter reality.
You do realize that most states are fairly evenly split, right?
What do you think I've just been talking about in my last 5 posts ? Read the thread before posting.
Don't know, don't care. Not gonna sit here. Read 400 posts. I read and responded to your op.
So only headlines matter to you?

A typical uneducated OWS butt head
Wow, is that what you got outta my comment?

You might wanna work on the comprehension thing.
Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans

If you only ever acted like you mean that

Do you think your living nightmare - president Donald Trump - is what you call here "American"?

Trump is the best president since Reagan.

Beg your pardon - but how is someone able to think so? I fear the USA suffers a psychological desease of the masses.

He actually did things that helped the USA

What means "helped the USA" and who is "the USA" in this context? Election campaign is over.

and made us a better country.

Okay - some forms of humor I don't understand.

He did it even with the constant lies and attacks by the lying media and the corrupt dems. No matter how this election ends, Donald Trump will be the best president in my lifetime and I have been here since FDR.

I'm really not able to understand your enthusiasm/fanatísm in case of such a spleeny politician within a totally normal time of world history. He destroyed stability and destroyed many structures which needed a long time to grow. It will need a lot of work for all US-Americans to repair the damages and breaks this president had caused. Good luck!

Funny how if we're such a terrible country we have all these leftist foreigners on our message boards all the time with massive penis envy

:lol: You should first learn something about traditional psychology before to say such a bullshit.

Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans

If you only ever acted like you mean that

Do you think your living nightmare - president Donald Trump - is what you call here "American"?

Trump is the best president since Reagan.

Beg your pardon - but how is someone able to think so? I fear the USA suffers a psychological desease of the masses.

He actually did things that helped the USA

What means "helped the USA" and who is "the USA" in this context? Election campaign is over.

and made us a better country.

Okay - some forms of humor I don't understand.

He did it even with the constant lies and attacks by the lying media and the corrupt dems. No matter how this election ends, Donald Trump will be the best president in my lifetime and I have been here since FDR.

I'm really not able to understand your enthusiasm/fanatísm in case of such a spleeny politician within a totally normal time of world history. He destroyed stability and destroyed many structures which needed a long time to grow. It will need a lot of work for all US-Americans to repair the damages and breaks this president had caused. Good luck!

Funny how if we're such a terrible country we have all these leftist foreigners on our message boards all the time with massive penis envy

:lol: You should first learn something about traditional psychology before to say such a bullshit.

And you should learn to get real when you go to a foreign message board with a bad case of penis envy. I have no interest in going to a board on whatever country you come from to be an ass to the people of your country
Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans

If you only ever acted like you mean that

Do you think your living nightmare - president Donald Trump - is what you call here "American"?

Care to address the point I made?

You don't understand this question? ... hmmm ... Aha ... Okay ... Why not? ... Forget it!

So what shitty government school did you graduate from?

="Also von was für einer Scheißregierungsschule hast Du dein Abschlußzeugnis erhalten?"

I said your question had nothing to do with the point I made and in your dimly lit brain you thought that meant I didn't understand your question.

="Ich sagte deine Frage hat nichts zu tun mit meiner Ansicht und in Deinem unterbelichteten Hirn dachtest Du, das bedeute, ich verstünde deine Frage nicht. "

A brain is a terrible thing to waste ... on government schools ...

Okay. A translation is not any longer necessary. I withdraw the question.
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Give it a rest. We are ALL Americans

If you only ever acted like you mean that

Do you think your living nightmare - president Donald Trump - is what you call here "American"?

Trump is the best president since Reagan.

Beg your pardon - but how is someone able to think so? I fear the USA suffers a psychological desease of the masses.

He actually did things that helped the USA

What means "helped the USA" and who is "the USA" in this context? Election campaign is over.

and made us a better country.

Okay - some forms of humor I don't understand.

He did it even with the constant lies and attacks by the lying media and the corrupt dems. No matter how this election ends, Donald Trump will be the best president in my lifetime and I have been here since FDR.

I'm really not able to understand your enthusiasm/fanatísm in case of such a spleeny politician within a totally normal time of world history. He destroyed stability and destroyed many structures which needed a long time to grow. It will need a lot of work for all US-Americans to repair the damages and breaks this president had caused. Good luck!

Funny how if we're such a terrible country we have all these leftist foreigners on our message boards all the time with massive penis envy

:lol: You should first learn something about traditional psychology before to say such a bullshit.

And you should learn to get real when you go to a foreign message board with a bad case of penis envy. I have no interest in going to a board on whatever country you come from to be an ass to the people of your country

What about to try to say something?

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And who gets all the hurricanes? You think those are cheap? Most those fires are on federal land....
They're still in California and require federal $$$ assistance. But nothing is as bad as just one earthquake way from the worst, most expensive disaster in US history >>>

INFRASTRUCTURE - Part 2 - California Catastrophe
The worst infrastructure disaster in American history is looming in the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, about 70 miles northeast of San Francisco. In this area, rich farmlands are protected by hundreds of miles of simple dirt levees. If/whenever an earthquake were to wipe the levees out , the agricultural lands they protect will flood, triggering a chain of events that would pull salt water from the Bay area into the delta, and contaminate the drinking water supply for half the population of California. And the ramification of that ? According to University of California Geologist, Jeffery Mount, it is shutting off the water supply for 25 million people for 2-3 years.

And the culprit ? Same old one > INFRASTRUCTURE. The levees around the delta farmlands were built by farmers 150 years ago. They built the levees on poor foundations, mostly sand and lightweight peat, which deforms easily under pressure. The foundations are so porous and leak so much that most of the delta islands would fill up with water in 3 months, if they weren't continually pumped out. Making this worse, over time, the islands have sunk, and are below the water line by about 25 feet. So the levees are holding back water ALL the time, and have to be very strong for that daunting task - but they're not.

The levees are :
1. on bad foundations
2. poorly constructed
3. working 365 days/year
Thus, it will be no surprise when they fail. Not if, but when.

The delta streams provide 1/2 the drinking water of California, from San Francisco to Los Angeles. They flow into a massive reservoir 89 miles southeast of San Francisco called the Clifton Forebay. According to Doug Thompson of the California Dept.of Water Resources, if it wasn't for this system, California would be "dry down south".

The water is pumped into a 440 mile long series of aqueducts delivering to southern California, its drinking water. This whole fragile system would be pretty secure if it wasn't for one thing > Earthquakes. Something that happens a lot in California, Trust me, they happen a lot. I lived there for 12 years, and I've been through my share of them. In fact they are actually occuring all the time, except that almost all of them are too small to be significantly measurable, or cause damage.

A quake that is large and near the delta though, would knock out the delta levees and pull salt water from San Francisco Bay to the Clifton Forebay (California's water supply). Here's the likely scenario. A 6.7 quake with an epicenter close to the delta occurs. The levee foundations turn to mush creating sinkholes, collapsing the levees. The sunken island farmlands are turned into salty seas, after a few days. The islands flooding is so powerful, it pulls 300 Billion gallons of salt water inland, all the way to Clifton Forebay, which then has to close its gates, to prevent contamination of the reservoir.

California would have to ration the water in the Forebay, but it would run out in about 6 months, and it would take 2-3 years for the delta to return to normal (assuming perfect conditions that whole time, ie. no earthquakes). Bay area experts say there's a 66% chance that a 6.7 earthquake or a large flood will take down the levees some time over the next 30 years. The 1989 (world series) quake (6.9) just missed. It was centered in Boulder Creek , CA, about 120 miles southwest of the delta.

COST to fix ? Authorities estimate it will take $25-40 Million per square mile to quake-proof the delta levees. Money that California does not have. It would have to come from the federal government. So what is California doing about this catastrophe waiting to happen ? They have been shoring up the levees with sloping and adding rocks, but those treatments are like giving aspirins to a cancer victim. Bottom line is California has no plan for dealing with this catastrophic threat, which would cause n evacuation of half the population of the state, thereby seriously impacting the places where these tens of millions of Californians would flee to.


also >>> INFRASTRUCTURE - Part 2 - California Catastrophe
So you are waiting for your fellow Americans to die & praying for a major disaster to happen.
Why do you hate America?
Most the bigger economy states pay into the fed while the less great economy red states pull a lot of $$$.
Disasterland California pulls a lot of federal $$$, with all their fires every summer, floods & mudslides all winter, and they are just one earthquake way from the worst, most expensive disaster in US history >>>

Let me help your ignorance and your hatred and tell me if I’m wrong.

Here is a link that tells you which states that received the most disasters federal aids from 2013 to 2020.

#1 New York.
#2. Florida.
#4. Louisiana.
#5. New Jersey
6. CALIFORNIA $3.003 billions

There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.

Trump teach you well to divide this country. This is one of the major screwup of YOUR lousy president why he lost. Only represents certain groups of Americans. And if this is your next agenda for 2024 you will lost again.

There’s no way a decent Americans will ever let that happen.

Every time we heard YOUR dumb president attacked his own fellow Americans like he keep saying the DEMOCRATS RUN CITY or LIBERATE ....... I have to think 3 times where are those democrats run city are located. I thought they are located in United States of America.

Be very careful what you wish for.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.

Trump teach you well to divide this country. This is one of the major screwup of YOUR lousy president why he lost. Only represents certain groups of Americans. And if this is your next agenda for 2024 you will lost again.

There’s no way a decent Americans will ever let that happen.

Every time we heard YOUR dumb president attacked his own fellow Americans like he keep saying the DEMOCRATS RUN CITY or LIBERATE ....... I have to think 3 times where are those democrats run city are located. I thought they are located in United States of America.

Be very careful what you wish for.

We are two separate countries now. It's like two people who should have long ago divorced still living together for the good of the kids when it's not in the interest of the kids given how much they obviously hate each other
Every time we heard YOUR dumb president attacked his own fellow Americans ...

Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist!

Stupid schmuck, nothing is more divisive than that and that is you
We are two separate countries now. It's like two people who should have long ago divorced still living together for the good of the kids when it's not in the interest of the kids given how much they obviously hate each other

Correct, and it will only get worse than better. Time to consider a physical divide of this country.
  • Thanks
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There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.

Trump teach you well to divide this country. This is one of the major screwup of YOUR lousy president why he lost. Only represents certain groups of Americans. And if this is your next agenda for 2024 you will lost again.

There’s no way a decent Americans will ever let that happen.

Every time we heard YOUR dumb president attacked his own fellow Americans like he keep saying the DEMOCRATS RUN CITY or LIBERATE ....... I have to think 3 times where are those democrats run city are located. I thought they are located in United States of America.

Be very careful what you wish for.
Trump did not divide this nation. It was divided before he became a candidate for President. And when he was elected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week most of the TV, the media, the movies, the sports players, the entertainers, politicians and unelected government workers and lobbyists, elites and more broadcast for all to see and hear endlessly how bad Trump was. On everything he did. He was convicted of not being a globalist. In reality if you took Obama and Trump and had to follow one to survive, Trump would keep you alive. Same thing about Biden and the rest of the Progs.

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