USA Must Divide Into 2 Seperate Countries

here is this evidence of a communist takeover? Him reading from the manifesto is not evidence of that.

Wait a minute. The idea that the Democrat party is following the Communist Manifesto is not evidence they are trying to turn us into a Communist country? If that's not evidence, what is?
Southern states stay in the US.
Most midwestern states stay in the US.
Most western states stay in the US.
Far west states (CA, OR, WA) become part of Canada.
Northeastern states also become part of Canada along with Michigan and Illinois.

No. What we do is divide the country in half with a line going north to south each getting the same square mileage. One side will be the conservative country and the other the liberal country. Each side gets a north and a south to live in. After we decide who gets what side, we build a huge Trump wall to keep the Democrats from coming to our side. Like Visa's, they can apply for temporary visitation for family, friends and business dealings, but that's it.
Wait a minute. The idea that the Democrat party is following the Communist Manifesto is not evidence they are trying to turn us into a Communist country? If that's not evidence, what is?
Where in the the democratic platform mentions paying everyone the same wage?
Where in the the democratic platform mentions paying everyone the same wage?

I guess the call for doubling the national minimum wage escapes you; forcing industry to pay wages the government demands. It's called baby steps and the Democrats have been using it for decades.
Southern states stay in the US.
Most midwestern states stay in the US.
Most western states stay in the US.
Far west states (CA, OR, WA) become part of Canada.
Northeastern states also become part of Canada along with Michigan and Illinois.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
It's preposterous, but that would mean the Democrats are get Hawaii the east coast and the West coast. Republicans will be left with the middle junk. I'd have to move, but I'm sure the Democrats would provide funding for us to do that. People matter to the Democrats. However fleeting, power seems to be the only thing Republicans want. And you know what they say about absolute power, it corrupts absolutely.
I guess the call for doubling the national minimum wage escapes you; forcing industry to pay wages the government demands. It's called baby steps and the Democrats have been using it for decades.
Your entire logic is around “baby steps” lol. There’s nothing compelling about your argument. If democrats wanted communism, they would just put it in their platform today. Seriously what are they waiting for? Also, the minimum wage is decades behind on inflation. What’s your solution to the minimum wage? Get rid of it? Do you realize how insane that sounds?
Whenever some one voices the desire to have what other more advanced countries have....a medicare for all type health insurance system, free higher education, 3 or 4 weeks paid vacation, paid maternity leave for women, the right wing goes ballistic screaming COMMUNISM. Looks like they've been listening to Rush, Tucker, and Hannity for so long that they can't conceive of us having a first rate country. Were it not for FDR and LBJ, we wouldn't even have social security or medicare.
The problem is these nut cases have nothing to think with. Fox feeds them a steady diet of bullshit and because they have never been exposed to anything else, they believe it. It's a lack of intelligence.
White People Built America. America Is for Whites Only.

What continent does the Statue of Liberty face?
Figures you are a racist white piece of shit. Whites like me point and laugh at low end whites like you. You're a disgrace.
Your life is just going to keep getting worse. More and more non whites are coming to America. And there is NOTHING you are going to do about it, traitor.
Your entire logic is around “baby steps” lol. There’s nothing compelling about your argument. If democrats wanted communism, they would just put it in their platform today. Seriously what are they waiting for? Also, the minimum wage is decades behind on inflation. What’s your solution to the minimum wage? Get rid of it? Do you realize how insane that sounds?

The Democrats have a history of baby steps which I outlined. Would you like me to outline them again?

Communism has a negative connotation. They can't use the word until they get total control over the government without opposition. It's like Socialism. Most Democrats are Socialists but can't say it in those words. They went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat-Socialists whatever the F that is. But that's their progression and that progression will not stop. Communism is the last stop after Socialism. Remember that if they didn't rig the election, a Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union would have ran against President Trump for the Democrat party.

There is no need for the minimum wage to keep up with inflation. What's the point? I'm 61 years old. Never in my lifetime has there been such a thing as a livable wage. Minimum wage was never a livable wage I can tell you that now. I know because I worked several minimum wage jobs when I started the workforce. I could never afford an apartment on minimum wage back in the late 70's. I certainly couldn't afford children. Without a doubt couldn't come close to buying a house. A livable wage never existed in this country by the federal government. And yet, all the left cry about now is the US having a livable (minimum) wage. It's an entirely new concept by the left.
It's preposterous, but that would mean the Democrats are get Hawaii the east coast and the West coast. Republicans will be left with the middle junk. I'd have to move, but I'm sure the Democrats would provide funding for us to do that. People matter to the Democrats. However fleeting, power seems to be the only thing Republicans want. And you know what they say about absolute power, it corrupts absolutely.

Which is why the country should be divided in half right down the middle from north to south. I suggest that the Democrats get the west side of the country next to their precious Mexican border. That way they can have open borders with Mexico and invite the entire central and South America over. It will no longer be an issue with us. Plus living on the east side of the country, if the Democrats had to move, my property value would double or triple overnight. I would be so looking forward to that.
There simply is no room at all in red state America for Democrats. There can be no compromise. We have had enough. Democrats have GOT TO GO, and the sooner the better. The US map must change, with red states being one country. Blue states being another.

Then, no more friction. No more partisan investigation. No more twists of taxpayer money, and if Democrats want to engage in election fraud, sanctuary cities, tolerance of Islam, affirmative action discrimination, gun free zones, riot/looting tolerance, etc, the only victims will be other Democrats.
The fact is, for the most part, there is no such thing as red states and blue states. There are red areas and blue areas with the red areas being many suburbs and rural areas and democrats basically having most of the larger cities. In other words, it would be a hodge podge of mix and match almost everywhere. There would be no way to draw a map combining red areas and blue areas into two separate countries. Like it or not, we are stuck with each other.
The fact is, for the most part, there is no such thing as red states and blue states. There are red areas and blue areas with the red areas being many suburbs and rural areas and democrats basically having most of the larger cities. In other words, it would be a hodge podge of mix and match almost everywhere. There would be no way to draw a map combining red areas and blue areas into two separate countries. Like it or not, we are stuck with each other.

Which is why we divide the country in half and people will simply have to move to their desired country. If we don't start working on this soon, we stand a chance at losing the entire country.
Which is why we divide the country in half and people will simply have to move to their desired country. If we don't start working on this soon, we stand a chance at losing the entire country.
That's not going to happen. "Red" states and "Blue" states aren't nearly as distinct as we pretend. Even in a state that is considered to lean strongly one way or another, we're talking - at best - 60/40. Most states are purple.

Ds and Rs need to get over their partisan pissing match and produce actual leaders. And that won't happen until we change the voting system.
That's not going to happen. "Red" states and "Blue" states aren't nearly as distinct as we pretend. Even in a state that is considered to lean strongly one way or another, we're talking - at best - 60/40. Most states are purple.

Ds and Rs need to get over their partisan pissing match and produce actual leaders. And that won't happen until we change the voting system.

The only rectification with the voting system would be to have only politically intelligent vote. That would never happen. The Democrats would never allow it. They would lose the ghetto votes that puts them over the top. They need the welfare vote to win so they are marching to the homes of people to plop a ballot on their kitchen table. These people have no idea WTF they're voting on.
Division would be much harder than we could imagine.

There are really no Red States and Blue States.

It is America vs the big city Democrat controlled ghetto shitholes.

For instance, we have Texas, which is a solid red State. However, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and El Paso are filled with Democrat voting minority filth and Illegals.

Just look at all the Democrat voting filth in Atlanta that Georgia has. Memphis in Tennessee. Louisville in Kentucky, etc.
The only rectification with the voting system would be to have only politically intelligent vote. That would never happen. The Democrats would never allow it. They would lose the ghetto votes that puts them over the top.

Both vested parties will fight any reform which challenges their dominance. Which is why it needs to happen, and is happening, at the grassroots level.
Division would be much harder than we could imagine.

There are really no Red States and Blue States.

It is America vs the big city Democrat controlled ghetto shitholes.

For instance, we have Texas, which is a solid red State. However, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and El Paso are filled with Democrat voting minority filth and Illegals.

Just look at all the Democrat voting filth in Atlanta that Georgia has. Memphis in Tennessee. Louisville in Kentucky, etc.

People need to get off this red/ blue state thing when discussing this subject. It's irrelevant as you just pointed out. We need to focus on just dividing the country to keep us away from each other which I couldn't image anything better than to not have to put up with liberal BS again. Yes, a lot of people would have to move, but it would be a one time deal and we could save at least half of this country in the process. If we don't, we stand a good chance at losing the entire thing.

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