USA's "gun problem"

You're so wrong. America has gun problem, and the situation is extremely out of control. It seems like the US is at war, and that the state of being at war allows one to shoot other persons.
300,000,000 guns
8855 gun-related murders (2012)
1 gun in 33879 used to commit murder
0.00295% of guns used to commit murder
99.99705% of guns NOT used to commit murder.
Where's the problem, and what's the solution?
Your gun murder rate being 10 times higher than any other developed nation
1: This is a lie
2: You didn't answer the entire question.
8855 gun murders a year is fuckign unacceptable
I see you again did not addressed the questions I asked. Maybe you missed them.

I'll try again:

300,000,000 guns
8855 gun-related murders (2012)
1 gun in 33879 used to commit murder
0.00295% of guns used to commit murder
99.99705% of guns NOT used to commit murder.

Where's the problem, and what's the solution?

There you go. Please type carefully.

How many are used in crimes?
The problem?
Yes. 99.99705% of guns are nout used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?
Maybe if guns were banned...
99.99705% of guns are not used to commit murder. How does it make sense to ban guns?
To prevent the other one percent from being used to kill.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you, is a rational, reasoned, solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are not used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?
I enjoyed watching the British people standing around as those 2 guys chopped off the head of that poor soldier.....yes.....British gun control actually worked that day......not one citizen was carrying a gun to save that young man's life..........yay British gun control......
I loved how the NRA gun nuts stopped Newtown or Columbine.

Rayne.....look....we got off to a bad start......what say we start over and try to be polite to each other....I apologize for coming on so strong.......long day....
I dont apologise for wanting less gun deaths and fewer death machines in the hands of the public. and you still haven't addressed how gun free countries like Norway or Ireland have more economic AND social freedoms than Murica'

We want less gun deaths as well but not one of your gun control measures would stop one violent crime or mass shooting....just look at France....would you agree that France has stricter gun control than the U.S.....yes? They don't have gun stores, fully automatic rifles are illegal, 30 round magazines are illegal, pistols are illegal, hand grenades are illegal and rocket propelled grenades are illegal........even with all the gun control laws of France and Belgium....throwing in an international border that needed to be crossed, 3 terrorists got all those weapons for only 5,000 of them a convicted criminal, he and his brother both on French government, terrorist watch lists....

And they still got those guns and grenades..........

Dittos the killer in Denmark....dittos the killer in Australia...dittos the killer in Canada....and you do have gun crime in Britain...when your criminals decide they need guns......
I love it how one incident proves that European gun control doesn;t work

They all do have lower homicide rates. Much lower accidental shooting rates.
The problem?
Yes. 99.99705% of guns are nout used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?
Maybe if guns were banned...
99.99705% of guns are not used to commit murder. How does it make sense to ban guns?
To prevent the other one percent from being used to kill.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
I loved how the NRA gun nuts stopped Newtown or Columbine.

Rayne.....look....we got off to a bad start......what say we start over and try to be polite to each other....I apologize for coming on so strong.......long day....
I dont apologise for wanting less gun deaths and fewer death machines in the hands of the public. and you still haven't addressed how gun free countries like Norway or Ireland have more economic AND social freedoms than Murica'

We want less gun deaths as well but not one of your gun control measures would stop one violent crime or mass shooting....just look at France....would you agree that France has stricter gun control than the U.S.....yes? They don't have gun stores, fully automatic rifles are illegal, 30 round magazines are illegal, pistols are illegal, hand grenades are illegal and rocket propelled grenades are illegal........even with all the gun control laws of France and Belgium....throwing in an international border that needed to be crossed, 3 terrorists got all those weapons for only 5,000 of them a convicted criminal, he and his brother both on French government, terrorist watch lists....

And they still got those guns and grenades..........

Dittos the killer in Denmark....dittos the killer in Australia...dittos the killer in Canada....and you do have gun crime in Britain...when your criminals decide they need guns......
I love it how one incident proves that European gun control doesn;t work

They all do have lower homicide rates. Much lower accidental shooting rates.
MUCH lower. But too bad the gun nuts want more kids to die just so they can sell more guns
The problem?
Yes. 99.99705% of guns are nout used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?
Maybe if guns were banned...
99.99705% of guns are not used to commit murder. How does it make sense to ban guns?
To prevent the other one percent from being used to kill.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
One gun used for murder is one gun too many.

If it saves one life, a complete confiscation is justified
The problem?
Yes. 99.99705% of guns are nout used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?
Maybe if guns were banned...
99.99705% of guns are not used to commit murder. How does it make sense to ban guns?
To prevent the other one percent from being used to kill.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
One gun used for murder is one gun too many.
If it saves one life, a complete confiscation is justified
I see.
Well, thank you your defacto admission that you are nothing but another mindless anti-gun loon, unable to present a reasoned, rational, supportable argument..
You shall not be missed.
The problem?
Yes. 99.99705% of guns are nout used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?
Maybe if guns were banned...
99.99705% of guns are not used to commit murder. How does it make sense to ban guns?
To prevent the other one percent from being used to kill.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
One gun used for murder is one gun too many.

If it saves one life, a complete confiscation is justified

While you mean well you need to consider some things. The gun nuts won't all give up their guns. Some might need to be killed to get them. And criminals certainly won't give them up.

And if you look at other countries who have done what you want homicide rates haven't gone down.

We should do a few things but confiscation I don't think so.
Yes. 99.99705% of guns are nout used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?
99.99705% of guns are not used to commit murder. How does it make sense to ban guns?
To prevent the other one percent from being used to kill.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
One gun used for murder is one gun too many.
If it saves one life, a complete confiscation is justified
I see.
Well, thank you your defacto admission that you are nothing but another mindless anti-gun loon, unable to present a reasoned, rational, supportable argument..
You shall not be missed.
Tell me why I am a loon for wanting less gun deaths?
Yes. 99.99705% of guns are nout used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?
99.99705% of guns are not used to commit murder. How does it make sense to ban guns?
To prevent the other one percent from being used to kill.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
One gun used for murder is one gun too many.

If it saves one life, a complete confiscation is justified

While you mean well you need to consider some things. The gun nuts won't all give up their guns. Some might need to be killed to get them. And criminals certainly won't give them up.

And if you look at other countries who have done what you want homicide rates haven't gone down.

We should do a few things but confiscation I don't think so.
We confiscated handguns in 1996, and everything worked out fine.

Australia confiscated guns in 1996 as well and everything worked out fine.

If Murica' can put a man on the moon, they can successfully get rid of handguns and assault rifles in private hands
Yes. 99.99705% of guns are nout used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?
99.99705% of guns are not used to commit murder. How does it make sense to ban guns?
To prevent the other one percent from being used to kill.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
One gun used for murder is one gun too many.

If it saves one life, a complete confiscation is justified

While you mean well you need to consider some things. The gun nuts won't all give up their guns. Some might need to be killed to get them. And criminals certainly won't give them up.

And if you look at other countries who have done what you want homicide rates haven't gone down.

We should do a few things but confiscation I don't think so.
And as far as I know, every time guns have been confiscated, gun deaths drop. Confiscation includes criminals too, you know.
To prevent the other one percent from being used to kill.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
One gun used for murder is one gun too many.

If it saves one life, a complete confiscation is justified

While you mean well you need to consider some things. The gun nuts won't all give up their guns. Some might need to be killed to get them. And criminals certainly won't give them up.

And if you look at other countries who have done what you want homicide rates haven't gone down.

We should do a few things but confiscation I don't think so.
We confiscated handguns in 1996, and everything worked out fine.

Australia confiscated guns in 1996 as well and everything worked out fine.

If Murica' can put a man on the moon, they can successfully get rid of handguns and assault rifles in private hands

Did homicide rates go down?
To prevent the other one percent from being used to kill.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
One gun used for murder is one gun too many.

If it saves one life, a complete confiscation is justified

While you mean well you need to consider some things. The gun nuts won't all give up their guns. Some might need to be killed to get them. And criminals certainly won't give them up.

And if you look at other countries who have done what you want homicide rates haven't gone down.

We should do a few things but confiscation I don't think so.
And as far as I know, every time guns have been confiscated, gun deaths drop. Confiscation includes criminals too, you know.

Gun deaths yes, but not homicide rates. Does it matter how one is killed?
To prevent the other one percent from being used to kill.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
One gun used for murder is one gun too many.

If it saves one life, a complete confiscation is justified

While you mean well you need to consider some things. The gun nuts won't all give up their guns. Some might need to be killed to get them. And criminals certainly won't give them up.

And if you look at other countries who have done what you want homicide rates haven't gone down.

We should do a few things but confiscation I don't think so.
And as far as I know, every time guns have been confiscated, gun deaths drop. Confiscation includes criminals too, you know.

Gun deaths. Maybe. Overall the death rates increase. As does violent crime in all categories.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
One gun used for murder is one gun too many.

If it saves one life, a complete confiscation is justified

While you mean well you need to consider some things. The gun nuts won't all give up their guns. Some might need to be killed to get them. And criminals certainly won't give them up.

And if you look at other countries who have done what you want homicide rates haven't gone down.

We should do a few things but confiscation I don't think so.
And as far as I know, every time guns have been confiscated, gun deaths drop. Confiscation includes criminals too, you know.

Gun deaths yes, but not homicide rates. Does it matter how one is killed?

No, it doesn't. You might want to avoid threads with old rayne here. He called for the rape with a weapon, and the subsequent murder of any female relative of any gun owner on this board. rayne is a twisted, mentally ill, individual.
You want to ban more than 38000 guns because someone misused 1?
This, to you is a rational reasoned solution?

You also failed to answer this question:
99.99705% of guns are nott used to commit murder.
How does this support the claim that the number of guns in the US is a problem?

We have more guns than criminals have hands, how could they all be used for murder?
One gun used for murder is one gun too many.

If it saves one life, a complete confiscation is justified

While you mean well you need to consider some things. The gun nuts won't all give up their guns. Some might need to be killed to get them. And criminals certainly won't give them up.

And if you look at other countries who have done what you want homicide rates haven't gone down.

We should do a few things but confiscation I don't think so.
We confiscated handguns in 1996, and everything worked out fine.

Australia confiscated guns in 1996 as well and everything worked out fine.

If Murica' can put a man on the moon, they can successfully get rid of handguns and assault rifles in private hands

Did homicide rates go down?
Gun crime did. And gun crime is preventable. You can;t ban kitchen knives or cricket bats, but guns serve no positive purpose in society, and therefore, gun crime is the most preventable type of crime
Yo, timslash is your typical stupid Democrat! Just read his posts, rest my case!

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