Use a system to identify foreign posters.

It isn't so hard. Nobody wants to (yeah ) offend foreign sensibilities but uneducated Americans are confused about foreign based propaganda that pretends to be based in the U.S.

I always start by cross-referencing their avatar and username to members on other discussion boards. You can usually spot similarities in the sentence structure, grammar, and subject matter.

I've found several people here who have said some pretty embarrassing things on other boards, just by using a Google or Bing search. Being online doesn't guarantee you anonymity.
Most of the time you can tell who is from here and who isn't. I've never seen an issue with foreign posters.
Don't get your hopes up to unrealistic expectations there, Bubba.
That's right, I f*cking hate democrats, especially the woke ones.. well, that would 99% of them.. lol.. Trump has my full support for wanting to get rid of that shit..

Don't get your hopes up though, some lazy retarded republicans have it coming too.. yes, that would include you, I got some complaints about the floor again..


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