Use of nuclear weapons

Are you so unhinged from reality that you think President Trump would destroy the world? That's pretty pathetic man...

President Trump has zero interest in losing all his assets, and his family, idiot - he's a capitalist.
is pretty much solely up to the President. The process is designed to allow for the launch order within 60 seconds. That scares me with any President but frankly way more scary with the current President.

To launch a nuclear strike, Donald Trump would follow these steps
---------------------------------------- and here is more info for the queasy people out on the board . --- The nuclear football is a lot like a Denny's menu - CNNPolitics --- i say that there is nothing to worry about unless the enemy starts messing around too much . Sassy already said it correctly in my opinion DBulb !!
is pretty much solely up to the President. The process is designed to allow for the launch order within 60 seconds. That scares me with any President but frankly way more scary with the current President.

To launch a nuclear strike, Donald Trump would follow these steps
---------------------------------------- and here is more info for the queasy people out on the board . --- The nuclear football is a lot like a Denny's menu - CNNPolitics --- i say that there is nothing to worry about unless the enemy starts messing around too much . Sassy already said it correctly in my opinion DBulb !!
I agree with her and you. Sort of reminded me of that old movie with Matthew Broderick when he was a kid. "War Games" was the name I think. Something like that. At the end the computer (AI) realizes "the only way to win is not to play. "
:afro:besides that , President Trump and family , close friends , cooks , staff , Doctors , Dentists , house cleaners , various lackeys and other needed people are all assigned and ready to go meet at the Palace like Presidential Bunker in case TRUMP decides that he has to fight a nuke war so nothing to be concerned with DBulb .:afro:
The principle that prevented nuclear war in the past - Mutually Assured Destruction - may not work when the possessors of the nukes are not rational. And I don't mean Trump "not rational," I mean, "the will of Allah" not rational. Think Pakistan. Think Iran. Think ISIS.

But still...
The principle that prevented nuclear war in the past - Mutually Assured Destruction - may not work when the possessors of the nukes are not rational. And I don't mean Trump "not rational," I mean, "the will of Allah" not rational. Think Pakistan. Think Iran. Think ISIS.

But still...
"Not rational " is exactly what worries me.
worry will solve nothing , both 'iran' and the norks need to be dealt with and the sooner the better . 'iran' should be the biggest concern because if i understand correctly iran is run by a muslim sect called 'twelvers' DBulb .
I think NK is done personally. His bluff got called and he got nothing other than pretty much everyone on the planet telling him to knock it off.
I think NK is done personally. His bluff got called and he got nothing other than pretty much everyone on the planet telling him to knock it off.
------------------------------------- i think that USA policy says that the norks cannot have nukes ECurious .
I think NK is done personally. His bluff got called and he got nothing other than pretty much everyone on the planet telling him to knock it off.
------------------------------------- i think that USA policy says that the norks cannot have nukes ECurious .

I don't think they do personally. I think it was all a bluff he couldn't back up. He was just trying to get sanctions lifted, but when China turned around and told him he was on his own if he attacked he had to reassess the reality of his arsenal and the very real possibility that the USA wouldn't attack NK, but rather they'd just end /his/ life... and no one on the planet would really give a shit.
I find it interesting that the article the OP posted was posted on the day Trump took office.

Why would they even think he would launch nuclear missiles? Why did this article not come out for Obama? Bush Jr? Clinton?
yep , maybe . Have to wait and see i guess . ------------------------------------------ As further comment , mrobamas 'susan rice' says that the USA should just get used to the 'norks' and probably iran having nukes. Its my opinion that mrobama engineered things so that 2 of the USA main enemies have nuke weapons ECurious.
is pretty much solely up to the President. The process is designed to allow for the launch order within 60 seconds. That scares me with any President but frankly way more scary with the current President.

These libtards roll out the Doomsday Clock every time a GOP President is elected. Ho-hum.
and thats true , i remember all the crying , think it was the early 80s and the crying about nuke winter
yep , maybe . Have to wait and see i guess . ------------------------------------------ As further comment , mrobamas 'susan rice' says that the USA should just get used to the 'norks' and probably iran having nukes. Its my opinion that mrobama engineered things so that 2 of the USA main enemies have nuke weapons ECurious.

mmm as much as I hate to consider that possibility I do find the lefts intentions exceptionally questionable as of late...

Though I must wonder, what would be the purpose of such a thing? I do not believe that Obama and company wanted to end the world... perhaps just knock America down a notch or two? Seems too dangerous a risk/game for even the foolishness of Obama in my mind.
To clarify the above as my mind moves rather quickly (ADD)

The left seems to be on a path of "if I can't have it noone can."
They all thought Clinton would win, so why would they set up for such an attack?
is pretty much solely up to the President. The process is designed to allow for the launch order within 60 seconds. That scares me with any President but frankly way more scary with the current President.

These libtards roll out the Doomsday Clock every time a GOP President is elected. Ho-hum.
Yeah I'm only worried about this because of the liberal media. And I'm a conservative.

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