USMB Coffee Shop IV

Sometimes I forget to count my blessings. Came across a sad situation today. Came out of Food Lion and was parked next to a lady that had to be in her 80's. She said young man can you give me a jump? Told her I didn't have cables. She said I do. So I gave her a jump. She said I feel bad because I have to get a jump every where I go. My battery went dead a couple days ago and I can't afford a new one. Had to get some groceries. I told her to follow me to Advance Auto Parts and I bought her a battery. She cried and blessed me over and over. I'm not tooting my own horn. I should have done more. It was a good reminder that there are hurting people out there and I need to pay better attention.
Sometimes I forget to count my blessings. Came across a sad situation today. Came out of Food Lion and was parked next to a lady that had to be in her 80's. She said young man can you give me a jump? Told her I didn't have cables. She said I do. So I gave her a jump. She said I feel bad because I have to get a jump every where I go. My battery went dead a couple days ago and I can't afford a new one. Had to get some groceries. I told her to follow me to Advance Auto Parts and I bought her a battery. She cried and blessed me over and over. I'm not tooting my own horn. I should have done more. It was a good reminder that there are hurting people out there and I need to pay better attention.

Well, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] , it's just about time for an early supper, so I'm making some fine Spaghetti Bolognese with homemade sauce, and a nice green salad with a vinegar dressing. And a nice Montepulciano (1998) to go with it. And for dessert? A dear friend of mine is bringing her homemade Tiramisu. Oh, did I forget to mention that a dinner date is coming over??

Of course, that Tiramisu needs some good Espresso, and then a Grappa, and then....

Ahh, food, glorious food!!!

(Are the wimmenz now hungry??)

Sounds like a great meal, Stat. Healthy meal also. I'm on the verge of finishing lunch, burger, fry, and soda which pales in comparison to your extravagant dinner...:(

Actually, come to think of it, if I had an extravagant meal like yours for lunch, I likely wouldn't get any work done all afternoon. I'm just wondering if anyone would

Also wondering if I planned the same dinner as you did what Mrs Jughead's reaction would be? That would include the dinner date friend coming over with her

Uhhh, are there good divorce lawyers in your neck of the woods?


BTW, the dinner was delish.

Tomorrow morning is a nice run along the Rhine River, about 10 Km. I will be needing it...
I think I'd need more than a divorce lawyer. It's more along the lines of heading to the airport and asking for a one way ticket for a plane that leaves for anywhere as quickly as
Sometimes I forget to count my blessings. Came across a sad situation today. Came out of Food Lion and was parked next to a lady that had to be in her 80's. She said young man can you give me a jump? Told her I didn't have cables. She said I do. So I gave her a jump. She said I feel bad because I have to get a jump every where I go. My battery went dead a couple days ago and I can't afford a new one. Had to get some groceries. I told her to follow me to Advance Auto Parts and I bought her a battery. She cried and blessed me over and over. I'm not tooting my own horn. I should have done more. It was a good reminder that there are hurting people out there and I need to pay better attention.

You're such a doll. :)
taken with my cellphone. i heard a noise behind me, turned around and this guy was heading back into the woods.


Does a bear shit in the woods?? Well I would if I saw that!!:eek: Seriously, my knees would buckle and I'd just give up and let him eat me.

normally. I'm chasing after them trying to get a better picture
Life is overrated. :lol:

Seriously though, is it wrong to enjoy reading stuff like that? My mom has already said that if I won't become a priest, she will pretty much force me into the military.

No one can force you into the military. Fact is it is getting more difficult to get into the military. Not that I would stop anyone from joining. But you have 3 years to worry about that........

My mom wanted me to be a priest........ I joined the military instead....... Can anyone here see me as a priest........? :lol:

Only if you are worshiping Neptune.........
When we lived in NH, there was a great big area behind our house and other homes that was nothing but woods. There were trails and it was really peaceful and quiet. I used to walk our Siberian Husky, Czar, back there all the time until some local (friend of ours) told me a brown bear had been spotted in a nearbyt area....I totally believed him and was not about to go back there. Later I found out the area where the bear was spotted was far from where we were....I did not want to be anywhere near it, though.

a brown bear as in grizzly, probably not in NH. but a brown colored black bear, are very common. i remember one time when we were kids we were back in the woods with our little mutt. mostly fox terrier, but that dog live to hunt. we came across a bear and it was on it relentlessly. i kept trying to call him off but he wouldn't listen at all. i thought the bear was going to kill him. anyway, he went off pursuing the bear and was gone for 3 or 4 days. i thought he was done for. but he eventually showed back up.

actually in NH probably the think you need to worry about more is moose. now those will be very aggressive

No Grizzlies in NH....must have been a black's been a while, he might have said bears seem to be very active when they first come out of hibernation in NH, but black or brown...bear is bear to me....:D

First bear sighting of 2013 reported in Merrimack | New Hampshire Animals

many people in the east use the term black or brown bear synonymously for the same bear. and black bears can come with a very brown fur. they do tend to be most aggressive after hibernation because they are hungry and often protecting offspring. they also get aggressive prior to hibernating. they seem to know if they are ready to make it through the winter or need more to get through. a friend of mine has the most problem with bears and his chickens in the late fall
No one can force you into the military. Fact is it is getting more difficult to get into the military. Not that I would stop anyone from joining. But you have 3 years to worry about that........

My mom wanted me to be a priest........ I joined the military instead....... Can anyone here see me as a priest........? :lol:

Only if you are worshiping Neptune.........

Why didn't you go with Uranus??:dunno:
No one can force you into the military. Fact is it is getting more difficult to get into the military. Not that I would stop anyone from joining. But you have 3 years to worry about that........

My mom wanted me to be a priest........ I joined the military instead....... Can anyone here see me as a priest........? :lol:

I have to confess...NO!!:lmao:

Mysterious Ways Scene from High Spirits Movie (1988) | MOVIECLIPS
Life is overrated. :lol:

Seriously though, is it wrong to enjoy reading stuff like that? My mom has already said that if I won't become a priest, she will pretty much force me into the military.

No one can force you into the military. Fact is it is getting more difficult to get into the military. Not that I would stop anyone from joining. But you have 3 years to worry about that........

My mom wanted me to be a priest........ I joined the military instead....... Can anyone here see me as a priest........? :lol:
Well, if you're into heavy metal, there's Judas Priest.
No one can force you into the military. Fact is it is getting more difficult to get into the military. Not that I would stop anyone from joining. But you have 3 years to worry about that........

My mom wanted me to be a priest........ I joined the military instead....... Can anyone here see me as a priest........? :lol:
Well, if you're into heavy metal, there's Judas Priest.

Nah, I'm a Zamfir fan............

[ame=]Zamfir Pan Flute Commercial - YouTube[/ame]

Okay, not really.......
I am officially the most baffling thing in the family.
I was reading a book while I was waiting for some family members to show up for a get-together. My grandma walked in and saw me reading, so she asked what it was. I held it up and replied, "The US Army/ Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual." She asked what it was about, and I said how to deal with insurgency. Of course, no one understood that word. So I went back to my room, put it away, grabbed my Kindle, and went back out. I turned that on and started reading. My aunt and uncle walked over and asked what I was reading. I replied, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu." After that, my family said they didn't understand me at all.
Is reading those type of books really unusual?

You're 15? Put that shit down and get a life......

Life is overrated. :lol:

Seriously though, is it wrong to enjoy reading stuff like that?

No, read away. Enjoy.
Good morning all!!
Phoned the dentist just now, apparently having a massive hole is normal, as it depends on the size of the tooth that was removed. Obviously this tooth was a massive mother, is all I can say. I can phone back in a week if nothing has improved.

Good to know. :)
Good morning all!!
Phoned the dentist just now, apparently having a massive hole is normal, as it depends on the size of the tooth that was removed. Obviously this tooth was a massive mother, is all I can say. I can phone back in a week if nothing has improved.

Good to know. :)

Did they mention the possibility of dry socket??
Good morning all!!
Phoned the dentist just now, apparently having a massive hole is normal, as it depends on the size of the tooth that was removed. Obviously this tooth was a massive mother, is all I can say. I can phone back in a week if nothing has improved.

Good to know. :)

Did they mention the possibility of dry socket??

Nope. Its been just over two weeks so I think we are past that. Dry socket causes very intense pain, and my pain is only when I drink something cold. Apparently because the wound is still raw, some pain is to be expected.

*shrug* Will see how it goes, I guess.

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