USMB Coffee Shop IV

Now this is what I call a good way to spend your money!



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Super cool Westie. But where is this? And are there alligators in the moat?
I much prefer a person be specific about what they dislike about something than to be general. It shows they put some thought into their opinion. Modern music, of course, covers many styles, some of which seem rather unmelodic and pointless. Then again, some people were probably saying the same about Bach back in the day.
Does it occur to anybody else that the guy is a shoplifter? :)

He shops like I do. Others seem to be effected by the gaseous Valium they must pump into stores. Shopping ain't that hard! There's the milk. Grab a gallon. There's the bread. Grab a loaf. There's the oranges. Grab a bag. Wanna steak? There they are! Get one!

I dated a girl who held a degree in Fashion Merchandising from Indiana University. Fashion frickin' Merchandising. And from a Big Ten school at that!

I made the mistake of taking her to downtown Pittsburgh. I was always under the impression that the Bermuda Triangle was, well, near Bermuda. I had no idea that a subsection of that triangle ran from Penn to Liberty to Grant streets in downtown Pittsburgh! That's where the three big department stores; Horne's Kaufmann's and Gimble's stood at the time. She was shopping for a suit and we visited all three stores. Then we visited them again. And again. I have to say that, of the three, Horne's was my favorite because they had a little area to sit, enjoy a cup of coffee, read the paper or the current Sports Illustrated and rest your feet.

All day long, we looked at suits. I had tickets to the Pirates game that evening and first pitch was a mere 45 minutes away. I bought us Pirates sweatshirts as it was going to be a chilly evening. She said her ear rings did not match the sweatshirt. Let me repeat that for effect. She said her ear rings did not match her sweatshirt. She started to peruse a rack of ear rings. She had it narrowed down to three pairs. Rather than allow her to dally into the fifth inning looking at ear rings, I bought her all three pairs.

Shopping ain't that hard!

Well, we women like to do price comparisons, and also we may see the same thing that is on sale someplace else. Also, when it comes to clothes, that is VERY complicated territory!
Clothes aren't complicated. If you cannot make it yourself, you can usually find something suitable at Salvation Army, or a comparable second-hand shop. Jeans and Carrharts go with just about everything. Screw the earrings.
Does it occur to anybody else that the guy is a shoplifter? :)

He shops like I do. Others seem to be effected by the gaseous Valium they must pump into stores. Shopping ain't that hard! There's the milk. Grab a gallon. There's the bread. Grab a loaf. There's the oranges. Grab a bag. Wanna steak? There they are! Get one!

I dated a girl who held a degree in Fashion Merchandising from Indiana University. Fashion frickin' Merchandising. And from a Big Ten school at that!

I made the mistake of taking her to downtown Pittsburgh. I was always under the impression that the Bermuda Triangle was, well, near Bermuda. I had no idea that a subsection of that triangle ran from Penn to Liberty to Grant streets in downtown Pittsburgh! That's where the three big department stores; Horne's Kaufmann's and Gimble's stood at the time. She was shopping for a suit and we visited all three stores. Then we visited them again. And again. I have to say that, of the three, Horne's was my favorite because they had a little area to sit, enjoy a cup of coffee, read the paper or the current Sports Illustrated and rest your feet.

All day long, we looked at suits. I had tickets to the Pirates game that evening and first pitch was a mere 45 minutes away. I bought us Pirates sweatshirts as it was going to be a chilly evening. She said her ear rings did not match the sweatshirt. Let me repeat that for effect. She said her ear rings did not match her sweatshirt. She started to peruse a rack of ear rings. She had it narrowed down to three pairs. Rather than allow her to dally into the fifth inning looking at ear rings, I bought her all three pairs.

Shopping ain't that hard!

Well, we women like to do price comparisons, and also we may see the same thing that is on sale someplace else. Also, when it comes to clothes, that is VERY complicated territory!
Ha ha ha!! I just got back from the thrift store and scored 1 hippie skirt and 3 tops...all for the low low price of 5 bucks. I be a happy camper!
My kind of gal! A plus that you like critters, too.
Does it occur to anybody else that the guy is a shoplifter? :)

He shops like I do. Others seem to be effected by the gaseous Valium they must pump into stores. Shopping ain't that hard! There's the milk. Grab a gallon. There's the bread. Grab a loaf. There's the oranges. Grab a bag. Wanna steak? There they are! Get one!

I dated a girl who held a degree in Fashion Merchandising from Indiana University. Fashion frickin' Merchandising. And from a Big Ten school at that!

I made the mistake of taking her to downtown Pittsburgh. I was always under the impression that the Bermuda Triangle was, well, near Bermuda. I had no idea that a subsection of that triangle ran from Penn to Liberty to Grant streets in downtown Pittsburgh! That's where the three big department stores; Horne's Kaufmann's and Gimble's stood at the time. She was shopping for a suit and we visited all three stores. Then we visited them again. And again. I have to say that, of the three, Horne's was my favorite because they had a little area to sit, enjoy a cup of coffee, read the paper or the current Sports Illustrated and rest your feet.

All day long, we looked at suits. I had tickets to the Pirates game that evening and first pitch was a mere 45 minutes away. I bought us Pirates sweatshirts as it was going to be a chilly evening. She said her ear rings did not match the sweatshirt. Let me repeat that for effect. She said her ear rings did not match her sweatshirt. She started to peruse a rack of ear rings. She had it narrowed down to three pairs. Rather than allow her to dally into the fifth inning looking at ear rings, I bought her all three pairs.

Shopping ain't that hard!

Well, we women like to do price comparisons, and also we may see the same thing that is on sale someplace else. Also, when it comes to clothes, that is VERY complicated territory!
Ha ha ha!! I just got back from the thrift store and scored 1 hippie skirt and 3 tops...all for the low low price of 5 bucks. I be a happy camper!
My kind of gal! A plus that you like critters, too.
I'd rather be around critters than people, to be honest. But this convo is usually one sided, hence me coming here to usmb when I want to socialize...out there when I want to go slumming. :lol:
Understood, I can't stand Danny DeVito.
I could do without him except he was funny in Ruthless People. Otherwise...I usually pass on whatever he plays in.
I'm also glad this quirk of mine is also someone elses quirk, lol.
Hubby flat out refused to watch ANYTHING Robbin Williams was in. Except Awakenings. He liked that one.

Robin Williams?! He's been in great stuff! Good Morning, Vietnam, Good Will Hunting, the voice of Genie from Aladdin, plenty of high quality movies of various genres he's been in.

DeVito has been in some good movies as well. Throw Momma From the Train, Mars Attacks!, Romancing The Stone.

I might be less inclined to watch a movie if it has an actor I don't particularly like, but I have never just refused to watch movies with a particular actor. Other than some horrible B movies, I have never seen someone I disliked so much they ruined an otherwise good movie. Even Kate Winslet, who I thought was incredibly bad in Titanic, I never actively avoided. :)

I figure if I can watch Stallone, Schwartzenegger and the like, I can watch just about anyone. :lol:

Agree with others though that there are just some actors I don't care for and usually don't check out anything they are in. Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, Will Ferrell fall into that category. Don't have a thing against any one of them but they just grate on my nerves so I don't check anything out that they are in. Jim Carrey and Danny DeVito and some others I like in some things, not in others. As I said DeVito was perfect for his roles in Rennaissance Man and The Rainmaker, but I won't watch "Throw Momma from the Train" or other more slapstick stuff he is in.

I can separate the actor from his or her personal life though and don't avoid them just because I don't like their personal life or politics or weird religion or whatever.

It wouldn't be the holidays without Chevy Chase and Christmas vacation. I love Steve Martin...Planes, Trains and Automobiles is one of my favorite comedies. Will Ferrell cracks me up...he's such a goofball. My favorite comedian in movies is Vince him in everything, but my favorite is Wedding Crashers.:D

I can appreciate that. I just can't appreciate the actors, though I don't hate any of those movies. They just aren't the kind of movie I seek out for whatever aesthetic appeal. I guess I deal with enough frustrations in real life to enjoy people having them in the movies. :)

My favorite kinds of comedies are the dramadies like Down Periscope or Moonstruck or My Cousin Vinny or Armageddon or Dave or Guarding Tess.
Those are all great. Adam Sandler is one I cannot abide. Most of his stuff is immature and pretty moronic.
I am not much of a comedy fan. I will watch MAYBE one or 2 a year, if that. And I NEVER watch chick flicks sob story pull-out-the-violin stuff. Add animal stories to that, too. The animal ALWAYS dies and I am a wreck. No no and no.
My kinda movies action/adventure...Casino, Godfather 123, Avatar, LOTR, Aliens, etc.

And those I don't like. I don't like blood and gore, gratuitous violence, or people being mean to people unless it is absolutely necessary to the plot. I don't like sad animal movies either, but I love Secretariat--he doesn't die or get hurt :) I want movies that inspire me, entertain me, uplift me, have me on my feet cheering at the end. I want to feel good emotions or at least justified. I want to just lose myself in the plot and the situation and imagine for a little while that I am there. A comedy like "A Knight's Tale" is that kind of movie--the good guy wins in the end and it is just a lot of fun and something you can lose yourself in.
Ah, and to think I actually sprang to go see "Mad Max-Thunder Road" recently. I remember now why I don't go to the movies any more. But I do like the amazing rigs they drive around, and the costumes. Mad Max movies are never long on story, but they are great for insane driving stunts and wild machinery.
Does it occur to anybody else that the guy is a shoplifter? :)

He shops like I do. Others seem to be effected by the gaseous Valium they must pump into stores. Shopping ain't that hard! There's the milk. Grab a gallon. There's the bread. Grab a loaf. There's the oranges. Grab a bag. Wanna steak? There they are! Get one!

I dated a girl who held a degree in Fashion Merchandising from Indiana University. Fashion frickin' Merchandising. And from a Big Ten school at that!

I made the mistake of taking her to downtown Pittsburgh. I was always under the impression that the Bermuda Triangle was, well, near Bermuda. I had no idea that a subsection of that triangle ran from Penn to Liberty to Grant streets in downtown Pittsburgh! That's where the three big department stores; Horne's Kaufmann's and Gimble's stood at the time. She was shopping for a suit and we visited all three stores. Then we visited them again. And again. I have to say that, of the three, Horne's was my favorite because they had a little area to sit, enjoy a cup of coffee, read the paper or the current Sports Illustrated and rest your feet.

All day long, we looked at suits. I had tickets to the Pirates game that evening and first pitch was a mere 45 minutes away. I bought us Pirates sweatshirts as it was going to be a chilly evening. She said her ear rings did not match the sweatshirt. Let me repeat that for effect. She said her ear rings did not match her sweatshirt. She started to peruse a rack of ear rings. She had it narrowed down to three pairs. Rather than allow her to dally into the fifth inning looking at ear rings, I bought her all three pairs.

Shopping ain't that hard!

Well, we women like to do price comparisons, and also we may see the same thing that is on sale someplace else. Also, when it comes to clothes, that is VERY complicated territory!
Clothes aren't complicated. If you cannot make it yourself, you can usually find something suitable at Salvation Army, or a comparable second-hand shop. Jeans and Carrharts go with just about everything. Screw the earrings.

Ummm. No. :)
Does it occur to anybody else that the guy is a shoplifter? :)

He shops like I do. Others seem to be effected by the gaseous Valium they must pump into stores. Shopping ain't that hard! There's the milk. Grab a gallon. There's the bread. Grab a loaf. There's the oranges. Grab a bag. Wanna steak? There they are! Get one!

I dated a girl who held a degree in Fashion Merchandising from Indiana University. Fashion frickin' Merchandising. And from a Big Ten school at that!

I made the mistake of taking her to downtown Pittsburgh. I was always under the impression that the Bermuda Triangle was, well, near Bermuda. I had no idea that a subsection of that triangle ran from Penn to Liberty to Grant streets in downtown Pittsburgh! That's where the three big department stores; Horne's Kaufmann's and Gimble's stood at the time. She was shopping for a suit and we visited all three stores. Then we visited them again. And again. I have to say that, of the three, Horne's was my favorite because they had a little area to sit, enjoy a cup of coffee, read the paper or the current Sports Illustrated and rest your feet.

All day long, we looked at suits. I had tickets to the Pirates game that evening and first pitch was a mere 45 minutes away. I bought us Pirates sweatshirts as it was going to be a chilly evening. She said her ear rings did not match the sweatshirt. Let me repeat that for effect. She said her ear rings did not match her sweatshirt. She started to peruse a rack of ear rings. She had it narrowed down to three pairs. Rather than allow her to dally into the fifth inning looking at ear rings, I bought her all three pairs.

Shopping ain't that hard!

Well, we women like to do price comparisons, and also we may see the same thing that is on sale someplace else. Also, when it comes to clothes, that is VERY complicated territory!
Ha ha ha!! I just got back from the thrift store and scored 1 hippie skirt and 3 tops...all for the low low price of 5 bucks. I be a happy camper!
My kind of gal! A plus that you like critters, too.
I'd rather be around critters than people, to be honest. But this convo is usually one sided, hence me coming here to usmb when I want to socialize...out there when I want to go slumming. :lol:
A convo about critters, or that you prefer them? While I do have a few good friends, and I get along OK at work, I spend most of my waking hours caring for the furfam. Like you, I enjoy the CS and all the great folks here but "outside" is fun sometimes.
I could do without him except he was funny in Ruthless People. Otherwise...I usually pass on whatever he plays in.
I'm also glad this quirk of mine is also someone elses quirk, lol.
Hubby flat out refused to watch ANYTHING Robbin Williams was in. Except Awakenings. He liked that one.

Robin Williams?! He's been in great stuff! Good Morning, Vietnam, Good Will Hunting, the voice of Genie from Aladdin, plenty of high quality movies of various genres he's been in.

DeVito has been in some good movies as well. Throw Momma From the Train, Mars Attacks!, Romancing The Stone.

I might be less inclined to watch a movie if it has an actor I don't particularly like, but I have never just refused to watch movies with a particular actor. Other than some horrible B movies, I have never seen someone I disliked so much they ruined an otherwise good movie. Even Kate Winslet, who I thought was incredibly bad in Titanic, I never actively avoided. :)

I figure if I can watch Stallone, Schwartzenegger and the like, I can watch just about anyone. :lol:

Agree with others though that there are just some actors I don't care for and usually don't check out anything they are in. Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, Will Ferrell fall into that category. Don't have a thing against any one of them but they just grate on my nerves so I don't check anything out that they are in. Jim Carrey and Danny DeVito and some others I like in some things, not in others. As I said DeVito was perfect for his roles in Rennaissance Man and The Rainmaker, but I won't watch "Throw Momma from the Train" or other more slapstick stuff he is in.

I can separate the actor from his or her personal life though and don't avoid them just because I don't like their personal life or politics or weird religion or whatever.

It wouldn't be the holidays without Chevy Chase and Christmas vacation. I love Steve Martin...Planes, Trains and Automobiles is one of my favorite comedies. Will Ferrell cracks me up...he's such a goofball. My favorite comedian in movies is Vince him in everything, but my favorite is Wedding Crashers.:D

I can appreciate that. I just can't appreciate the actors, though I don't hate any of those movies. They just aren't the kind of movie I seek out for whatever aesthetic appeal. I guess I deal with enough frustrations in real life to enjoy people having them in the movies. :)

My favorite kinds of comedies are the dramadies like Down Periscope or Moonstruck or My Cousin Vinny or Armageddon or Dave or Guarding Tess.
Loved Down Periscope!

'Specially when they shrank her uniform!
He shops like I do. Others seem to be effected by the gaseous Valium they must pump into stores. Shopping ain't that hard! There's the milk. Grab a gallon. There's the bread. Grab a loaf. There's the oranges. Grab a bag. Wanna steak? There they are! Get one!

I dated a girl who held a degree in Fashion Merchandising from Indiana University. Fashion frickin' Merchandising. And from a Big Ten school at that!

I made the mistake of taking her to downtown Pittsburgh. I was always under the impression that the Bermuda Triangle was, well, near Bermuda. I had no idea that a subsection of that triangle ran from Penn to Liberty to Grant streets in downtown Pittsburgh! That's where the three big department stores; Horne's Kaufmann's and Gimble's stood at the time. She was shopping for a suit and we visited all three stores. Then we visited them again. And again. I have to say that, of the three, Horne's was my favorite because they had a little area to sit, enjoy a cup of coffee, read the paper or the current Sports Illustrated and rest your feet.

All day long, we looked at suits. I had tickets to the Pirates game that evening and first pitch was a mere 45 minutes away. I bought us Pirates sweatshirts as it was going to be a chilly evening. She said her ear rings did not match the sweatshirt. Let me repeat that for effect. She said her ear rings did not match her sweatshirt. She started to peruse a rack of ear rings. She had it narrowed down to three pairs. Rather than allow her to dally into the fifth inning looking at ear rings, I bought her all three pairs.

Shopping ain't that hard!

Well, we women like to do price comparisons, and also we may see the same thing that is on sale someplace else. Also, when it comes to clothes, that is VERY complicated territory!
Ha ha ha!! I just got back from the thrift store and scored 1 hippie skirt and 3 tops...all for the low low price of 5 bucks. I be a happy camper!
My kind of gal! A plus that you like critters, too.
I'd rather be around critters than people, to be honest. But this convo is usually one sided, hence me coming here to usmb when I want to socialize...out there when I want to go slumming. :lol:
A convo about critters, or that you prefer them? While I do have a few good friends, and I get along OK at work, I spend most of my waking hours caring for the furfam. Like you, I enjoy the CS and all the great folks here but "outside" is fun sometimes.
Convos WITH critters. But they just waggle with tongues lolling out and I don't much feedback, lol. However, ask me if I want to go to a party or help feed the cows and I'll have my knee high boots on and a pitchfork in my hands faster than you can say Cow Shit. :lol:
Yeah..."out there" is fun sometimes. In here, its like a safe haven. I visualize it as a big bohemian room with people lounging around and just murmuring with convos. Oh, and dogs and cats lounging too, on big fluffy pillows. Out there...that's the manure pasture. Gotta watch where ya step...or just wear the hip waders just to be safe. ;)
Okay, speaking of movies, we're off to watch AGT probably to be followed by a good movie, so I'm probably out for the night. Everybody have a good one.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki, R.D., and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
An update on Sachenda...she's pretty much left the house. There's not much of the person she once was, although her corporal vessel yet exists. Her husband is devastated and my daughter is at a total loss to be able to help him. I think they've reached that point where euthanasia would be a blessing. My daughter is worried about what will happen when Sachenda finally passes away. Brain cancer, and subsequent treatment, has pretty much already erased her as a person.
Well, we women like to do price comparisons, and also we may see the same thing that is on sale someplace else. Also, when it comes to clothes, that is VERY complicated territory!
Ha ha ha!! I just got back from the thrift store and scored 1 hippie skirt and 3 tops...all for the low low price of 5 bucks. I be a happy camper!
My kind of gal! A plus that you like critters, too.
I'd rather be around critters than people, to be honest. But this convo is usually one sided, hence me coming here to usmb when I want to socialize...out there when I want to go slumming. :lol:
A convo about critters, or that you prefer them? While I do have a few good friends, and I get along OK at work, I spend most of my waking hours caring for the furfam. Like you, I enjoy the CS and all the great folks here but "outside" is fun sometimes.
Convos WITH critters. But they just waggle with tongues lolling out and I don't much feedback, lol. However, ask me if I want to go to a party or help feed the cows and I'll have my knee high boots on and a pitchfork in my hands faster than you can say Cow Shit. :lol:
Yeah..."out there" is fun sometimes. In here, its like a safe haven. I visualize it as a big bohemian room with people lounging around and just murmuring with convos. Oh, and dogs and cats lounging too, on big fluffy pillows. Out there...that's the manure pasture. Gotta watch where ya step...or just wear the hip waders just to be safe. ;)

I used to have a cat that said "out." I swear to God that cat could speak!
Okay, speaking of movies, we're off to watch AGT probably to be followed by a good movie, so I'm probably out for the night. Everybody have a good one.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki, R.D., and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
An update on Sachenda...she's pretty much left the house. There's not much of the person she once was, although her corporal vessel yet exists. Her husband is devastated and my daughter is at a total loss to be able to help him. I think they've reached that point where euthanasia would be a blessing. My daughter is worried about what will happen when Sachenda finally passes away. Brain cancer, and subsequent treatment, has pretty much already erased her as a person.

That's really sad. So sorry to hear that.
I could do without him except he was funny in Ruthless People. Otherwise...I usually pass on whatever he plays in.
I'm also glad this quirk of mine is also someone elses quirk, lol.
Hubby flat out refused to watch ANYTHING Robbin Williams was in. Except Awakenings. He liked that one.

Robin Williams?! He's been in great stuff! Good Morning, Vietnam, Good Will Hunting, the voice of Genie from Aladdin, plenty of high quality movies of various genres he's been in.

DeVito has been in some good movies as well. Throw Momma From the Train, Mars Attacks!, Romancing The Stone.

I might be less inclined to watch a movie if it has an actor I don't particularly like, but I have never just refused to watch movies with a particular actor. Other than some horrible B movies, I have never seen someone I disliked so much they ruined an otherwise good movie. Even Kate Winslet, who I thought was incredibly bad in Titanic, I never actively avoided. :)

I figure if I can watch Stallone, Schwartzenegger and the like, I can watch just about anyone. :lol:

Agree with others though that there are just some actors I don't care for and usually don't check out anything they are in. Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, Will Ferrell fall into that category. Don't have a thing against any one of them but they just grate on my nerves so I don't check anything out that they are in. Jim Carrey and Danny DeVito and some others I like in some things, not in others. As I said DeVito was perfect for his roles in Rennaissance Man and The Rainmaker, but I won't watch "Throw Momma from the Train" or other more slapstick stuff he is in.

I can separate the actor from his or her personal life though and don't avoid them just because I don't like their personal life or politics or weird religion or whatever.

It wouldn't be the holidays without Chevy Chase and Christmas vacation. I love Steve Martin...Planes, Trains and Automobiles is one of my favorite comedies. Will Ferrell cracks me up...he's such a goofball. My favorite comedian in movies is Vince him in everything, but my favorite is Wedding Crashers.:D

I can appreciate that. I just can't appreciate the actors, though I don't hate any of those movies. They just aren't the kind of movie I seek out for whatever aesthetic appeal. I guess I deal with enough frustrations in real life to enjoy people having them in the movies. :)

My favorite kinds of comedies are the dramadies like Down Periscope or Moonstruck or My Cousin Vinny or Armageddon or Dave or Guarding Tess.
Those are all great. Adam Sandler is one I cannot abide. Most of his stuff is immature and pretty moronic.

I liked Happy Gilmore and Big Daddy. Big Daddy was pretty funny. :lol:
Robin Williams?! He's been in great stuff! Good Morning, Vietnam, Good Will Hunting, the voice of Genie from Aladdin, plenty of high quality movies of various genres he's been in.

DeVito has been in some good movies as well. Throw Momma From the Train, Mars Attacks!, Romancing The Stone.

I might be less inclined to watch a movie if it has an actor I don't particularly like, but I have never just refused to watch movies with a particular actor. Other than some horrible B movies, I have never seen someone I disliked so much they ruined an otherwise good movie. Even Kate Winslet, who I thought was incredibly bad in Titanic, I never actively avoided. :)

I figure if I can watch Stallone, Schwartzenegger and the like, I can watch just about anyone. :lol:

Agree with others though that there are just some actors I don't care for and usually don't check out anything they are in. Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, Will Ferrell fall into that category. Don't have a thing against any one of them but they just grate on my nerves so I don't check anything out that they are in. Jim Carrey and Danny DeVito and some others I like in some things, not in others. As I said DeVito was perfect for his roles in Rennaissance Man and The Rainmaker, but I won't watch "Throw Momma from the Train" or other more slapstick stuff he is in.

I can separate the actor from his or her personal life though and don't avoid them just because I don't like their personal life or politics or weird religion or whatever.

It wouldn't be the holidays without Chevy Chase and Christmas vacation. I love Steve Martin...Planes, Trains and Automobiles is one of my favorite comedies. Will Ferrell cracks me up...he's such a goofball. My favorite comedian in movies is Vince him in everything, but my favorite is Wedding Crashers.:D

I can appreciate that. I just can't appreciate the actors, though I don't hate any of those movies. They just aren't the kind of movie I seek out for whatever aesthetic appeal. I guess I deal with enough frustrations in real life to enjoy people having them in the movies. :)

My favorite kinds of comedies are the dramadies like Down Periscope or Moonstruck or My Cousin Vinny or Armageddon or Dave or Guarding Tess.
Those are all great. Adam Sandler is one I cannot abide. Most of his stuff is immature and pretty moronic.

I liked Happy Gilmore and Big Daddy. Big Daddy was pretty funny. :lol:
Nah, I'll take a pass. Little Nicky was OK with some of my friends, though.

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