USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have seen River Monsters but it isn't really my cuppa. Thursday nights are the slowest for me. Nothing decent on. So I head for netflix.
Guess you gotta have an interest in fishing.
Love fishin'. Used to go out to the pier and fish off that but I prefer lakes and rivers. Haven't been in years and years and years, unfortunately.
Have you ever been "tubing"? That's the best. You are suspended from an inner-tube type of device and you generally use a fly fishing rod to cast. It's too neat. There have been times when I've felt like the last Cheerio in the bowl.
I think I did but it was so long ago..I'm not sure if I dreamed it or did it. And it was not for fishing. Just bobbing along the Kern River on a tube. I think I was stoned..which is why I am not sure if I participated or was zonked out on a rock watching friends do it. :lol:
Pets stress me out. I worry about them. If I had a bunny, I would want it in the house. And they chew. Cords. Bad business, that. Turtles...meh. Can't cuddle them. I wouldn't mind one in the yard, but then I would stress on it being ok.

I don't go anywhere. I don't do anything. One of us has to be here with the furkids or they freak out. We don't go anywhere together due to that. I'd like to putt up the coast to Big Sur and camp out in my van, but I can't leave my furkid. She would howl and whine all night even with Daddy.

When they go over rainbow bridge and I am not too decrepit...I wanna do a road trip. All by myself like I used to do in the 1970's. Until then...I travel via the net.
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I've had my last cat. I have my last two dogs. When these go over rainbow more. Too old to handle the pain when they pass. The only way I would ever have another pet is if they find ME. Like, one just shows up out of the blue. I would consider it that it was meant to be. But I ain't going looking.

I have had dogs all my life. And only 3 cats. One when I was a kid. Second one was Fattycat that lived 23 years. Last one was..well...the last one. I won't mention her again on this board. Or any pet, actually.
But, for now, I have two left. One is mine completely, the other belongs to Daddy.
I wish it were that easy for me. I love the critters, and they do seem to find me. Due to recent events involving ignorant people who could best mind their own business, I have had to deal with animal control, and ended up spending well over $800. At any rate, I did find out that my old-lady cat is 19 yr/4 mo and my dachshund is 15 yr/7 mo old. And then, I have my "stock" holdings. I wanted to be a vet when I was a kid. Unable to realize that ambition, I suppose having and caring for a bunch of critters is the next best thing. Since there are no large animal vets available locally, I do most of my goat care myself.
Pets stress me out. I worry about them. If I had a bunny, I would want it in the house. And they chew. Cords. Bad business, that. Turtles...meh. Can't cuddle them. I wouldn't mind one in the yard, but then I would stress on it being ok.

I don't go anywhere. I don't do anything. One of us has to be here with the furkids or they freak out. We don't go anywhere together due to that. I'd like to putt up the coast to Big Sur and camp out in my van, but I can't leave my furkid. She would howl and whine all night even with Daddy.

When they go over rainbow bridge and I am not too decrepit...I wanna do a road trip. All by myself like I used to do in the 1970's. Until then...I travel via the net.
I understand. I find my fur-fam comforting, but it is difficult to travel much.
Hey, if you ever head up this way, I'll stand you a pizza and beverage of your choice, at the least.
I agree re Margot Kidder. She literally makes my skin crawl.

I'm not very familiar with her work.

She was Princess Leiah in Star Wars and Lois Lane in the Superman movies of the 80's.

Well thanks. :) I googled her, and I saw that she was Lois Lane but I think Princess Leia was played by someone else.
Carrie Fisher played Princess Leia.

Yeah, we already figured all that out. :wink_2: Thanks though!
Sowwy...I'm catching up.
That's another issue. Vet money. I just can't afford to give them the care they might need if they get sick. Gracie would have cost me over 5000 and I had to drive 8 hours to get to the place for MRI's and whatnot. And spend the night in a motel for a week while they poked and prodded her. They said epilepsy. Turned out to be a brain tumor. She lasted one year, then the seizures began again and were non stop. I had her put down because by the time she would come out of it, half her brain would have been damaged from the seizures.
That is when I said NO MORE. And I meant it.
Pets stress me out. I worry about them. If I had a bunny, I would want it in the house. And they chew. Cords. Bad business, that. Turtles...meh. Can't cuddle them. I wouldn't mind one in the yard, but then I would stress on it being ok.

I don't go anywhere. I don't do anything. One of us has to be here with the furkids or they freak out. We don't go anywhere together due to that. I'd like to putt up the coast to Big Sur and camp out in my van, but I can't leave my furkid. She would howl and whine all night even with Daddy.

When they go over rainbow bridge and I am not too decrepit...I wanna do a road trip. All by myself like I used to do in the 1970's. Until then...I travel via the net.
I understand. I find my fur-fam comforting, but it is difficult to travel much.
Hey, if you ever head up this way, I'll stand you a pizza and beverage of your choice, at the least.
If I can still drive, I might take you up on it, lol. Take putt north and just keep going. Then again, I might be 70 something and doubt very much if I could eat a pizza, lol.
That's another issue. Vet money. I just can't afford to give them the care they might need if they get sick. Gracie would have cost me over 5000 and I had to drive 8 hours to get to the place for MRI's and whatnot. And spend the night in a motel for a week while they poked and prodded her. They said epilepsy. Turned out to be a brain tumor. She lasted one year, then the seizures began again and were non stop. I had her put down because by the time she would come out of it, half her brain would have been damaged from the seizures.
That is when I said NO MORE. And I meant it.
Well, old-lady cat probably has cancerous growths, but her kidney function is still good. The vet did not recommend surgery because is stresses older kitties so badly. The dachshund has an abscessed tooth and is on antibiotics for now. She's a pretty good candidate for surgery, depending on her blood work. Fortunately, I have a friend who is almost eager to help me out with the vet cost. At least everyone as their rabies shots and municipal registration tags.
I've had my last cat. I have my last two dogs. When these go over rainbow more. Too old to handle the pain when they pass. The only way I would ever have another pet is if they find ME. Like, one just shows up out of the blue. I would consider it that it was meant to be. But I ain't going looking.

I have had dogs all my life. And only 3 cats. One when I was a kid. Second one was Fattycat that lived 23 years. Last one was..well...the last one. I won't mention her again on this board. Or any pet, actually.
But, for now, I have two left. One is mine completely, the other belongs to Daddy.
That's exactly what I said too after my buddy of almost 20 years had to be put to sleep. I was beside myself heart broke and lonely for 3 days, kinda walking around in a fog, and I said no more.

Then this little black and white fur ball came crawling out of the weeds late one night when we were all sitting around a campfire roasting hotdogs. She was just a tiny little young thing and starving and smelled those hotdogs cooking, so her hunger overrode her fear. So, here she is, laying on the footrest of the recliner next to my legs as I type this. Funny thing is, she has a spot on the left side of her nose almost in the same place her predecessor had. Fate? I kinda think so. I think she was a gift from a benevolent divine force that knew I was lonely, and would eventually enjoy having another little furry buddy around.
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Pets stress me out. I worry about them. If I had a bunny, I would want it in the house. And they chew. Cords. Bad business, that. Turtles...meh. Can't cuddle them. I wouldn't mind one in the yard, but then I would stress on it being ok.

I don't go anywhere. I don't do anything. One of us has to be here with the furkids or they freak out. We don't go anywhere together due to that. I'd like to putt up the coast to Big Sur and camp out in my van, but I can't leave my furkid. She would howl and whine all night even with Daddy.

When they go over rainbow bridge and I am not too decrepit...I wanna do a road trip. All by myself like I used to do in the 1970's. Until then...I travel via the net.
I understand. I find my fur-fam comforting, but it is difficult to travel much.
Hey, if you ever head up this way, I'll stand you a pizza and beverage of your choice, at the least.
If I can still drive, I might take you up on it, lol. Take putt north and just keep going. Then again, I might be 70 something and doubt very much if I could eat a pizza, lol.
Skip the drive, fly up and rent an RV, if you like. Or drive, it's an absolutely gorgeous drive. If pizza doesn't suit you, I'm sure I can put something together.
I've had my last cat. I have my last two dogs. When these go over rainbow more. Too old to handle the pain when they pass. The only way I would ever have another pet is if they find ME. Like, one just shows up out of the blue. I would consider it that it was meant to be. But I ain't going looking.

I have had dogs all my life. And only 3 cats. One when I was a kid. Second one was Fattycat that lived 23 years. Last one was..well...the last one. I won't mention her again on this board. Or any pet, actually.
But, for now, I have two left. One is mine completely, the other belongs to Daddy.
That's exactly what I said too after my buddy of almost 20 years had to be put to sleep. I was beside myself heart broke and lonely for 3 days, kinda walking around in a fog, and I said no more.

Then this little black and white fur ball came crawling out of the weeds late one night when we were all sitting around a campfire roasting hotdogs. She was just a tiny little young thing and starving, so her hunger overrode her fear. So, here she is, laying on the footrest of the recliner here next to my legs as I type this. Funny thing is, she has a spot on the left side of her nose almost in the same place her predecessor had. Fate? I kinda think. I think she was a gift from a benevolent divine force that knew I was lonely, and would eventually enjoy having another little furry buddy around.
Amazing how those things work!
It turned out that the wife's test wasn't a cath, but an MRI. We were in and out in 15 minutes.
We stopped by Doc's for a bit. (momma was missing the place) and then vegged out to TV before I headed out to the bar for a few minutes. The place is busy! Not a bar stool to be had anywhere.
The guy and his wife that we've been having in to play for the crowd is finally starting to draw people back. He's cheap and his tab usually equals his pay so, what the hell...
Next Saturday is the birthday bash at Doc's Max's wife and mine are both 6/14 babies and we've celebrated together for 5 years now.
We'll have The Jason Abel Project, cake and some food. I'm thinking about smoking a couple briskets and making tater salad. Some of the staff and regulars will contribute a dish or 2.
It's all good!
It turned out that the wife's test wasn't a cath, but an MRI. We were in and out in 15 minutes.
We stopped by Doc's for a bit. (momma was missing the place) and then vegged out to TV before I headed out to the bar for a few minutes. The place is busy! Not a bar stool to be had anywhere.
The guy and his wife that we've been having in to play for the crowd is finally starting to draw people back. He's cheap and his tab usually equals his pay so, what the hell...
Next Saturday is the birthday bash at Doc's Max's wife and mine are both 6/14 babies and we've celebrated together for 5 years now.
We'll have The Jason Abel Project, cake and some food. I'm thinking about smoking a couple briskets and making tater salad. Some of the staff and regulars will contribute a dish or 2.
It's all good!

Good news!
Actually, I can't really relate to The Dance (I had to go look up the lyrics lol). And I find the real life style lyrics boring, actually; I prefer my lyrics to be conceptual rather than day to day. I think it's similar to how I dislike reading non-fiction. I'm happier with ideas than day to day drudgery. That may be more an issue with pop-country than the stuff you like, though.

I also only listen to a small amount of 'fun' music. Mostly that would be They Might Be Giants.

I still don't quite know what you mean when you say music now has no melody.

I mean it is essentially tuneless--just noise. You listen to a performance and there is no melody in your head that you can hum to yourself.

For instance, I don't agree with every selection here, but almost all of the very short clips offered on this video will put the melody into my head. Almost no modern music does that:

500 Greatest Songs of All Time

The link doesn't work for me.

I think that what this really is is that you don't enjoy the modern pop music you've listened to. To say that modern music has no melody, is tuneless, I think is demonstrably false. I've caught myself with songs I don't like, modern pop or country style songs, stuck in my head. And a commercial jingle can be hummed; that doesn't make it more melodious or enjoyable than modern pop. :p

If you don't like what you think of as modern music (you haven't exactly defined that, it could be anything made in the last 10, 20, 30 years, only the pop songs of those periods, only pop songs from certain sources, etc.) that's fine. The way you describe it, however, is pretty insulting to anyone who does like any of that music. When you keep saying that modern music has no melody or tune, it sounds like you are saying modern music isn't actually music at all; that it is as much music as listening to any random noises one might hear around them. It comes off, to me anyway, less as a matter of taste and more a condemnation of a huge number of artists as not actually being musicians. I tend to think country music is bad, but it's still music. ;)

Now come on. No fair saying I'm insulting if I don't like modern music (which I define as most of the stuff produced this century) but you aren't insulting if you say country music is bad? :)

Seriously I don't intend to insult anybody's tastes in music or anything else. I was just enjoying a conversation about music with the full understanding that everybody doesn't like everything. But if I am coming across as insulting, I'll take the hint and change the subject. Or let somebody else change it. No harm. No foul.

It's not disliking it that I said was insulting, but rather the way you say that. Saying modern music has no melody, is tuneless noise, is like saying it isn't music at all. If you just said, "I don't like modern music" I wouldn't have any problem with it. You've said modern music has no melody many times, though, and made it sound like you don't consider it actually to be music at all, just a collection of noise. I know we have at least one musician who makes a modern style of music on the board in GT and there may well be many more. Anyone who's ever played in a band or written a song has probably had the expectation that some people wouldn't like it, but I don't know if many would expect people to equate their music to any random noise someone might hear.

I've said a few times I think when you say modern music has no melody what you are saying is it's not music you enjoy, but the way you say it seems like more than that. I listen to a bunch of niche music that most people are at best indifferent to, and in many cases hate. It's been many years, but I played in bands making music that many people would dislike. I don't mind someone disliking music, I just think when you say or imply that it isn't even music at all, that's a step too far. :D

Well......I've heard some music that really pushed the boundaries of being called music. :lol: But pop, terrible as it can at times be, is still music. :lmao:

Death metal? :biggrin:

Hah! No, I listen to some death metal and have even played a little in the past. The only genre that comes to mind offhand as pushing the music boundaries is grindcore, and even then, it's probably more about the particular band than the genre itself. I was thinking more along the lines of some really out there progressive bands who intentionally push the envelope. :)
It turned out that the wife's test wasn't a cath, but an MRI. We were in and out in 15 minutes.
We stopped by Doc's for a bit. (momma was missing the place) and then vegged out to TV before I headed out to the bar for a few minutes. The place is busy! Not a bar stool to be had anywhere.
The guy and his wife that we've been having in to play for the crowd is finally starting to draw people back. He's cheap and his tab usually equals his pay so, what the hell...
Next Saturday is the birthday bash at Doc's Max's wife and mine are both 6/14 babies and we've celebrated together for 5 years now.
We'll have The Jason Abel Project, cake and some food. I'm thinking about smoking a couple briskets and making tater salad. Some of the staff and regulars will contribute a dish or 2.
It's all good!

How is Max these days? I'm working on a weekend trip to Daphne/Malbis, maybe 4th of July. What's on the calendar at Doc's during the day on the 4th?

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