USMB Coffee Shop IV

Earlier today (bout 2pm) went for a swim, sunny and warm...... No joke, I literally dove in the pool and when I surfaced it was overcast (just overhead) and the wind was almost blowing the mulberry tree sideways. :eek-52:
The water wasn't all that warm anyway so I did some quick laps and got out. Later I went back out for another swim, this time nice and sunny plus the water was warmer. Was relaxing when I heard the ice cream (said with tongue in cheek.....) truck was passing by and I was trying to figure out the familiar tune it was playing...... Suddenly it hit me, Popeye the Sailor Man....... :lol:
So just about all of us are Texans at heart? Must be why we all get along so well, but it does seem to be coming up disproportionately Texas. I know it is possible to score a California too because a couple of my friends did, but they are really way out there and non traditional politically, philosophically, culturally, etc. I would imagine most Santa Feans, for instance, would probably not score Texas.

Lol. I think so far we have all gotten Texas. Was this test made in Texas? :p I don't consider these kinds of things too accurate to be honest.
For fear of bringing politic into the CS, I'll leave it at: Several CS members would be more likely to get California or even Massachusetts than those who have taken the test so far.

Oh probably, though a lot of my Facebook friends who I would expect to get California are also getting Texas. After taking a number of those tests, I think there are probably only one or two questions that actually determine the outcome. And that one about recycling is probably one of them. I mean look at Ringel. He wants to live in Santa Fe which is one of the most weird and quirkiest places on the planet and he got Texas anyway. :)

I chose that I do recycle and still got Texas!

Well the question was several choices of what annoys you most about people and failure to recycle was one of them. I would imagine most Santa Feans would have checked that. (Hombre and I are dedicated recyclers too.)
I have no problem with recycling, but people that don't are not a serious concern.
Okay everybody, when you have five minutes or so to burn today, here is your assignment:
Which U.S. State Should You Live In - Quiz -

It put me in Texas which is okay since I was born there, and have lived a good chunk of my life there or near there. I would guess it most defines my personal culture.

Mine said California. I really feel like a loser as I hate Los Angeles. Now San Diego.....Northern California.....maybe. :)

This is kinda my image of Californians. Sorry......:D

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Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
ChrisL's interview,
Mrs. Ernie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Okay everybody, when you have five minutes or so to burn today, here is your assignment:
Which U.S. State Should You Live In - Quiz -

It put me in Texas which is okay since I was born there, and have lived a good chunk of my life there or near there. I would guess it most defines my personal culture.
I'm in the right place. I was worried I'd be banished to somewhere in the Southeast.
Okay everybody, when you have five minutes or so to burn today, here is your assignment:
Which U.S. State Should You Live In - Quiz -

It put me in Texas which is okay since I was born there, and have lived a good chunk of my life there or near there. I would guess it most defines my personal culture.

Cause you asked nicely:

Your U.S. State is:
Funny, since it's full of hot, red-blooded Americans, but Texas bills itself as 'a whole 'nother country.' If you like big, friendly, and relaxed, it's likely that this big-hearted state is just the right 'noter country for you.

Not that surprising, Texas always thinks it is the best and biggest.
Texans are deluded like that and get a bit "tetchy" when you point out that Alaska is bigger than Texas twice.
Aaarrgghh! It's too hot! Too hot to wear hearing protection but the ambient noise level recommends hearing protection or keeping the windows up. I'm sweating like a pig.
Seems each geographic area has its own woes. Wildfires, earthquakes, and volcanoes here, but no hurricanes or tornadoes. No killer heat, snakes, or ticks and fleas are pretty rare, too. Ah, well, we should count the blessings we have.
Okay everybody, when you have five minutes or so to burn today, here is your assignment:
Which U.S. State Should You Live In - Quiz -

It put me in Texas which is okay since I was born there, and have lived a good chunk of my life there or near there. I would guess it most defines my personal culture.

Cause you asked nicely:

Your U.S. State is:
Funny, since it's full of hot, red-blooded Americans, but Texas bills itself as 'a whole 'nother country.' If you like big, friendly, and relaxed, it's likely that this big-hearted state is just the right 'noter country for you.

Not that surprising, Texas always thinks it is the best and biggest.
Texans are deluded like that and get a bit "tetchy" when you point out that Alaska is bigger than Texas twice.
So we should be making jokes about Olympic sized "toilets" in Alaska instead?


Don't flush!!
Aaarrgghh! It's too hot! Too hot to wear hearing protection but the ambient noise level recommends hearing protection or keeping the windows up. I'm sweating like a pig.
Seems each geographic area has its own woes. Wildfires, earthquakes, and volcanoes here, but no hurricanes or tornadoes. No killer heat, snakes, or ticks and fleas are pretty rare, too. Ah, well, we should count the blessings we have.
Must be in the upper 50s....... :D
Good morning everybody. Up and about later than usual today but all is well. Our next house guest (my sister) will be arriving later today and will be with us for maybe a week. I don't have the groceries in the house to accommodate company (or us for that matter) and Hombre has volunteer duty so I'm trying to tell myself it is okay to go to the grocery store. (I hate grocery shopping.)

The cooler weather forecast for us for the weekend seems to be more elusive now with temps still climbing into the mid to high 90's, but there are no 100's in the forecast. So all in all it is a pretty normal summer for us.

And you know, I think we all probably live where we feel it is okay or good to live and appreciate the blessings and beauty of wherever that is. We all probably are aware of the downside of wherever we live, but there is also an upside. For most places anyway. And when it doesn't feel right for us, we look for a way to move to where it does feel right for us.

But just to poke GW a wee bit, whatever Texas lacks in size compared to Alaska, it easily makes up for in pure exaggeration. :)
It's the Festival of Speed up at the Goodwood Estate this weekend (we're going tomorrow as I've been invited to the Contractors' Enclosure; Lord March is very keen on promoting local businesses) and that means one of several things: the Red Arrows are in town (or above it, rather)!! They're the Royal Air Force's legendary display team and they tearing about the North Downs today. Seriously, I was in my steel shipping container and they swooped above me/us and the doors rattled so hard I could feel it in my chest.

It's the Festival of Speed up at the Goodwood Estate this weekend (we're going tomorrow as I've been invited to the Contractors' Enclosure; Lord March is very keen on promoting local businesses) and that means one of several things: the Red Arrows are in town (or above it, rather)!! They're the Royal Air Force's legendary display team and they tearing about the North Downs today. Seriously, I was in my steel shipping container and they swooped above me/us and the doors rattled so hard I could feel it in my chest.

Awesome Swagger. What a thrill. I had no idea you guys had anything to compare with our Blue Angels or Thunderbirds, but the Red Arrows are just as fantastic!!!!
I was driving out of Santa Fe one day and was watching a tight formation of four fighter jets, probably from Kirtland AFB here in Albuquerque. They were all leaving perfectly aligned vapor trails when you saw one of those trails veer in very close to another plane and then veer way out of formation and then back into formation. Obviously pilot error. I sure would have liked to be a fly on the wall in the cockpit to hear the language used when that happened. :)
Yesterday I posted that my friend Tom had tackled the idiot who entered the perimeter... He ended up treated and released from the hospital. He got poison oak in the bargain.

He's back out there and they are moving towards where the first guy was shot.
Maybe they can get #2 today and Tom can finally get that broken foot tended to.
So is Mrs. Ernie home Ernie? She's doing okay?
She is... She's resting. She is very limited as to what she can do and her right arm is splinted to limit wrist movement. They went in through the wrist and if that artery should start bleeding, well, let's say, it would be BAD.
She can't even pick up the dogs and they are kind of confused by that.
I got her an e-cigarette yesterday and she has been very good about staying away from the real thing, but has developed hives from something. Could be the glycerinor flavoring in the e-juice or maybe something from the procedure.

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