USMB Coffee Shop IV

Computers acting up, I don't want to mess with it tonight...So no pics

Good night.........
For a week I have had many issues with the USMB site. I think a lot of people are experiencing problems. I have no problems with any other site.

Do you ever log completely out of this site? If not, log all the way out, clear your casche, reboot and log back in. It really helped with my ad issues.
Computers acting up, I don't want to mess with it tonight...So no pics

Good night.........
For a week I have had many issues with the USMB site. I think a lot of people are experiencing problems. I have no problems with any other site.

Do you ever log completely out of this site? If not, log all the way out, clear your casche, reboot and log back in. It really helped with my ad issues.
I'll give it a try.
Just want everyone to know that the Spurs are the NBA Champions.....Hip Hip Hooray!

Spurs rout Heat to win fifth NBA championship and dethrone LeBron James

SAN ANTONIO – By the end of Sunday night, LeBron James could only sit and watch as the Miami Heat's reign as back-to-back champions came to end. This year, there would be no collapse from the San Antonio Spurs.

The Spurs again dismantled the Heat, overwhelming them in a 104-87 victory in Game 5 of the NBA Finals to secure the franchise's fifth – and maybe least likely – championship.

From Tim Duncan to Manu Ginobili to Tony Parker, Spurs coach Gregg Popovich subbed out his stars one by one so they could each get their own applause.

Add one more:

Just want everyone to know that the Spurs are the NBA Champions.....Hip Hip Hooray!

Spurs rout Heat to win fifth NBA championship and dethrone LeBron James

SAN ANTONIO – By the end of Sunday night, LeBron James could only sit and watch as the Miami Heat's reign as back-to-back champions came to end. This year, there would be no collapse from the San Antonio Spurs.

The Spurs again dismantled the Heat, overwhelming them in a 104-87 victory in Game 5 of the NBA Finals to secure the franchise's fifth – and maybe least likely – championship.

From Tim Duncan to Manu Ginobili to Tony Parker, Spurs coach Gregg Popovich subbed out his stars one by one so they could each get their own applause.

Add one more:

Wait'll next year! The Mavs will clean their clocks!
Computers acting up, I don't want to mess with it tonight...So no pics

Good night.........
For a week I have had many issues with the USMB site. I think a lot of people are experiencing problems. I have no problems with any other site.

It was about that long ago that images within posts disappeared (not avatars, just posted images). It turned out that AdBlock had started blocking them but I never found out why. I resolved it by turning AdBlock off -- it hasn't erupted in unwanted pop-ups (yet), so I'll have to cross that bridge when and if it does -- but it was about the same time. Wonder if it's related.
Just want everyone to know that the Spurs are the NBA Champions.....Hip Hip Hooray!

Spurs rout Heat to win fifth NBA championship and dethrone LeBron James

SAN ANTONIO – By the end of Sunday night, LeBron James could only sit and watch as the Miami Heat's reign as back-to-back champions came to end. This year, there would be no collapse from the San Antonio Spurs.

The Spurs again dismantled the Heat, overwhelming them in a 104-87 victory in Game 5 of the NBA Finals to secure the franchise's fifth – and maybe least likely – championship.

From Tim Duncan to Manu Ginobili to Tony Parker, Spurs coach Gregg Popovich subbed out his stars one by one so they could each get their own applause.

Add one more:

Wait'll next year! The Mavs will clean their clocks!

Why? Is Cuban going to be feeding them steroids all year?
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Marg’s mom,
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Blackhawk’s mom,
Newby's mom,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Meister and his mom,
Drake's injured friend,
PixieStix's sister,
Hollie's stepdad,
Coyote's father-in-law,
Spoonie, Ringel, Sheila, and 007's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
BDBoop, her sis, and family,
Avg-Joe & furry companion Boo
Becki!!! and Becki’s hubby,
Smilebong for his brother-in-law and family,
Sheila and Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana and cousin,
Ringel and his family in transition and post surgery healing for Mrs. Ringel
Grandma and family dealing with death of extended family member,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Ollie's daughter Angie and his youngest brother,
Stat's aunt,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Bigfoot, Oddball, and Sunshine.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Good Morning and TGIM, everyone, I know we all want to spring out of bed like this little kitty:



Today's celeb(s) no. 1 drinking coffee was based on a request from [MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION] for a coffee-drinking pic of Richard Dean Anderson (of "Stargate" fame). As the Germans say: "Gesagt, getan!" (Said, done!):


Actor Richard Dean Anderson as Col. Jack O'Neall, pictured with Michael Shanks, who is also below:


Actor Michael Shanks, as Dr. Daniel Jackson.



Actor Christopher Judge , as "Tealc". (Yes, that is a coffee thermos)
Jeez, Stat, thank you so much! That totally made my day. My husband drinking coffee, haha. Of course, he is one of those men who isn't aware he is my husband...hmm...;)
Good morning Coffee Shoppers! The last full weekend of spring was a glorious one here. Father's Day and beautiful weather and a lot of chores accomplished all add up to a grand weekend indeed.

All except Friday night. For years now, my brother and a couple of our friends have gathered to play board games. It's just four or five middle aged guys getting together for a few laughs and some intellectual stimulation. We usually meet at my brother's place. It's called Man Land. His house was once a duplex and the basement level has been remodeled with a kitchen, bathroom and living area with a table large enough to accommodate old farts and a board game. But last Friday, Man Land was unavailable. We had to play at an alternative site.

My friend who owns the majority of the games we play lives next door to a lovely ranch house owned by an elderly lady who is now in a retirement community. He watches the house and said we could play there.

Now, here's what I want to ask you about. During the evening, he had his 13 year old son join us for game night. My friend has had some major health issues and probably fears he won't be around long for his kids. He has indulged his two sons. The older of the two came into the house and cussed like a drunken trucker. Every time he spoke his language got coarser. At one point, I found myself being called an asshole by a grade schooler.

My friend encouraged his son to behave this way while the rest of us were mortified. Just two weeks ago, I turned a valve at the Big House to see if there was a leak in the garage. Water poured from above a cabinet and I incredulously said "What the f*ck?". Then I heard mom on the porch above the garage and I felt embarrassed over my utterance. And I'm 57 years old! None of us were raised that way and another of the old guys there has two sons also, but those kids are great! Charming, funny and respectful, I have written references for both of them as they sought part time work.

But this 13 year old is a monster in the making. Should I have said something about his behavior? Should I have stayed quiet for my friend's sake, not criticizing his parenting approach? Is it my place to further indulge his child or should I request the simple respect an elder should have?
Computers acting up, I don't want to mess with it tonight...So no pics

Good night.........
For a week I have had many issues with the USMB site. I think a lot of people are experiencing problems. I have no problems with any other site.

It was about that long ago that images within posts disappeared (not avatars, just posted images). It turned out that AdBlock had started blocking them but I never found out why. I resolved it by turning AdBlock off -- it hasn't erupted in unwanted pop-ups (yet), so I'll have to cross that bridge when and if it does -- but it was about the same time. Wonder if it's related.

In Adblock did you set your filterset to custom and select "block images"?
1 Open the list of Blockable Items, either by left-clicking the toolbar icon and choosing the option by that name, or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+V.
2 In the lower pane that opens, next to the column headers (Address, Filter, etc.) click the small rightmost icon and make sure "Filter source" is selected in that menu.
3 Blocked and hidden items in the list will appear in red text. Pay particular attention to anything blocked by your custom filters. When you've found an unwanted custom filter, right-click it and choose Edit Filter in Effect. In the window that opens, right-click it again and choose Delete.
Good morning Coffee Shoppers! The last full weekend of spring was a glorious one here. Father's Day and beautiful weather and a lot of chores accomplished all add up to a grand weekend indeed.

All except Friday night. For years now, my brother and a couple of our friends have gathered to play board games. It's just four or five middle aged guys getting together for a few laughs and some intellectual stimulation. We usually meet at my brother's place. It's called Man Land. His house was once a duplex and the basement level has been remodeled with a kitchen, bathroom and living area with a table large enough to accommodate old farts and a board game. But last Friday, Man Land was unavailable. We had to play at an alternative site.

My friend who owns the majority of the games we play lives next door to a lovely ranch house owned by an elderly lady who is now in a retirement community. He watches the house and said we could play there.

Now, here's what I want to ask you about. During the evening, he had his 13 year old son join us for game night. My friend has had some major health issues and probably fears he won't be around long for his kids. He has indulged his two sons. The older of the two came into the house and cussed like a drunken trucker. Every time he spoke his language got coarser. At one point, I found myself being called an asshole by a grade schooler.

My friend encouraged his son to behave this way while the rest of us were mortified. Just two weeks ago, I turned a valve at the Big House to see if there was a leak in the garage. Water poured from above a cabinet and I incredulously said "What the f*ck?". Then I heard mom on the porch above the garage and I felt embarrassed over my utterance. And I'm 57 years old! None of us were raised that way and another of the old guys there has two sons also, but those kids are great! Charming, funny and respectful, I have written references for both of them as they sought part time work.

But this 13 year old is a monster in the making. Should I have said something about his behavior? Should I have stayed quiet for my friend's sake, not criticizing his parenting approach? Is it my place to further indulge his child or should I request the simple respect an elder should have?

You should say something privately to the dad. That sort of language use has to be earned. It's best to teach kids high formal english and make them stick with that until they're in high school, when they can use "damn" and "hell" occasionally.
Let 'em join the military and fight a war, give birth, be a cop, lawyer, or surgeon, have a job that requires them to be working in horrible weather or dangerous conditions, lose their spouse or kids at too young an age, be the victim of a terrible crime, suffer a permanent disability... then they can cuss to their heart's content.
Good morning Coffee Shoppers! The last full weekend of spring was a glorious one here. Father's Day and beautiful weather and a lot of chores accomplished all add up to a grand weekend indeed.

All except Friday night. For years now, my brother and a couple of our friends have gathered to play board games. It's just four or five middle aged guys getting together for a few laughs and some intellectual stimulation. We usually meet at my brother's place. It's called Man Land. His house was once a duplex and the basement level has been remodeled with a kitchen, bathroom and living area with a table large enough to accommodate old farts and a board game. But last Friday, Man Land was unavailable. We had to play at an alternative site.

My friend who owns the majority of the games we play lives next door to a lovely ranch house owned by an elderly lady who is now in a retirement community. He watches the house and said we could play there.

Now, here's what I want to ask you about. During the evening, he had his 13 year old son join us for game night. My friend has had some major health issues and probably fears he won't be around long for his kids. He has indulged his two sons. The older of the two came into the house and cussed like a drunken trucker. Every time he spoke his language got coarser. At one point, I found myself being called an asshole by a grade schooler.

My friend encouraged his son to behave this way while the rest of us were mortified. Just two weeks ago, I turned a valve at the Big House to see if there was a leak in the garage. Water poured from above a cabinet and I incredulously said "What the f*ck?". Then I heard mom on the porch above the garage and I felt embarrassed over my utterance. And I'm 57 years old! None of us were raised that way and another of the old guys there has two sons also, but those kids are great! Charming, funny and respectful, I have written references for both of them as they sought part time work.

But this 13 year old is a monster in the making. Should I have said something about his behavior? Should I have stayed quiet for my friend's sake, not criticizing his parenting approach? Is it my place to further indulge his child or should I request the simple respect an elder should have?

Next week, ask your friend (beforehand) if his son will be at the next one and if he is will your friend be correcting his son's language this time.
Tell him everyone had a problem with it and didn't appreciate it. He'll probably get mad and defensive but that's to be expected, if he doesn't I'd be surprised. If he doesn't get over it in a week or two then he needs to see a shrink. :thup:
Just want everyone to know that the Spurs are the NBA Champions.....Hip Hip Hooray!

Spurs rout Heat to win fifth NBA championship and dethrone LeBron James

SAN ANTONIO – By the end of Sunday night, LeBron James could only sit and watch as the Miami Heat's reign as back-to-back champions came to end. This year, there would be no collapse from the San Antonio Spurs.

The Spurs again dismantled the Heat, overwhelming them in a 104-87 victory in Game 5 of the NBA Finals to secure the franchise's fifth – and maybe least likely – championship.

From Tim Duncan to Manu Ginobili to Tony Parker, Spurs coach Gregg Popovich subbed out his stars one by one so they could each get their own applause.

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so miami got beat? wow.

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