USMB Coffee Shop IV

Some info on last night's vigil photo. It is the Visitor's Center for the world's largest/deepest hand dug well that served as Greenburg KS water supply for many years. The structure was destroyed in an F-5 tornado that leveled or severely damaged most of the town of Greensburg in 2007. The building also housed a half ton meteorite found in the area. The tornado picked up and moved the meteorite some distance. When it was finally located, it was at least temporarily housed in a museum in Hays KS. Eleven people died in the tornado and hundreds were injured. Much of the town has never been rebuilt.

The visitor center has been replaced, however and now looks like this:
Woah ! I just finished the last part of doom 3, the lost mission. It was not too hard to kill the big boss, I did it on the second attempt, and used up all my BFG ammo. Now the neighbours will have some peace until I can find a new game to play. Its not so much the gunfire, but I get exited and shout swear words when I am killed in the game.
I haven't played Doom in over 10 years. :lol:

I played Doom 3, I actually still have the game, but it was a long time ago. :)

I played it when it was first released and had forgotten most of it. Although some of it was vaguely familiar. But they recently brought out an updated version with extra games called the BFG edition, that runs on windows 7.
There's a similar one for Linux called Sauerbraten (Cube2) that I still play from time to time. Just installed it on the rebuilt "wife's" desktop that I put Ubuntu on.

They also have a Windows version (it's free).

I actually installed Sauerbraten recently when I decided to randomly get some games from the Mint software manager. I haven't actually played it yet. I still have 9 Tomb Raider games, 5 Elder Scrolls games (although I may not play the first 2 of those) and Fallout 3 to play. Oh, yeah, and the two Torchlight games, and a baseball game for the ps3. :p

I haven't been playing my games recently, I should get back to that. :lol:

I thought I had run out of games to play, but I checked my collection and found several that I have not even played. I have 'Deus ex' Which I purchased and didn't play, because I got side tracked by another game. It runs on windows 7 so I am going to give it a try.
I haven't played Doom in over 10 years. :lol:

I played Doom 3, I actually still have the game, but it was a long time ago. :)

I played it when it was first released and had forgotten most of it. Although some of it was vaguely familiar. But they recently brought out an updated version with extra games called the BFG edition, that runs on windows 7.
There's a similar one for Linux called Sauerbraten (Cube2) that I still play from time to time. Just installed it on the rebuilt "wife's" desktop that I put Ubuntu on.

They also have a Windows version (it's free).

I actually installed Sauerbraten recently when I decided to randomly get some games from the Mint software manager. I haven't actually played it yet. I still have 9 Tomb Raider games, 5 Elder Scrolls games (although I may not play the first 2 of those) and Fallout 3 to play. Oh, yeah, and the two Torchlight games, and a baseball game for the ps3. :p

I haven't been playing my games recently, I should get back to that. :lol:

I thought I had run out of games to play, but I checked my collection and found several that I have not even played. I have 'Deus ex' Which I purchased and didn't play, because I got side tracked by another game. It runs on windows 7 so I am going to give it a try.

When I buy games I tend to do it in bunches. Sometimes you lose track. :)
I played Doom 3, I actually still have the game, but it was a long time ago. :)

I played it when it was first released and had forgotten most of it. Although some of it was vaguely familiar. But they recently brought out an updated version with extra games called the BFG edition, that runs on windows 7.
There's a similar one for Linux called Sauerbraten (Cube2) that I still play from time to time. Just installed it on the rebuilt "wife's" desktop that I put Ubuntu on.

They also have a Windows version (it's free).

I actually installed Sauerbraten recently when I decided to randomly get some games from the Mint software manager. I haven't actually played it yet. I still have 9 Tomb Raider games, 5 Elder Scrolls games (although I may not play the first 2 of those) and Fallout 3 to play. Oh, yeah, and the two Torchlight games, and a baseball game for the ps3. :p

I haven't been playing my games recently, I should get back to that. :lol:

I thought I had run out of games to play, but I checked my collection and found several that I have not even played. I have 'Deus ex' Which I purchased and didn't play, because I got side tracked by another game. It runs on windows 7 so I am going to give it a try.

When I buy games I tend to do it in bunches. Sometimes you lose track. :)
Anymore I only buy games that I've checked out first (watch the game play on You Tube), even then some of the games were not worth playing once I actually installed them.
I played it when it was first released and had forgotten most of it. Although some of it was vaguely familiar. But they recently brought out an updated version with extra games called the BFG edition, that runs on windows 7.
There's a similar one for Linux called Sauerbraten (Cube2) that I still play from time to time. Just installed it on the rebuilt "wife's" desktop that I put Ubuntu on.

They also have a Windows version (it's free).

I actually installed Sauerbraten recently when I decided to randomly get some games from the Mint software manager. I haven't actually played it yet. I still have 9 Tomb Raider games, 5 Elder Scrolls games (although I may not play the first 2 of those) and Fallout 3 to play. Oh, yeah, and the two Torchlight games, and a baseball game for the ps3. :p

I haven't been playing my games recently, I should get back to that. :lol:

I thought I had run out of games to play, but I checked my collection and found several that I have not even played. I have 'Deus ex' Which I purchased and didn't play, because I got side tracked by another game. It runs on windows 7 so I am going to give it a try.

When I buy games I tend to do it in bunches. Sometimes you lose track. :)
Anymore I only buy games that I've checked out first (watch the game play on You Tube), even then some of the games were not worth playing once I actually installed them.

I get cheap games so if they suck, it's not that big a deal. :lol:
Meh...they can spy all they want. I don't use Cordana, nor get movies or music either. All that I enjoy listening to is on my youtube. There isn't much to spy on except an old lady that wanders the net. I WAS hoping for better screen savers (I miss starfield) and backgrounds, but its the same as W7. So I use my own backgrounds I find at pinterest.

In essence....I don't find much to brag about it. Same o same o but a fancier name of Win10.
Windows 10 does have a "Google Chrome" look (feel?) to it which I think is what she's talking about.
Yes. Exactly. Which made it easy to find stuff. I ignore all the bells and whistles and go straight to Chrome when I log on. Everything I need is right there. All that was on my desktop is in the task bar. Nothing has changed except the name of W7 to W10. Big whoop.
I'll try any kind of land animal meat. Dog, cat, rabbit, whatever. As long as it isn't my pet (and really, if someone cooked our dogs, that wouldn't be terrible for me, just the little one :lol:) I'd give it a go. Considering how picky I am, I probably wouldn't like many kinds of animal, but I don't really care if it's cute or not. I might like my pets, but once it's skinned, cut, and put over fire for a while, it's just dinner. :p

You are eating Fluffy!!! :eek-52:

I can't help but think of this scene when Vinny shoots "Bambi" :):

Actually, my cousin is a deer hunter. Lol. I eat venison at least once a year. Again, I don't see it when it's in one piece though. When my cousin gives me any deer meat, it's always already butchered and just looks like any other cut of meat. :)
I'll try any kind of land animal meat. Dog, cat, rabbit, whatever. As long as it isn't my pet (and really, if someone cooked our dogs, that wouldn't be terrible for me, just the little one :lol:) I'd give it a go. Considering how picky I am, I probably wouldn't like many kinds of animal, but I don't really care if it's cute or not. I might like my pets, but once it's skinned, cut, and put over fire for a while, it's just dinner. :p

You are eating Fluffy!!! :eek-52:

I can't help but think of this scene when Vinny shoots "Bambi" :):

Actually, my cousin is a deer hunter. Lol. I eat venison at least once a year. Again, I don't see it when it's in one piece though. When my cousin gives me any deer meat, it's always already butchered and just looks like any other cut of meat. :)

Exactly. When we don't have to kill or butcher it ourselves, we just mentally translate it into ordinary food and enjoy it. I think true hunters are able to do that with the food still on the hoof. :)
Meh...they can spy all they want. I don't use Cordana, nor get movies or music either. All that I enjoy listening to is on my youtube. There isn't much to spy on except an old lady that wanders the net. I WAS hoping for better screen savers (I miss starfield) and backgrounds, but its the same as W7. So I use my own backgrounds I find at pinterest.

In essence....I don't find much to brag about it. Same o same o but a fancier name of Win10.
Mostly the "spying" is to determine which sites you visit, what you use your computer for, what you look so at to "tailor" advertising towards you. It's one way they make money.
Meh...they can spy all they want. I don't use Cordana, nor get movies or music either. All that I enjoy listening to is on my youtube. There isn't much to spy on except an old lady that wanders the net. I WAS hoping for better screen savers (I miss starfield) and backgrounds, but its the same as W7. So I use my own backgrounds I find at pinterest.

In essence....I don't find much to brag about it. Same o same o but a fancier name of Win10.
Mostly the "spying" is to determine which sites you visit, what you use your computer for, what you look so at to "tailor" advertising towards you. It's one way they make money.

Recently when I was applying for jobs, I would apply online to an ad, and those sneaky bastards were really a temp service a lot of the time, and they do NOT have that job for you. That is how they get you. Once you apply, they bombard your e-mail account with jobs that you "could" apply for through them. OMG. It is so aggravating. :spam:
Meh...they can spy all they want. I don't use Cordana, nor get movies or music either. All that I enjoy listening to is on my youtube. There isn't much to spy on except an old lady that wanders the net. I WAS hoping for better screen savers (I miss starfield) and backgrounds, but its the same as W7. So I use my own backgrounds I find at pinterest.

In essence....I don't find much to brag about it. Same o same o but a fancier name of Win10.
Mostly the "spying" is to determine which sites you visit, what you use your computer for, what you look so at to "tailor" advertising towards you. It's one way they make money.

Recently when I was applying for jobs, I would apply online to an ad, and those sneaky bastards were really a temp service a lot of the time, and they do NOT have that job for you. That is how they get you. Once you apply, they bombard your e-mail account with jobs that you "could" apply for through them. OMG. It is so aggravating. :spam:
She's been doing online job hunting off and on for years, only had that problem once till they found out what her salary requirements were........ :lol:
My ad block is working just fine. And if they want to see me add pics to PInterest that I stole from Twitter, nose about my discussions here at usmb and other boards, then they can go ahead and look and plop those ads anywhere they want. I won't see 'em ;)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Gracie's sore hand,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
I'll try any kind of land animal meat. Dog, cat, rabbit, whatever. As long as it isn't my pet (and really, if someone cooked our dogs, that wouldn't be terrible for me, just the little one :lol:) I'd give it a go. Considering how picky I am, I probably wouldn't like many kinds of animal, but I don't really care if it's cute or not. I might like my pets, but once it's skinned, cut, and put over fire for a while, it's just dinner. :p

You are eating Fluffy!!! :eek-52:
I consider all my pets famine insurance. My wife hates it when I start calling them "policy number one, policy number two...."
There's a similar one for Linux called Sauerbraten (Cube2) that I still play from time to time. Just installed it on the rebuilt "wife's" desktop that I put Ubuntu on.

They also have a Windows version (it's free).

I actually installed Sauerbraten recently when I decided to randomly get some games from the Mint software manager. I haven't actually played it yet. I still have 9 Tomb Raider games, 5 Elder Scrolls games (although I may not play the first 2 of those) and Fallout 3 to play. Oh, yeah, and the two Torchlight games, and a baseball game for the ps3. :p

I haven't been playing my games recently, I should get back to that. :lol:

I thought I had run out of games to play, but I checked my collection and found several that I have not even played. I have 'Deus ex' Which I purchased and didn't play, because I got side tracked by another game. It runs on windows 7 so I am going to give it a try.

When I buy games I tend to do it in bunches. Sometimes you lose track. :)
Anymore I only buy games that I've checked out first (watch the game play on You Tube), even then some of the games were not worth playing once I actually installed them.

I get cheap games so if they suck, it's not that big a deal. :lol:

I usually only buy the big name games that I know will be good. But I do not always finish them. For example I gave up on' rage' because it has car racing in it, and I am a lousy driver.
Busy night at Doc's last night. We had a very popular area group called Whyte Caps in for Max's birthday bash.
These kids are all in their early 20's but play music written before they were born; in many cases, before their parents were born.
They did a fine job with Beatles, Cream and Hendrix stuff nearly 50 years old.
We somehow got on a list of local spots as THE place to be last night and saw a lot of new places.
As usual, customers were raving about the lady's room, the murals and how clean we keep the place.
It certainly wasn't up to our usual standards by closing time with several spilled drinks, popped balloons and crepe paper scraps, but we did keep up the best we could.
I worked security/bar back along with my regular bouncer. No drama, but I bet I washed a thousand glasses and restocked 20 cases of beer.
The parking lot was full plus cars were on the lawn, at the body shop 100 yards away, the insurance agency across the street from there and the small lot next door.
I got home about 2:30 and to bed about 4.
I actually installed Sauerbraten recently when I decided to randomly get some games from the Mint software manager. I haven't actually played it yet. I still have 9 Tomb Raider games, 5 Elder Scrolls games (although I may not play the first 2 of those) and Fallout 3 to play. Oh, yeah, and the two Torchlight games, and a baseball game for the ps3. :p

I haven't been playing my games recently, I should get back to that. :lol:

I thought I had run out of games to play, but I checked my collection and found several that I have not even played. I have 'Deus ex' Which I purchased and didn't play, because I got side tracked by another game. It runs on windows 7 so I am going to give it a try.

When I buy games I tend to do it in bunches. Sometimes you lose track. :)
Anymore I only buy games that I've checked out first (watch the game play on You Tube), even then some of the games were not worth playing once I actually installed them.

I get cheap games so if they suck, it's not that big a deal. :lol:

I usually only buy the big name games that I know will be good. But I do not always finish them. For example I gave up on' rage' because it has car racing in it, and I am a lousy driver.
I finished Battlefield 3, not as good as I expected. Two parts of the game play I didn't like, one of em I hate. If I wanted to fly a warbird I would have picked up a warbird game but the worse was the multiple melee attacks, I hate melee attacks which is why I won't play boxing/ D & D type games.
Everybody take note. There is a full 'blood moon' or harvest moon tonight that will go into full eclipse. The eclipse will have already started when the moon tops the Sandias to our east but we should have clear skies tonight so we can really see and enjoy it. Time varies slightly with the part of the country you are in:


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