USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning everyone

Oh noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our Coffee maker went south.
NO COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Emergency! Emergency!!!!!!!!!!

Sent hubby to town to get a new one.

NO brain function until new one arrives.
Talk to you all later when I get some coffee in me. :)

We always have at least one back-up. I have a Mr Coffee drip, a French press, a stove top peculator, 4 various sized stove top espresso makers, one electric espresso maker and a Keurig cup at a time machine that is very nearly always ready to give me coffee in 30 seconds.
I even have a back-up coffee grinder.
Thunderstorms rolled around the valley last night in the wee small hours. The claps of thunder were loud enough to roust me from a sound sleep. But Daisy the Mutt was unaffected by them. When I woke up, she looked over her fuzzy shoulder, rolled over and began to snore. She is a miniature poodle and, characteristic to the breed, is alert and playful all the time. But when she sleeps, she's dead to the world.

Older dogs get panicked by thunder and fire crackers and loud exhaust systems on the cars and trucks of the hillbilly population. But Daisy is indifferent to loud noises. I am hopeful that as she ages, she will remain indifferent. We had a dog when I was a little shaver at the Big House. That dog was traumatized by fireworks as a pup and stayed fearful of them all his life. He would shake and pant and seek solace with who ever was near. It got to the point we would have to sedate him on the July Fourth weekends. It was pitiful.

Does anyone have any tips to keep dogs calm during thunder storms or fire works season?
Gettin' so I don't even pay attention to weather reports. Heard one, this time of year, you've heard them all.


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Thunderstorms rolled around the valley last night in the wee small hours. The claps of thunder were loud enough to roust me from a sound sleep. But Daisy the Mutt was unaffected by them. When I woke up, she looked over her fuzzy shoulder, rolled over and began to snore. She is a miniature poodle and, characteristic to the breed, is alert and playful all the time. But when she sleeps, she's dead to the world.

Older dogs get panicked by thunder and fire crackers and loud exhaust systems on the cars and trucks of the hillbilly population. But Daisy is indifferent to loud noises. I am hopeful that as she ages, she will remain indifferent. We had a dog when I was a little shaver at the Big House. That dog was traumatized by fireworks as a pup and stayed fearful of them all his life. He would shake and pant and seek solace with who ever was near. It got to the point we would have to sedate him on the July Fourth weekends. It was pitiful.

Does anyone have any tips to keep dogs calm during thunder storms or fire works season?


Bach Flower Remedies - Rescue Remedy Pets Dogs Cats Horses Birds

Rescue Drops, based on the Bachblüten (Bach Flowers). I keep it in the cabinet for my dog, and it really does work.

Give it a try.
Morning everyone

Oh noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our Coffee maker went south.
NO COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Emergency! Emergency!!!!!!!!!!

Sent hubby to town to get a new one.

NO brain function until new one arrives.
Talk to you all later when I get some coffee in me. :)

We always have at least one back-up. I have a Mr Coffee drip, a French press, a stove top peculator, 4 various sized stove top espresso makers, one electric espresso maker and a Keurig cup at a time machine that is very nearly always ready to give me coffee in 30 seconds.
I even have a back-up coffee grinder.
:eusa_clap: you've got me beat hands down, I have a backup press and an electric perculator


.....I will never go without coffee again
Good morning everybody. I'm still enjoying morning coffee as it approaches 10 a.m. in New Mexico and Hombre is making us a nice brunch including his trademark household version of McMuffins--great sausage and cheese on English muffins.

A special hug to Smilebong dealing with a long goodbye of a loved one and keeping the Ringels close in my thoughts and believing in a complete cure.

BBD is going to love his Garmin. We set it on trips even when we have where we're going memorized because it tracks the miles still to go and gives us an ETA. We named the lady who talks to us, and often scolds us Maxine because she is so bossy and reminds us of the cartoon character -- recalculating (in a withering voice). . . .

All the talk of catfish made my mouth water. I don't want it Cajun but it has to be properly breaded and seasoned southern style preferably with hush puppies. Which made me think of a little hole-in-the-wall type family owned restaurant on the main highway at Lake Brownwood, Texas, that makes the very best hush puppies in the world.

But I digress . . .

It might sound strange coming from a New Mexico girl in a state with, in my opinion, the very best of New Mexican/Mexican/southwestern cuisine, but I dislike habaneros. To me they are uncomfortably hot without adding any helpful flavor. Jalapenos are a much preferred choice but we forego both in favor of our local green chili that can be very mild or very spicy hot depending on preference.

Keeping my fingers crossed for Noomi's upcoming job interview. . .
Morning everyone

Oh noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our Coffee maker went south.
NO COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Emergency! Emergency!!!!!!!!!!

Sent hubby to town to get a new one.

NO brain function until new one arrives.
Talk to you all later when I get some coffee in me. :)

We always have at least one back-up. I have a Mr Coffee drip, a French press, a stove top peculator, 4 various sized stove top espresso makers, one electric espresso maker and a Keurig cup at a time machine that is very nearly always ready to give me coffee in 30 seconds.
I even have a back-up coffee grinder.
:eusa_clap: you've got me beat hands down, I have a backup press and an electric perculator


.....I will never go without coffee again

"Give me Coffee, or give me D.....äääh, what was that, again??"

Right now it's in the 80s with a nice mountain "breeze", yesterday it was in the 90s with a nice mountain "breeze"...... Super low humidity. The house is open and I'm thinking about putting a house coat on. Now if we were back in Virginia the AC would be cranking overtime.......
The Mrs is supposed to have a CT scan today and then the OBGYN Oncology consult up in Denver tomorrow. We'll head up to the Springs this afternoon so tomorrow morning's trip won't be so bad.
We'll know more by tomorrow.
The Mrs is supposed to have a CT scan today and then the OBGYN Oncology consult up in Denver tomorrow. We'll head up to the Springs this afternoon so tomorrow morning's trip won't be so bad.
We'll know more by tomorrow.

We always have at least one back-up. I have a Mr Coffee drip, a French press, a stove top peculator, 4 various sized stove top espresso makers, one electric espresso maker and a Keurig cup at a time machine that is very nearly always ready to give me coffee in 30 seconds.
I even have a back-up coffee grinder.
:eusa_clap: you've got me beat hands down, I have a backup press and an electric perculator


.....I will never go without coffee again

"Give me Coffee, or give me D.....äääh, what was that, again??"


One particularly witty wag on a language board I was on put it this way:

"Give me uberty or give me dearth!"
Just now, the local council met to discuss plans for a Mosque to be built in the city. It passed, seven votes to two.

What made me disgusted was that hundreds turned up in opposition, and even the local Muslim community was advised to stay away, for fear that they may be subject to violence from those opposed to the building.

I am very happy this Mosque will be built, and I wish people would show more acceptance to those who follow a different religion.

Remember folks, we are all human. Whether we are black, white, gay, straight, Christian, Buddhist, or Muslim, we are all human and we will end up in the same pine box when we leave this earth. Respect your fellow human beings, and treat them as you would wish to be treated. Make the world a better place. :)

Sweet dreams guys. :)

aHEM...politics and religion...take it elsewhere please.
Well good news and bad news. I got my cast off! They took out the stitches, then they put another cast on. The cast is now pink, it was blue. Doctor says I'm doing well. Sure hate this cast though. I am feeling better than I was when I got home. It's frustrating not to be able to do anything for yourself though and my husband is the worlds worst cook. Of course, I'll probably lose weight this weight, again, good news/bad news. Hope everyone is doing well.

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