USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, hellloooo!
Yesterday was, well...unpleasant. It not only rained a real gully-washer, we actually had thunder and a little lightening. We almost never have thunder storms in this part of Alaska. Of course, we just kept working on our project, got pretty soaked. But by the time we were ready to quit, someone had fired up the woodburner and had the cabin toasty warm. The daughter made schnitzel for dinner. For the first time, everyone was so tired, all but one went to bed "early", no games, no chatter...just a quick silence.
Offering best hopes for the Ringels, Foxy, and Sheila, as well as anyone else dealing with health issues. Hopefully, Stat's friend and her daughter are holding up well and have begun healing from their sudden loss. Good luck to Noomi on her interview. BBD, enjoy your RV, it's a really great way to travel.
To anyone and everyone I have forgotten to mention, have a wonderful day.
Well, hellloooo!
Yesterday was, well...unpleasant. It not only rained a real gully-washer, we actually had thunder and a little lightening. We almost never have thunder storms in this part of Alaska. Of course, we just kept working on our project, got pretty soaked. But by the time we were ready to quit, someone had fired up the woodburner and had the cabin toasty warm. The daughter made schnitzel for dinner. For the first time, everyone was so tired, all but one went to bed "early", no games, no chatter...just a quick silence.
Offering best hopes for the Ringels, Foxy, and Sheila, as well as anyone else dealing with health issues. Hopefully, Stat's friend and her daughter are holding up well and have begun healing from their sudden loss. Good luck to Noomi on her interview. BBD, enjoy your RV, it's a really great way to travel.
To anyone and everyone I have forgotten to mention, have a wonderful day.
Well, hellloooo!
Yesterday was, well...unpleasant. It not only rained a real gully-washer, we actually had thunder and a little lightening. We almost never have thunder storms in this part of Alaska. Of course, we just kept working on our project, got pretty soaked. But by the time we were ready to quit, someone had fired up the woodburner and had the cabin toasty warm. The daughter made schnitzel for dinner. For the first time, everyone was so tired, all but one went to bed "early", no games, no chatter...just a quick silence.
Offering best hopes for the Ringels, Foxy, and Sheila, as well as anyone else dealing with health issues. Hopefully, Stat's friend and her daughter are holding up well and have begun healing from their sudden loss. Good luck to Noomi on her interview. BBD, enjoy your RV, it's a really great way to travel.
To anyone and everyone I have forgotten to mention, have a wonderful day.

I'm seeing double...... Good thing I stopped drinking years ago........
Well good news and bad news. I got my cast off! They took out the stitches, then they put another cast on. The cast is now pink, it was blue. Doctor says I'm doing well. Sure hate this cast though. I am feeling better than I was when I got home. It's frustrating not to be able to do anything for yourself though and my husband is the worlds worst cook. Of course, I'll probably lose weight this weight, again, good news/bad news. Hope everyone is doing well.

You could always "cast" a spell on your husband and turn him into a 5-star cook....

Well, hellloooo!
Yesterday was, well...unpleasant. It not only rained a real gully-washer, we actually had thunder and a little lightening. We almost never have thunder storms in this part of Alaska. Of course, we just kept working on our project, got pretty soaked. But by the time we were ready to quit, someone had fired up the woodburner and had the cabin toasty warm. The daughter made schnitzel for dinner. For the first time, everyone was so tired, all but one went to bed "early", no games, no chatter...just a quick silence.
Offering best hopes for the Ringels, Foxy, and Sheila, as well as anyone else dealing with health issues. Hopefully, Stat's friend and her daughter are holding up well and have begun healing from their sudden loss. Good luck to Noomi on her interview. BBD, enjoy your RV, it's a really great way to travel.
To anyone and everyone I have forgotten to mention, have a wonderful day.

I'm seeing double...... Good thing I stopped drinking years ago........

Hey, GW just wanted to get his point across.

Hey, GW just wanted to get his point across.

Hey, GW just wanted to get his point across.
Just got back from volunteering at the food bank. They received a whole pallet of gourmet coffees and we had to repackage them. On top of that we prepared shopping bags of essentials and did sorting in the warehouse. I think I overdid it because my back is sore. Not in the same way as after the accident. Just hurting from bending and lifting at angles I don't normally do. Ah well, it is for a good cause.

After handling all that coffee I skipped my usual late afternoon cup. Having some gatorade instead to reset the electrolyte balance. :)

Time to get on with my 3 USMB R's.

Ha, ha...
Sorry about the duplication. I've been having some problems with my connection lately, too.

Every once in awhile I will have a double post like that--usually I get the message that it is a duplicate and the second one doesn't go through, but not every single time. If I notice it happened, I just delete one of them, but I'm sure I missed some along the way too.
Just got back from volunteering at the food bank. They received a whole pallet of gourmet coffees and we had to repackage them. On top of that we prepared shopping bags of essentials and did sorting in the warehouse. I think I overdid it because my back is sore. Not in the same way as after the accident. Just hurting from bending and lifting at angles I don't normally do. Ah well, it is for a good cause.

After handling all that coffee I skipped my usual late afternoon cup. Having some gatorade instead to reset the electrolyte balance. :)

Time to get on with my 3 USMB R's.



I was out most of the late morning and early afternoon. Oooo it's tropical out there. Right now we are having a nice storm but it's only making it hotter.

Nice and cool inside though and that's where I'm staying for now.

Have a great afternoon!
Ha, ha...
Sorry about the duplication. I've been having some problems with my connection lately, too.

Every once in awhile I will have a double post like that--usually I get the message that it is a duplicate and the second one doesn't go through, but not every single time. If I notice it happened, I just delete one of them, but I'm sure I missed some along the way too.

I think most of us have double posted at one time or another. :thup:
Vicarious summer vacation in Yellowstone Park!

Geyser Basin, taken in 2014:

[ame=]Breaking! Yellowstone's Geysers Erupting! Just Released Videos! - YouTube[/ame]
Just picked up the wife from work today. They did a CT scan of her pelvis and lungs, so far so good, no sign of the cancer spreading. Getting packed up to head up to the Springs.
Today is "Go Fishing Day". Good excuse to skip out of work to go fishing...


I love to fish. what a great way to relax
I know. Wish I could have gone today. Man what a busy day to say the least.
Hmmm ... now that you mention it, fried catfish would hit the spot. :D

You realize I am gonna rep for you that, right?!?! :thup:

I love catfish, trout, pike and above all, Salmon.


Now, we need to think of a good sauce to go with that. Tartar Sauce is just so 2013, you know.

With catfish, you can't go wrong with a Cajun sauce. OLD BAY seasoning will work.

Cajun sauce:
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon OLD BAY® Seasoning
1 teaspoon McCormick® Thyme Leaves
1 teaspoon honey
1/4 teaspoon McCormick® Garlic Powder

Mix the following in a medium bowl ... mayo, milk, OLD BAY, thyme, honey and garlic powder until well blended. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Catfish is good and that sounds like a good sauce.
Here's a good recipe for trout.

Go camping.
Catch some trout.
Clean the trout at the lake or river and throw the guts in the water for the turtles or crayfish. Alternatively, if you have a crayfish trap, you can put the guts in that so you can eat crayfish later.
Start a campfire and let it build up a good base of coals.
OK, now that we have the hard part out of the way, time to prepare the fish.

Dice a yellow onion.
Lay out a piece of foil large enough to wrap the fish in.
Place two or three large pats of real butter on the foil.
Sprinkle garlic powder, black pepper, fresh or dried dill and light salt over the butter.
Squeeze half a lemon on top of the butter and spices.
Put a couple slivers of real butter in the fishes cavity and stuff the rest of the cavity with the diced onion.
Lay the fish on top of the butter, spices and lemon juice.
Place two or three large pats of real butter on the fish.
Sprinkle garlic powder, black pepper, fresh or dried dill and light salt over the fish.
Squeeze half a lemon on top of everything, taking care not to wash the spices off of the fish.
Fold the foil over the fish into a pouch keeping the excess foil on the topside.
Lay down another piece of foil and place the foil heavy side of the wrapped fish on the bottom and wrap the new foil heavy side up. Alternatively, you can wrap two fish in the second piece of foil.
Cook the fish over the campfire. This is the tricky part. It depends upon how hot the coals are, how far from the coals the fish is (primitive camping, the foil wrapped fish is laid directly on the coal bed) and how thick the fish is.

I can't tell you how long to cook the fish. After many years of cooking trout over campfires both with and without a grill, I've just learned to master the skill based upon experience. In general, for a trout about 1.5 inches thick, 1 to 1.5 minutes per side if laid directly on top of the coals and 2 to 3 minutes per side if the grill is 3 to 4 inches above the coals. But it still depends upon how hot the coals are.

For side dishes, I recommend corn on the cob roasted over the campfire then slathered with real butter and sprinkled with salt and pepper, and pork & beans heated in the can over the campfire. Add your favorite beer as a drink but I suggest a quality pale ale like Sierra Nevada.

Bears are very uncommon in my neck of the woods. Several weeks ago a black bear was sighted in Winnabago County and then in several other nearby locations. Well, today, this black bear is up in my neighbor's tree and has been there all day. This neighbor lives about a mile from my house. Local news has been going nuts covering this on their news broadcasts. If that bear makes his way to my house I plan on grinning him to death just like Davey Crockett did!
Ha, ha...
Sorry about the duplication. I've been having some problems with my connection lately, too.

Every once in awhile I will have a double post like that--usually I get the message that it is a duplicate and the second one doesn't go through, but not every single time. If I notice it happened, I just delete one of them, but I'm sure I missed some along the way too.

I think most of us have double posted at one time or another. :thup:

I never do that.

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