USMB Coffee Shop IV

Happy Sunday!

Okay, okay, I'm awake. Getting cold at nights around here also, well cold for this part of the country. Still waiting on the HVAC guys to come by and inspect the furnace before turning it on so in the morning and at night it's sweats and fleece hoodies.
Okay, okay, I'm awake. Getting cold at nights around here also, well cold for this part of the country. Still waiting on the HVAC guys to come by and inspect the furnace before turning it on so in the morning and at night it's sweats and fleece hoodies.

We would be miserable without the furnace this last week or so. Up until then rarely needed it which is extremely unusual for us to be so warm so late in the year. But we're scrambling for cover at night now and the sweat shirts and layers are feeling really good.
Okay, okay, I'm awake. Getting cold at nights around here also, well cold for this part of the country. Still waiting on the HVAC guys to come by and inspect the furnace before turning it on so in the morning and at night it's sweats and fleece hoodies.

We would be miserable without the furnace this last week or so. Up until then rarely needed it which is extremely unusual for us to be so warm so late in the year. But we're scrambling for cover at night now and the sweat shirts and layers are feeling really good.

And it has been the opposite here. Unusually warm for November here in Massachusetts. I'm not complaining! :D
I have not needed any heating yet this year. I remember when I had to start using heating in September, but I figure global warming is a reality.
It's actually a bit chillier today, but it's kind of windy. The wind always makes me feel cold. It's been almost 70 degrees here for the past week on most days though. Normally it would probably be like 45 degrees this time of year.
Okay, okay, I'm awake. Getting cold at nights around here also, well cold for this part of the country. Still waiting on the HVAC guys to come by and inspect the furnace before turning it on so in the morning and at night it's sweats and fleece hoodies.

We would be miserable without the furnace this last week or so. Up until then rarely needed it which is extremely unusual for us to be so warm so late in the year. But we're scrambling for cover at night now and the sweat shirts and layers are feeling really good.

And it has been the opposite here. Unusually warm for November here in Massachusetts. I'm not complaining! :D

I don't know what the parameters are for the climate in England, but for the U.S., most of us will see a different weather pattern because of a developing and unusually strong El Nino. So the south could be a lot snowier and colder while the north enjoys milder temps than you had last year. For now I figure you live a whole bunch further north than I do, but I live more than a mile higher in the air than you do. It all balances out. :)
Okay, okay, I'm awake. Getting cold at nights around here also, well cold for this part of the country. Still waiting on the HVAC guys to come by and inspect the furnace before turning it on so in the morning and at night it's sweats and fleece hoodies.

We would be miserable without the furnace this last week or so. Up until then rarely needed it which is extremely unusual for us to be so warm so late in the year. But we're scrambling for cover at night now and the sweat shirts and layers are feeling really good.
Yup it's down in the low 80s..... almost parka weather....... :eusa_whistle:


Not really, it's getting down in the low 40s, the problem is it's a gas furnace and no instructions on how to turn it on. I've lived with electric all my life except when we were at my parents house and in Trinidad. Both places I never had to deal with it so gas is completely foreign to me.
Heck when we first arrived here I looked up how to light the hot water heater (electric starter), tried multiple times without success, the plumber showed up and had it lit in 30 seconds..........
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
GW's new job and water logged goats,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern with a special RIP for Bert.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Everybody should dance a little now and then and today looks like a good day for that. Hope everybody has a great week. (And I know Peach can name everybody in this picture - so can I. :))

27-10 Tide.

I have been a member of Pogo Games for years and probably spend more time there than any other single site on line. To get ad free games though you do have to pay an annual fee, but for the hours of entertainment, it is well worth it to us.
Daisy the Mutt and I were livin' the dream this weekend. We puppy sat for my brother and sister-in-law's dog Teddy while they visited friends in southeastern Indiana. Teddy is an enthusiastic dog, bounding with energy and playfulness. Daisy welcomes his visits for about forty five minutes. After that time threshold, she is ready to settle back into her own routine of climbing onto my lap for a thorough stroking and brushing and all the attention she thinks she deserves. Teddy has another agenda.

We went to Thompson Park on Friday evening just as the sun was setting. Daisy does not have to be on a leash. She is free to chase those damn squirrels back up ion the trees where they belong, sniff and pee where she choses and entertain any and all comers with he antics. Meanwhile, Teddy absolutely need to be on a leash. Walking Teddy is just like flying a kite only horizontally. He runs and tugs and crosses from left to right and back again with what can be accurately described as a frenzy. He barks at joggers, other dogs and , to my eye at least, shadows, scents, figments and phantoms.

One other thing about sitting for Teddy I find amazing is his internal alarm clock. Did you know that they make a 6:00 in the morning for Sundays too? My tradition of sleeping in on the Day of Rest was upset by Teddy as he stood on my chest and pressed his furry face into mine to remind me that HE, for one, will not stay in bed as long as he likes. We staggered to the front door and tied him to the lead. Then we staggered into the kitchen and prepared breakfast even as it was still dark outside.

I got dressed and got both dogs ready for the early morning walk. Three laps around the park and then over to my brother's home to rake and gather the leaves from his back lawn. That took up a cozy three hours and, before I knew it, it was time for the Steeler's kickoff. Back to Pimplebutt for a quick lunch, shared with the dogs at their insistence, and at 4:30, the kids were back from Indiana. My brother said they left early to get a jump on those damn leaves, but I told him that there had been an outbreak of elfin activity in his neighborhood and he should probably not worry too much about lawn work today.

all in all, it wasn't a bad weekend. It went off like a flash bulb. Bright, slightly confusing and over quickly.
Daisy the Mutt and I were livin' the dream this weekend. We puppy sat for my brother and sister-in-law's dog Teddy while they visited friends in southeastern Indiana. Teddy is an enthusiastic dog, bounding with energy and playfulness. Daisy welcomes his visits for about forty five minutes. After that time threshold, she is ready to settle back into her own routine of climbing onto my lap for a thorough stroking and brushing and all the attention she thinks she deserves. Teddy has another agenda.

We went to Thompson Park on Friday evening just as the sun was setting. Daisy does not have to be on a leash. She is free to chase those damn squirrels back up ion the trees where they belong, sniff and pee where she choses and entertain any and all comers with he antics. Meanwhile, Teddy absolutely need to be on a leash. Walking Teddy is just like flying a kite only horizontally. He runs and tugs and crosses from left to right and back again with what can be accurately described as a frenzy. He barks at joggers, other dogs and , to my eye at least, shadows, scents, figments and phantoms.

One other thing about sitting for Teddy I find amazing is his internal alarm clock. Did you know that they make a 6:00 in the morning for Sundays too? My tradition of sleeping in on the Day of Rest was upset by Teddy as he stood on my chest and pressed his furry face into mine to remind me that HE, for one, will not stay in bed as long as he likes. We staggered to the front door and tied him to the lead. Then we staggered into the kitchen and prepared breakfast even as it was still dark outside.

I got dressed and got both dogs ready for the early morning walk. Three laps around the park and then over to my brother's home to rake and gather the leaves from his back lawn. That took up a cozy three hours and, before I knew it, it was time for the Steeler's kickoff. Back to Pimplebutt for a quick lunch, shared with the dogs at their insistence, and at 4:30, the kids were back from Indiana. My brother said they left early to get a jump on those damn leaves, but I told him that there had been an outbreak of elfin activity in his neighborhood and he should probably not worry too much about lawn work today.

all in all, it wasn't a bad weekend. It went off like a flash bulb. Bright, slightly confusing and over quickly.

Too funny, Nosmo. Hombre and I are the designated boarding company for a number of dogs belonging to friends and family, so we frequently have a furry friend visiting. Such furry friends invariably insist on sleeping with me and yes, most expect me to get up with them long before I am ready to get up. The one exception is Sally the Shih Tzu who loves to sleep in every morning, long after I am ready to get up. It worried me at first but I came to accept that as just the way she was.

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