USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Drifter's loss of his beloved fur friend,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
My Patriots lost last night. :( They are suffering from tons of injuries, and Gronk got injured last night too. Don't know how they are going to manage for the rest of the season unless we get some guys back. Some are important and key players too (well, they are all important, but you know what I mean).

Oh well, can't win them all. Happy Monday even though the Pats lost.

My Patriots lost last night. :( They are suffering from tons of injuries, and Gronk got injured last night too. Don't know how they are going to manage for the rest of the season unless we get some guys back. Some are important and key players too (well, they are all important, but you know what I mean).

Oh well, can't win them all. Happy Monday even though the Pats lost.


Yes I watched that game in the snowstorm in Denver. I really expected them to win when it went into overtime, but the defense let CJ loose on the Denver team and that was that.
My Patriots lost last night. :( They are suffering from tons of injuries, and Gronk got injured last night too. Don't know how they are going to manage for the rest of the season unless we get some guys back. Some are important and key players too (well, they are all important, but you know what I mean).

Oh well, can't win them all. Happy Monday even though the Pats lost.


Yes I watched that game in the snowstorm in Denver. I really expected them to win when it went into overtime, but the defense let CJ loose on the Denver team and that was that.

I don't know how they are going to make out for the rest of the season now that they have so many injured players.
When I went to bed the Patriots looked like the winners. Can't be good losing to the backup Denver QB.
My Patriots lost last night. :( They are suffering from tons of injuries, and Gronk got injured last night too. Don't know how they are going to manage for the rest of the season unless we get some guys back. Some are important and key players too (well, they are all important, but you know what I mean).

Oh well, can't win them all. Happy Monday even though the Pats lost.


Yes I watched that game in the snowstorm in Denver. I really expected them to win when it went into overtime, but the defense let CJ loose on the Denver team and that was that.

I don't know how they are going to make out for the rest of the season now that they have so many injured players.

All the other teams are pretty beat up too. I have almost as many players listed 'probable' or 'questionable' on my fantasy team as I do those that are rated healthy. And I keep having to boot players on the IR list and add some that are far less capable players.
My Patriots lost last night. :( They are suffering from tons of injuries, and Gronk got injured last night too. Don't know how they are going to manage for the rest of the season unless we get some guys back. Some are important and key players too (well, they are all important, but you know what I mean).

Oh well, can't win them all. Happy Monday even though the Pats lost.


Yes I watched that game in the snowstorm in Denver. I really expected them to win when it went into overtime, but the defense let CJ loose on the Denver team and that was that.

I don't know how they are going to make out for the rest of the season now that they have so many injured players.

All the other teams are pretty beat up too. I have almost as many players listed 'probable' or 'questionable' on my fantasy team as I do those that are rated healthy. And I keep having to boot players on the IR list and add some that are far less capable players.

All of our key receivers are injured right now. Also, our star running back.
Our friends and family who endured the terrible ice storm in Kansas and Oklahoma over the weekend are really relating to this:

Sometimes football is about rising talent and heroes.

I suppose. Rothlisberger for instance is my highest rated quarterback, but since his injury he has been out and was pretty limited when he came back. So all the experts advised to sit him and play somebody else yesterday. So Carson Palmer turned in a mediocre performance for me yesterday while Rothlisberger, who I had sitting on the bench, passed for well over 400 yards. If I had played him I could have beaten the #1 team in our league. Sigh.
I'd take a peek at your league, but then I'd have to go somewhere I do not go. Hope you are still having fun, regardless of rank.
I'd take a peek at your league, but then I'd have to go somewhere I do not go. Hope you are still having fun, regardless of rank.

I am having fun with it but I prefer a league set up somewhat differently. But hey I didn't have to do it so I'm not complaining.
Sometimes football is about rising talent and heroes.

I suppose. Rothlisberger for instance is my highest rated quarterback, but since his injury he has been out and was pretty limited when he came back. So all the experts advised to sit him and play somebody else yesterday. So Carson Palmer turned in a mediocre performance for me yesterday while Rothlisberger, who I had sitting on the bench, passed for well over 400 yards. If I had played him I could have beaten the #1 team in our league. Sigh.

I benched Brady in favor of Palmer this week in the USMB league I'm in. Woops! Luckily it didn't matter. I'm dominating that league. :)
Sometimes football is about rising talent and heroes.

I suppose. Rothlisberger for instance is my highest rated quarterback, but since his injury he has been out and was pretty limited when he came back. So all the experts advised to sit him and play somebody else yesterday. So Carson Palmer turned in a mediocre performance for me yesterday while Rothlisberger, who I had sitting on the bench, passed for well over 400 yards. If I had played him I could have beaten the #1 team in our league. Sigh.

I benched Brady in favor of Palmer this week in the USMB league I'm in. Woops! Luckily it didn't matter. I'm dominating that league. :)
I wish you all would speak English........ :eusa_whistle:

Finally got all of Spartacus

I assume to are referring to the Starz TV series of Spartacus. I thought it was pretty bloodthirsty,. Even by my standards.
It was probably less bloodthirsty than the reality of the time.

Have you seen it? because they cut peoples heads off in camera. I presume it was done with computer graphics. But it looked real enough, and blood sprayed up in the air.
Finally got all of Spartacus

I assume to are referring to the Starz TV series of Spartacus. I thought it was pretty bloodthirsty,. Even by my standards.
It was probably less bloodthirsty than the reality of the time.

Have you seen it? because they cut peoples heads off in camera. I presume it was done with computer graphics. But it looked real enough, and blood sprayed up in the air.

Nope, never seen it but that was normal during that era in history. Heck executions used to be public entertainment.
It was pretty gruesome but I usually fast forwarded it during the battle scenes. Also the torture scenes the Roman elite would have for entertainment for soiree's. Lots of fucking and sucking by both sexes, with the domina (woman slave owner) boinking gladiators, Dominus' (male slave owners) scheming and plotting. Lucretia was queen of plotting. I was eager for her to die.

Yes, I am referring to Starz tv show. Like most shows, I watch for the human interactions. Like The Walking Dead. Dumb show. Stupid. Zombies. Meh. BUT...its the human nature of what transpires during such an apocolypse that fascinates me.

44 years, give or take, Spartacus was the 3rd installment of slace rebellion..and the last because the roman senate fell...and so did the empire but that took longer. is really historical stuff..if you ignore the bloodiness of it.

Anyway...feeling better today. I don't cry. Last time I did was over 2.5 years ago when Gracie died. I didn't cry when they did my breast biopsy. I didn't cry when I came awake after removing my breast and the pain was horrible. I didn't cry when I woke up from anesthesia during a colonoscopy. I have a high tolerance for physical pain. But yesterday..I cried. DAYUM that hurt.'s much much better and no need to suck down shitloads of pain killers. Today...I am not pain free, but there are no tears...and no drugs.


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