USMB Coffee Shop IV

Busy day at Doc's Thursday night a loyal customer and valued frien was beaten by his drugged out nephew out in the parking lot. He has some facial fractures and lots of stitches but will be OK.
The nephew has been arrested and charged with assault 2nd degree.
Then we got word today, (Friday) that our security/barback's dad passed away today.
That, and I had a date tonight.

Last part sounds the most dangerous...

If you are not in the dating pool, consider yourself lucky. There are a LOT of weirdos and liars out there. :)

Several of my closest friends and relatives who are single would agree with you. Most tell me it requires quite a few 'interesting' dates before they have one with a person they think could even possibly be a keeper, and most of those eventually don't work out. But if they have their own priorities and values straight, they usually do eventually find their soul mate and many have entered into successful long term relationships and/or marriages. That assumes they aren't among the wieidos themselves. :)

I really try not to be a weirdo. :lol:
You're cute enough to get by with a bit of weirdness. I'm not.
Busy day at Doc's Thursday night a loyal customer and valued frien was beaten by his drugged out nephew out in the parking lot. He has some facial fractures and lots of stitches but will be OK.
The nephew has been arrested and charged with assault 2nd degree.
Then we got word today, (Friday) that our security/barback's dad passed away today.
That, and I had a date tonight.

Last part sounds the most dangerous...

If you are not in the dating pool, consider yourself lucky. There are a LOT of weirdos and liars out there. :)

Several of my closest friends and relatives who are single would agree with you. Most tell me it requires quite a few 'interesting' dates before they have one with a person they think could even possibly be a keeper, and most of those eventually don't work out. But if they have their own priorities and values straight, they usually do eventually find their soul mate and many have entered into successful long term relationships and/or marriages. That assumes they aren't among the wieidos themselves. :)

I really try not to be a weirdo. :lol:
You're cute enough to get by with a bit of weirdness. I'm not.

But. ..but...Ernie, it is your weirdness that makes you so cute. :)
Last part sounds the most dangerous...

If you are not in the dating pool, consider yourself lucky. There are a LOT of weirdos and liars out there. :)

Several of my closest friends and relatives who are single would agree with you. Most tell me it requires quite a few 'interesting' dates before they have one with a person they think could even possibly be a keeper, and most of those eventually don't work out. But if they have their own priorities and values straight, they usually do eventually find their soul mate and many have entered into successful long term relationships and/or marriages. That assumes they aren't among the wieidos themselves. :)

I really try not to be a weirdo. :lol:
You're cute enough to get by with a bit of weirdness. I'm not.

But. ..but...Ernie, it is your weirdness that makes you so cute. :)

Weirdness is in the eye of the beholder. :2up:
Hi there. Still checking in from time to time but still lacking any desire to jump back in. Takes me awhile, but I will eventually snap out of it. Or not.
I'm just having fun binging on netflix. Finally got all of Spartacus done...finished watching Contatct on tv. Dealing with a bad RA flareup and for some reason, I think of my grandmother who had the same thing and she still farmed and just sucked down the pain. Which is why I guess I am in to historical movies...Romans, Picts, Gladiators, etc.....they dealt with pain with no modern medicine and if they can do can I. At least, I keep telling myself that. Which is why I keep watching such movies and stories.

Anyway...Karma is back to her old self and is now taking care of me instead of me taking care of her. Mr Gracie is a big help as well, doing the cooking of meals, etc.

I find myself building a bubble, and only allowing what I want inside. Ignorant of what is happening in the world and all the negative stuff that goes with it. I only step outside my homemade world when I feel like doing so..which is in small spurtz. Then I run back to my bubble filled with wonders and good feelings, vibes, pics, stories, movies, etc although that does not count the horrors of Romans and slaves they trained for the arena, etc. That isn't very good vibrations but it does wonders for my psyche of "if they could, I can" placebo of flare up mode days.

So...just thought I would stop in and say hey, hope all are well, and I will wander back in when the mood strikes me.

If you are not in the dating pool, consider yourself lucky. There are a LOT of weirdos and liars out there. :)

Several of my closest friends and relatives who are single would agree with you. Most tell me it requires quite a few 'interesting' dates before they have one with a person they think could even possibly be a keeper, and most of those eventually don't work out. But if they have their own priorities and values straight, they usually do eventually find their soul mate and many have entered into successful long term relationships and/or marriages. That assumes they aren't among the wieidos themselves. :)

I really try not to be a weirdo. :lol:
You're cute enough to get by with a bit of weirdness. I'm not.

But. ..but...Ernie, it is your weirdness that makes you so cute. :)

Weirdness is in the eye of the beholder. :2up:
Or the beer holder.
Hi there. Still checking in from time to time but still lacking any desire to jump back in. Takes me awhile, but I will eventually snap out of it. Or not.
I'm just having fun binging on netflix. Finally got all of Spartacus done...finished watching Contatct on tv. Dealing with a bad RA flareup and for some reason, I think of my grandmother who had the same thing and she still farmed and just sucked down the pain. Which is why I guess I am in to historical movies...Romans, Picts, Gladiators, etc.....they dealt with pain with no modern medicine and if they can do can I. At least, I keep telling myself that. Which is why I keep watching such movies and stories.

Anyway...Karma is back to her old self and is now taking care of me instead of me taking care of her. Mr Gracie is a big help as well, doing the cooking of meals, etc.

I find myself building a bubble, and only allowing what I want inside. Ignorant of what is happening in the world and all the negative stuff that goes with it. I only step outside my homemade world when I feel like doing so..which is in small spurtz. Then I run back to my bubble filled with wonders and good feelings, vibes, pics, stories, movies, etc although that does not count the horrors of Romans and slaves they trained for the arena, etc. That isn't very good vibrations but it does wonders for my psyche of "if they could, I can" placebo of flare up mode days.

So...just thought I would stop in and say hey, hope all are well, and I will wander back in when the mood strikes me.


Well since Karma seems to be having these tough spells now and then and she needs you and you need her, I'll just keep her on the list for now. And we're sending you all kinds of happy vibes and are happy when you check.
Good morning everybody. Sorry I didn't get the vigil list posted last night but our New Mexico Lobos were playing Air Force (first in our conference) last night and the game went until almost midnight. New Mexico won and is bowl eligible for the first time in years. Then Hombre wanted to watch the last half of Master Chef Junior that went to midnight and by that time I had crashed.

A gray overcast Sunday morning here and still chilly. They say there is a chance for a shower for us today but absolutely nothing is showing on the radar for many hundreds of miles in any direction, so I don't believe it.

However, this is from the Accuweather site showing the potential for a white Christmas for all of us. And all of us seem to have at least some kind of chance due to the strong El Nino this winter except for Sherry and WQ and Gracie..

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Busy day at Doc's Thursday night a loyal customer and valued frien was beaten by his drugged out nephew out in the parking lot. He has some facial fractures and lots of stitches but will be OK.
The nephew has been arrested and charged with assault 2nd degree.
Then we got word today, (Friday) that our security/barback's dad passed away today.
That, and I had a date tonight.

Last part sounds the most dangerous...

If you are not in the dating pool, consider yourself lucky. There are a LOT of weirdos and liars out there. :)

What is this dating thing you speak of? :p
We bombard you with radioactive isotopes to determine how old you are..........

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