USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, the bench trial is over for the fella the Conservation Police caught hunting over bait, trespassing, and a host of other infractions. It was very interesting to watch justice in action. One thing that I did not know is that shortly after this fellow was caught by the Conservation Police hunting illegally, the local police caught him dealing drugs and he is awaiting trial for that also. Prior to his actual trial, the State's Attorney and the Conservation Police and I had a conference because the defendant want to make a plea deal. A deal was struck and I think it was fair. The plea deal was that he would loose the hunting gear that the Conservation Police caught him with on my property, fines totaling over $2,000, possession of no dangerous weapons for two years, loss of his FOID card, unable to hunt for two years and must go back in front of the judge to ask permission to hunt after the two year period, and no contact with me or ever coming back on to the property. That's a lot of justice but you have to understand that this person is not one of our county's finest citizens. I'm pretty sure he is going to end up getting jail time when he goes back to court next week for his trial concerning his drug arrest.

In which case he wasn't giving up anything at all since he knows he won't be able to hunt for at least 2 years while he is behind bars. All he was doing was making sure that his drug sentence wasn't appended to his prison time for the violations on your property.
When we lived on the mountain, I wish the law had been as efficient as that in BBD's county. The whole area for square miles was heavily forested with various conifer trees but mostly pinon. For those of you unfamiliar with the pinon tree, it periodically (meaning every so many years) produces bountiful nuts called pinon nuts that are highly prized for their flavor--sold whole roasted or raw or included in many recipes such as pesto.

For generations, the indigenous population in the region (that would include anglos, Hispanics, Native Americans, and various combinations of those)had rushed to harvest those nuts before the squirrels and jays got them. And, when they opened up the area for development and all of us mountain dwellers started buying up the land and building our homes out there, some of that indigenous population didn't see any reason to go elsewhere for their free pinon nuts. But now to get to the trees, they were cutting fences, letting livestock out, shooting any dogs who gave them problems, sometimes helped themselves to other stuff that was there for the taking, etc. It became a real problem.
I'm sort of with BBD on this one. Unless the fish are going to be dinner, why fish? Catch and release, just to do it, seems sort of mean to the fish. But then I gave up fishing when I started feeling sorry for the poor fish. And then the minnow used for bait. And then the worm or cricket or whatever. . .so the fish from Albertson's taste pretty good properly seasoned and cooked. (That way somebody else has to be mean and not me. :))

I also think that catch and release is cruel.
How do we know if the fish are still OK?
For all we know they may get infections where they get hooked and die days or weeks later, or maybe they get so stressed about getting caught they die a few hours later.

If I remember correctly fish have no central nervous system, they feel no pain...
I'm sort of with BBD on this one. Unless the fish are going to be dinner, why fish? Catch and release, just to do it, seems sort of mean to the fish. But then I gave up fishing when I started feeling sorry for the poor fish. And then the minnow used for bait. And then the worm or cricket or whatever. . .so the fish from Albertson's taste pretty good properly seasoned and cooked. (That way somebody else has to be mean and not me. :))

No, you don't quite understand me concerning fishing. I love to fish. I have fished all of my life. I do catch and release though because Mrs. BBD doesn't like fish (except the cod they cook at the Catholic church during lent - she will eat a little of it.) She takes a very dim view of cooking fish for me. So, I catch and release. When I want to eat fish, I get it at someplace that serves seafood. However, I must say that I don't go fishing very often. When I was much younger I fished nearly all the time. These days, just now and then. My brother, now there's a different story. If God ever calls him home he will most likely find him fishing someplace when it's his time to get on the bus bound for heaven.

I'm a card carrying lifetime member of the North American Fishing club.....

And haven't gone fishing in 4 years....

I'm so ashamed............
I have very fond memories of going fishing with my Grandpa, who was my hero and the greatest man ever. I miss those days, and it instilled in me a love for the peace and spirituality found in nature.:)

I'm sort of with BBD on this one. Unless the fish are going to be dinner, why fish? Catch and release, just to do it, seems sort of mean to the fish. But then I gave up fishing when I started feeling sorry for the poor fish. And then the minnow used for bait. And then the worm or cricket or whatever. . .so the fish from Albertson's taste pretty good properly seasoned and cooked. (That way somebody else has to be mean and not me. :))

No, you don't quite understand me concerning fishing. I love to fish. I have fished all of my life. I do catch and release though because Mrs. BBD doesn't like fish (except the cod they cook at the Catholic church during lent - she will eat a little of it.) She takes a very dim view of cooking fish for me. So, I catch and release. When I want to eat fish, I get it at someplace that serves seafood. However, I must say that I don't go fishing very often. When I was much younger I fished nearly all the time. These days, just now and then. My brother, now there's a different story. If God ever calls him home he will most likely find him fishing someplace when it's his time to get on the bus bound for heaven.

I'm a card carrying lifetime member of the North American Fishing club.....

And haven't gone fishing in 4 years....

I'm so ashamed............

Mind you that was NOT a criticism of fishermen (or women). I certainly have done my share of it fishing in farm ponds, Kansas strip pits, streams, lakes, and rivers. I was president of our fly tying club in highschool--we met about once a month to compare notes and see what was effective in luring our northern New Mexico rainbow and cutthroat trout. And to this day there is absolutely nothing that tastes as good as a fresh caught fish, cleaned and cooked within a very short time of catching. I can't imagine turning one down.

I'm just saying how it FEELS to me at this stage of life. And I fully realize that my feelings and reality are likely not on the same plain. :)
A special Mama Fox ((hug)) to the Ringels on this early Friday morning and prayers for an easy and problem free surgery and excellent results.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Marg’s mom,
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Blackhawk’s mom,
Newby's mom,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Meister and his mom,
Drake's injured friend,
PixieStix's sister,
Hollie's stepdad,
Coyote's father-in-law,
Spoonie, Ringel, Sheila, and 007's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
BDBoop, her sis, and family,
Avg-Joe & furry companion Boo
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana and cousin,
Grandma and family dealing with death of extended family member,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Ollie's daughter Angie and his youngest brother,
Stat's aunt,
Smilebong for his brother-in-law and family,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and assurance for Ringel
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Bigfoot, Oddball, and Sunshine.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
No, you don't quite understand me concerning fishing. I love to fish. I have fished all of my life. I do catch and release though because Mrs. BBD doesn't like fish (except the cod they cook at the Catholic church during lent - she will eat a little of it.) She takes a very dim view of cooking fish for me. So, I catch and release. When I want to eat fish, I get it at someplace that serves seafood. However, I must say that I don't go fishing very often. When I was much younger I fished nearly all the time. These days, just now and then. My brother, now there's a different story. If God ever calls him home he will most likely find him fishing someplace when it's his time to get on the bus bound for heaven.

I'm a card carrying lifetime member of the North American Fishing club.....

And haven't gone fishing in 4 years....

I'm so ashamed............

Mind you that was NOT a criticism of fishermen (or women). I certainly have done my share of it fishing in farm ponds, Kansas strip pits, streams, lakes, and rivers. I was president of our fly tying club in highschool--we met about once a month to compare notes and see what was effective in luring our northern New Mexico rainbow and cutthroat trout. And to this day there is absolutely nothing that tastes as good as a fresh caught fish, cleaned and cooked within a very short time of catching. I can't imagine turning one down.

I'm just saying how it FEELS to me at this stage of life. And I fully realize that my feelings and reality are likely not on the same plain. :)

Way back when, my folks brought my nephew, their ward, up here for a visit. Among other things, the lad landed his first king salmon, which we brought home, steaked and grilled. I never recalled my dad being a fan of fish but he went for seconds and thirds of that salmon. He noted that it did not taste "fishy" at all. Fresh fish is the best.
Another busy day. Just wound up the day with a rousing game of UNO, then we watched a few funny goat videos online. Dinner was shepard's pie. The girls have found a "secret" place down near the creek. We let the goats roam loose all day and they stayed pretty close. Everyone is tucked in for the night and I will soon join them.
Looks like all is well in the CS. Take care all and I hope you all have a good night.

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