USMB Coffee Shop IV

When my parents were alive we used to often have many "rousing" games of UNO. Great fun.

I remember one very cold spell when we lived in Alabama.....power was down, we had no heat except in the Fireplace, so we all slept in the den that night....the next day, everything was shut down, stayed home from work, so we had to keep the fire going and to keep from being totally bored, we played Uno with the kids over and over till I couldn't stand Uno for many years after that.....I finally got over it.


Hey there. A warm coffee shop welcome to [MENTION=44368]Chuckt[/MENTION] who is joining us in the Coffee Shop for the first time today. Welcome, welcome. Please read over the OP to get the gist of what we're all about in here, drag up a chair and settle in. You'll find that it is a good place.

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

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Fridays smiles :)

In honor of tomorrow as the first day of summer.
"Summers here and the time is right for dancing in the Street"

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Another busy day. Just wound up the day with a rousing game of UNO, then we watched a few funny goat videos online. Dinner was shepard's pie. The girls have found a "secret" place down near the creek. We let the goats roam loose all day and they stayed pretty close. Everyone is tucked in for the night and I will soon join them.
Looks like all is well in the CS. Take care all and I hope you all have a good night.

When my parents were alive we used to often have many "rousing" games of UNO. Great fun.

We used to play all of those board games when I was little. Now we have computers and texting, more interactive for kids and their friends. Can't wait to see what the future holds!

Funny when you have family over and you look around and they are all sitting around with their tablets, lap-tops, phones, all in a world all to themselves.....:D
I just got back from an inspection of newly installed gas supply lines in a basement at a rural house. Does anyone remember the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when Indiana Jones was trying to swipe that golden idol from the cave? He brushed aside a crop of cobwebs that crackled when his bull whip touched them. That's the way the cobwebs in this basement acted.

I came up out of that basement gyrating like a third base coach sending signals to the batter. I wiped my arms, chest, head and face so frenetically I would not be surprised if someone seeing me instantly crouched to bunt down the third base line.

Now I'm going to feel uneasy about my appearance and hygiene the rest of the day.
And good morning everybody. It is hard to imagine that this is already the last day of spring--it seems like just a week or so ago that the last of the winter snow was melting. Hope those of you in the midwest are escaping the terrible flooding. We should be seeing the first of our monsoon in two or three weeks and maybe, just maybe will see some rain.

We had our spell of really hot June weather--high 90's, flirting with 100's--but it seems to have settled into a pattern of low 90's now which is very comfortable for us this time of year. Still drops down into the 60's at night allowing for good sleeping with just ceiling fans and the windows open.

So I'm gradually digging out junk and disposing of everything we can bear to part with trying to declutterfy our home. We aren't hoarders but we both are the quintissential pack rats so it is quite a process after 15 years in this house.
When my parents were alive we used to often have many "rousing" games of UNO. Great fun.

We used to play all of those board games when I was little. Now we have computers and texting, more interactive for kids and their friends. Can't wait to see what the future holds!

Funny when you have family over and you look around and they are all sitting around with their tablets, lap-tops, phones, all in a world all to themselves.....:D

Ain't that the truth? At my granddaughter's graduation, we were there with our daughter-in-laws family. So we all go to the dining table waiting for breakfast to be ready--(son was bringing it in)--and at one point I looked up. Among the six people sitting at the table, there were four laptops in use, a tablet and a Blackberry. :) And I thought yes, sign of the times.
The tourists have been coming to the coast. The next two months will be crazy busy and I hope not all, are just window-shopping. :lol:

Good morning to my long-time CS buds....

the shore is hopping here too. last weekend was prom weekend and the streets were lined with kids

Great that you have a good and fun place to spend these hot Summer days.

if i'm home its the pool if i'm at the shore house its the beach. yes i love summer
Another busy day. Just wound up the day with a rousing game of UNO, then we watched a few funny goat videos online. Dinner was shepard's pie. The girls have found a "secret" place down near the creek. We let the goats roam loose all day and they stayed pretty close. Everyone is tucked in for the night and I will soon join them.
Looks like all is well in the CS. Take care all and I hope you all have a good night.

When my parents were alive we used to often have many "rousing" games of UNO. Great fun.

I remember one very cold spell when we lived in Alabama.....power was down, we had no heat except in the Fireplace, so we all slept in the den that night....the next day, everything was shut down, stayed home from work, so we had to keep the fire going and to keep from being totally bored, we played Uno with the kids over and over till I couldn't stand Uno for many years after that.....I finally got over it.
That happened to me as well many years ago, an extended power failure with very cold temperatures outside (and inside). I didn't have a fireplace, and my primary concern then was the water pipes. I did not want to risk the water freezing inside the pipes, so I turned off the water, and drained the water from every faucet. Did not use the water during the power outage.

Since that experience, whenever we lived in cold climate areas we always turned off, and drained our water when we went on vacation. Did not want to come back home to find a major flood in the event the heating stopped due to a power failure.
I also think that catch and release is cruel.
How do we know if the fish are still OK?
For all we know they may get infections where they get hooked and die days or weeks later, or maybe they get so stressed about getting caught they die a few hours later.

If I remember correctly fish have no central nervous system, they feel no pain...

That is correct.
I was not talking about them feeling pain.
I was talking about they may die needlessly. Catching them and Releasing them so that they can live and they may just die anyway.
To me, you catch fish to eat, not just to catch and then let them go, where they may die anyway for no good reason other than you like to fish. :D
Then again they may very well live after being released.
Back to my original question - How do we know for certain?

I suppose we don't know. I do know that at least 80% of the fish I've caught in my life were strictly for dinner, The only catch and release I've ever practiced was because of species or size.
Another busy day. Just wound up the day with a rousing game of UNO, then we watched a few funny goat videos online. Dinner was shepard's pie. The girls have found a "secret" place down near the creek. We let the goats roam loose all day and they stayed pretty close. Everyone is tucked in for the night and I will soon join them.
Looks like all is well in the CS. Take care all and I hope you all have a good night.

When my parents were alive we used to often have many "rousing" games of UNO. Great fun.

We used to play all of those board games when I was little. Now we have computers and texting, more interactive for kids and their friends. Can't wait to see what the future holds!

Kids are still playing games, they just play with strangers on the internet. I find those internet games like Everquest boring, though. There is something nostalgic about playing games with friends and family, face-to-face.
When my parents were alive we used to often have many "rousing" games of UNO. Great fun.

We used to play all of those board games when I was little. Now we have computers and texting, more interactive for kids and their friends. Can't wait to see what the future holds!

Kids are still playing games, they just play with strangers on the internet. I find those internet games like Everquest boring, though. There is something nostalgic about playing games with friends and family, face-to-face.

Yeah. People who play games on the internet are weirdos

We used to play all of those board games when I was little. Now we have computers and texting, more interactive for kids and their friends. Can't wait to see what the future holds!

Kids are still playing games, they just play with strangers on the internet. I find those internet games like Everquest boring, though. There is something nostalgic about playing games with friends and family, face-to-face.

Yeah. People who play games on the internet are weirdos


I resemble that remark (she says as she places the dice again in Yahtzee Party on Pogo.)
When my parents were alive we used to often have many "rousing" games of UNO. Great fun.

We used to play all of those board games when I was little. Now we have computers and texting, more interactive for kids and their friends. Can't wait to see what the future holds!

Kids are still playing games, they just play with strangers on the internet. I find those internet games like Everquest boring, though. There is something nostalgic about playing games with friends and family, face-to-face.

Hah! I found EQ entertaining enough to play for 7 years, then another 6 playing World of Warcraft. :lol:

It's the interaction with other people as much as the actual gameplay that makes MMOs fun. Of course you need a game that you find enjoyable, but without people you like to play with, it won't hold your attention any longer than any other type of game.
Going to an Ice-cream party....Blue Bell and who knows what kind of's a church thing, so I'm sure the desserts will be to die for...

I won't eat that much, but Mr. Mertex probably will enjoy it immensely........:D
Another busy day. Just wound up the day with a rousing game of UNO, then we watched a few funny goat videos online. Dinner was shepard's pie. The girls have found a "secret" place down near the creek. We let the goats roam loose all day and they stayed pretty close. Everyone is tucked in for the night and I will soon join them.
Looks like all is well in the CS. Take care all and I hope you all have a good night.

When my parents were alive we used to often have many "rousing" games of UNO. Great fun.

I remember one very cold spell when we lived in Alabama.....power was down, we had no heat except in the Fireplace, so we all slept in the den that night....the next day, everything was shut down, stayed home from work, so we had to keep the fire going and to keep from being totally bored, we played Uno with the kids over and over till I couldn't stand Uno for many years after that.....I finally got over it.

Years ago I hitched a ride to London (after living in France a while) and when my original lodging plans for that night fell through, I met up with a couple of hippie types who happened along. We went back to their flat where we stayed up for hours playing a great English game they taught me called "Blackjack" -- which has no relation to our "21" Blackjack, just another game where the black jack is significant....

Fast forward to a few years later and I started to see a commercial card game modeled exactly after this English Blackjack game. The commercial game was called "Uno".

English Blackjack is still a better game as it has one element that Uno doesn't --- if one particular card is thrown, all players have to hand their entire hand to the next player. This means if you had dribbled down to two or three cards, you could suddenly be stuck with thirteen. Plus, everybody now knows what the player after them is holding.

Before Uno came out I spread English Blackjack (as we started calling it) around friends. It was a hit.

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