USMB Coffee Shop IV

Yes. I know. But I'd still do it anyway.
I will not feed squirrels. I shoot them on sight. Squirrels cause a lot of structural damage if you let them get established. I will set up bait stations for bear when permissible. Whether I shoot one, or not, that's a different story. Moose are just not something I would want to encourage, especially around the farm. They might become aggressive towards "competitors" for feed, even though hay is poor nourishment for moose.
Yes. I know. But I'd still do it anyway.
I will not feed squirrels. I shoot them on sight. Squirrels cause a lot of structural damage if you let them get established. I will set up bait stations for bear when permissible. Whether I shoot one, or not, that's a different story. Moose are just not something I would want to encourage, especially around the farm. They might become aggressive towards "competitors" for feed, even though hay is poor nourishment for moose.
Hey man, one of my buddies from Reno Harley Davidson has moved back up his home in Anchorage. I've been texting with him and he's been telling me about the earth quakes. I'll tell ya bro, after the ones I was in, in Reno, as much as I've thought about maybe moving up to Alaska, that kills it right there.

How have you been doing with the shakers? Any damage?
Yes. I know. But I'd still do it anyway.
I will not feed squirrels. I shoot them on sight. Squirrels cause a lot of structural damage if you let them get established. I will set up bait stations for bear when permissible. Whether I shoot one, or not, that's a different story. Moose are just not something I would want to encourage, especially around the farm. They might become aggressive towards "competitors" for feed, even though hay is poor nourishment for moose.
Hey man, one of my buddies from Reno Harley Davidson has moved back up his home in Anchorage. I've been texting with him and he's been telling me about the earth quakes. I'll tell yabro, after the ones I was in, in Reno, as much as I've thought about maybe moving up to Alaska, that kills it right there.

How have you been doing with the shakers? Any damage?
Had that "big" one couple of nights ago. It was pretty alarming, biggest since '64 according to many sourdoughs. Four housed burned in Kenai because a gas main ruptured and Kalifornsky Beach Road needs a lot of work. What I'm not seeing in the news is that the major airport in Anchorage went dark. Otherwise, minimal damage and no fatalities.

I have family in Sparks and Carson City. I would not let potential quakes deter me from moving to AK.
Yes. I know. But I'd still do it anyway.
I will not feed squirrels. I shoot them on sight. Squirrels cause a lot of structural damage if you let them get established. I will set up bait stations for bear when permissible. Whether I shoot one, or not, that's a different story. Moose are just not something I would want to encourage, especially around the farm. They might become aggressive towards "competitors" for feed, even though hay is poor nourishment for moose.
Hey man, one of my buddies from Reno Harley Davidson has moved back up his home in Anchorage. I've been texting with him and he's been telling me about the earth quakes. I'll tell yabro, after the ones I was in, in Reno, as much as I've thought about maybe moving up to Alaska, that kills it right there.

How have you been doing with the shakers? Any damage?
Had that "big" one couple of nights ago. It was pretty alarming, biggest since '64 according to many sourdoughs. Four housed burned in Kenai because a gas main ruptured and Kalifornsky Beach Road needs a lot of work. What I'm not seeing in the news is that the major airport in Anchorage went dark. Otherwise, minimal damage and no fatalities.

I have family in Sparks and Carson City. I would not let potential quakes deter me from moving to AK.
My buddy is a native Eskimo. We've been talking about doing a some gold prospecting. There's one other Harley tech we worked with that also loves the outdoors and has kind of a gold mining fever. If for no other reason than to just get out and have some good ole fun in the Alaskan bush, we'd all like to get together and do some prospecting. Maybe even over in Canada in the Yukon, who knows, but we're all talking about it. My native friend lives in Anchorage.
I've been doing some free Java tutorials, to see if programming might be something I should work on for my post-nanny working life. I've done some basic stuff which has for the most part been pretty easy. Tonight I got stumped. A problem I was given looked like so much gibberish. It took hours before I finally figured out what was going on, after looking up multiple websites trying to understand.

I think it would have been fairly easy with someone explaining it to me, but since any classes I take will be of the online sort, I don't know how much of that I'd get. This had me questioning the idea of learning programming and really of my ability to complete any sort of course. Give me a good video game and I'll have no problems learning and remembering the controls, however complex. That's fun. :p I worry about how well I'll be able to learn and remember things in whatever sort of classes I take, because no matter what I decide on, it most assuredly will not be fun. :/
Yes. I know. But I'd still do it anyway.
I will not feed squirrels. I shoot them on sight. Squirrels cause a lot of structural damage if you let them get established. I will set up bait stations for bear when permissible. Whether I shoot one, or not, that's a different story. Moose are just not something I would want to encourage, especially around the farm. They might become aggressive towards "competitors" for feed, even though hay is poor nourishment for moose.
Hey man, one of my buddies from Reno Harley Davidson has moved back up his home in Anchorage. I've been texting with him and he's been telling me about the earth quakes. I'll tell yabro, after the ones I was in, in Reno, as much as I've thought about maybe moving up to Alaska, that kills it right there.

How have you been doing with the shakers? Any damage?
Had that "big" one couple of nights ago. It was pretty alarming, biggest since '64 according to many sourdoughs. Four housed burned in Kenai because a gas main ruptured and Kalifornsky Beach Road needs a lot of work. What I'm not seeing in the news is that the major airport in Anchorage went dark. Otherwise, minimal damage and no fatalities.

I have family in Sparks and Carson City. I would not let potential quakes deter me from moving to AK.
My buddy is a native Eskimo. We've been talking about doing a some gold prospecting. There's one other Harley tech we worked with that also loves the outdoors and has kind of a gold mining fever. If for no other reason than to just get out and have some good ole fun in the Alaskan bush, we'd all like to get together and do some prospecting. Maybe even over in Canada in the Yukon, who knows, but we're all talking about it. My native friend lives in Anchorage.
Three words: Go For It!

If you do get up this way, though, I'd love to take you out for a beer and some great pizza before (or after) you've struck it rich.
Something is bothering me. Here is where I choose to share it. I hope y'all understand.

Most here know I freak out when I see abused animal pics or vids and that is why I refuse to enter any of the pet threads here at USMB cuz someone will eventually post a pic of sad/abused animals. Yes, I know it happens. I know how horrible human being can be to animals..and to other human beings. I don't have to SEE it. And I can't see it. It makes me spiral down into this dark pit of despair and I have to claw my way out. Sometimes it takes a couple of hours. Sometimes it takes days. Having depression, one must know what triggers it. Any kind of sad, horrific picture or story is enough to send me over the edge. Seeing the vid that DarkFury posted in one of his threads about some swede freezing to death on a bench, the vid itself was not about a homeless guy getting blankets or being shown where to go to get warm or even dead. No, the vid DF included was of a donkey being kicked and kicked and then kicked off a cliff. I was in shock. I thought at first the donkey was being "nudged" to move into place for carrying something for the guy and I was in shock..pure shock...FROZEN actually, to see what really was taking place. I was horrified then I came here for a few....but was still freaked I ran to What's Your Mood thread but again I was still feeling the I RAN to pinterest to look at beautiful pics because I was so upset, I needed something nice to get in my head...something beautiful to soothe my eyes....something wonderful or cute and sweet to cleanse my brain of what I just saw...only to see Pinterest post more than one AWFUL pictures of abused animals ....picked for me by their fucking asshole staff...and bombarding my already freaked out mind I have been trying to rebalance.
THAT is what has made me sad. Angry. Upset. Majorly depressed.
I don't know where to run any more. Anywhere I go, it's hate, death, cruelty, insults, nastiness, filth, disgust, despair, sadness. It overwhelms me more than anything does, this feeling of despair. It encompasses all that is happening in the world, to living things, to nature, to humans. Everything.
I am a strong person, but my weakness of kryptonite is animal abuse/cruelty and it being shoved in my face which drags up all the other horrible awful things these people of the whole world is doing to each other and all that lives on it. It takes a long long LONG time to get out what I have seen because what is seen...cannot be UNseen.

So...I feel like I am in a room, all closed off, with no really safe place to go. Is there no place safe from seeing it? Even a tv show has Sarah McClaughlin and her abused animal vids during commercials...and on the news online that I read, it shows awful pics of animals that were saved (which is wonderful but I DON'T WANT TO SEE IT), or severly abused animals that are now all better (wonderful! BUT I DON'T WANT TO SEE THE BEFORE PICS!).

This is my trigger. This is what I have trained myself to avoid. And I do a pretty good job of it. What I am saying here now is...I got sucker punched here at usmb tonight, ran to find some repair only to be sucker punched from my "go to" place which is Pinterest...which sent me over the edge again.

And I had to talk about it. Lucky you guys. Not.

I didn't know where else to go to speak of it. And I had to. So here it is.
Sigh. Believe it or not I am EXACTLY like that with seeing those type things. I canNOT even watch any animal shows that show animals killing one another....though I realize it is nature of survival...but like you..I do NOT want to see it.

I am sorry you had to endure that. It would have upset me to no end as well. And I am glad you told him off about it. People think they are cute with their insensitivity.
They need to understand that everyone can't handle seeing such, and take that into consideration.
I don't think it is cute at all. It makes me physically ill. Not to mention it being in my head.

I know it is impossible to UNsee something like that, but try your hardest to block it from your mind...even if it takes a while to do so, just keep trying to block it. That's the only way I can do myself if I accidentally see something like that.

I truly am sorry, and yep, I get ya.

And I am STILL trying to erase the horribleness of it all.

How about this?

Awwww when I was living in Alaska, I used to count the moose on the side of the road while traveling. It would always be in the hundreds. They are HUGE...
You cannot change the evil in this world, whether human-engendered, or otherwise. The best any of us can do is to act and influence that small, infinitesimal, atomic piece of the universe we inhabit. You most assuredly do that in a most positive way. I, personally, am grateful for each day I can have some little bit of you in my life. You are kindness embodied when it comes to those less capable of defending themselves.
Bless you, Gracie!
GW (hope it was okay to call you that) I think the problem is not being able to UNsee such things. Gracie will be fine, but it may take some time.
You just made me tear up, GW. You too, Kat. Thanks for understanding.

I am now at Youtube, looking at adorable animals. It's helping. And so are you.
I'm sorry for being a drama queen. I think typing it all out trying to explain what this ...weirdness and overwhelmingness in me tonight...helps too.
And I am STILL trying to erase the horribleness of it all.

How about this?

That's a young moose. Given the fences, I'd venture to say the moose is resident of a local game park. Nice looking critter, though!

It's in a refuge. I think the gal is its caretaker. You know, one of those national refuges that take care of critters that cannot be let out in the wild for whatever reason.

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