USMB Coffee Shop IV

Did yesterday's play off games go as you wanted--speaking to those who follow football at least a little bit. I sort of watched them but was mostly playing on the computer. When I saw this while ago, I had to shake my head affirmatively with a firm YES!!!

Did yesterday's play off games go as you wanted--speaking to those who follow football at least a little bit. I sort of watched them but was mostly playing on the computer. When I saw this while ago, I had to shake my head affirmatively with a firm YES!!!


Just a quick glance, but longer arms would do wonders...
I hope you all can open this. Stay with it and wait for the 72-year-old drummer. . .he might have been at the wrong gig but even with all those shenanigans he never got out of the groove or missed a beat.

Gracie, I saw some reports that they've been getting some pretty significant waves along the Cali coast. How does that affect you?
I take the dogs to the estuary so although it is high tide...there are no waves like at the full on beach. The inlet protects it from big assed waves...which I can hear crashing against the harbor rocks even from my house and that particular beach is about 3 miles away.

Meanwhile..I thought this was kinda cute:

A man stepped outside and found a deer all by himself — the next thing he knew, the whole herd was at his doorstep
Gracie, I saw some reports that they've been getting some pretty significant waves along the Cali coast. How does that affect you?
I take the dogs to the estuary so although it is high tide...there are no waves like at the full on beach. The inlet protects it from big assed waves...which I can hear crashing against the harbor rocks even from my house and that particular beach is about 3 miles away.

Meanwhile..I thought this was kinda cute:

A man stepped outside and found a deer all by himself — the next thing he knew, the whole herd was at his doorstep

Warms the heart doesn't it. My nephew has a large cattle ranch in southwestern New Mexico and he figures he feeds three elk for every one of his cows--not on purpose, it just works out that way. To be able to afford that, and also to thin the herd that would quickly overpopulate with all that extra food, he does sell permits for guided hunts (led by himself or his eldest son) to make sure that the first animal they shoot is what they take and that it is as humane as possible with no wounded animals left to die, there is no damage to the forest, etc. But he doesn't make pets of them and makes sure they remain completely wild. (The elk, not the hunters.) It would be really dangerous for them to get too friendly with people, both for the elk and the people.
Gracie, I saw some reports that they've been getting some pretty significant waves along the Cali coast. How does that affect you?
I take the dogs to the estuary so although it is high tide...there are no waves like at the full on beach. The inlet protects it from big assed waves...which I can hear crashing against the harbor rocks even from my house and that particular beach is about 3 miles away.

Meanwhile..I thought this was kinda cute:

A man stepped outside and found a deer all by himself — the next thing he knew, the whole herd was at his doorstep
OK, it's obvious he's been feeding them pretty regularly. That's illegal here. "Nest thing he knew...", yeah, he knew exactly what would happen.
Gracie, I saw some reports that they've been getting some pretty significant waves along the Cali coast. How does that affect you?
I take the dogs to the estuary so although it is high tide...there are no waves like at the full on beach. The inlet protects it from big assed waves...which I can hear crashing against the harbor rocks even from my house and that particular beach is about 3 miles away.

Meanwhile..I thought this was kinda cute:

A man stepped outside and found a deer all by himself — the next thing he knew, the whole herd was at his doorstep

Warms the heart doesn't it. My nephew has a large cattle ranch in southwestern New Mexico and he figures he feeds three elk for every one of his cows--not on purpose, it just works out that way. To be able to afford that, and also to thin the herd that would quickly overpopulate with all that extra food, he does sell permits for guided hunts (led by himself or his eldest son) to make sure that the first animal they shoot is what they take and that it is as humane as possible with no wounded animals left to die, there is no damage to the forest, etc. But he doesn't make pets of them and makes sure they remain completely wild. (The elk, not the hunters.) It would be really dangerous for them to get too friendly with people, both for the elk and the people.
Ethics are wonderful things. As a hunting guide, it was my job to ensure that my client was afforded an opportunity to bag the intended game, and no other.
Yes...he has been feeding them. Illegal here too, I think. Still...I thought it sweet he fed them. I'd do the same. Legal or not.
Gracie, I saw some reports that they've been getting some pretty significant waves along the Cali coast. How does that affect you?
I take the dogs to the estuary so although it is high tide...there are no waves like at the full on beach. The inlet protects it from big assed waves...which I can hear crashing against the harbor rocks even from my house and that particular beach is about 3 miles away.

Meanwhile..I thought this was kinda cute:

A man stepped outside and found a deer all by himself — the next thing he knew, the whole herd was at his doorstep

Warms the heart doesn't it. My nephew has a large cattle ranch in southwestern New Mexico and he figures he feeds three elk for every one of his cows--not on purpose, it just works out that way. To be able to afford that, and also to thin the herd that would quickly overpopulate with all that extra food, he does sell permits for guided hunts (led by himself or his eldest son) to make sure that the first animal they shoot is what they take and that it is as humane as possible with no wounded animals left to die, there is no damage to the forest, etc. But he doesn't make pets of them and makes sure they remain completely wild. (The elk, not the hunters.) It would be really dangerous for them to get too friendly with people, both for the elk and the people.
Ethics are wonderful things. As a hunting guide, it was my job to ensure that my client was afforded an opportunity to bag the intended game, and no other.
Yes...he has been feeding them. Illegal here too, I think. Still...I thought it sweet he fed them. I'd do the same. Legal or not.
Feeding some of the critters here (illegal or otherwise) is dangerous. Moose can weigh in at well over 1200 lbs, and bears get down-right aggressive if they fail to receive the anticipated goodies. Providing "welfare" for squirrels is just stupid because they will perceive that as permission to borough into your attic and eat your insulation, or whatever else strikes their fancy.

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