USMB Coffee Shop IV

GW (hope it was okay to call you that) I think the problem is not being able to UNsee such things. Gracie will be fine, but it may take some time.
Call me Lee, but GW is OK.
Kat, I am a hunter, was a hunting guide. I understand some peoples' sensitivities and the necessity of sacrifice. Gracie is strong, but thank you so much for knowing how she feels.
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There are some really great human beings on this planet. Just saw a vid of two biker guys giving a baby moose some gatorade or is nowhere to be found. Probably dead. They are staying with the baby on the highway, watching out for it. I presume waiting for forestry to arrive to take it to a safe place to be taken care of until it can be released.
You just made me tear up, GW. You too, Kat. Thanks for understanding.

I am now at Youtube, looking at adorable animals. It's helping. And so are you.
I'm sorry for being a drama queen. I think typing it all out trying to explain what this ...weirdness and overwhelmingness in me tonight...helps too.
Ya gotta go look at sproinking goats. That's where I go when I'm feeling down.
Hunting is fine, GW. Not canned hunts, but general hunting, I have no problem with. Most hunters use it for meat. For survival. They don't kill it for its rack or horn or tusks. They use it ALL. That I can handle. It's the needless cruelty I can't handle.
You just made me tear up, GW. You too, Kat. Thanks for understanding.

I am now at Youtube, looking at adorable animals. It's helping. And so are you.
I'm sorry for being a drama queen. I think typing it all out trying to explain what this ...weirdness and overwhelmingness in me tonight...helps too.
Ya gotta go look at sproinking goats. That's where I go when I'm feeling down.
Sproinking? I will google them. Never heard of it. Heard of fainting goats. And trampoline goats though!
SPROINGING goats. I googled and it showed goats having a blast! It made me smile.

I'll be back to my normaly ornery/nice/snarky/kind self again soon. All it took was a couple of friends and youtube to get me back up on my feet. Sorta. I'm halfway up anyway. :):huddle:
SPROINGING goats. I googled and it showed goats having a blast! It made me smile.

I'll be back to my normaly ornery/nice/snarky/kind self again soon. All it took was a couple of friends and youtube to get me back up on my feet. Sorta. I'm halfway up anyway. :):huddle:
The real name for that all-four-feet-at-once bounce is 'stotting'. But google "happy goats" and you'll come up with loads of happy videos. I don't think there's anything happier on this planet than a baby goat.
I am currently in youtube looking at some boinboinboining, lol. And...on tv is Jimmy Fallon. That combo right there will get ya outta yer funk. :)
I am currently in youtube looking at some boinboinboining, lol. And...on tv is Jimmy Fallon. That combo right there will get ya outta yer funk. :)
That's my Gracie!
Luvs ya!
I want a goat.:lol:

I notice that ram has been neither docked nor dehorned. Sheep and goats are notoriously difficult to housebreak, though.
I am currently in youtube looking at some boinboinboining, lol. And...on tv is Jimmy Fallon. That combo right there will get ya outta yer funk. :)
That's my Gracie!
Luvs ya!
I want a goat.:lol:

I notice that ram has been neither docked nor dehorned. Sheep and goats are notoriously difficult to housebreak, though.


Dad said I was born to have a small farm...but it would have to be REALLY small cuz none of the critters would ever get eaten. They would all be pets. :lol:

He was right. But, I never had a farm. Had chickens and at one time a shetland pony that was meaner than hell but I took care of it anyway. Friend of mine had a couple of cows and 2 pigs. The cow would chase me around the enclosed pen area, like a dog wanting to play. I played, but kept the fence within reach. Thats a mighty big dog! It hopped and jumped like those goats in the vids. Very playful. The pig had babies and she and I snagged two of them for pets. I named mine Aviance, after the perfum I used to wear. She named hers Chantilly, after the perfum she wore. Both were far from the meanings of their names, lol.
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I'm off to bed soon. I just wanted to thank you for listening to my...(weirdness) pain and validating it instead of pooh poohing it off. It helped.
Love you guys.
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Oh BTW Gracie...Look at these...
My cousins wife raises and shows them. She has won many a ribbon. They are the cutest thing eva!!

Gracie, I saw some reports that they've been getting some pretty significant waves along the Cali coast. How does that affect you?
I take the dogs to the estuary so although it is high tide...there are no waves like at the full on beach. The inlet protects it from big assed waves...which I can hear crashing against the harbor rocks even from my house and that particular beach is about 3 miles away.

Meanwhile..I thought this was kinda cute:

A man stepped outside and found a deer all by himself — the next thing he knew, the whole herd was at his doorstep

Warms the heart doesn't it. My nephew has a large cattle ranch in southwestern New Mexico and he figures he feeds three elk for every one of his cows--not on purpose, it just works out that way. To be able to afford that, and also to thin the herd that would quickly overpopulate with all that extra food, he does sell permits for guided hunts (led by himself or his eldest son) to make sure that the first animal they shoot is what they take and that it is as humane as possible with no wounded animals left to die, there is no damage to the forest, etc. But he doesn't make pets of them and makes sure they remain completely wild. (The elk, not the hunters.) It would be really dangerous for them to get too friendly with people, both for the elk and the people.
Ethics are wonderful things. As a hunting guide, it was my job to ensure that my client was afforded an opportunity to bag the intended game, and no other.

Gracie, I saw some reports that they've been getting some pretty significant waves along the Cali coast. How does that affect you?
I take the dogs to the estuary so although it is high tide...there are no waves like at the full on beach. The inlet protects it from big assed waves...which I can hear crashing against the harbor rocks even from my house and that particular beach is about 3 miles away.

Meanwhile..I thought this was kinda cute:

A man stepped outside and found a deer all by himself — the next thing he knew, the whole herd was at his doorstep

Warms the heart doesn't it. My nephew has a large cattle ranch in southwestern New Mexico and he figures he feeds three elk for every one of his cows--not on purpose, it just works out that way. To be able to afford that, and also to thin the herd that would quickly overpopulate with all that extra food, he does sell permits for guided hunts (led by himself or his eldest son) to make sure that the first animal they shoot is what they take and that it is as humane as possible with no wounded animals left to die, there is no damage to the forest, etc. But he doesn't make pets of them and makes sure they remain completely wild. (The elk, not the hunters.) It would be really dangerous for them to get too friendly with people, both for the elk and the people.
Ethics are wonderful things. As a hunting guide, it was my job to ensure that my client was afforded an opportunity to bag the intended game, and no other.
Gracie, I saw some reports that they've been getting some pretty significant waves along the Cali coast. How does that affect you?
I take the dogs to the estuary so although it is high tide...there are no waves like at the full on beach. The inlet protects it from big assed waves...which I can hear crashing against the harbor rocks even from my house and that particular beach is about 3 miles away.

Meanwhile..I thought this was kinda cute:

A man stepped outside and found a deer all by himself — the next thing he knew, the whole herd was at his doorstep

Warms the heart doesn't it. My nephew has a large cattle ranch in southwestern New Mexico and he figures he feeds three elk for every one of his cows--not on purpose, it just works out that way. To be able to afford that, and also to thin the herd that would quickly overpopulate with all that extra food, he does sell permits for guided hunts (led by himself or his eldest son) to make sure that the first animal they shoot is what they take and that it is as humane as possible with no wounded animals left to die, there is no damage to the forest, etc. But he doesn't make pets of them and makes sure they remain completely wild. (The elk, not the hunters.) It would be really dangerous for them to get too friendly with people, both for the elk and the people.
Ethics are wonderful things. As a hunting guide, it was my job to ensure that my client was afforded an opportunity to bag the intended game, and no other.

I think that is probably the case with most organized hunts here too. But my nephew and his family love those mountains and all the creatures on them. And their own horses, dogs, cattle etc. live a very good life. So if there is to be hunting on his land, and it really is necessary to some extent, especially in dry years when the food supply is more limited, he makes some good money making sure it is done right and as humanely as possible. And most of the proceeds of course go back into cattle feed that the elk help themselves to.

It's tough not to want to feed wild things and I sure have done that for the wild birds and, by default the rabbits and squirrels and probably other critters now and then. Again as you describe the aggressive moose, the elk can be pretty darn aggressive to if provoked or defending their young and because of their size can be very dangerous, so you don't want them to start looking to humans as a food source. And feeding the black bears that come out of the mountains is a no brainer--anybody ought to bear the brunt of the full force of law who encourages that.

I couldn't hunt myself unless I really needed the meat for food and couldn't go to the store to buy it, and I think I am a good enough shot I could hit my target if I had to. I couldn't slaughter my own beef, pork, or chickens either. Just too tender hearted. But I have no problem with responsible hunters and am glad there are people who do provide all that lovely food available to me at the super market.

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